RIGHT ARROW not appearing in the PDF file produced using JasperReports - pdf

I have this text field that has right arrow included in the text field that I have set but the text appearing in the resulting PDF file has no right arrow with it.
<textElement textAlignment="Center" verticalAlignment="Middle" markup="html">
<font fontName="Calibri" size="8" isBold="true"/>
<textFieldExpression><![CDATA[$F{generalManager} + " \u2192 " + $F{manager} + " \u2192 " + $F{teamLeader} + " - EE Count: " + $F{totalEmployeeCount}]]></textFieldExpression>
Note: When I change the font to DejavuSans, the right arrow appears.
Is there any work around for Calibri? I have also searched that Calibri, along with DejavuSans, supports right arrow, what could be the problem here?


What shortcut can I use for comments in Xamarin - xaml?

Note, I'm using Visual Studio 2022, on Windows.
Note2: I found CTRL + / in by googling, but it does not work.
I found a way to comment my code, but is there a keyboard shortcut for doing so?
For example, This is a comment from the code below?
<Label Text="Ukupan iznos: " FontSize="30" Padding="0,2,0,0" FontAttributes="Bold"
<!-- This is a comment -->
Try Ctrl + K, Ctrl + C. On windows, this is the shortcut for commenting code both for C# and XAML.
I've been using Ctrl + K + C for Commenting and for Uncommenting Ctrl + K + U

Fonts in custom SVG node Image with vis.js network

I'm looking for nodes that are circles with a font-icon in the middle and the stock label below. This (http://jsbin.com/hiqega/3/edit?js,output) is really close to what I'm looking for except that I need to pass the font name and the icon code to use.
function nodeImage(color, icon, font)
var svg = '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" ' +
'width="120" height="120" viewPort="0 0 120 120">' +
'<ellipse ry="55" rx="55" cy="60" cx="60" ' +
'style="fill:' + color + ';stroke:black;stroke-opacity:.5;stroke-width:4;" />' +
'<text x="61" y="63" text-anchor="middle" dominant-baseline="middle" ' +
'style="font-family:' + font + ';font-size:100px;fill:black;fill-opacity:.5;">' +
icon + '</text>' +
return 'data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,' + encodeURIComponent(svg);
I'm calling this like so nodeImage('red', '', 'FontAwesome') in a page that is already using the font elsewhere so I don't think the issue is that it's not loaded.
Here's a pic of the resulting node
Any suggestions on where I'm going wrong?
I think you need to write nodeImage('red', '\uf03d', 'FontAwesome'). http://visjs.org/examples/network/nodeStyles/icons.html
"Remember! Unicode in javascript is done like this: \uf274 for the unicode f274.
If a node is shown as a rectangle, it means the css is not loaded (or not yet loaded). A redraw will fix that."

How to set excel header font and style in print preview?

I'm using iReport 5.6.0 for creating a report,
I want to add a header for excel when print preview, I tried adding this line in the jrxml
<property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.sheet.header.left" value="My Left Text"/>
<property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.sheet.header.center" value="My Center Text"/>
<property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.sheet.header.right" value="My Right Text"/>
This is working fine, but the problem is I don't know how to add font style or font size.
Is there a way that I can add font style, font size, or font color?
Jasper report has no attribute in which you can specify the font used for header.
but we can do some crazy stuff
Jasper report is using Apache POI to export to excel, in POI to set the page header, commands like this is used (see HSSFHeader)
header.setCenter(HSSFHeader.font("Calibri", "bold") + HSSFHeader.fontSize((short) 16) + "My Center Text");
This is actually generating a String that is set to center.
&"Calibri,bold"&16My Center Text
Since we need to put it in an xml attribute we need to escape " with " and & with &.
<property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.sheet.header.center"
value="&"Calibri,bold"&16My Center Text"/>
To understand how the String should be when switching from different style and using other POI attributes, an easiest way is to make a small java program, for example
System.out.println(HSSFHeader.font("Times New Roman", "regular") +
HSSFHeader.fontSize((short) 12) + "My " + HSSFHeader.startBold() + "Bold" +
HSSFHeader.endBold() + " Text with date " + HSSFHeader.date());
&"Times New Roman,regular"&12My &BBold&B Text with date &D
just escape and insert into to value attribute

Adding Image to a Button in Windows 10 Phone App

I am trying to add an image to a button . I want to archive something like this
This is what I was trying to do but the image doesn't appear
<StackPanel Orientation = "Horizontal">
<Button x:Name = "kap2"
FontFamily = "Arial"
Content = "Te drejtat dhe lirite themelore"
Width = "250"
Height = "50"
HorizontalAllignment = "Left">
<ImageBrush ImageSource = "Asses/number/1.png" Stretch="Fill">
The word 'Asses' I think it should be 'Assets'.
If this doesn't work, try also
The problem is about spelling. Make sure that folder names are correct and the image name is correct too.

how can add special symbols in button content using xaml in windows 8 metro application?

I'm trying to set the content of a button to a special character used by XAML (,},<, {, and ). However, when I put that in the Content="" tag, the program does not compile and I'm told that my XAML is invalid.
How can I use these characters for a button's text?
This is working for all special characters in the XAML file.
Button Content="{Binding Source= \{}"
I used the \ escape character before the {.
You can use the character code. Run charmap and select the font you're using and look at the character code of the character you want. Then use the format from below to set the Content.
<Button Content="(" FontFamily="Segoe UI Symbol" Width="100" Height="100"/>
( = 0028
} = 007D
< = 003C
{ = 007B
) = 0029