How to use equal and not equal together in SQL Server - sql

I have to select values from three tables. First table is sale_project_detail, the second table is design_project_detail, and the third table is design_designer.
sale_project_detail schema:
Id int,
Name nvarchar(50),
ShortDescription nvarchar(max)
design_project_assignment schema:
Id int,
DId int (It is foreign key of design_designer table),
SPId int (It is foreign key of sale_project_detail table),
AssignDateTime datetime,
DueDate date,
Status varchar(10)
design_designer schema:
Id int,
Name nvarchar(15)
Now, I have to select complete detail from sale_project_detail
where assign_project_detail.SPId <> sale_project_detail.Id,
Select design_designer(Name)
from design_designer
where design_designer.Id = assign_project_detail.DId
I am trying below code, but it is returning wrong result.
My code:
FROM design_project_assignment
LEFT JOIN design_designer ON design_designer.Id = design_project_assignment.DId
WHERE sale_project_detail.Id = design_project_assignment.SPId)
Thanks in advance.

Try this
sale_project_detail as spd
inner join design_project_assignment dpa on dpa.spid <>
inner join design_designer dd on = dpa.did;


Create column with values based on join

I have two tables 1) a customer table 2)Account table. I want to see what accounts are primary and which are secondary accounts.
In one table I have accountRowId. In the other table I have PrimaryAccountRowId and SecondaryAccountRowId and ‘AccountNumber’.
For my output I would like to have all AccountNumbers in one column with all the AccountRelationship(primary or seconday) in another column beside each AccountNumber.
In order to join table, for PrimaryAccounts I would join AccountRowId on PrimaryAccountRowId and for secondary Accounts I would just flip flop and instead of having the primaryAccountRowId it would be SecondaryAccountRowId.
My Account table:
AccountRowId = 256073
AccountRowId = 342300
Customer table:
PrimaryAccountRowId = 256073
SecondaryAccountRowId = 342300
AccountNumber = 8003564
AccountNumber = 2034666
What I want to see my table look like
AccoundNumber AccountRelationship
8003564 Primary
2034666 Secondary
Please provide some helpful logic/code of how I would achieve these results.
From the OP's comments here is the table structure.
Create table Customer
AccountNumber Varchar(50)
, PrimaryAccountRowId Varchar(15)
, SecondaryAccountRowId Varchar(15)
Create table Account
AccountRowId Varchar(15)
I am still somewhat guessing here. You need to provide table structure, sample data and desired output to make it easy for people to help you. Something along these lines.
declare #Customer table
AccountNumber Varchar(50)
, PrimaryAccountRowId Varchar(15)
, SecondaryAccountRowId Varchar(15)
insert #Customer values
('8003564', '256073', null)
, ('2034666', null, '342300')
declare #Account table
AccountRowid Varchar(15)
INSERT #Account values
('256073'), ('342300')
Now that we have some tables and data to work with this just becomes a case of conditional aggregation. This should return the data you are looking for as I understand the need.
select c.AccountNumber
, AccountRelationship = max(case when p.AccountRowId is not null then 'Primary' when c.SecondaryAccountRowId is not null then 'Secondary' end)
from #Customer c
left join #Account p on p.AccountRowid = c.PrimaryAccountRowId
left join #Account s on s.AccountRowid = c.SecondaryAccountRowId
group by c.AccountNumber
order by AccountRelationship

Join Tables using multiple fields across multiple tables

I am trying to join tables based on multiple fields, one from the immediate table and one from an adjoined table.
I would like to join the "Equipment" to "Contract Detail" on ContractDetailID only if Equipment CustomerID = Contract CustomerID.
Thank you in advance
declare #contract as table(
contractid int,
customerid int
declare #contractDetail as table(
contractDetailId int,
ContractID int
declare #equipment as table(
equipmentId int,
contractDetailId int,
CustomerId int
insert into #contract values(5,3)
insert into #contractDetail values(10,5)
insert into #equipment values(1,10,3)
select e.*
#contract c inner join
#contractDetail cd on (c.contractId = cd.contractID) inner join
#equipment e on (c.customerId = e.CustomerId and e.contractDetailId = cd.contractDetailId)

How can I pull data from multiple sql tables using a join statement

I'm designing a simple in-office ticket system, and would like to include a field for the party responsible for the next action. To do so right this moment I'm thinking of using tableName and tableID as specifiers for the specific responsible party (could be a technician, customer, or third party, all in different tables)
It would be fine to pull that data in and run another select call using the name of the table as a parameter, but the extra data flow slows things down significantly.
Is there a way to use a single join statement to return the details of the party with a column for the table name and one for the individual table id or is there a better way to store the data from multiple potential tables?
You can use left join to achieve your requirement :-
Set Nocount On;
Declare #OfficeTickets Table
Id Int Identity(1,1)
,Column1 Varchar(100)
,PartyType Varchar(1)
,TechnicianId Int Null
,CustomerId Int Null
,ThirdPartyId Int Null
Declare #OfficeTickets1 Table
Id Int Identity(1,1)
,Column1 Varchar(100)
,TableName Varchar(100)
,TableId Int Null
Declare #Technician Table
Id Int Identity(1,1)
,TechnicianName Varchar(100)
Declare #Customers Table
Id Int Identity(1,1)
,CustomerName Varchar(100)
Declare #ThirdParty Table
Id Int Identity(1,1)
,ThirdPartyName Varchar(100)
Insert Into #Technician(TechnicianName) Values
Insert Into #Customers(CustomerName) Values
Insert Into #ThirdParty(ThirdPartyName) Values
Insert Into #OfficeTickets(Column1,PartyType,TechnicianId,CustomerId,ThirdPartyId) Values
Insert Into #OfficeTickets1(Column1,TableName,TableId) Values
---- taken separate columns for parties
Select ot.Id
From #OfficeTickets As ot
Left Join #Technician As t On ot.PartyType = 'T' And ot.TechnicianId = t.Id
Left Join #Customers As c On ot.PartyType = 'C' And ot.CustomerId = c.Id
Left Join #ThirdParty As tp On ot.PartyType = 'P' And ot.ThirdPartyId = tp.Id
---- by TableName and TableId
Select ot.Id
From #OfficeTickets1 As ot
Left Join #Technician As t On ot.TableName = 'Technician' And ot.TableId = t.Id
Left Join #Customers As c On ot.TableName = 'Customers' And ot.TableId = c.Id
Left Join #ThirdParty As tp On ot.TableName = 'ThirdParty' And ot.TableId = tp.Id

Fetch single data from table in sql?

I have three tables in my SQL Server
1.) Registration it's columns
Reg_Id bigint, primary key and auto increment
Name nvarchar(50),
Tranx_id nvarchar(30),
Email nvarchar(30),
Username nvarchar(30),
Password nvarchar(30),
Edition_Id nvarchar(50),
Default_Id nvarchar(50),
Reg_Date datetime,
usertype nvarchar(50),
2.) AllEditionPages it's columns
Page_id bigint, primary key and auto increment
edition_date datetime,
noofpages int,
Page_no int,
image_path nvarchar(50),
Active int,
type_of_page varchar(50),
Image_Width int,
Image_Height int,
3.) Edition
id int, primary key and auto increment
edition_date datetime,
noofpages int,
XMLFile nvarchar(50),
PDFFile nvarchar(50),
PDFPrefix nvarchar(50),
type nvarchar(50),
price nvarchar(50),
reg_req nvarchar(50)
As per above table I try below sql query
SELECT edi.*, aep.*, reg.*
FROM Edition as edi INNER JOIN Registration as reg
ON = reg.Edition_Id INNER JOIN AllEditionPages as aep
ON edi.edition_date = aep.edition_date
where reg.Edition_Id=
and reg.Reg_ID = 14
From this query I get this output:
id edition_date type price page-id
96 2012-07-18 00:00:00.000 free null 2503
96 2012-07-18 00:00:00.000 free null 2503
I get in output two rows, but want only single row in output
You can use common table expression in this scenario in following way:
WITH cteTable AS
SELECT edi.*, aep.*, reg.*
FROM Edition as edi INNER JOIN Registration as reg
ON = reg.Edition_Id INNER JOIN AllEditionPages as aep
ON edi.edition_date = aep.edition_date
where reg.Edition_Id=
and reg.Reg_ID = 14
select top 1 * from cteTable
As you two table contains edition_date, you need to spcify the column name instead of using "*" in following way:
WITH cteTable AS
SELECT,edi.edition_date,edi.noofpagez,edi.XMLFile,edi.PDFFile ,edi.PDFPrefix,edi.type,edi.price,edi.reg_req ,
aep.Page_id, aep.edition_date,aep.noofpages,aep.Page_no,aep.image_path,aep.Active,aep.type_of_page,aep.Image_Width,aep.Image_Height,
FROM Edition as edi INNER JOIN Registration as reg
ON = reg.Edition_Id INNER JOIN AllEditionPages as aep
ON edi.edition_date = aep.edition_date
where reg.Edition_Id=
and reg.Reg_ID = 14
select top 1 * from cteTable
You have to specify one row.From your putput it looks like you have duplicate data and if that is the issue you should use distinct to get distinct rows..Otherwise specify what exactly you need.
You can use select distinct if the 2 rows have the same value, or you can simple use LIMIT 0,1 behind your query.

Simplest way to insert a related row for each row in a table and link them together?

What is the simplest way to insert a Car for each user in Users and set the users CarID to the ID of the inserted Car?
- ID
- Name
- CarID
- ID (Auto increment)
- Name
Sorry if this might be a duplicate question but I can't find any simple solutions. Everything I've found is using complicated cursors, pointers etc.
A simple and reusable syntax for this would save me hours while migrating data during system upgrades etc.
If you are on SQL Server 2008 or later you can use merge and output something like this.
Sample tables and data:
declare #Users table
ID int identity primary key,
Name varchar(10) not null,
CarID int null
declare #Cars table
ID int identity primary key,
Name varchar(10) not null
insert into #Users(Name) values ('User1'),('User2'),('User3');
Add one care for each user and move the auto-generated CarID back to Users.
declare #ID table(CarID int, UserID int)
merge #Cars as C
using #Users as U
on 0 = 1
when not matched then
insert (Name) values ('CarName')
output inserted.ID, U.ID into #ID;
update U
set CarID = I.CarID
from #Users as U
inner join #ID as I
on U.ID = I.UserID
Try it out on SE Data.
More info on the merge/output trick can be found here.
I'm assuming the code you're using lets you call stored procedures?
create procedure dbo.CarUserInsert_sp
#p_UserID int,
#p_UserName varchar(100),
#p_CarID int,
#p_CarName varchar(100)
if not exists ( select 1 from Cars where ID = #p_CarID )
insert Cars values ( #p_CarID, #p_CarName )
if exists (select 1 from Users where ID = #p_UserID )
update Users set Name = #p_UserName, CarID = #p_CarID where ID = #p_UserID
insert Users values ( #p_UserID, #p_UserName, #p_CarID )
try this:
insert into cars (name)
select distinct(name) from users
update user
set carId = (select ID from cars where