Web Driver Curl Exception - testing

Trying to use Codeception Web Driver and Selenium to emulate ajax through an acceptance test. I was using PhpBrowser but when I was having issues with Ajax my friend suggested WebDriver.
After enabling it and downloading the selenium (and running it) I get the following error.
Curl error thrown for http POST to
with params: {"desiredCapabilities":{"browserName":"googlechrome"}}
Failed to connect to port 4444: Connection Refused
I made sure I was running selenium on port 4444.
java -jar selenium-server.jar -port 4444
acceptance.suite.yml below
class_name: AcceptanceTester
- WebDriver
url: 'http://life1605.dev'
browser: googlechrome
url: 'http://life1605.dev'

I had the same problem, with the exact same error message. For some strange reason, it looked like starting the selenium server from command line did not work.
My solution turned out to be manually opening the selenium server through Windows Explorer, right click on the file, choose Open with -> Java Platform SE Binary.
Took me almost 3 hours to figure it out, so I hope this helps somebody.

I had this problem and it turned out a new version of Firefox was incompatible with the addon that Selenium uses to communicate with Firefox.
When you start your tests you should see the new Firefox window appear, and have 30 seconds or so before it goes away again. Within this time, if you type about:addons into the URL field and then click on "Extensions", you should see the "Firefox WebDriver" addon there, and it should be enabled.
For me it was disabled as it was incompatible with the latest Firefox version. So the solution in this case was to either downgrade Firefox or wait for an updated Selenium.
Note that the addon is only installed in the Firefox instance under test, so you won't see it when you use Firefox outside of Selenium.

I had this same problem, I forgot to run phantom.js before trying to do any browser tests. I ran phantomjs and it worked.

I had this problem, and then I remembered that I need to run Xvfb -ac :0 -screen 0 1280x1024x16 & after every Homestead reload (before running Dusk tests).
Then Dusk works instead of saying:
Facebook\WebDriver\Exception\WebDriverCurlException: Curl error thrown
for http POST to /session with params:
Operation timed out after 30000 milliseconds with 0 bytes received
See https://stackoverflow.com/a/42630737/470749


WebDriver IO fails to create chrome browser sessions when using in Botium

I have installed Botium-Binding and prepared my machine to have installed with selenium-standalone server as per the documentation in https://github.com/codeforequity-at/botium-connector-webdriverio.
Once everything is setup i have added below capabilites to the botium.json file in samples/custom scripts folder.
"capabilities": {
"browserName": "chrome",
Then i have run the command npm install && npm run mocha to trigger the runner.
All i could see is that the Webdriver session is being created and terminated with the error below:
WebdriverIO Plugin Sample
Starting ChromeDriver 92.0.4515.107 (87a818b10553a07434ea9e2b6dccf3cbe7895134-refs/branch-heads/4515#{#1634}) on port 44325
Only local connections are allowed.
Please see https://chromedriver.chromium.org/security-considerations for suggestions on keeping ChromeDriver safe.
ChromeDriver was started successfully.
1) "before each" hook for "contractcancellation"
0 passing (9s)
1 failing
1) WebdriverIO Plugin Sample
"before each" hook for "contractcancellation":
Error: WebDriver error on startup: Failed to create session.
Make sure to connect to valid hostname:port or the port is not in use.
If you use a grid server
Make sure to add vendor prefix like "goog:", "appium:", "moz:", etc to non W3C capabilities.
See more https://www.w3.org/TR/webdriver/#capabilities
tried adding Hostname, port, platform to the capabilities but of no use. Looking for some help on this to get me unblocked.
You have to follow the instructions to install a chromedriver version that matches your Chrome version (as pcalkins wrote above).
It this doesnt help I recommend to enable verbose logging to get more insights on whats happening. You may post the log output here for further investigation.

Error after executing selenium with Chrome

I'm trying to execute Selenium with Chrome on Ubuntu 16.04 and what I do is:
Xvfb :10 -screen 0 1366x768x24 -ac &
google-chrome --remote-debugging-port=92222
When I execute the previous command I got this error:
vagrant#smart:~$ [2207:2332:1118/135124.679982:ERROR:bus.cc(394)] Failed to connect to the bus: Could not parse server address: Unknown address type (examples of valid types are "tcp" and on UNIX "unix")
DevTools listening on ws://
(google-chrome:2207): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Unable to get session bus: Unknown or unsupported transport 'disabled' for address 'disabled:'
[2207:2207:1118/135124.939100:ERROR:gpu_process_transport_factory.cc(980)] Lost UI shared context.
[1:8:1118/135125.063874:ERROR:command_buffer_proxy_impl.cc(100)] ContextResult::kFatalFailure: Shared memory region is not valid
I run the selenium command:
java -jar selenium-server-standalone-3.141.5.jar
And when I try to create a session manually through the url I got what I show in picture.
I'm trying to work with some test with codecpetion and yii2 but initially I can't because of that. I'm using the lastest version of all components and I was working perfectly until today. As well I have chromedriver. What is happening?. I am running in a vagrant box and I'm trying to test my application with codeception and I have tried to reinstall selenium and chrome and I got nothing, Thanks so much.
It is because of a conflict between chromedriver, selenium and chrome. Downgrading chrome, it's solved

Selenium unable to create new session

This is coming about because I have a failing Behat test on a search field - the field is added via javascript so I assumed something was wrong with (with my setup of) Selenium.
I found that if I visit http://localhost:4444/wd/hub and click "Create Session", select any of the browsers (android, iphone, firefox, chrome, internet explorer, opera) I get the error message: Unable to create new session.
I'm not sure if the two are related (failing #javacript tests and unable to create a session).
I am starting Selenium with java -jar /usr/local/bin/selenium-server-standalone-3.5.0.jar -port 4444 on osX Sierra 10.12.5.
My current configuration in behat.yml is
javascript_session: selenium2
goutte: ~
wd_host: 'http://localhost:4444/wd/hub'
Although I wouldn't expect that to affect the ability to create a session from /wd/hub.
The issue was that I didn't have a driver. I downloaded Gecko Driver, moved the executable to /usr/local/bin and all is well.

Selenium+Jenkins+Chromedriver = WebDriverException: Message: unknown error: Chrome failed to start: exited abnormally

I have problem with running my Selenium tests in Jenkins.
A result of execution is always:
WebDriverException: Message: unknown error: Chrome failed to start:
exited abnormally
My tests are written in Robot Framework and are using Chromium webdriver.
I'm setting needed paths in my command, which looks like this:
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/lib/chromium-browser; export PATH=$PATH:/usr/lib/chromium-browser/chromedriver; . /home/michal/robot_env/bin/activate; robot -L TRACE /home/michal/project_robot/tests
And when I run this command manually in terminal IT WORKS fine (Chromium starts automatically and the test goes on).
So the problem suppose to be in Jenkins. I have installed Xvfb plugin, but it didn't help.
Additionally, in /etc/init.d/jenkins I put these lines:
/usr/bin/X :0 vt7 -ac
export DISPLAY=:0
xhost +
And once again - nothing changed. What else should I set or check?
i got stuck same way.
The problem is that jenkins has it own user, called jenkins, and jenkins user cannot open the browser.
if you try to make "su jenkins" and then "chromium-browser" you obtain the display error.
That because you obtain this issue. The problem is not the webdriver, the problem is the user.
i removed the jenkins user created by jenkins and i createad a normal user called jenkins before installing jenkins.
then i installed jenkins.
now jenkins user can run the test (because it can open the browser) but jenkins itself will not load anymore.

Running selenium test automatically

I have a problem with Selenium and can't get it to work.
What I want to do:
A customer of ours sends us a Selenium test case which shall be executed automatically in several locations and the time taken shall be recorded.
We want to use Selenium and Firefox Portable, because we want to make the tests completely independent of any user input and the installed software at the different locations.
So much for the starting conditions ;)
What we did so far:
The first version was completely written in Java, we exported the test case from the customer to Java with the Selenium IDE Plugin -> Export to Java WebDriver.
This cannot be done anymore, because the customer now uses some functions the WebDriver export does not support. And as we don't want to alter the test from the customer, Java export is no longer an option.
So for the first run we are using this command (any variables are set correctly):
java -jar selenium-2.33.0/selenium-server-standalone-2.33.0.jar -port 5555
-firefoxProfileTemplate "Firefox\Data\profile" -log logs\selenium_server.log
-htmlSuite "*firefox" http://localhost:5555 Testsuite.html
This starts my preinstalled firefox, not the portable one. On the customers machine, no firefox is started whatsoever, because it is not installed. So I had to provide the path to the firefox instead, using the "custom" htmlSuite:
java -jar selenium-2.33.0/selenium-server-standalone-2.33.0.jar -port 5555
-firefoxProfileTemplate "Firefox\Data\profile" -log logs\selenium_server.log
-htmlSuite "*custom %FF_DIR%\FirefoxPortable.exe" http://localhost:5555 Testsuite.html
This does not work, as the Selenium Server cannot execute this command if run under Windows, which we do (see: http://code.google.com/p/selenium/issues/detail?id=3274)
As comment #6 has some diffs, we patched the selenium Server standalone Jar and ran the test again. Now the browser could be started, but the test could not be run. After the first page loaded we get the error "Permission denied to access property 'document'".
A solution here suggests, a user-rights problem could be the cause and you should try the "chrome" htmlSuite (see: https://sqa.stackexchange.com/questions/1453/how-to-fix-permission-denied-to-access-property-document)
So we did:
java -jar selenium-2.33.0/selenium-server-standalone-2.33.0-patched.jar
-port 5555 -firefoxProfileTemplate "FirefoxPortable\Data\profile"
-log logs\selenium_server.log -htmlSuite "*chrome %FF_DIR%\FirefoxPortable.exe"
http://localhost:5555 Testsuite.html logs\results-firefox-%curTimestamp%.html
Notice our "patched" selenium and the "chrome" htmlSuite.
That didn't work, as well.
So, here in short the results:
htmlSuite = firefox: the preinstalled Firefox is used, if installed, not the Portable one. In case, no FF is installed, the test fails altogether
htmlSuite = chrome: the server cannot start the browser, as it tries to set EnvironmentVariables, which is not supported running Windows (see: http://code.google.com/p/selenium/source/browse/java/client/src/org/openqa/selenium/os/WindowsProcessGroup.java#67 lines 67 following)
htmlSuite = googleChrome: Google Chrome Portable can be started, but the Chrome browser cannot find some elements specified by the test, so we cannot use Chrome (altering the test is no option, as stated above)
htmlSuite = iexplore: Internet Explorer starts, but then a JavaScript error appears, referencing a custom Profile created by Selenium, so the test does not work in IE, either
htmlSuite = custom: the Portable Firefox is started (yeehaw), but does not have sufficient rights to execute the test.
You may use a Continuous Integration System like Jenkins, or TeamCity to execute your tests automatically.
we have now decided to support the customer in installing Firefox on the machines to test, so we can use our batchfile without problems.
As for the bug in selenium look here (code.google.com/p/selenium/issues/detail?id=5554#c14), there is a link to a nightly build that does work (at least for us) with Firefox v23, which Selenium 2.33 does not.
Thanks for everyone who contributed, but I think my first approach can not be achieved the way I thought it could :(
I solved this problem.
Visit this link: http://www.townx.org/blog/elliot/dealing-self-signed-ssl-certificates-when-running-selenium-server-firefox
Point 9:
Delete everything in the directory except for the cert_override.txt and cert8.db files.
Hope it helps