Where do you get Google Bigquery usage info (mainly for processed data) - google-bigquery

I know that BigQuery offers the first "1 TB of data processed" per month for free but I can't figure out where to look on my dashboard to see my monthly usage. I used to be able to "revert" to the old dashboard which had the info but for the past couple of weeks the "old dashboard" isn't accessible.

From the Google Cloud Console overview page for your project, click on the "details" section on the top-right, next to the charge estimate :
You'll get an estimate of the charges for the current month for each service and item in the service, including Big Query analysis :
If you want to track this usage, you can also export the data into CSV every day by going in the Billing settings and enable the usage export feature. Do not worry about the fact that it only mentions Compute Engine, it actually works for other services also.
You can also access directly the billing history by clicking on the billing account link :
You will get a detailed bill with the usage info :

Post GCP Console Redesign Answer
The GCP console was redesigned and now the other answer here no longer applies, but it is still possible to view your usage by going to IAM & Admin -> Quotas.
What you're looking for is "Big Query API: Query usage per day". It doesn't seem possible to view your usage over 30 days unfortunately, but you can see your current usage (per day) and your peak usage over the past 7 days. You can also set a daily quota. If you're just working infrequently or doing a lot in one day, you can set a quota to 1 TiB and prevent yourself from blowing your whole allocation in one day.
You can try sending feedback about these limitations, like I did, by clicking the question mark at the top right and then send feedback.

Theo is correct that there is no way to view the number of bytes processed or billed since the start of the month (inside of the free tier) in the GCP Billing Console. However, you can extract the bytes processed and bytes billed data from logs in Cloud Logging and calculate the total bytes processed/billed since the start of the month inside of BigQuery.
Here are the steps to count total bytes billed in a month:
Under Cloud Logging, go to Logs Explorer (NOT the Legacy Logs Explorer) and run the following query in the query builder frame:
resource.type="bigquery_project" AND
protoPayload.metadata.jobChange.job.jobStats.queryStats.totalBilledBytes>1 AND
The timestamp clause is not actually necessary, but it will speed up the query. You can set timestamp >= <value> to any valid timestamp you want as long as it returns at least one result.
In the Query Results frame, click the "Action" button, and select "Create Sink".
In the window that opens, give your sink a name, click "Next", and in the "Select sink service" dropdown menu select "BigQuery dataset".
In the "Select BigQuery dataset" dropdown menu, either select an existing dataset where you would like to create your sink (which is a table containing logs) or if you prefer, choose "Create new BigQuery dataset.
Finally, you will likely want to check the box for Partition Table, since this will help you control costs whenever you query this sink. As of the time of this answer, however, Google limits partition tables to 4000 partitions, so you may find it is necessary to clear out old logs eventually.
Click "Create Sink" (there is no need for any inclusion or exclusion filters).
Run a query in BigQuery that produces bytes billed (i.e. a query that does not return a previously cached result). This is necessary to instantiate the sink. Moments after your query runs, you should now see a table called <your_biquery_dataset>.cloudaudit_googleapis_com_data_access
Enter the following Standard SQL query in the BigQuery query editor:
bytes_table AS (
'$.jobChange.job.jobStats.createTime') AS date_time,
'$.jobChange.job.jobStats.queryStats.totalBilledBytes') AS billedbytes
timestamp) = 4
timestamp) = 2021)
(SUM(CAST(billedbytes AS INT64))/1073741824) AS total_GB
You will want to chance the month from 4 to whatever month you intend to query, and 2021 to whatever year you intend to query. Also, you may find it helpful to save this query as a view if you intend to rerun it periodically.
Be advised that your sink does not contain your past BigQuery logs, only BigQuery logs produced after you created the sink. Therefore in the first month the number of GB returned by this query will not be an accurate count your bytes billed in month unless you happen to have created the sink prior to running any queries in BigQuery during the current month.

Might be related to How can I monitor incurred BigQuery billings costs (jobs completed) by table/dataset in real-time?
If you are fine by using BigQuery itself to get that information (instead of using a UI), you can use something like this:
DECLARE gb_divisor INT64 DEFAULT 1024*1024*1024;
DECLARE tb_divisor INT64 DEFAULT gb_divisor*1024;
DECLARE cost_per_tb_in_dollar INT64 DEFAULT 5;
DECLARE cost_factor FLOAT64 DEFAULT cost_per_tb_in_dollar / tb_divisor;
ROUND(SUM(total_bytes_processed) / gb_divisor,2) as bytes_processed_in_gb,
ROUND(SUM(IF(cache_hit != true, total_bytes_processed, 0)) * cost_factor,4) as cost_in_dollar,
Open in BigQuery UI
Please consider the caveats I mentioned in my answer here


Why BigQuery BI engine does not use all the reservation?

I have a dashboard connected to a BigQuery Table, BI engine works as expected as I am using a calendar filter and my table is partitioned per date.
when I select a longer date range, BI engine stop working with this message "The table or data volume was larger than BI Engine supports at this time", that's fair.
Please notice, I am already filtering by a partition, but sometimes, I need to see the whole data
to solve that, I created a BI reservation, and I notice regardless of the size 1,2,4 GB the memory used is always 600MB? and I get the same message, I attached a screenshot here, is this by design?
Bug Report here: https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/150633500
turn out the error is not related to reservation, but to the fact that BI engine support only 500 partition, my table has more
the solution is instead of partition per day, I will use something like week or month

Bigquery - How to in crease the expiration time of tables in free sandbox?

I am using the free bigquery sandbox to generate some custom metrics based on my analytics data. I have read in the documentation that the expiration time of table in free account is 60 days. What does this expiration time means ? What will exactly happen after 60 days. All my datas will be lost ? How can i increase the expiration time in this case ? Should i need to pay for it ? If yes, what will be the cost ?
According to the documentation:
The BigQuery sandbox gives you free access to the power of BigQuery
subject to the sandbox's limits. The sandbox allows you to use the web
UI in the Cloud Console without providing a credit card. You can use
the sandbox without creating a billing account or enabling billing for
your project.
In addition, according to the limits :
All datasets have the default table expiration time and the default
partition expiration set to 60 days. Any tables, views, or partitions
in partitioned tables automatically expire after 60 days.
You can edit this expiration date if your data is exported to BigQuery but, in order to do that, you have to upgrade the project's plan to use it (if needed). Then you would be billed by the amount of bytes processed, you can check the billing options here.
Thus, within BigQuery you can edit the expiration date. In BigQuery, you go to Project > Dataset > Table > Details > click in the pencil next to the table's name and set expiration date to never or select a date. As follows:

Normal for BigQuery data to be higher than Firebase?

I'm running the following query to select the active users for a time frame on my project.
FROM [mobileapp_logs].[dbo].[active_users]
WHERE (rtrim(app_id) + ':' + app_os) = 'tbl'
AND [aggregation] = '30-day-active'
AND [unix] BETWEEN 1491696000 AND 1494288000
AND active_users >= 100
The query seems to be working but with every row returned for that day it will give me about 10 - 30 more than what's in firebase. Is this normal for bigquery -> firebase?
I'm not familiar with the table you are querying, according to the documentation Firebase imports data to app_events_intraday_YYYYMMDD. Could you provide more information about [mobileapp_logs].[dbo].[active_users]?
According to different SO questions it seems there may be a delay of a few days where offline devices upload their data. Also Firebase updates data in BigQuery daily. Since you are querying up until today you may be seeing data that has already been updated in Firebase but not in BigQuery. I would recommend changing your query to a range ending 3 days before today.

Bigquery and Tableau

I attached Tableau with Bigquery and was working on the Dash boards. Issue hear is Bigquery charges on the data a query picks everytime.
My table is 200GB data. When some one queries the dash board on Tableau, it runs on total query. Using any filters on the dashboard it runs again on the total table.
on 200GB data, if someone does 5 filters on different analysis, bigquery is calculating 200*5 = 1 TB (nearly). For one day on testing the analysis we were charged on a 30TB analysis. But table behind is 200GB only. Is there anyway I can restrict Tableau running on total data on Bigquery everytime there is any changes?
The extract in Tableau is indeed one valid strategy. But only when you are using a custom query. If you directly access the table it won't work as that will download 200Gb to your machine.
Other options to limit the amount of data are:
Not calling any columns that you don't need. Do this by hiding unused fields in Tableau. It will not include those fields in the query it sends to BigQuery. Otherwise it's a SELECT * and then you pay for the full 200Gb even if you don't use those fields.
Another option that we use a lot is partitioning our tables. For instance, a partition per day of data if you have a date field. Using TABLE_DATE_RANGE and TABLE_QUERY functions you can then smartly limit the amount of partitions and hence rows that Tableau will query. I usually hide the complexity of these table wildcard functions away in a view. And then I use the view in Tableau. Another option is to use a parameter in Tableau to control the TABLE_DATE_RANGE.
1) Right now I learning BQ + Tableau too. And I found that using "Extract" is must for BQ in Tableau. With this option you can also save time building dashboard. So my current pipeline is "Build query > Add it to Tableau > Make dashboard > Upload Dashboard to Tableau Online > Schedule update for Extract
2) You can send Custom Quota Request to Google and set up limits per project/per user.
3) If each of your query touching 200GB each time, consider to optimize these queries (Don't use SELECT *, use only dates you need, etc)
The best approach I found was to partition the table in BQ based on a date (day) field which has no timestamp. BQ allows you to partition a table by a day level field. The important thing here is that even though the field is day/date with no timestamp it should be a TIMESTAMP datatype in the BQ table. i.e. you will end up with a column in BQ with data looking like this:
2018-01-01 00:00:00.000 UTC
The reasons the field needs to be a TIMESTAMP datatype (even though there is no time in the data) is because when you create a viz in Tableau it will generate SQL to run against BQ and for the partitioned field to be utilised by the Tableau generated SQL it needs to be a TIMESTAMP datatype.
In Tableau, you should always filter on your partitioned field and BQ will only scan the rows within the ranges of the filter.
I tried partitioning on a DATE datatype and looked up the logs in GCP and saw that the entire table was being scanned. Changing to TIMESTAMP fixed this.
The thing about tableau and Big Query is that tableau calculates the filter values using your query ( live query ). What I have seen in my project logging is, it creates filters from your own query.
select 'Custom SQL Query'.filtered_column from ( your_actual_datasource_query ) as 'Custom SQL Query' group by 'Custom SQL Query'.filtered_column
Instead, try to create the tableau data source with incremental extracts and also try to have your query date partitioned ( Big Query only supports date partitioning) so that you can limit the data use.

Teradata : Query to find CPU utilization user level (History data)

I have the query to find the current CPU and IO utilization at user level
But I want to check the history data( date and time) of CPU/IO utilization at user level
Big Picture
A utility will be created which will fetch data from Teradata and try to generate graphs for the same on daily basis. The report will provide all the utilization details for the whole day which will help us to plot graph. The whole utility will be schedule to run once on daily basis.
Being developer . we are not allowed to use Teradata Manager
Normally data in AmpUsage will be historized, i.e. a daily job INSERTs the result of your query into a history table and then DELETEs all from AmpUsage.
Depending on the Account strings used there might be "account string expansion" (ASE) in place, e.g. ..._&D_&H results in one row per AMP per user per hour like ..._131025_09 which can produce hourly usage data.