MVC 5 Custom Authentication - authentication

I have a legacy Application that we're converting to use the MVC 5 Application template. We have a custom API method, to keep the example simple let's just say it's signature is:
bool Login(username, password);
How can I set the User as logged in, so that I can use things like the [Authorize] attribute? For the moment we want the simplest method possible just to get us started developing the site.
I tried implementing this to set User.Identity manually. But this is then reset on every subsequent request.

In the end I extracted out the logic to the Account controller. This handles the Login and stores the result in the Session. Then I just needed to override the System.Web.Mvc.AuthorizeAttribute class and AuthoriseCore method as follows:
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Mvc;
namespace HomeHealth.Web.Infrastructure
public class HomeHealthAuthorizeAttribute : AuthorizeAttribute
protected override bool AuthorizeCore(HttpContextBase httpContext)
return WebSession.SdkContext.IsAuthenticated;
It has some helper code to clean up accessing the Context from the session, but that's irrelevant. The point is that this is the Attribute/Method you probably want. You can then mark Controllers/Methods with the following:
public class PatientController : BaseController
Then all the checking/redirecting is done for you.


Provide common data to all ASP.NET MVC 4 controller method

I am rewriting an ASP.NET webforms app in MVC4 and was wondering how to solve the following problem. It is a multi-tenant app, so part of the URL has the tenant NAME in it:
But tenant is an abbreviation representing the tenant, but I'd like to always convert that to the corresponding integer id and use that throughout the code. What is the best way to write that convert code once and have some variable/property available to all controller methods.
public class DivisionController : Controller
// GET: /Division/
public ActionResult Index()
// I want this.TenantId to be available in all controller methods
return View();
Is a base controller the best way to handle this or filters or attributes?
Yes a base controller will handle this just fine. If you need to perform a database lookup to convert the abbreviation to the integer value you can use the OnActionExecuting event like so:
protected override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
// Lookup code here.

How can I kick the user if I change IsConfirmed column?

I use ASP.NET SimpleMembership..
My scenario;
The user login and then I change IsConfirmed column to false on webpages_Membership table..
And the user try to change page, the login page seems to the user..
Your most sensible options are to use any of the authentication related steps in Global.asax.cs, or to derive from AuthorizeAttribute. Given that non-confirmed users are going to have to get to somewhere (for example in order to confirm their account) then you probably don't want the former. With either approach their next request will get denied.
Therefore, I would just extend your [Authorize] attribute to do something like the following, and just use that in the appropriate Controllers and Actions instead of [Authorize] (I'm assuming C# as you didn't specify language in your tags):
public class AuthorizeIfConfirmedAttribute : AuthorizeAttribute {
protected override bool AuthorizeCore(HttpContextBase httpContext) {
if (!base.AuthorizeCore(httpContext)) return false;
System.Security.Principal.IIdentity user = httpContext.User.Identity;
return WebMatrix.WebData.WebSecurity.IsConfirmed(user.Name);
public class MyController { ... }
(If you want to use a custom property on your UserProfile class instead of IsConfirmed then you can simply adjust this code accordingly).
The advantage of this approach is that it keeps all your authorization logic in the usual place, and you can also combine it with role enforcement, e.g.:
[AuthorizeIfConfirmed(Roles = "admin")]
public class MyController { ... }
Note that if you use WebApi or SignalR you may have to include these checks in however you are performing request authorization for the apis as well.
I user Application_AuthenticateRequest in Global.asax.. Because my application needs authenticate on all pages..
protected void Application_AuthenticateRequest()
if (WebSecurity.IsAuthenticated)
bool isConfirmed = (..your codes here..)
if (isConfirmed == false)

initialize simple membership in MVC 4

I have a problem with my MVC 4 application which used to work fine, but stopped for some reason, and I cannot find out why. I use simple memebrship provider and code first approach. This is my Index action method in the home controller
public class HomeController : Controller
private IActivityRepository repo;
public HomeController(IActivityRepository activityRepository)
repo = activityRepository;
//Allow anonymous to allow to create database if there isn't one yet
public ActionResult Index()
repo.InitializeDatabase(); //!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
return RedirectToAction("ManageActivities");
The whole concept of mine is that if database doesn't exist it gets created in InitializeDatabase Method. Then user is redirected to ManageActivities action method which is decorated with [Authorize] attribute, what in effect takes user to login action method in AccountCotroller (out of the box in MVC4). This controller is decorated with [InitializeSimpleMembership], what fires InitializeSimpleMembershipAttribute filter.
This logic worked fine for me a while ago. Today I wanted to create a new database for testing purposes. When I create data context I call the base class with a custom name for the database like so:
public class ActivityLogContext : DbContext
public ActivityLogContext() : base("ActivitiesConnection")
So I've changed details for my connection string and run the application. Unfortunatelly, for some reason the code hits InitializeSimpleMemebership filter before running Index method from the home controller (even though its decorated with [AllowAnonymous]). In effect simple membership is initialized but database does not yet exist, what runs me into error.
My question is, why InitializeSimpleMemebership filter is getting released on application start if Index method doesn't require authorization?
I would eliminate the use of the InitializeSimpleMembership as discussed in this article. Move initialization to the Global.asax Application_Start method and do your initialization there also, so that it happens in the correct sequence.

How do access the HttpServerUtility in a WebAPI controller (MVC 4)

I need to access the Server.MapPath(virtualPath) method in a controller in an MVC 4 ApiController.
The answer is usually to access it from ControllerContext.HttpContext.Server. However, unlike MvcControllers, the ControlerContext for an ApiController has no HttpContext.
The WebApiAppication that is instantiated in Global.asax.cs has an HttpContext element (Context). However, unlike MVC 3 and earlier, I can't find a way to access the WebApiApplication from a controller. (Earlier generations stored a reference to it in a static Instance variable. MVC 4 removes that.)
Also, I'm trying to find something that will also work without a ton of extra scaffolding when I call the controller methods from a unit Test. I think I could access it, even in a WebApi Controller, using HttpContext.Current (at least it compiles), but I can't mock that for testing. (I'm talking unit testing here, where you call directly to the Controller methods. I've seen some recent tutorials where you unit test with a thin HttpClient, and thus test the whole stack. That seems more like low-level integration testing to me.)
This doesn't seem like it should be that difficult, but I've spent several hours googling it and trying things, and my head's getting bloody from beating it against the wall.
I'd recommend you abstracting this functionality:
public interface IMyDependency
string MapPath(string path);
and then have an implementation:
public class MyConcreteDependency: IMyDependency
public string MapPath(string path)
return HostingEnvironment.MapPath(path);
and finally your ApiController is completely independent on all static method calls making it unit test friendly:
public class MyController: ApiController
private readonly IMyDependency dependency;
public MyController(IMyDependency dependency)
this.dependency = dependency;
public HttpResponseMessage Get()
var path = this.dependency.MapPath("~/App_Data");
For ApiControllers, build yourself a DelegatingHandler and push all of your goodies onto request.Properties. You can then retrieve them from your request whether you are testing or running live. The benefit is that you then have zero dependency on Session in your Controller.
public class ContextHandler : DelegatingHandler
protected override Task<HttpResponseMessage> SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// get the goodies to add onto the request
var goodies = /* call to goodieGoodieYumYum */
// add our goodies onto the request
request.Properties.Add(Constants.RequestKey_Goodies, goodies);
// pass along to the next handler
return base.SendAsync(request, cancellationToken);
Controller Action
var goodies = (List<Goodie>)Request.Properties[Constants.RequestKey_Goodies];

Authorize Attribute not filtering on DbDataController

I'm trying to use the new MVC4 DbDataController to expose a restful data api.
My problem is trying to secure this. I have created custom authorization attributes that derive from Authorize Attribute
public class AdminOnlyAttribute : AuthorizeAttribute
public override void OnAuthorization(AuthorizationContext filterContext)
if (!IsAllowed()) {
filterContext.Result = new HttpUnauthorizedResult("Not logged in");
And that works fine when applied to my normal controller actions. I'm trying to use the same thing in my data service like this:
public class DataServiceController : DbDataController<AppBuilderDataContext>
public IQueryable<Thing> GetThings()
return DbContext.AllMyThings();
You can see I've tried my attribute on both the controller and the action, but it's not firing for either one. I've set a breakpoint inside my authorize attribute function, and it's not getting called.
I'm pretty sure Scott Guthrie said this was going to work. Am I doing it wrong, or do I need a completely different method to secure these?
To work with an DataController or any other type derived from ApiController your attribute must derive from System.Web.Http.AuthorizeAttribute