Neo4j Query Optimization - 15 diff labels - optimization

So I have 15 different Labels in Neo4j which represent 15 real world business Objects. All these Objects are related to each other. Each Object (Label) has thousands of nodes . What I'm trying to do is to do optional Matches between all these Labels and get the Related data. The query is running extremely slow with all 15 selected and works fine with 3-4 object types.
So Typically this is the query with less object types which works fine.
MATCH (incident:Incidents)
WHERE incident.incident_number IN ["INC000005590903","INC000005590903"]
MATCH (device:Devices)
WHERE device.deviceid_udr in ["RE221869491800Uh_pVAevJpYAhRcJ"]
MATCH (alarm:Alarms)
WHERE alarm.entryid_udr in ["ALM123000000110"]
MATCH incident-[a]-alarm
MATCH device-[b]-alarm
MATCH incident-[c]-device
RETURN incident.incident_number, device.deviceid,alarm.entryid_udr
When I do a query to find data related between 15 different object types it runs extremely slow. Do you have any suggestions how I could approach this problem

When you analyze what is happening in your query, it's not to hard to see why it is slow. Each of your initial matches is unrelated to the others, so the entire domain for each label is searched. If you use relationship matching up front, you can significantly reduce the size of each the time it takes to do the query.
Try this query and see how it goes in comparison with the one in your question.
MATCH (incident:Incidents {incident_number : "INC000005590903"})
WITH incident
MATCH (incident)--(device:Devices {deviceid_udr : "RE221869491800Uh_pVAevJpYAhRcJ"})
WITH incident, device
MATCH (device)--(alarm:Alarms {entryid_udr : "ALM123000000110"})
WITH incident, device, alarm
MATCH (incident)--(alarm)
RETURN incident.incident_number, device.deviceid_udr, alarm.entryid_udr
In this query, once you find the incident, the next match is a search of the relationships on the particular incident to find a matching device. Once that is found, matching the alarm is limited in the same fashion.
In addition, if you have a different relationship type for each of the relationships (incident to device, device to alarm, alarm to incident, etc), using the specifications of the relationship types in the matches will speed things up even further, since it will again reduce the number of items that must be searched. Without relationship typing, relationships to nodes with wrong labels will be tested.
I don't know if it is intentional or not, but you also are matching for a closed ring in your example. That's not a problem if you are careful not to allow match loops to occur, but the query won't succeed if there isn't a closed ring. Just thought I'd point it out.


Resolving performance Issues on Linq with "LIKE"

I have a recognition table containing 25,000 records, and an incoming table of strings that must be recognised using LIKE matching, typically between 200 and 4000 per batch. This used to be in sql server but I am trying to get it to go faster by doing it all in memory, however linq is much slower, taking 5 seconds instead of 250ms in sql when the incoming table has 200 rows.
The recognition table is declared as follows:
Private mRecognition377LK As New SortedDictionary(Of String, RecognitionItem)(StringComparer.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)
The actual like comparison is here:
r = mRecognition377LK.FirstOrDefault(Function(v As KeyValuePair(Of String, RecognitionItem)) sTitle Like v.Key).Value
So this is executed for every incoming record and I thought that using v.key would enable the linq engine to not scan records that start with a different character, but it seems not.
I can reinvent the wheel and create a collection class that splits the recognition table into its constituent
E.g. if an incoming string is abcdef and we have a recognition record of "abc*" then I could store collection grouped by length of recognition item up to the first star (3), then inside that a collection of recognition items with that length, keyed on the text up to the first star (abc)
So abc* has a string length of 3 so:
r = Itemz(3).Recog("abc")
I think that will work and perform well but its a lot of faff and I'm sure that collection classes and linq would have been designed in a way that such a simple thing could be executed quickly without this performance drag.
So my question is is there a way to make this go fast without going to my proposed solution ?
So having programmed up several iterations of TRIE and binary searches I realised that all this was excessive processing and that is because....
... that means we only need one loop to process both lists and join them, i.e. we are doing in C#/VB what Sql Server does when it performs a MERGE join. So now I am pursuing this as a solution and will update here as appropriate.
The solution is now finished, and you can indeed join as many lists as you like as long as they are all sorted ascending or all sorted descending on the attributes you are joining, and you can do this in a single loop (because they are sorted). My code is about 1000 lines and very specific, so I'm not going to post a code solution, but for anyone that hits this kind of problem in future, it seems there is nothing in linq that will help do a merge join which is not based on equality (we have LIKE matching) so writing your own merge join in a single loop is possible when the incoming data is sorted.
The basis of the algorithm is to loop through the table which is your "maintable", and advance a pointer into each other list until the text comparison becomes greater than or equal. When its equal, you don't advance this list again until it doesn't match the maintable list, since one item on the right could join many items on the left. This can be repeated for multiple arrays.
It would be nice to see a library where you can pass lambda functions to perform merge joins on multiple sorted arrays. I will consider writing one in future.
The solution runs in 0.007 seconds to join 200 records to a 70,000 record recognition list. With linq performing effectively an inner loop, it took 5 seconds. When joining 4000 records to the same 70,000 record recognition list, the performance degrades only slightly to around 0.01s, showing the great effectiveness of the merge join logic. Sql server took around 250ms to perform the join.

Multithreaded grouping algorithm

I have a collection of circles, each of which may or may not intersect one or more other circles in the collection. I want to group these circles such that each "group" contains all circles such that every member of the group intersects at least one other member of the group, and such that no member of any group intersects any member of any other group. I have come up with the following VB.NET/pseudocode algorithm to solve this problem on a single thread:
Dim groups As New List(Of List(Of Circle))
For Each circleToClassify In allCircles
Dim added As Boolean
For Each group In groups
For Each circle In group
If circleToClassify.Intersects(circle) Then
added = True
Exit For
End If
If added Then
Exit For
End If
If Not added Then
Dim newGroup As New List(Of Circle)
End If
Return groups
Or in English
Take each item from the collection of circles
Check if it intersects with any member of any existing group (Bear in mind a "group" may only contain a single circle)
If the circle does intersect in the aforementioned manner add it to the appropriate group
Otherwise create a new group with this circle as its only member
Go to step 1.
What I want to be able to do is perform this task using an arbitrary number of threads. However, I haven't got very far at all as all solutions I've come up with so far will just end up executing serially due to locking.
Can anyone provide any tips on what I want to be thinking about to achieve this multithreading?
The best multithreaded solutions avoid sharing or perform read-only sharing. (And hence don't need locks.)
Consider partitioning your work so that threads don't share result data, and then merging each thread's results.
Note that when you strip away the detail of detecting whether groups of circles intersect, you are really dealing with a connected components graph theory problem. There's plenty of useful material on this subject online. And in fact you may find it much easier and sufficiently fast to simply apply a breadth first search algorithm to find connected components.
When doing multi-threaded development, first prize is to implement the threads in such a way as to minimise the number of locks. In the most trivial case: if they don't share any data, they don't need locks at all. However, if you can guarantee that the shared data won't be modified while the threads are running: then you don't need locks in this case either.
In your question, there's no need for your input list of circles to be modified. The problem you have is that you're building up a shared list of circle groups. Basically you're sharing your result space and need locks to ensure the integrity of the results.
One technique in this situation is to "partition and merge". As a trivial example consider finding the maximum of a large list of numbers. The naive (and ideal single-threaded solution) is to:
keep a single "current maximum" found;
compare each element to this value;
and update the "current maximum" if it's higher.
The problem for multithreading occurs in updating of the shared result. One solution is to:
partition the list for each of p threads;
find the maximum within each partition;
once all threads finish their work, the final result is trivially obtained by finding the maximum of the p partitioned maximums.
The trade-off against a single-threaded solution involves weighing up the ease with which the workload can be partitioned and the per-thread results merged versus the often much simpler single-threaded approach.
Applying partition and merge to circle clusters
As a side note: Observe that your question is essentially a graph theory question such that: Each circle is a node; where if any 2 circles intersect, there's an undirected edge between them; and you're trying to determine the connected components of the graph.
Obviously this provides an area that you can research for more ideas/information. But more importantly it makes easier to analyse the problem with simple boolean assessment of whether 2 circles intersect.
Also note the potential performance improvements by first pre-processing your circles into a suitable graph structure.
Assume you have 8 circles (A-H) where 1's in the table below indicate the 2 circles intersect.
One partitioning idea involves determining what's connected by only considering a subset of circles and all their immediate connections.
A11000110 p1 [AB]
C00100000 p2 [CD]
E00001110 p3 [EF]
G10001010 p4 [GH]
NB Even though threads are sharing data (e.g. 2 threads may consider the intersection between circles A and F concurrently), the share is read-only and doesn't require a lock.
Assume 4 partitions (and 4 threads) of [AB][CD][EF][GH]. Connected components per partition would be broken down as follows:
You now have a list of potentially overlapping connected components. Merging involves iterating the list to find overlaps. If found, take union of the 2 sets is a new connected component. This will finally produce: ABFGDHE and C
Some optimisation techniques to consider:
The bottom left of the matrix mirrors the top-right. So you should be able to avoid duplicating processing of the inverse connections.
The merging of partitions can itself be partitioned and merged.
In fact in the extreme case you could start out partitioning a single circle per partition.
Connected(A) = ABFG
Connected(B) = B
Connected(AB) = ABFG
Connected(C) = C
Connected(D) = DFH
Connected(CD) = C,DFH
Connected(ABCD) = ABFGDH,C
Connected(E) = EFG
Connected(F) = F
Connected(EF) = EFG
Connected(G) = G
Connected(H) = H
Connected(GH) = G,H
Connected(EFGH) = EFG,H
Very NB You need to ensure appropriate selection of data structures and algorithms or suffer extremely poor performance. E.g. A naive intersection implementation might require O(n^2) operations to determine if two intermediate connected components intersect and totally destroy your goal that lead to all this additional complexity.
One approach is to divide the image into blocks, run the algorithm for each block independently, on different threads (i.e. considering only the circles whose center is in that block), and afterwards join the groups from different blocks that have intersecting circles.
Another approach is to formulate the problem using a graph, where the nodes represent circles, and an edge exists between two nodes if the corresponding circles are intersecting. We need to find the connected components of this graph. This disregards the geometric aspects of the problem, however, there are general algorithms which may be useful (e.g. you could consider the last slides from this link).

Neo4J: efficient neighborhood query

What's an efficient way to find all nodes within N hops of a given node? My particular graph isn't highly connected, i.e. most nodes have only degree 2, so for example the following query returns only 27 nodes (as expected), but it takes about a minute of runtime and the CPU is pegged:
MATCH (a {id:"36380_A"})-[*1..20]-(b) RETURN a,b;
All the engine's time is spent in traversals, because if I just find that starting node by itself, the result returns instantly.
I really only want the set of unique nodes and relationships (for visualization), so I also tried adding DISTINCT to try to stop it from re-visiting nodes it's seen before, but I see no change in run time.
As you said, matching the start node alone is really fast and faster if your property is indexed.
However what you are trying to do now is matching the whole pattern in the graph.
Keep your idea of your fast starting point:
MATCH (a:Label {id:"1234-a"})
once you got it pass it to the rest of the query with WITH
then match the relationships from your fast starting point :
MATCH (a)-[:Rel*1..20]->(b)

Suggestions/Opinions for implementing a fast and efficient way to search a list of items in a very large dataset

Please comment and critique the approach.
Scenario: I have a large dataset(200 million entries) in a flat file. Data is of the form - a 10 digit phone number followed by 5-6 binary fields.
Every week I will be getting a Delta files which will only contain changes to the data.
Problem : Given a list of items i need to figure out whether each item(which will be the 10 digit number) is present in the dataset.
The approach I have planned :
Will parse the dataset and put it a DB(To be done at the start of the
week) like MySQL or Postgres. The reason i want to have RDBMS in the
first step is I want to have full time series data.
Then generate some kind of Key Value store out of this database with
the latest valid data which supports operation to find out whether
each item is present in the dataset or not(Thinking some kind of a
NOSQL db, like Redis here optimised for search. Should have
persistence and be distributed). This datastructure will be read-only.
Query this key value store to find out whether each item is present
(if possible match a list of values all at once instead of matching
one item at a time). Want this to be blazing fast. Will be using this functionality as the back-end to a REST API
Sidenote: Language of my preference is Python.
A few considerations for the fast lookup:
If you want to check a set of numbers at a time, you could use the Redis SINTER which performs set intersection.
You might benefit from using a grid structure by distributing number ranges over some hash function such as the first digit of the phone number (there are probably better ones, you have to experiment), this would e.g. reduce the size per node, when using an optimal hash, to near 20 million entries when using 10 nodes.
If you expect duplicate requests, which is quite likely, you could cache the last n requested phone numbers in a smaller set and query that one first.

Represent Ordering in a Relational Database

I have a collection of objects in a database. Images in a photo gallery, products in a catalog, chapters in a book, etc. Each object is represented as a row. I want to be able to arbitrarily order these images, storing that ordering in the database so when I display the objects, they will be in the right order.
For example, let's say I'm writing a book, and each chapter is an object. I write my book, and put the chapters in the following order:
Introduction, Accessibility, Form vs. Function, Errors, Consistency, Conclusion, Index
It goes to the editor, and comes back with the following suggested order:
Introduction, Form, Function, Accessibility, Consistency, Errors, Conclusion, Index
How can I store this ordering in the database in a robust, efficient way?
I've had the following ideas, but I'm not thrilled with any of them:
Array. Each row has an ordering ID, when order is changed (via a removal followed by an insertion), the order IDs are updated. This makes retrieval easy, since it's just ORDER BY, but it seems easy to break.
UPDATE ... SET orderingID=NULL WHERE orderingID=removedID
UPDATE ... SET orderingID=orderingID-1 WHERE orderingID > removedID
UPDATE ... SET orderingID=orderingID+1 WHERE orderingID > insertionID
UPDATE ... SET orderID=insertionID WHERE ID=addedID
Linked list. Each row has a column for the id of the next row in the ordering. Traversal seems costly here, though there may by some way to use ORDER BY that I'm not thinking of.
Spaced array. Set the orderingID (as used in #1) to be large, so the first object is 100, the second is 200, etc. Then when an insertion happens, you just place it at (objectBefore + objectAfter)/2. Of course, this would need to be rebalanced occasionally, so you don't have things too close together (even with floats, you'd eventually run into rounding errors).
None of these seem particularly elegant to me. Does anyone have a better way to do it?
An other alternative would be (if your RDBMS supports it) to use columns of type array. While this breaks the normalization rules, it can be useful in situations like this. One database which I know about that has arrays is PostgreSQL.
The acts_as_list mixin in Rails handles this basically the way you outlined in #1. It looks for an INTEGER column called position (of which you can override to name of course) and using that to do an ORDER BY. When you want to re-order things you update the positions. It has served me just fine every time I've used it.
As a side note, you can remove the need to always do re-positioning on INSERTS/DELETES by using sparse numbering -- kind of like basic back in the day... you can number your positions 10, 20, 30, etc. and if you need to insert something in between 10 and 20 you just insert it with a position of 15. Likewise when deleting you can just delete the row and leave the gap. You only need to do re-numbering when you actually change the order or if you try to do an insert and there is no appropriate gap to insert into.
Of course depending on your particular situation (e.g. whether you have the other rows already loaded into memory or not) it may or may not make sense to use the gap approach.
If the objects aren't heavily keyed by other tables, and the lists are short, deleting everything in the domain and just re-inserting the correct list is the easiest. But that's not practical if the lists are large and you have lots of constraints to slow down the delete. I think your first method is really the cleanest. If you run it in a transaction you can be sure nothing odd happens while you're in the middle of the update to screw up the order.
Just a thought considering option #1 vs #3: doesn't the spaced array option (#3) only postpone the problem of the normal array (#1)? Whatever algorithm you choose, either it's broken, and you'll run into problems with #3 later, or it works, and then #1 should work just as well.
I did this in my last project, but it was for a table that only occasionally needed to be specifically ordered, and wasn't accessed too often. I think the spaced array would be the best option, because it reordering would be cheapest in the average case, just involving a change to one value and a query on two).
Also, I would imagine ORDER BY would be pretty heavily optimized by database vendors, so leveraging that function would be advantageous for performance as opposed to the linked list implementation.
Use a floating point number to represent the position of each item:
Item 1 -> 0.0
Item 2 -> 1.0
Item 3 -> 2.0
Item 4 -> 3.0
You can place any item between any other two items by simple bisection:
Item 1 -> 0.0
Item 4 -> 0.5
Item 2 -> 1.0
Item 3 -> 2.0
(Moved item 4 between items 1 and 2).
The bisection process can continue almost indefinitely due to the way floating point numbers are encoded in a computer system.
Item 4 -> 0.5
Item 1 -> 0.75
Item 2 -> 1.0
Item 3 -> 2.0
(Move item 1 to the position just after Item 4)
Since I've mostly run into this with Django, I've found this solution to be the most workable. It seems that there isn't any "right way" to do this in a relational database.
I'd do a consecutive number, with a trigger on the table that "makes room" for a priority if it already exists.
I had this problem as well. I was under heavy time pressure (aren't we all) and I went with option #1, and only updated rows that changed.
If you swap item 1 with item 10, just do two updates to update the order numbers of item 1 and item 10. I know it is algorithmically simple, and it is O(n) worst case, but that worst case is when you have a total permutation of the list. How often is that going to happen? That's for you to answer.
I had the same issue and have probably spent at least a week concerning myself about the proper data modeling, but I think I've finally got it. Using the array datatype in PostgreSQL, you can store the primary key of each ordered item and update that array accordingly using insertions or deletions when your order changes. Referencing a single row will allow you to map all your objects based on the ordering in the array column.
It's still a bit choppy of a solution but it will likely work better than option #1, since option 1 requires updating the order number of all the other rows when ordering changes.
Scheme #1 and Scheme #3 have the same complexity in every operation except INSERT writes. Scheme #1 has O(n) writes on INSERT and Scheme #3 has O(1) writes on INSERT.
For every other database operation, the complexity is the same.
Scheme #2 should not even be considered because its DELETE requires O(n) reads and writes. Scheme #1 and Scheme #3 have O(1) DELETE for both read and write.
New method
If your elements have a distinct parent element (i.e. they share a foreign key row), then you can try the following ...
Django offers a database-agnostic solution to storing lists of integers within CharField(). One drawback is that the max length of the stored string can't be greater than max_length, which is DB-dependent.
In terms of complexity, this would give Scheme #1 O(1) writes for INSERT, because the ordering information would be stored as a single field in the parent element's row.
Another drawback is that a JOIN to the parent row is now required to update ordering.