NSFilemanager copy file issue on 10.9 - osx-yosemite

I have been developing an application on my first computer which works on mac os 10.8. App needs to copy files from one directory to another directory. This scenerio does work suitable on my first computer. But same application does not copy files to another directory on my second computer which works on mac os 10.9.
I tried to open Sandbox (Certainly I'm not sure how Sandbox works) then Application works well on my second computer but not on first computer. When I close Sandbox, then Application works well on my First computer but not second computer.:(
What must I do in order to overcome this issue.

read the sandbox design guideline. https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/security/conceptual/AppSandboxDesignGuide/AboutAppSandbox/AboutAppSandbox.html


Is there a way to run IOS Simulator on Windows 10?

I want to run IOS Simulator on Windows 10.
Is there a way to do this?
I dont think its possible to get the iOS simulator working on Windows. But if you are willing to explore a dual boot setup, have patience (and a supported motherboard/processor), then you could use OpenCore or Clover to get a macOS running on your pc. This will give you access to the iOS simulator and the other xcode tools.
If you take this route then you should know that macOS doesnt support ntfs writes out the box. This means that if you decide to create a shared volume that both the mac and windows partition would read and write from, then you would either need a 3rd party ntfs drive (e.g. macfuse) or to format your volume to exFAT (this gave me the best results and was free)
If you intend to run the latest macOS I would recommend going with OpenCore. The latest Clover versions ports pieces of OpenCore to it, and finding documentation on configuring the new Clover was a hassle for me. If you are fine with running Catalina and using an older xcode (and thus older iOS simulator), then I would recommend giving tonymac tools a shot. Building the installer took with very little effort. You need an account to download the tools (this is free but they ask for motherboard/gpu model for community posts and verification that you can actually run their software)
Native testing of iOS apps is only possible on an Apple device. But there are some ways to overcome that.
Some reference to external iOS simulating platforms: https://fossbytes.com/best-ios-emulators-pc-windows-mac/

Windows Desktop doesn't show up on WSL

I just recently set up WSL with Ubuntu 18.04 on my new windows computer. I know that to access my windows files from the linux side, the C:\ drive is mapped to /mnt/c. When I try to cd to /mnt/c/Users/malik22/Desktop, however, I get a No such file or directory error. I access my window Downloads, Documents, etc. just fine from the linux side, but for some reason Desktop seems to be the only one not present.
I've been using WSL for over a year now on my old computer and have never run into this issue. Any ideas?
If your Desktop is backed up in your OneDrive it won't show up in your user directory.
You can either create a symbolic link as mentioned below by #raghav-malik or else choose to not back up your Desktop (you can instead back up your Documents directory).

Processing affects current directory of Arduino environment

I have my processing code in dev/processing and my Arduino code put itself in Documents/Arduino.
However, whenever I get into one environment, it changes the most recent directory for the other because Arduino is written in processing.
Is there any quick way to disconnect the two environments so that they don't use the same location for "most recent directory?" I don't know whether the mechanism is a file, a registry entry or what, but I'm on Windows 8.1
I am using both Arduino IDE as well as Processing 2.1.2 in Windows 7 environment. It doesn't change the directory.
Since you are using Windows 8.1 (which is recently released), you may face very weird problems as those softwares are not tested on those OS. You will find errors for even other softwares that are designed before Windows 8.

Want to create a autorun flashdrive

I want to create a flash drive that opens a exe file when it is plugged into a laptop/pc.
I dont want to make a Autorun.inf file. Those do not execute the program when it is plugged in, but give you the option of opening it. And i want it non-detectable from avast.
For my company, I need to install a new program on some of the Computers, I want to just plug in a flash drive to each of the computers and it installs my new program.
Operating systems to be used on: 7 and xp
Minimum space on each drive: 2gig
Antivirus: Avast
I don't think there is another way of automatically an .exe file without autorun, but autorun files does not run automatically in Windows Vista or higher.

Autorun.inf on a usb can you get it to run a pdf?

I've done some research all over the net, I guess I am just looking for conformation.
Due to how Microsoft has put security on autorun in vista and above. Autorun from a usb no longer works. Correct? It seems like it will still bring up the options to run .exe but for some odd reason I cannot get it to run a .pdf. This site has suggested that I load up a pdf reader and run that and then call it to run the pdf. But a generic pdf reader would still have to go through the install prior to running it, something I am trying to avoid.
The other idea I came up with was cause of this specialty usb manufactures have stated that they their usb drives can autorun files because they are formated to be local disks.
So after some experimenting and doing this I converted my usb to a local to see if that would work and pasting the autorun.inf in there with the correct code...
sadly it does't work
Also after thinking about it creating a local disk would only work with the driver software that I loaded up onto that usb... so say it is a 64bit and the client has a 32bit it wont run. (right?)
Can someone just confirm that there is no way to autorun a pdf from a usb? or even have it as an option to select from when it is plugged in for the first time. I cannot believe I have spent an entire day trying to just get autorun to work.
Thanks for taking the time to read this nub question
Try using a PDF viewer which does not require installation, eg:
From this site:
Using sumatraPDF portable installation you can launch that from the flash drive.
The way I did it is by creating autorun.inf with the following:
label=Label for Drive
action=Action Description
And a autorun.bat file with the following:
start SumatraPDF.exe ../pdfname.pdf
However, if the user has autorun turned off it will not work and in Windows 7 and above autorun functionality for flash drives is restricted to label and icon only.