Double values in a table - sql

Is it possible to define a ID column to be unique but every value have to be occur twice?
For example:
id | name_id | translation
1 | 1 | apple
2 | 1 | apfel
3 | 2 | pear
4 | 2 | birne
I want name_id values to always occur twice, not once and not three times. name_id is a FK from table with my objects that needs to be translated.

No, this is impossible to enforce, though you can attempt it using triggers this is normally a pretty messy solution.
I'd change your table structure to be something like the following:
You could then create a unique index on NAME_ID and LANGUAGE_ID. Theoretically, you'd also have a table LANGUAGES, and the LANGUAGE_ID column would have a foreign key back into LANGUAGES.ID - you could then restrict the number of times each NAME_ID appears by not having the data in LANGUAGES.
Ultimately this means that your schema would look something like this:
create table languages (
id number
, description varchar2(4000)
, constraint pk_languages primary key (id)
insert into languages values (1, 'English');
insert into languages values (2, 'German');
create table names (
id number
, description varchar(4000)
, constraint pk_names primary key (id)
insert into names values (1, 'apple');
insert into names values (2, 'pear');
create table translations (
id number
, name_id number
, language_id number
, translation varchar2(4000)
, constraint pk_translations primary key (id)
, constraint fk_translations_names foreign key (name_id) references names (id)
, constraint fk_translations_langs foreign key (language_id) references languages (id)
, constraint uk_translations unique (name_id, language_id)
insert into translations values (1, 1, 1, 'apple');
insert into translations values (2, 1, 2, 'apfel');
insert into translations values (3, 2, 1, 'pear');
insert into translations values (4, 2, 2, 'birne');
and you should be unable to break the constraints:
SQL> insert into translations values (5, 1, 3, 'pomme');
insert into translations values (5, 1, 3, 'pomme')
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-02291: integrity constraint (FK_TRANSLATIONS_LANGS) violated - parent
key not found
SQL> insert into translations values (5, 1, 2, 'pomme');
insert into translations values (5, 1, 2, 'pomme')
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00001: unique constraint (UK_TRANSLATIONS) violated
See this SQL Fiddle

Do you mean a maximum of twice? or do you mean they have to occur twice (i.e., once only is not ok)
If the former, Once only IS ok) then you could Add a bit field and make the Primary Key composite on the actual id and the bit field.
If the latter (They have to occur twice), then put two id fields in the same row and make then each a single field unique key.


writing trigger containing multiple conditions

So I have a table trans which has two columns tx_type and ref_nbr
and I want to create a trigger such that the trigger ensures the following condition
in the trans table.
The following two conditions should be ensured:
if tx_type = D or W then ref_nbr should match the branch_nbr in branch table
if tx_type= B , P or R then ref_nbr should match mer_nbr in mer table
Triggers are not intended for keeping consistency in database relations. Use foreign keys for that. So make a table trans not with one column ref_nbr but use 2 columns - one for each relation (foreign key). Additionaly you can create check constraint for making sure that correct column is filled for given tx_type.
If you try to use triggers, you will have problems with concurrent transactions changing related tables like deleting your ref_nbr.
Example definitions for mer, branch and trans tables with some sample inserts:
create table branch(
branch_nbr number generated by default on null as identity start with 3 primary key,
branch_name varchar2(100) not null
create table mer (
mer_nbr number generated by default on null as identity start with 2 primary key,
mer_name varchar2(100) not null
create table trans (
id number generated by default on null as identity primary key,
tx_type varchar2(1) not null,
ref_branch_nbr number,
ref_mer_nbr number,
constraint ck_tx_type check (tx_type in ('D', 'W', 'B', 'P', 'R')),
constraint ck_correct_ref_for_tx_type
check (
(tx_type in ('D', 'W') and ref_branch_nbr is not NULL and ref_mer_nbr is NULL)
or (tx_type in ('B', 'P', 'R') and ref_branch_nbr is NULL and ref_mer_nbr is not NULL)
constraint fk_trans_ref_branch_nbr
foreign key (ref_branch_nbr)
references branch(branch_nbr),
constraint fk_trans_ref_mer_nbr
foreign key (ref_mer_nbr)
references mer(mer_nbr)
insert into branch(branch_nbr, branch_name) values(1, 'Master');
insert into branch(branch_nbr, branch_name) values(2, 'Test');
insert into mer(mer_nbr, mer_name) values(1, 'Test to Master');
-- working:
insert into trans(tx_type, ref_mer_nbr) values('P', 1);
insert into trans(tx_type, ref_branch_nbr) values('D', 1);
-- not working - non existing parent:
insert into trans(tx_type, ref_mer_nbr) values('P', 999);
insert into trans(tx_type, ref_branch_nbr) values('D', 999);
-- not working - wrong tx_type or wrong ref column:
insert into trans(tx_type, ref_mer_nbr) values('D', 1);
insert into trans(tx_type, ref_branch_nbr) values('P', 1);
insert into trans(tx_type, ref_branch_nbr, ref_mer_nbr ) values('P', 1, 1);
-- not working - cant insert without tx_type
insert into trans(ref_mer_nbr, ref_branch_nbr) values(1, 1);

SQL Server - Inserting Multiple Values Into Column

I'm trying to update my pizza so it will allow more than one topping. I am receiving the error Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.PizzaToppings' with unique index 'FK_Pizza'. The duplicate key value is (3). when trying to add more than one toppingID to the column. How can I add multiple ToppingID's?
INSERT INTO dbo.PizzaToppings
(PizzaToppingsID, PizzaID, ToppingsID)
(1, 1, 1),
(2, 2, 2),
(3, 3, 3),
(4, 4, 7),
(5, 5, 6),
(6, 6, 4),
(7, 3, 7);
The FK_Pizza that was created
ON PizzaToppings
You're trying to store an array into a what looks like a number column.
Usually you would have a row for each individual topping:
PizzaID integer
PizzaName varchar(32)
ToppingID integer
ToppingName varchar(32)
PizzaID integer (fk to Pizzas.PizzaID)
ToppingID integer (fk to Toppings.ToppingID)
PizzaTopping would contain a row for each topping per pizza.
Edit for updated question:
Your error is down to a duplicate key violation. Check the constraints on the table, it looks like there is a constraint that prevents you adding more than one row per pizzaID
Each Pizza has to be Unique.....
Try this:
ON PizzaToppings
PizzaID ASC, ToppingsID ASC
Don't forget to drop the constraint first
Why is this clustered index named like a foreign key constraint?
ON PizzaToppings
Does it have to be unique? Don't you mean this to just be an FK and not an index?
Shouldn't your unique key be PizzaToppingID?
Are you allowing identity insert? Or shouldn't you let it be an autoincremented ID and just insert PizzaID and ToppingID?
Also is there already a record with PizzaID = 3 already in this table? If you are looking to just maintain or UPSERT, then shouldn't a MERGE be better?
If this is a junction table between Pizza and topping, to show which toppings are allowed on which pizza, shouldn't it have 2 FKs and 1 unique index?

Restrict foreign key relationship to rows of related subtypes

Overview: I am trying to represent several types of entities in a database, which have a number of basic fields in common, and then each has some additional fields that are not shared with the other types of entities. Workflow would frequently involve listing the entities together, so I have decided to have a table with their common fields, and then each entity will have its own table with its additional fields.
To implement: There is a common field, “status”, which all entities have; however, some entities will only support a subset of all possible statuses. I also want each type of entity to enforce the use of its subset of statuses. Finally, I will also want to include this field when listing the entities together, so excluding it from the set of common fields seems incorrect, as this would require a union of the specific type tables and the lack of “implements interface” in SQL means that inclusion of that field would be by-convention.
Why I’m here: Below is an solution that is functional, but I am interested if there is a better or more common way to solve the problem. In particular, the fact that this solution requires me to make a redundant unique constraint and a redundant status field feels inelegant.
create schema test;
create table test.statuses(
id integer primary key
create table test.entities(
id integer primary key,
status integer,
unique(id, status),
foreign key (status) references test.statuses(id)
create table test.statuses_subset1(
id integer primary key,
foreign key (id) references test.statuses(id)
create table test.entites_subtype(
id integer primary key,
status integer,
foreign key (id) references test.entities(id),
foreign key (status) references test.statuses_subset1(id),
foreign key (id, status) references test.entities(id, status) initially deferred
Some data:
insert into test.statuses(id) values
insert into test.entities(id, status) values
(11, 1),
(13, 3);
insert into test.statuses_subset1(id) values
(1), (2);
insert into test.entites_subtype(id, status) values
(11, 1);
-- Test updating subtype first
update test.entites_subtype
set status = 2
where id = 11;
update test.entities
set status = 2
where id = 11;
-- Test updating base type first
update test.entities
set status = 1
where id = 11;
update test.entites_subtype
set status = 1
where id = 11;
/* -- This will fail
insert into test.entites_subtype(id, status) values
(12, 3);
Simplify building on MATCH SIMPLE behavior of fk constraints
If at least one column of multicolumn foreign constraint with default MATCH SIMPLE behaviour is NULL, the constraint is not enforced. You can build on that to largely simplify your design.
CREATE TABLE test.status(
status_id integer PRIMARY KEY
,sub bool NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE -- TRUE .. *can* be sub-status
,UNIQUE (sub, status_id)
CREATE TABLE test.entity(
entity_id integer PRIMARY KEY
,status_id integer REFERENCES test.status -- can reference all statuses
,sub bool -- see examples below
,additional_col1 text -- should be NULL for main entities
,additional_col2 text -- should be NULL for main entities
,FOREIGN KEY (sub, status_id) REFERENCES test.status(sub, status_id)
MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE CASCADE -- optionally enforce sub-status
It is very cheap to store some additional NULL columns (for main entities):
How much disk-space is needed to store a NULL value using postgresql DB?
BTW, per documentation:
If the refcolumn list is omitted, the primary key of the reftable is used.
(1, TRUE)
, (2, TRUE)
, (3, FALSE); -- not valid for sub-entities
INSERT INTO test.entity(entity_id, status_id, sub) VALUES
(11, 1, TRUE) -- sub-entity (can be main, UPDATES to status.sub cascaded)
, (13, 3, FALSE) -- entity (cannot be sub, UPDATES to status.sub cascaded)
, (14, 2, NULL) -- entity (can be sub, UPDATES to status.sub NOT cascaded)
, (15, 3, NULL) -- entity (cannot be sub, UPDATES to status.sub NOT cascaded)
SQL Fiddle (including your tests).
Alternative with single FK
Another option would be to enter all combinations of (status_id, sub) into the status table (there can only be 2 per status_id) and only have a single fk constraint:
CREATE TABLE test.status(
status_id integer
,PRIMARY KEY (status_id, sub)
CREATE TABLE test.entity(
entity_id integer PRIMARY KEY
,status_id integer NOT NULL -- cannot be NULL in this case
,sub bool NOT NULL -- cannot be NULL in this case
,additional_col1 text
,additional_col2 text
,FOREIGN KEY (status_id, sub) REFERENCES test.status
MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE CASCADE -- optionally enforce sub-status
(1, TRUE) -- can be sub ...
(1, FALSE) -- ... and main
, (2, TRUE)
, (2, FALSE)
, (3, FALSE); -- only main
Related answers:
Two-column foreign key constraint only when third column is NOT NULL
Uniqueness validation in database when validation has a condition on another table
Keep all tables
If you need all four tables for some reason not in the question consider this detailed solution to a very similar question on dba.SE:
Enforcing constraints “two tables away”
... might be another option for what you describe. If you can live with some major limitations. Related answer:
Create a table of two types in PostgreSQL

how to create a Foreign-Key constraint to a subset of the rows of a table?

I have a reference table, say OrderType that collects different types of orders:
INSERT INTO OrderType(name) VALUES('sale-order-type-1');
INSERT INTO OrderType(name) VALUES('sale-order-type-2');
INSERT INTO OrderType(name) VALUES('buy-order-type-1');
INSERT INTO OrderType(name) VALUES('buy-order-type-2');
I wish to create a FK constraint from another table, say SaleInformation, pointing to that table (OrderType). However, I am trying to express that not all rows of OrderType are eligible for the purposes of that FK (it should only be sale-related order types).
I thought about creating a view of table OrderType with just the right kind of rows (view SaleOrderType) and adding a FK constraint to that view, but PostgreSQL balks at that with:
ERROR: referenced relation "SaleOrderType" is not a table
So it seems I am unable to create a FK constraint to a view (why?). Am I only left with the option of creating a redundant table to hold the sale-related order types? The alternative would be to simply allow the FK to point to the original table, but then I am not really expressing the constraint as strictly as I would like to.
I think your schema should be something like this
create table order_nature (
nature_id int primary key,
description text
insert into order_nature (nature_id, description)
values (1, 'sale'), (2, 'buy')
create table order_type (
type_id int primary key,
description text
insert into order_type (type_id, description)
values (1, 'type 1'), (2, 'type 2')
create table order_nature_type (
nature_id int references order_nature (nature_id),
type_id int references order_type (type_id),
primary key (nature_id, type_id)
insert into order_nature_type (nature_id, type_id)
values (1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 1), (2, 2)
create table sale_information (
nature_id int default 1 check (nature_id = 1),
type_id int,
foreign key (nature_id, type_id) references order_nature_type (nature_id, type_id)
If the foreign key clause would also accept an expression the sale information could omit the nature_id column
create table sale_information (
type_id int,
foreign key (1, type_id) references order_nature_type (nature_id, type_id)
Notice the 1 in the foreign key
You could use an FK to OrderType to ensure referential integrity and a separate CHECK constraint to limit the order types.
If your OrderType values really are that structured then a simple CHECK like this would suffice:
check (c ~ '^sale-order-type-')
where c is order type column in SaleInformation
If the types aren't structured that way in reality, then you could add some sort of type flag to OrderType (say a boolean is_sales column), write a function which uses that flag to determine if an order type is a sales order:
create or replace function is_sales_order_type(text ot) returns boolean as $$
select exists (select 1 from OrderType where name = ot and is_sales);
$$ language sql
and then use that in your CHECK:
You don't of course have to use a boolean is_sales flag, you could have more structure than that, is_sales is just for illustrative purposes.

SQL Server, self-referential data, how do I add a constraint for this

Imagine I have the following structure:
MemberId INT,
ProductId INT,
GlobalProductId INT,
PRIMARY KEY (MemberId, ProductId));
INSERT INTO #Products VALUES (1, 1, NULL);--this is my "global product"
INSERT INTO #Products VALUES (2, 1, NULL);--this is okay
INSERT INTO #Products VALUES (2, 2, 1);--this is okay
INSERT INTO #Products VALUES (2, 3, 2);--this should fail
SELECT * FROM #Products;
The rule I want to enforce is that MemberId = 1 holds global products and all other MemberIds hold normal products. A set of normal products can be linked to a single global product.
So I want the ability for a Member's Product to be linked to a Global Product, i.e. there would be a foreign key constraint that if the GlobalProductId isn't NULL then there should exist a ProductId that matches the GlobalProductId where the MemberId = 1.
In my example above I have one global product with a ProductId = 1. Then I create three normal products:
the first has no global product;
the second is linked to the single global product I created earlier (then I could link further products to the same global product);
the third should fail as I have linked it to a global product that doesn't exist, i.e. this script will return nothing:
SELECT * FROM #Products WHERE MemberId = 1 AND ProductId = 2;
I can see that the simplest solution would be to create a new table to hold nothing but Global Products. The problem with this approach is that I have a whole set of routines to load, update, delete data from the Product table and a second set of routines to perform calculations, etc. from the same table. If I were to introduce a new "Global Products" table then I would have to duplicate dozens of UDFs to achieve this and my code would become much more complicated.
Add a computed column that's fixed as 1 and then add a foreign key:
MemberId INT,
ProductId INT,
GlobalProductId INT,
PRIMARY KEY (MemberId, ProductId),
GlobalMemberId AS 1 PERSISTED,
FOREIGN KEY (GlobalMemberId,GlobalProductID)
references Products (MemberId,ProductID)
INSERT INTO Products VALUES (1, 1, NULL);--this is my "global product"
INSERT INTO Products VALUES (2, 1, NULL);--this is okay
INSERT INTO Products VALUES (2, 2, 1);--this is okay
INSERT INTO Products VALUES (2, 3, 2);--this should fail
SELECT * FROM Products;
This produces these results:
Msg 547, Level 16, State 0, Line 1
The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY SAME TABLE constraint "FK__Products__7775B2CE". The conflict occurred in database "abc", table "dbo.Products".
The statement has been terminated.
MemberId ProductId GlobalProductId GlobalMemberId
----------- ----------- --------------- --------------
1 1 NULL 1
2 1 NULL 1
2 2 1 1
Why not just add a CHECK constraint:
CHECK (GlobalProductId IS NULL AND MemberId = 1
OR GlobalProductId IS NOT NULL AND MemberId != 1);
FOREIGN KEY (GlobalProductId )
REFERENCES Products (ProductId)