Using a Dictionary TryGetValue With Multiple Conditions -

I am fairly new to VB net and have been playing around with dictionaries for the past week. I have a problem however when trying to do something rather complex with my dictionary look-up.
First, I should point out that I am filling my dictionary with a class object in order to store multiple values:
Class NodeLoad
Public Property NodeName As String
Public Property NodeCase As String
Public Property NodeAxis As String
Public Property NodeDir As String
Public Property NodeValue As Double
End Class
And my problem lies in doing a dictionary look-up where my only option is to do a try catch for when the value I am looking for doesn't exist:
tempnodeitem = (From load In load_dict.Values Where load.NodeName = nodenum And load.NodeCase = pattern And load.NodeDir = dirarray(d)).First
loadforce(d) = tempnodeitem.NodeValue
Catch ex As Exception
loadforce(d) = "0"
End Try
The above code runs, but it takes much longer than I would expect, and after a little research found that try/catch takes much longer than TryGetValue. The thing I would like to do (since it is a much for efficient function) is to use TryGetValue. However, as far as I know, it only works for one key and one value (TKey, TValue).
Can anyone give me an example of how to use TryGetValue with multiple conditions?
Or perhaps how to catch false dict look-ups without being resource intensive?
I am thinking a good way to approach this problem is using nested TryGetValue statements... or possibly multiple dicts or lists which can handle this problem differently.
I appreciate any input!

As you're using a function anyway, I would tend to use function syntax in this case rather than query syntax. Is it possible that there could be more than one match to your conditions? There are four similar methods, i.e. First, Single, FirstOrDefault and SingleOrDefault, and there is never a case where more than one is appropriate. The choice of which to use comes down to two simple questions:
Will there always be at least one match? If not then use one that ends with "OrDefault".
Will there ever be more than one match? If not then use one that starts with "Single".
The answers to those two questions will always tell you which of the four methods to call.
Now, you're using a Dictionary in this case, right? What are the keys? I would have thought NodeName would be but I guess not. Anyway, assuming that there will be zero or one matches to your conditions, you would use SingleOrDefault. The code for FirstOrDefault would look exactly the same anyway:
Dim item = myDictionary.Values.SingleOrDefault(Function(nl) nl.NodeName = nodenum AndAlso
nl.NodeCase = pattern AndAlso
nl.NodeDir = dirarray(d))
loadforce(d) = If(item Is Nothing, 0.0, item.NodeValue)
Notice two other corrections to your code: the proper use of AndAlso instead of And as well as the assignment of a Double value to loadforce(d) rather than a String if there is no match. The NodeValue property is type Double so how can you want a Double if there is a match and a String if there isn't?


VB.NET + LINQ: Save in a single class attribute the result of querying two columns from different tables

I have two tables: Estructura (with two fields I want: descripcion_morologica and interpretacion) and estrato (with two fields I want: descripcion_larga and interpretacion_explic). On the other side I hace a class in VS with the attributes descripcion and interpretacion. Both tables have a common field called id_excavacion, which I pass to the method as a parameter.
What I'm trying to achieve is to make a query which saves in the "descripcion" attribute the results of t1.descripcion_morfologica and t2.descripcion_larga and also saves in "interpretacion" the results of t1.interpretacion and t2.interpretacion_explic.
So far, I've tried like this:
'GET: api/Excavacions/ListadoUE/5
Function GetListadoUEs(ByVal idExcavacion As Integer) As IQueryable(Of ListadoUEDto)
Dim listado =
From estru In db.Estructura
Join estra In db.Estrato On estra.id_excavacion Equals estru.id_excavacion
Where estru.id_excavacion = idExcavacion
Select New ListadoUEDto With {
.Descripcion = estru.descripcion_morfologica And estra.descripcion_larga,
.Interpretacion = estru.interpretacion And estra.interpretacion_explic
End Function
But I only get null, despite the id I pass actually exists.
Thanks a lot in advance!!
You should almost certainly not be using And there. That is a Boolean operator, for combining True and False values. As is always the case, if you want to concatenate Strings then you use &, which is the string concatenation operator.
You should have Option Strict On and then the compiler would have warned you that you were doing something that doesn't make sense. You should turn it On in the project properties and also in the VS options, so it is On by default for future projects. That will force you to put more thought into what data types you use and, therefore, make you write better code.

Why do I get Stackoverflow Exception when calling ToList (after orderBy) on IEnumerable?

I have a piece of LINQ code that results in Stack Overflow Exception and I can't figure why. I will keep the code as is since I can't tell which part is the cause.
Consider we have a list of booking records:
Class BookRecords
Public START_DATE As String
Public END_DATE As String
Public BOOK_NUM As String
End Class
And the task is to find out all records which (1)Start time is within 15 minutes from now & (2)Is consecutive to records in (1).
Here's how I do it:
Private Function ValidRec(RecordList As List(Of BookRecords)) As List(Of BookRecords)
Dim timeNow = Date.Now
'Valid records by itself
Dim validRecords = RecordList.Where(
Dim startDate As DateTime
'VVVVV stack overflow thrown at this return
Return DateTime.TryParse(r.START_DATE, startDate) AndAlso
((startDate - timeNow).TotalMinutes < 15)
End Function)
'consecutive records
Dim conseRecords = RecordList.Except(validRecords).Where(
Function(r) validRecords.Any(
Function(vr) vr.END_DATE.Equals(r.START_DATE)))
If Not conseRecords.Any() Then Exit Do
validRecords = validRecords.Concat(conseRecords.Except(validRecords))
validRecords = validRecords.OrderBy(Function(vr) vr.START_DATE) _
.ThenBy(Function(vr) vr.BOOK_NUM)
'stack overflow after the ToList line
Return validRecords.ToList
End Function
The code works fine until after the last line validRecords.ToList. And then stack overflow occurs at the Return DateTime.TryParse ... statement. Size of RecordList and validRecords are small (both 2 in testing) and there're no other threads modifying these Lists/Objects.
Why is this using up the stack? I know the LINQ statements are probably badly structured and creating lots of lists(IEnumerables?) unnecessarily but is that the cause? (that would be genuine stack overflow then, cool)
I figured making validRecords a list instead of IEnumerable would avoid the problem but I'd appreciate if someone could point out the real cause.
Apparently, you have a wrong understanding of what these LINQ methods do. Whenever you call .Where(), .Except() etc, a new enumerator is created. This enumerator only saves its characteristics (e.g. the Where enumerator saves its predicate). The query is not executed yet. It is only executed when the data is needed, e.g. when you call ToList() on the enumerator. That's why this is the place the exception is thrown.
In your concrete example, the problem is caused by the OrderBy function. Seemingly, it creates an infinite enumeration. However, I could not figure out why. Must be some nasty implementation details.
Anyway. Forcing LINQ into this problem is the wrong way. It is way more efficient and easier to implement it the classical way. This lets you explicitly specify how acceleration data structures are used (e.g. HashSets or Dictionaries) and when and how often the data is sorted. Due to its local scope, all LINQ enumerator have to re-create this structures if they need them.

String.Concat with non-string arguments, unexpected behaviour

As a summary: I'm trying to get String.Concat to use a reference type's ToString overload when sticking string together.
Edit: Added this overview: The example code below is a cooked down extract of my real code - as such it would be immediately obvious when refactoring if I only had two lines of code. The important issue here (to me) is that I changed from a string to an object and there was no compile error from String.Concat. Equally it's behaviour wasn't what I would have expected (Using my object's to string method, rather than the bog standard object name). If I'd been using "&", there would have been a compile error. I'm concerned that the String.Concat syntactic sugar may lead to bugs that otherwise would have been avoided (in this case when refactoring). I'd like to know if there's a way of altering the behaviour of String.Concat or if I should consider it to be dangerous.
The situation:I've got a solution which processes a whole heap of data; I was using a String to contain the identifier of each piece of data, but have just swapped this out for a class (FeatureIdentifier) to enable me to extend the identifier to include things like batches etc.
I've refactored my code so that I use this class instead of just the string. When refactoring this type of thing (rightly or wrongly) I tend to rely on compile errors as a to-do list.
Now, I'm a self-taught programmer and I'm probably a bit set in my ways (I tend to look at new features in terms of if they let me do anything new rather than if they let me do stuff I can already do only easier) and I've just come across something which makes me sad.
So, I was sticking my identifier onto an underscore onto a type. My code looked like this:
Dim x as string = "MyIdentifer"
dim myOutputValue as string = String.Concat(x,"_ANCHOR.txt")
Running this I got myOutputValue equal to "MyIdentifier_ANCHOR.txt". Following refactoring, my code looked like this:
Dim x as new FeatureIdentifier("MyIdentifier")
dim myOutputValue as string = String.Concat(x,"_ANCHOR.txt")
Running this I got myOutputValue equal to "MyNamespace.FeatureIdentifier_ANCHOR.txt".
Having kicked myself and implemented a ToString method on my class, I run it again and get exactly the same output (that is "MyNamespace.FeatureIdentifier_ANCHOR.txt"). In immediate, if I do: ?x.ToString, I get "MyIdentifier", so I'm certain I've implemented ToString correctly.
So, here's my problem. I like the syntax of String.Concat but I don't like the fact that it doesn't do one of:
a) calling ToString on reference types it sticks together orb) throwing a compile error if you pass it non-string based arguments. The old school: x & "_ANCHOR.txt" gives me a compile error (which I would have picked up when refactoring).
Here's what I've tried:
I've tried shadowing the String.Concat function with an extension (something like this:
<System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Extension()> Public Function Concat(...some arguments...) As String
Return String.Concat(...some arguments...)
End Function
) but hit two problems:
1) When trying to narrow the type of the arguments down to string to cause compile errors, I realised that the argument is a param array and hence objects in the first place. So fail there.
2) When I tried to make multiple overloads ((s1 as string, s2 as string), (s1 as string, s2 as string, s3 as string) etc), I felt it was a bit lame and also discovered that you can't actually overload an extension on a static class (which is what I guess String is).
So, does anyone know a way of getting String.Concat to behave as well as old-school concatenation, or should I avoid String.Concat in favour of old-school concatenation?.
(I'm not going to use a StringBuilder, as I'm only concatenating a few strings and I don't believe this is the place for one).
I don't believe there is any way that you are going to "fix" the String.Concat method to only allow strings. Chalk it up to another reason why shared methods should be created and used as sparingly as possible. However, through the miracle of operator overloading, you can make your custom class work just like a string. To fix the Concat method, you need to overload the CType operator. To fix the string concatenation operator (&), you need to overload that operator separately, like this:
Public Class FeatureIdentifier
Public Sub New(id As String)
Me.Id = id
End Sub
Public Property Id As String
Public Property SomethingElse As Integer
Public Overloads Shared Widening Operator CType(value As FeatureIdentifier) As String
Return value.Id
End Operator
Public Overloads Shared Operator &(value1 As FeatureIdentifier, value2 As String) As String
Return value1.Id & value2
End Operator
Public Overloads Shared Operator &(value1 As String, value2 As FeatureIdentifier) As String
Return value1 & value2.Id
End Operator
End Class
Now you can use it like this:
Dim x As New FeatureIdentifier("MyIdentifier")
Dim myOutputValue As String = String.Concat(x, "_ANCHOR.TXT")
Or like this:
Dim x As New FeatureIdentifier("MyIdentifier")
Dim myOutputValue As String = x & "_ANCHOR.TXT"
And it will work just like as if it were still a string, in those circumstances. You may also want to overload some of the other operators too, just in case. For instance, the + operator also concatenates when applied to two strings. However, I should caution you that operator overloading can cause confusion to people who are not familiar with the code, since it works unexpectedly, so you should only use it if it really makes sense to do so.
Do you need to override ToString and even make sure it's called for this? It would seem to be more proper to expose a property of FeatureIdentifier named Identifier, or some such thing, and then you can just do:
Dim myOutputValue as string = String.Concat(x.Identifier, "_ANCHOR.txt")

How to access the object itself in With ... End With

Some code to illustrate my question:
With Test.AnObject
.Something = 1337
.AnotherThing = "Hello"
''// why can't I do this to pass the object itself:
''// ... and is there an equivalent, other than repeating the object in With?
End With
There is no way to refer to the object referenced in the With statement, other than repeating the name of the object itself.
If you really want to, you could modify your an object to return a reference to itself
Public Function Self() as TypeOfAnObject
Return Me
End Get
Then you could use the following code
With Test.AnObject
End With
Finally, if you cannot modify the code for an object, you could (but not necessarily should) accomplish the same thing via an extension method. One generic solution is:
' Define in a Module
Public Function Self(Of T)(target As T) As T
Return target
End Function
called like so:
With 1
a = .Self() + 2 ' a now equals 3
End With
I suspect you'll have to repeat yourself. If the expression (to get the object) is expensive, then perhaps drop it into a variable first, and either use that variable in the With, or drop the With completely:
tmp = Test.AnObject;
tmp.Something = 1337;
As others have said, you're going to have to write
This is a good example of why it's worth being a little careful with the With construct in VB.Net. My view is that to make it worth using at all, you really need to be setting more than one or two properties, and/or calling more than one or two methods on the object in the With statement.
When there are lots, and you're not interspersing the .SomeProperty = , or .DoSomething, with other things, it's a terrific aid to readability.
Conversely, a few dots sprinkled amongst a load of other stuff is actually a lot harder to read than not using With at all.
In this case, . characters on their own could easily get lost visually, although of course, it would be syntactically consistent.
I guess they just chose not to implement it. VB isn't really the sort of language where they want to encourage single character language elements, and as a heavy user of VB.Net, I broadly agree with that.
Bottom line: if you're using a With clause with many contained elements, having to refer to the object itself isn't that big a deal. If you're using it with just one or two, maybe better not to use a With clause in the first place.
I'm not sure this is an "answer", per se, but it does illustrate another reason to want a short-hand reference to the parent in a With.
Here's a code sample using a "bare With" (that's what I call it, anyway):
With New frmMySubForm
.lblLinkLabel.Links.Add(New LinkLabel.Link With {.Name = "link", .LinkData = "someUrl", .Start = .lblLinkLabel.Text.IndexOf("link"), .Length = "link".Length})
End With
But you actually can't code that because in the term .Start = .lblLinkLabel.Text.IndexOf("link") the compiler expects anything starting with . to be a member of LinkLabel.Link, which .lblLinkLabel isn't.
What would be good, I think, is to be able to write something like:
With New frmMySubForm
.lblLinkLabel.Links.Add(New LinkLabel.Link With {.Name = "link", .LinkData = "someUrl", .Start = Me.lblLinkLabel.Text.IndexOf("link"), .Length = "link".Length})
End With
where Me in this scope is taken to be New frmMySubForm.
Yes, I realize that I'm being picky and I could easily assign a variable, etc. But the example form is something I use a lot simply out of preference.

Using List.Exists and Predicates correctly

I am currently trying implement something along the lines of
dim l_stuff as List(of Stuff)
dim m_stuff as new Stuff
m_stuff.property1 = 1
m_stuff.property2 = "This"
if not l_stuff.exists(m_stuff) then
end if
This fails obviously as the Exist method is looking for a predicate of Stuff.
Can anyone fully explain the predicate and how i can achieve what I am trying to do here.
I have tried to use
if not l_stuff.contains(m_stuff) then
end if
however this doesn't detect the idenitcal entry and enters a duplicate into the list
List(Of T).Contains is the method you should be using. Exists, as you say, expects a predicate. Of course, for .Contains to work as expected, you need to override the Equals() method, as well as GetHashCode().
List(Of T).Exists expects a function that will return a Boolean value when passed an item of type T, where T, in your case, is of type Stuff. So, you could write a method that looks like:
If Not l_stuff.Exists(Function(x) x.property1 = m_stuff.property1 And _
x.property2 = m_stuff.property2) Then
and so on.