multiple web servers/services on a single host machine... sharing an ssl cert? - apache

We're developing a C#/.NET WCF web service that needs be installed on an (enterprise) customer's machine, which may or may not have Apache/IIS running as well.
Communication with our service has to be secured with SSL, but what if the existing Apache/IIS is already using an SSL cert for this address? Can we share it since the host is the same?
For example:
Their existing stuff: Apache or IIS is running on port 80
Our newly installed stuff: Our service is running on port 9999
If Apache/IIS has its own cert, should/can we use it too?
If not, what should we do?

A certificate identifies a host and not a service. It is independent from the port you use or the application providing the service. If you have multiple services on the same host it is still the same host, so you can use the same certificate.


HTTPS Connection over LAN

I am new to server management and all that HTTP stuff. I am setting up an internal server for my home to serve websites internally, my website needs to register a service worker and for that, I'll need an SSL Certificate and HTTP connection, which seems impossible in my case as all localhost or internal IPs are served over HTTP with untrusted SSL Certificates.
If anyone could suggest a way around serving websites over HTTPS with trusted certificates so that service worker can be used.
Note: I'll be using Xampp Apache for my Linux server with a static internal IP.
If you need 'trusted cert for any client', I may say "no way".
But if you need 'trusted cert for your client only', you have a way to do that.
I guess you published self-ssl cert for your Apache. In the case, you just install the cert into your client.
example: The following link tell us the case of client = Chrome on Windows.
If you use any programming language as a client, you may need another way to install the cert.

Multiple application under SSL (TCP 443)

I implemented a server with two deploy of different services(Apache and OpenFire).
And I want to implement https for my server, so my question is.
How to implement the SSL certificate on my server with two different application working with different ports?
I was looking about how to create a NAT network but I'm not sure if this is the best way to do it.
Apache is an HTTP Server and for SSL by default HTTP Servers use 443 port.
However, Openfire in an XMPP Server and you can enable TLS in it which will by default use 5222 port. And for Openfire's admin application, HTTPS will be on 9091 port by default.
So you can have both servers on same machine with SSL enabled.

Amazon EC2 + SSL

I want to enable ssl on an EC2 instance. I know how to install third party SSL. I have also enabled ssl in security group.
I just want to use a url like this: with https.
I couldn't find the steps anywhere.
It would be great if someone can direct me to some document or something.
I have a instance on EC2. On Which I have installed LAMP. I have also enabled http, https and ssh in the security group policy.
When I open the Public DNS url in browser,I can see the web server running perfectly.
But When I add https to URL, nothing happens.
Is there a way I am missing? I really dont want to use any custom domain on this instance because I will terminate it after a month.
For development, demo, internal testing, (which is a common case for me) you can achieve demo grade https in ec2 with tunneling tools. Within few minutes especially for internal testing purposes with [ngrok] you would have https (demo grade traffic goes through tunnel)
Tool 1: Steps:
Download ngrok to your ec2 instance: wget (at the time of writing but you will see this link in ngrok home page once you login).
Enable 8080, 4443, 443, 22, 80 in your AWS security group.
Register and login to ngrok and copy the command to activate it with token: ./ngrok authtoken shjfkjsfkjshdfs (you will see it in their home page once you login)
Run your http - non https server (any, nodejs, python, whatever) on EC2
Run ngrok: ./ngrok http 80 (or a different port if your simple http server runs on a different server)
You will get an https link to your server.
Tool 2: cloudflare wrap
Alternatively, I think you can use an alternative to ngrok which is called cloudflare wrap but I haven't tried that.
Tool 3: localtunnel
A third alternative could be which as opposed to ngrok can provide you a subdomain for free it's not permanent but you can ask for a specific subdomain and not a random string.
--subdomain request a named subdomain on the localtunnel server (default is random characters)
Tool 4:
Turns out that Amazon does not provide ssl certificates for their EC2 instances out of box. I skipped the part that they are a virtual servers providers.
To install ssl certificate even the basic one, you need to buy it from someone and install it manually on your server.
I used They provide free basic ssl certificates.
Create a self signed SSL certificate using openssl. CHeck this link for more information.
Install that certificate on your web server. As you have mentioned LAMP, I guess it is Apache. So check this link for installing SSL to Apache.
In case you reboot your instance, you will get a different public DNS so be aware of this. OR attach an elastic IP address to your instance.
But When I add https to URL, nothing happens.
Correct, your web server needs to have SSL certificate and private key installed to serve traffic on https. Once it is done, you should be good to go. Also, if you use self-signed cert, then your web browser will complain about non-trusted certificate. You can ignore that warning and proceed to access the web page.
You can enable SSL on an EC2 instance without a custom domain using a combination of Caddy and is allows you to map any IP Address to a hostname without the need to edit a hosts file or create rules in DNS management.
Caddy is a powerful open source web server with automatic HTTPS.
Install Caddy on your server
Create a Caddyfile and add your config (this config will forward all requests to port 8000)
<EC2 Public IP> {
reverse_proxy localhost:8000
Start Caddy using the command caddy start
You should now be able to access your server over https://<IP>
I wrote an in-depth article on the setup here: Configure HTTPS on AWS EC2 without a Custom Domain

ssl_error_rx_record_too_long - client and server SSL certs for the same IP

I'm implementing mutual SSL between service A and service B. Service A uses both 1-way and 2-way SSL. 1-way for the communication between a user and website A, and 2-way SSL to forward requests from that user to the service B in a secure way.
1-way SSL in service A is specified in Tomcat server.xml. 2-way SSL is implemented using JSEE secure socket communication on the client side (service A), and Tomcat config (service B). Atm. when I try to access service A I get ssl_error_rx_record_too_long error.
According to this answer ssl_error_rx_record_too_long and Apache SSL one of the reasons may be the fact that I'm using more than one SSL certificate for the same IP. Is this really the case that you can't use the same IP for several certificates? Even if one certificate is a server certificate (for 1-way SSL) and another is a client certificate (for 2-way SSL)?
This may not be the cause of my problem, but I just want to make sure if it's actually possible to have several certificates for the same FQDN. Thanks for help!
ssl_error_rx_record_too_long generally has nothing to do with certificate configuration, but the fact that what's talking on that port isn't actually using SSL/TLS.
The answers (and even the update to the question) in the question you linked to also point to this problem (e.g. missing SSLEngine on). You probably forgot something like SSLEnabled="true" in your connector configuration.
As I was saying in an answer to your other question, being able to configure two server certificates on the same IP address isn't really a problem for your case.
it's actually possible to have several certificates for the same FQDN
It is possible to configure multiple certificates on the same IP address and port using the Server Name Indication TLS extension, but both servers and clients would need to support it. In particular, this is not supported by the JSSE in Java 7 on the server side (only on the client side), but there are workarounds if you're willing to put a reverse proxy in front of your Java server.
This wouldn't be possible to do this with the same FQDN, since it's what allows to pick the certificate. This being said, having multiple server certificates for the same FQDN on the same IP address is generally pointless. Supporting multiple certificates is precisely useful when you need to support distinct names.

C# Web Service via SSL vs Firewall

We allow users to dial-in to our system.
We run a firewall on the dial-in system that blocks all access by default and we only allow certain servers to be accessed by adding specific rules.
We have a web service that contacts our server. The service calls are made over SSL.
The SSL Cert is from GoDaddy.
We have found that when connecting to the service the first time something tries to verify the SSL certificate. We are seeing dropped packets to Microsoft IP addresses via port 80.
If we allow access to the Microsoft IP, the software works perfect.
Issue being the IP is random, so I have been adding a few different IP hosts.
Looks like some type of SSL verification system or something... anyone ever run into something like this? or know of a block of IP's or hostnames that I can allow in the firewall?
It's most likely trying to contact the Certificate Authority (CA) to verify the SSL cert.
It smells like browser is trying to connect to a CRL server. Try to reverse-resolve the IP addresses to a domain name and you should get some clue.