Is there a way to "clipToBounds" Particles within a UIView in Xcode? - objective-c

I've done some searching and haven't run across someone trying to accomplish this yet. I have a particle emitter within a small UIView and I would like to keep the particles from leaving the UIView. So for example, when a particle approaches the border of the view, it would "slide-under" and disappear. Currently the particles fly out of the UIView border and into the surrounding views. If this isn't clear, I can try to clarify any questions you may have. Thank you.
-PS: Another possible solution would be to have the particles "bounce" off the UIView boundary, if this is a possibility.
Here is an image of what I'm trying to do:


touched Image and recovering the touched point's coordinate

I'm working on an iPad application and that's my problem:
I elaborated an algorithm to know if a point is inside a polygon, in an image. So I need when touching the Image, to know the coordinates of the touched point and then do an action using those coordinates (an NSLog to make the example easy), the problem is that I can't use an IBAction on an UIImageView, and so can't recover the point's coordinates. Thanks for any help
I think at first you have to make polygon which fit to your image. And then you can use touchesBegan:withEvent: to get the coordinate of touch point and judge whether the point is inside of polygon or not.
Here is similar question like yours.
How to get particular touch Area?
I think this is a little difficult work, so maybe you would better use cocos2d library which have collision judgement function.
But also I think iOS is well constructed for handling touch, so this is beneficial effort for you.

how to make a circular line of sight in cocos2d tile map

I have a problem about cocos2d tile maps.
My aim is to make a circular line of sight that when player moves around, it must only see its around in circle but not see the rest. I have tried many things and successed it in rectangular area but I couldn't succeed it in circular area.
I am waiting for your answers.
Thanks for your help.
If you help me immidiately, I will appreciate.
Use rectangular area and add an alpha mask with round gradient as a child of the player to make the visible part round.
with fading
without fading
The green layer is the fog. Only a square of it is uncovered ("I have tried many things and successed it in rectangular area"). The red layer is the circular vision map. It covers some of the visible squares and so the user sees uncovered circle.

iOS: Simple Physics for a UIView

I have a UIView that a user drags around via setting its center in the touchesMoved: method. When the user lets go, I want the UIView to fall off the screen according to how fast and what direction they were moving it in.
Do I need to somehow create a vector by comparing the UIView's last center point to it's new center point? And subtract a fixed amount to the vector's y value every so often with a NSTimer?
Yes, you will need to a decent amount of physics in calculating
Speed of swipe
Direction of swipe
You will need to use the touchesMoved method along with a timer to track the amount of time for the swipe and also the co-ordinates for the new location of the object. This should be fairly straight forward. Once you are done finding those you can simply add a UIAnimation for the object to move to its new place.
~ A suggestion:
I would suggest that you have a look at Cocos2D and integrate the library with you app. You will not need to implement touch delegate methods and compute things yourself ~ there are libraries for that :) It has a lot of libraries especially for moving objects (or sprites if you wish to call them that way) and you have animation method like easeInEaseOut, etc.. that can be impacted on the moving object. If you are developing a game of some sort, have a look at chipMunk engine in Cocos2D as well.

Performance issues : UIView coregraphics drawing inside a Customcell

I am implementing a UItableView with custom cells.
My custom cell has a UIView inside of it.
I am trying to draw extensive CoreGraphics shapes with gradients in the UIView and I am running into scrolling performance problems -- since the customcell's UIView is getting drawn upon everytime the cell gets displayed.
Are there ways where I could do this differently (such as say, some kind of lazy drawing, drawing asynchronously, UIView caching, preventing the cell from redrawing etc) so as to improve performance?
Deeply appreciate any help, inputs, insights.
The idea is not to compute your graphics every time at draw time, but to render it offscreen in a UIImageView. Then your cell only has to blit the image, which is as fast as can be.
You can still compute your images lazily and asynchronously. The structure of your code could be similar to the Apple sample code LazyTableImages. Google for it. In that sample code, what's slow is not the drawing time, but the network loading time, but that difference is not significant.

Draw a shadow behind UIWebView

I know similar questions have been asked before, so don't get snarky and link to previous answers. The reason I am repeating this is that none of the answers have worked.
I have a UIWebView, and I want to draw a pretty drop-shadow behind it. I have tried subclassing and using some CoreGraphics goodness in drawRect:, but to no avail. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks.
You could place a UIImageView under the UIScrollView with a slight offset, and give the image view a shadowy-looking image.
In this case, it would be convenient to use the stretchableImageWithLeftCapWidth:topCapHeight: method of UIImage to get a shadow image that can have nicely blurred edges and corners without distorting if you alter its size.
I think the usual quartz shadows are hard to apply to a UIWebView since you don't really have access to the raw drawing code, which would be the best place to plug that in.
Addendum Here's a sample drop shadow image:
. It has 4 pixel cap size all around, for use with the above stretchableImage method, and an alpha of 80% (so it's 20% transparent in the middle, tapering out at the edges). Feel free to use it. They're easy to make with a selection + feathering in your favorite graphics app.