IBM Domino custom login form load issue - lotus-domino

I created domcfg db on my server, made a copy of $$LoginUserForm, customize it and set proper mapping. After all those operations i am able to modify my form as i wish, but ...
All the content, which is located below the login form (i didn't change it - only modify css) - doesn't render. Here is image:
All html code, which is located above table - is loaded, but below the table - whatever i'm adding - nothing is loading below the login form. What can be wrong with this?

The Sign In button closes the form. So comment out the Sign In button. You then need to add your own button and can then add more content below it.
Here's an example of a OneUI login form:

Moving submit below the form doesn't help, so i used dirty trick. Maybe for someone it will be helpful.
add jquery to header
add custom script like:
var content = "%your content%"
$( document ).ready(function() {
$( "form" ).append(content)


Contact form 7 is not working with Safari due file-upload button

As you already know; the contact form, build with the CF7 plugin, can not be submitted when using Safari and when the contact form contains a file upload button. The problem only occurs when the user is leaving the upload field blank, so without selecting a file.
For me, the best solution for this problem is to remove the file upload button when there is no file selected. I've partly succeeded in doing this through the following Jquery script:
jQuery(document).on('submit', '.wpcf7-form', function (e) {
jQuery('input.wpcf7-file').each(function() {
if (jQuery(this).val() == '') jQuery(this).remove();
There is only one problem left… When the form is submitted with the upload field left blank, the button is being removed but the spinning arrow icon keeps spinning and nothing happens. ONLY, when the user is submitting the form for a second time, the submission will succeed.
So I want to expand the code shown above with a few lines which is automatically submitting the contact form a second time in case the file upload field is left blank. Because of this the user would not have to submit the contact form twice which can be VERY confusing…
Can someone help me out with this? I think this is also a good solution for many other users because I have read many topics from people having the same problem.
Thanks in advance & have a nice day!
Best regards
I think your problem stems from the fact that the "submit" method is firing after the form submission starts (or at least after the form fields are collected). So on a second click it re-submits the form without the empty fields.
I've implemented a version of your script but binding to the click on the submit button, rather than the submit method of the form. So far - it seems to be working.
I experimented with making it only trigger on the affected browses (using nagivator.userAgent.match()) but without much luck in the brief time I'm looking.
jQuery(document).on('click', '.wpcf7-form [type=submit]', function (e) {
jQuery('input.wpcf7-file').each(function() {
if (jQuery(this).val() == '') jQuery(this).remove();

How to display a simple dialog in SharePoint 2010 without breaking the page?

I've worked on this for several hours today and am getting no where. Hoping someone can step in and please help.
All I want to do is display a simple message in a pop up dialog to tell users of some changes coming to a SharePoint 2010 site. I never thought this would be so difficult!
I've gone through a dozen links from a Google search but nothing has helped.
The only thing that sort of works is this code that I put into a Content Editor Web Part:
<script type="text/javascript">
function codeAddress() {
var options = {
Title: "Survey",
height: 500
window.onload = codeAddress;
But, the problem with this code is that after I click Ok, the page behave strangely. The java script of the page does not work, and even editing the page is messed up until I delete the webpart with the code.
I suspect that the problem has to do with this:
But if I remove it then the pop up does not work.
In case it's not clear, my goal is to show any type of dialog in which I can type a sentence or two to tell the user something. Then they can click OK and give full control back to the page.
Please please someone help!
Shame on Google for not leading you directly to SP.UI.Modal.Dialog.showModalDialog().
function showDialog(){
var options = SP.UI.$create_DialogOptions();
options.title = "My Amazing Dialog Box";
// create a dummy HTML element for the body of your dialog box
var div = document.createElement("div");
div.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Some text inside my dialog box."));
options.html = div;
If you want to put that in a content editor web part:
Save the above code into a text file
Upload that text file to a document library on your site
Add a content editor web part to the page where you want the dialog to appear
Edit the web part, opening up the web part properties panel on the side of the screen
Paste the URL of the text file that you uploaded into the "Content Link" property
This method prevents SharePoint from stripping your JavaScript out of the content editor web part, and lets you use that same script on multiple pages.

Sugarcrm : modify actions on Dashlet quickEdit button

I have a very specific question on Sugarcrm.
I'm using version Enterprise 6.5.16, and i'm coming to a dead-end.
What i currently have :
When the user is on his homepage, he has a Dashlet called "My open Cases", which displays every open Cases assigned to/or created by him.
For each row of this dashlet, we have a quickEdit icon displayed. (you know, the little pen).
When the user clicks on that little icon, it opens the quickcreate (or quickedit?) popup.
What i want to achieve is :
I want, when the user clicks on the icon, that Sugar does not open a popup, but opens a new browser tab on EditView.
So basically, when on Home, when the user wants to edit "Case01--Issue" from the dashlet, instead of poping the quickcreate (or quickedit) form, i want to open a new browser tab with the complete edit view of "Case01 -- Issue".
What do i have to do? I did not see the definition of the icon in custom/modules/Cases/metadata/dashletviewdefs.php nor elsewhere.
Thanks by advance for your help and time!
The "My Cases" dashlet, and most dashlets, extend the DashletGeneric class, found in /include/Dashlets/DashletGeneric.php. This uses the template file DashletGenericDisplay.tpl in the same directory, and this is the template that displays the quick edit button.
To remove or alter the quick edit button, you would extend My Cases and insist that it use a custom smarty template of your own creation. In /custom/modules/Cases/Dashlets/CustomMyCasesDashlet/CustomMyCasesDashlet.php you might have the following:
class CustomMyCasesDashlet extends MyCasesDashlet{
$displayTpl = 'custom/modules/Cases/Dashlets/CustomMyCasesDashlet/CustomMyCasesDashlet.tpl';
You would then copy the original template to the new file and location referenced by CustomMyCasesDashlet::displayTpl and adjust as desired.
For your Dashlet to register correctly with the system, you'll also need your CustomMyCasesDashlet.meta.php file. Copy the original to your custom directory and adjust labels as necessary -- the key is to replace references to MyCasesDashlet with CustomMyCasesDashlet.
You should create your own dashlet (with copying existing one in "custom" folder), replace all standart entries to your own. Add copy of DashletGenericDisplay.tpl too and name it like CustomMyCasesDashlet.tpl.
It's not necessary to extend MyCasesDashlet class. You can leave "extends DashletGeneric".
In constructor function CustomMyCasesDashlet() just add the line:
$this->displayTpl = 'custom/modules/Cases/Dashlets/CustomMyCasesDashlet/CustomMyCasesDashlet.tpl';
Pay attention to $this->. Its necessary to override DashletGeneric field.
Copy the file from modules/Cases/Dashlets/MyCasesDashlet/MyCasesDashlet.php and paste it to custom/modules/Cases/Dashlets/MyCasesDashlet/MyCasesDashlet
If you don't have Cases folder inside the custom directory, create one.
After copying the file, add a property to load your custom TPL file.
Default DashletGenericDisplay.tpl file located at include/Dashlets/
class MyCasesDashlet extends DashletGeneric {
var $displayTpl = "custom/modules/Cases/Dashlets/DashletGenericDisplay.tpl";

change default joomla login page

i'm working on a Joomla web site where i would like to change the default authentication page.
i created a new login menu item and i've tried to hide the com content area so that the login form don't show. instead of the default login form i placed a new better looking login module.
now i'm trying to make this page the default login page.
There are a couple areas in the site where access is restricted to registered users. and if clicked it leads to the default joomla login page. i want the user to be redirected to login from the new one.
can you please help?
The easiest way to obtain your own custom login page is to override the default joomla layout template.
It's actually very easy to do.
Start with your template. In the template directories, you'll need to have an html folder in your template. Inside of that, you'll need a com_users directory, and inside of that - a login folder. Like this:
Then, copy /components/com_users/views/login/tmpl/default_login.php into your new login folder you just created.
From here, you can customize the default_login.php file to your hearts content. Be sure to keep the field names and hidden fields intact - be sure to only manipulate layout elements and avoid changing anything to do with the form, form name, destination or fields.
You can do the same for the logout template - and as a bonus, it goes in the same folder in your template.

How to change the url of my entire page when a new tab is selected? (Dojo-Tabcontainer)

I have used Dojo-Tabcontainer to create tabs. I want to have a separate template for every tab. So, when a tab is clicked I want a new page to be loaded and the url to be changed.
Can you please suggest a way to do this using Markup instead of programmatic way?
I'm thinking of using Template Inheritance while creating html page for each tab to avoid redundancy.
I can get some clue from this:
How to change Dojo TabContainer behaviour to simply open an external link instead of showing a ContentPane?
But I'm not sure how to do it via Markup instead of programming.