SQLite.Net-PCL in Metro App using VB.NET - missing classes - vb.net

I have included SQLite.Net-PCL v2.3.0 in my Metro app but it seems some classes are missing.
Dim MyPlatform = new SQLite.Net.Platform.WinRT.SQLitePlatformWinRT()
Using connection = New SQLiteConnection(MyPlatform , _dbPath)
End Using
**SQLite.Net.Platform.WinRT.SQLitePlatformWinRT** class is not recognized.
Tried adding SQLite.Net.Platform.WinRTfirst but no success. IT says:
"To use this package you will need to install one of the platform packages or write your own implementation of ISQLitePlatform." (taken from https://www.nuget.org/packages/SQLite.Net.Platform.WinRT/)
What does it mean to implement my own interface ? I know my platform is WinRT, why can't I just use that version?
Any sample code or solution for this ?

You have to download and copy the sqlite3.dll in all the projects. See the following documentation:
It will explain for each type of project


How to deal with `startActivityForResult` in a multi-module project?

Suppose I have two feature modules in my app
and that my app follows the Clean Architecture and MVVM.
My :feature:print module uses an external sdk to print a file and it is done internally by using startActivityForResult(...) and waiting for the result (success or not).
My home feature has a quick button to print something.
How can I call startActivityForResult(...) and listen for the result in :feature:print module If I can't pass the reference of the Activity or Fragment to the UseCase (pure Kotlin) that prints the file?
Is there a good approach to solve this problem?
Obs.: startActivityForResult is deprecated, replaced by a new API but the same problem would occur with it.

How can I build an Agroal connection at runtime with native support

I'm trying to build a dynamic database connection via Agroal inside a native image. It's not possible to use the default config params because I don't know the connection params at compile time. Is that even possible right now?
The connection is built like this at runtime:
I'm currently seeing this error:
Class io.agroal.pool.ConnectionHandler[] is instantiated reflectively but was never registered.
Register the class by using org.graalvm.nativeimage.hosted.RuntimeReflection
The installed features include: [agroal, cdi, jdbc-h2, jdbc-mysql, jdbc-postgresql, kotlin, narayana-jta, resteasy, resteasy-jackson]
It runs fine on the JVM, but not using Graal. It feels like it should be possible and I'm probably missing something here. I was hoping adding agraol extension would be sufficient but obviously isn't picked up correctly.
The current situation is that we configure Agroal for native images only if you have a datasource defined using Quarkus configuration.
Thus for your use case, for now, you will have to do what we do automatically manually. What we do being registering some classes for reflection and including some resources in the native image.
See https://github.com/quarkusio/quarkus/blob/master/extensions/agroal/deployment/src/main/java/io/quarkus/agroal/deployment/AgroalProcessor.java#L91 and https://quarkus.io/guides/writing-native-applications-tips#using-a-configuration-file.
Obviously, that's not ideal. Could you open an issue on our GitHub so that we can discuss it internally and see if we should/can improve the situation?
In the end, you would still need some reflection registration for your JDBC driver though.

Error building Shoutem preview build after modifying extension

I've working on modification of the 'shoutem.notification-center' extension using as a guide this tutorial and I'm having some issues.
At first I tried to use the Extend the extension approach, but like I've posted on this issue, didn't quite work.
So I've tried the Directly modify approach, which works fine on my local phone, but once I use the command shoutem push to send my modifications to the server, the instance on Appetize never stops the 'Building your application' message.
The major problem is that there's no error code or feedback.
That was not the first time that happened, I had the same issue modifying other extensions. Any idea why this is happening?
The issue is likely one of two things.
New native dependencies were added that the Builder preview cannot process due to it's predefined binary.
Your directly modified extension works locally, but not on the Builder because locally it's path is still AppName/extensions/shoutem.extName, but on the Builder it's AppName/extensions/yourDevName.extName, so it fails.
The first one can be resolved by either using a non-native solution as a replacement for the native dependency you were using, or to simply use a local emulator for previewing purposes.
The second can be resolved by making sure all extensions that reference the one you directly modified are edited to now reference your new directly modified extension instead of shoutem.extName.
If you could shoot me your app ID in a comment I can let you know which one it is and what the best steps to fix it would be.

atlassian-plugin.xml contains a definition of component-import. This is not allowed when Atlassian-Plugin-Key is set

This is what I get when I run atlas-create-jira-plugin followed by atlas-create-jira-plugin-module selecting option 1: Component Import.
The problem is that all tutorial examples appear to have plugin descriptor generated by old SDK version (that won't deploy with newer versions of SDK/Jira at all), which do not feature Atlassian-Plugin-Key, so I can't find my way to import a component.
I'm using SDK 6.2.3 and Jira 7.1.1.
Any hint - how to get this sorted out?
anonymous is correct. The old way of doing things was to to put the <component-import> tag in your atlassian-plugin.xml. The new way and also recommended is to use Atlassian Spring Scanner. When you create your add-on using atlas-jira-create-plugin and your pom.xml has the <Atlassian-Plugin-Key> tag and the dependencies atlassian-spring-scanner-annotation and atlassian-spring-scanner-runtime then you are using the new way.
If you have both the dependencies, you are using Atlassian Spring Scanner version 1.x. If you only have atlassian-spring-scanner-annotation then you are using version 2.x.
You don't have to omit/comment out Atlassian-Plugin-Key in your pom.xml and you don't have to put component-import in your atlassian-plugin.xml.
For example, you want to add licensing for your add-on and need to import the component PluginLicenseManager. You just go straight to the code and your constructor might look like this:
public MyMacro(#ComponentImport PluginLicenseManager licenseManager) {
this.licenseManager = licenseManager;
And your class like this:
public class MyMacro implements Macro {
If memory serves me right, be sure to check for null because sometimes Atlassian Spring Scanner can't inject a component. I think on version 1, writing an #EventListener, it could not inject a ConversionContext. But when writing a Macro, it was able to inject a ConversionContext.
According to
component-import is not needed. You can replace it by #ComponentImport annotation in your Java.
Found answer here: https://developer.atlassian.com/docs/advanced-topics/configuration-of-instructions-in-atlassian-plugins
It looks like I've somehow been missing that Atlassian-Plugin-Key can be omitted, and it must be done when you need to import components.
This key just tells spring not to 'transform' plugin's Spring configuration, which must happen as part of components import process..

How to access a specific resw resource file

For a Windows 8 application in C#/XAML I need to access a specific ressource file. In WP7 I used resx file and now it seems that we need to use resw file. It's not a language resource file.
My file is called ConfigResources.resw, it just contains one key : "ConfigFile" and a value : a string.
How can I access it from my code? I tried this without any luck:
var storedConfigFile = Application.Current.Resources["ConfigResources"];
Then how can I edit the value of the key inside from my code?
Thank you
I created a project on CodePlex recently called ResW File Code Generator that simplifies using localized resources in code in windows store app project. It's a custom tool that automatically generates and updates a helper class similar to what ResX files used in the full version of .NET
According to here, you need to use the Windows.ApplicationModel.Resources.ResourceLoader and the Windows.ApplicationModel.Resources.Core namespace provide interaction with resw files.
It should look something like this:
var loader = new Windows.ApplicationModel.Resources.ResourceLoader();
var text = loader.GetString("Farewell");
Alternately, if you're creating a cross-platform library you could also do it using the System.Resources.ResourceManager:
Although the System.Resources.ResourceManager class is included in the
.NET for Windows Store apps, we do not recommend its use. Use
ResourceManager only in libraries that are developed as Portable Class
Library projects and that target multiple platforms.
Like this from here:
ResourceManager rm = new ResourceManager("Strings", typeof(Example).Assembly);
string timeString = rm.GetString("TimeHeader");
There is a sample that shows the different ways to read the resources in WinRT apps (i.e. from resw files).