angular-translate: translate-cloak does not work in v2.4 - angular-translate

I just updated to v2.4 of angular-translate:
and found that translate-cloak is not working. It used to work in v2.2.
The 'translate-cloak' class is now never removed from the tag which has the
translate-cloak attribute.
I have a plunker to demonstrate the problem:
If it works, it should show two lines. The second line is in a div which has the
translate-cloak attribute.
You can change line 9 of index.html to the line below (change from v2.4 to v2.2
of angular-translate) to see it works in v2.2.
<script src="angular-translate.v2.2.js"></script>
Did I missed something?

The commit 98fe64 is a fix for (event was not fired always). Actually it should be fired MORE often than before instead of less than before.
Looking at your example, I can see the language seems to be loaded right before parsing the directive and therefor the listener w/ console outputs.
This means that issue is not related to the change ~success -> ~end, but related to non deterministic (even not in this particular example) order of resource loading, xhr responses and component parsings and compiles.
I've added a
$rootScope.$emit('$translateChangeEnd', { language: translation.key });
but we have to check if this covers all.
See fork
See my outstanding patch
(Disclaimer: I'm from the angular-translate core team.)
I think this is bug caused by above commits.
Actually you replace the '$translateChangeEnd' to '$translateLoadingSuccess' in angular-translate.v2.4.js line 924, it is OK.


Piranha CMS: Problem with custom block in manager interface

I am trying to add a custom block. I followed the steps in following two links:
In the CMS manager, I added the custom block to a page, but the block content is empty. Looks like the Vue.js didn't get associated to the custom block. I have set the block component attribute to the Vue.js.
I added the Vue.js by calling below method in the startup. Did I miss something to create a custom block?
Move your "mycustomblock.js" file to the folder "wwwroot/js/" instead of the default "assets/js/". That way the file will be visible to Vue.js
Something is not working with the assets folder, probably it cannot be reached by Vue.js
after the Project is compiled. I had the same problem and this solution worked for me.
void Configure in Startup.cs will then look something like this (I simplified the syntax a bit compared to the documentation):
Adding a custom block and many other tasks have been difficult for me. Trial and error, and no knowledgebase to fall back on. The documentation is a fantastic start, and "Step by step" guides would be a good idea for the future (but I guess time is very limited).

Mysterious FireBug Error repeats with ExtJS

When debugging ExtJS 4 (tried both versions 4.1.0 and 4.1.1), FireBug repeatedly shows the following error: An invalid or illegal string was specified
Line 18. It does not break on the error, though that option is specified. Additionally, neither my code or ext-debug.js and it's loader seem to actually call ext-all.js.
This error gets logged to Firebug's console about once per minute, which is annoying. What bothers me is that I cannot get the error to go away. Is this a FireBug bug? An ExtJS bug? Aliens? How can I debug the debugger?
I had the same problem before and I've solved it by removing a special character at the end of my JS file! (app.js I think)
It was weird, but the problem came from hidden special characters like: Zero-width non-joiner or Right-to-left mark.
Open another JS file but do not copy/paste your code there. Just write it again and check whether the problem exists or not.
And don't forget to check your data if you have some. As this article explains about the problem:
For general debugging see this link
You can also use ext-all-dev.js while in development mode.
There is another excellent tool on top of firebug, at this link
PS: I still didn't figured out how to post a comment. I guess it comes when I have more points/reputation. Hence adding it as an answer. thanks.

How to stop firefox from downloading and applying CSS via a firefox extension?

Thanks to everyone in advance -
So I have been banging on this issue for quite a while now and have burned through all my options. My current approach to canceling css requests is with nsIRequest.cancel inside of nsIWebProgressListener.onStateChange. This works most of the time, except when things are a little laggy a few will slip through and jump out of the loadgroup before I can get to them. This is obviously a dirty solution.
I have read through the following links to try and get a better idea of how to disable css before a nsIRequest is dice.'s_Eye_View_of_the_Mozilla_Framework
How do I disable css via presentation objects/interfaces? Is this possible? Inside of nsIDocShell there are a few attributes that kind of imply you can disable css via the browsers docshell - allowPlugins, allowJavascript, allowMetaRedirects, allowSubframes, allowImages.
Any suggestions?
The menu option that disables style sheets uses a function
so you probably can just call this function whenever new browser tab is created. Style sheets are still requested from server, but not applied. This function is not very sophisticated and doesn't mess with nsIRequest, source:
function setStyleDisabled(disabled) {
getMarkupDocumentViewer().authorStyleDisabled = disabled;
Digging in Web Developer Toolbar source code I have noticed that their "disable stylesheets" function loops trough all document.styleSheets and sets the disabled property to true, like:
/* if DOM content is loaded */
var sheets = document.styleSheets;
for(var i in sheets){ sheets[i].disabled = true; }
So if the key is to not apply CSS to pages, one of the above solutions should work. But if you really need to stop style sheets from being downloaded from servers, I'm affraid nsIRequest interception is your only option.
Set permissions.default.stylesheet to 2 and voilĂ !
You can actually use the permissions manager to block or allow stylesheets on a host-by-host basis.
Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be a simple flag like allowImages. The bugzilla adding for that is You can now vote for it using the new bugzilla voting functionality. You can also add yourself to the CC list to be notified if anyone ever works on it.
A related request is to just give us basic HTML parsing support, which may be what you are trying to do. Unfortunately that isn't supported yet either, but you can vote/track the bugzilla for that at
So the only workable solution seems to be some sort of interception as #pawal suggests. Here is a link that talks about the basics of interception to at least get you/us started It lists several options that I list below.
These first few seem to just be at the page/document level so I don't think they help:
Load Events (addEventListener load)
Web Progress Listeners (nsIWebProgressListener) - I tried this approach, it only seems to be called for the page itself, not for content within the page.
Document Loader Service - A global version of nsIWebProgressListener so I think it has the same problem (page level only)
That leaves two others I have not tried yet. They work globally so you would need to filter them to just the browser/pages you care about.
HTTP Observers - Seems like it might work, need to verify it calls back for CSS
Content Policy - Seems like the best option to me since it explicitly is called for CSS, someday I hope to try it :)

Dojo - Some of my form.dijit's seem to be dead/inactive on one page

I was started to work on my first sample of the dijit.Tree control.
When it didn't work, I added a couple of dijit.form.Textbox'es to the screen, and they didn't work either, even though I have them working fine on a similar form.
Interesting enough, when I killed FireFox and restarted it, I was got a clear message in FireBug console on what was wrong with my tree control, and got it fixed.
But now I'm rather puzzled while the simple dijits like NumberTextBox that I added are not working.
My Samples:
1) - this works great
(except the initial date value not showing - I have a separate question open on that)
I've done several "diff"s on the two files, and I kind find the difference that would cause one to work and one not to work.
You should put your dojo.require statements immediately in a script block, not wrapped in the onload callback. Also, your input tags should be HTML style without the XHTML style slash (you didn't declare XHTML in your document) though I doubt that's the problem. See if either of those things help.

Problem with QSqlTableModel -- no automatic updates

After setting up a table model in Qt 4.4 like this:
QSqlTableModel *sqlmodel = new QSqlTableModel();
the content is displayed properly, but editing is not possible, error:
QSqlQuery::value: not positioned on a valid record
I can confirm that the bug exists exactly as you report it, in Qt 4.5.1, AND that the documentation, e.g. here, still gives a wrong example (i.e. one including the removeColumn call).
As a work-around I've tried to write a slot connected to the beforeUpdate signal, with the idea of checking what's wrong with the QSqlRecord that's about to be updated in the DB and possibly fixing it, but I can't get that to work -- any calls to methods of that record parameter are crashing my toy-app with a BusError.
So I've given up on that idea and switched to what's no doubt the right way to do it (visibility should be determined by the view, not by the model, right?-): lose the removeColumn and in lieu of it call tableView->setColumnHidden(0, true) instead. This way the IDs are hidden and everything works.
So I think we can confirm there's a documentation error and open an issue about it in the Qt tracker, so it can be fixed in the next round of docs, right?
It seems that the cause of this was in line
After commenting it out, everything work perfectly.
Thus, I'll have to find another way not to show ID's in the table ;-)
I've said "it seems", because in the example from "Foundations of Qt development" Johan Thelin also removed the first column. So, it would be nice if someone else also tries this and reports results.
I use Qt 4.6.1 in PyQt and the problem is still here. Removing "removeColumn(0)" solves the issue.