Joining two tables and show data from one if there is any - sql

I have these two tables that i need to join
fields_data fields
+------------+-----------+------+ +------+-------------+----------+
| relationid | fieldname | data | | name | displayname | position |
+------------+-----------+------+ +------+-------------+----------+
| 2 | ftp | test | | user | Username | top |
| 2 | other | 1234 | | pass | Password | top |
+------------+-----------+------+ | ftp | FTP | top |
| log | Log | top |
| txt | Text | mid |
I want to get all the rows from the "fields" table if they have the position "top" AND if a row has a match on name = fieldname from fields_data it should also show the data. This is my join
FROM `fields` AS f
LEFT OUTER JOIN `fields_data` AS fd
ON fd.`fieldname` = f.`name`
WHERE f.`position`='top' AND (fd.`relationid`='3' OR fd.`relationid` IS NULL)
My problem is that the above query only gives me this result:
| data | relationid | fieldname | name | displayname |
| NULL | NULL | NULL | user | Username |
| NULL | NULL | NULL | pass | Password |
| NULL | NULL | NULL | log | Log |
The field called "ftp" is missing due to it having a relation to "2".. However i still want to display it as result but like the others with NULL in it. And if the SQL query had "fd.relationid='2'" instead of 3 it would give same result, but with the row containing ftp in name, holding data in the three fields.
I hope you get what i mean.. My english is not the best.. Heres the result i want:
with above query containing fd.`relationid`='3'
| data | relationid | fieldname | name | displayname |
| NULL | NULL | NULL | user | Username |
| NULL | NULL | NULL | pass | Password |
| NULL | NULL | NULL | ftp | FTP |
| NULL | NULL | NULL | log | Log |
with above query containing fd.`relationid`='2'
| data | relationid | fieldname | name | displayname |
| NULL | NULL | NULL | user | Username |
| NULL | NULL | NULL | pass | Password |
| test | 2 | ftp | ftp | FTP |
| NULL | NULL | NULL | log | Log |

You want to move the condition to the on clause:
SELECT fd.`data`, fd.`relationid`, fd.`fieldname`, f.`name`, f.`displayname`
`fields_data` fd
ON fd.`fieldname` = f.`name` AND fd.`relationid` = '3'
WHERE f.`position`='top' ;
It is interesting that the semantics of your query and this query are different -- and you found the exact situation: when there is a match on another value, the where clause form filters out the row. This will still keep everything.
As a note, the following also does what you want:
SELECT fd.`data`, fd.`relationid`, fd.`fieldname`, f.`name`, f.`displayname`
(SELECT fd.*
FROM `fields_data` fd
WHERE fd.`relationid` = '3'
) fd
ON fd.`fieldname` = f.`name`
WHERE f.`position` = 'top' ;
I wouldn't recommend writing the query this way, particularly in MySQL (because the subquery is materialized). However, understanding why your version is different from these versions (and why these are the same) is a big step forward in mastering outer joins.


How to use wm_concat one a column that already exists in the query?

So... I am currently using Oracle 11.1g and I need to create a query that uses the ID and CusCODE from Table_with_value and checks Table_with_status using the ID to find active CO_status but on different CusCODE.
This is what I have so far - obviously does not work as it should unless CusCODE and ID are provided manually:
SELECT wm_concat(CoID) as active_CO_Status_for_same_ID_but_different_CusCODE
FROM Table_with_status
CoID IN (SELECT CoID FROM Table_with_status WHERE ID = Table_with_value.ID AND CusCODE != Table_with_value.CusCODE)) AND Co_status = 'active';
|CoID | CusCODE | ID | Value |
|354223 | 1.432 | 0784296L | 99 |
|321232 | 4.212321.22 | 0432296L | 32 |
|938421 | 3.213 | 0021321L | 93 |
|CoID | CusCODE | ID | Co_status|
|354223 | 1.432 | 0784296L | active|
|354232 | 1.432 | 0784296L | inactive |
|666698 | 1.47621 | 0784296L | active |
|666700 | 1.5217 | 0784296L | active |
|938421 | 3.213 | 0021321L | active |
|938422 | 3.213 | 0021321L | active |
|938423 | 3.213 | 0021321L | active |
|321232 | 4.212321.22 | 0432296L | active |
|321232 | 4.212321.22 | 0432296L | active |
|321232 | 1.689 | 0432296L | inactive |
Expected output:
|CoID | active_CO_Status_for_same_ID_but_different_CusCODE | ID | Value |
|354223 | 666698,666700 | 1.432 | 0784296L | 99 |
|321232 | N/A | 4.212321.22 | 0432296L | 32 |
|938421 | N/A | 3.213 | 0021321L | 93 |
Any idea on how this can be implemented ideally without any PL/SQL for loops, but it should be fine as well since the output dataset is expected < 300 IDs.
I apologize in advance for the cryptic nature in which I structured the question :) Let me know if something is not clear.
From your description and expected output, it looks like you need a left outer join, something like:
wm_concat(s.CoID) as other_active_CusCODE -- active_CO_Status_for_same_ID_but_different_CusCODE
FROM Table_with_value v
LEFT JOIN Table_with_status s
ON s.ID = v.ID
AND s.CusCODE != v.CusCODE
AND s.Co_status = 'active'
GROUP BY v.CoID, v.CusCODE, v.ID, v.value;
SQL Fiddle using listagg() instead of the never-supported and now-removed wm_concat(); with a couple of different approaches if the logic isn't quite what I interpreted. With your sample data they all get:
------ -------------------- ----------- -------- -----
321232 (null) 4.212321.22 0432296L 32
354223 666698,666700 1.432 0784296L 99
938421 (null) 3.213 0021321L 93
Your code looks like it should work, assuming you are referring to the correct tables:
SELECT wm_concat(s.CoID) as active_CO_Status_for_same_ID_but_different_CusCODE
FROM Table_with_status s
FROM Table_with_value v
v.CusCODE <> s.CusCODE
s.Co_status = 'active';

How to add data or change schema to production database

I am new to working with databases and I want to make sure I understand the best way to add or remove data from a database without making a mess of any related data.
Here is a scenario I am working with:
I have a Tags table, with an Identity ID column. The Tags can be selected via the web application to categorize stories that are submitted by a user. When the database was first seeded; like tags were seeded in order together. As you can see all the Campuses (cities) were 1-4, the Colleges (subjects) are 5-7, and Populations are 8-11.
If this database is live in production and the client wants to add a new Campus (City) tag, what is the best way to do this?
All the other city tags are sort of organized at the top, it seems like the only option is to insert any new tags at to bottom of the table, where they will end up taking whatever the next ID available is. I suppose this is fine because the Display category column will allow us to know which categories these new tags actually belong to.
Is this typical? Is there better ways to set up the database or handle this situation such that everything remains more organized?
Thank you
| ID | DisplayName | DisplayDetail | DisplayCategory | DisplayOrder | Active | ParentID |
| 1 | Albany | NULL | 1 | 0 | 1 | NULL |
| 2 | Buffalo | NULL | 1 | 1 | 1 | NULL |
| 3 | New York City | NULL | 1 | 2 | 1 | NULL |
| 4 | Syracuse | NULL | 1 | 3 | 1 | NULL |
| 5 | Business | NULL | 2 | 0 | 1 | NULL |
| 6 | Dentistry | NULL | 2 | 1 | 1 | NULL |
| 7 | Law | NULL | 2 | 2 | 1 | NULL |
| 8 | Student-Athletes | NULL | 3 | 0 | 1 | NULL |
| 9 | Alumni | NULL | 3 | 1 | 1 | NULL |
| 10 | Faculty | NULL | 3 | 2 | 1 | NULL |
| 11 | Staff | NULL | 3 | 3 | 1 | NULL |
The terms "top" and "bottom" which you use aren't really applicable. "Albany" isn't at the "Top" of the table - it's merely at the top of the specific view you see when you query the table without specifying a meaningful sort order. It defaults to a sort order based on the Id or an internal ROWID parameter, which isn't the logical way to show this data.
Data in the table isn't inherently ordered. If you want to view your tags organized by their category, simply order your query by DisplayCategory (and probably by DisplayOrder afterwards), and you'll see your data properly organized. You can even create a persistent View that sorts it that way for your convenience.

SQL for calculated column that chooses from value in own row

I have a table in which several indentifiers of a person may be stored. In this table I would like to create a single calculated identifier column that stores the best identifier for that record depending on what identifiers are available.
For example (some fictional sample data) ....
Table = "Citizens"
Id | LastName | DL-No | SS-No | State-Id-No | Calculated
1 | Smith | NULL | 374-784-8888 | 7383204848 | ?
2 | Jones | JG892435262 | NULL | NULL | ?
3 | Trask | TSK73948379 | NULL | 9276542119 | ?
4 | Clinton | CL231429888 | 543-123-5555 | 1840430324 | ?
I know the order in which I would like choose identifiers ...
So I would like the calculated identifier column to be part of the table schema. The desired results would be ...
Id | LastName | DL-No | SS-No | State-Id-No | Calculated
1 | Smith | NULL | 374-784-8888 | 7383204848 | 374-784-8888
2 | Jones | JG892435262 | NULL | 4537409273 | JG892435262
3 | Trask | NULL | NULL | 9276542119 | 9276542119
4 | Clinton | CL231429888 | 543-123-5555 | 1840430324 | CL231429888
IS this possible? If so what SQL would I use to calculate what goes in the "Calculated" column?
I was thinking of something like ..
WHEN ([State-Id-No] is NOT NULL) THEN [State-Id-No]
AS "Calculated"
FROM Citizens
The easiest solution is to use coalesce():
select c.*,
coalesce([DL-No], [SS-No], [State-ID-No]) as calculated
from citizens c
However, I think your case statement will also work, if you fix the syntax to use when rather than where.

SQL - Joining columns from the same table in a Query

SOLVED ! See the answer bellow !
Before I explain my problem I want to apologise for those who would feel this question is too long but I feel like I must give some details to make things the clearer possible. Though, the problem is simple to understand it is not that simple to me to implement.
I have 3 tables.
Hata and Icon contains images I want to link with Succes which contains texts
hata Image
idLang, VARCHAR(5)
icon, IMAGE
idPhrase, INTEGER
idPhrase, INTEGER
titre, VARCHAR(25)
desc, VARCHAR(125)
idLang, VARCHAR(5)
Here is a sample showing how the Succes table looks like
| id | idPhrase | titre | desc | idLang |
| 1 | 1 | Hello | Desc in English | en-GB |
| 2 | 1 | Salut | Desc in French | fr-FR |
| 3 | 1 | 今日は | Desc in Japanese | ja-JP |
| 4 | 2 | Goodbye | Desc in English | en-GB |
| 5 | 2 | Au revoir | Desc in French | fr-FR |
| 6 | 2 | またね | Desc in Japanese | ja-JP |
| 7 | 3 | You're welcome | Desc in English | en-GB |
| 8 | 3 | Je vous en prie | Desc in French | fr-FR |
| 9 | 3 | どういたしまして | Desc in Japanese | ja-JP |
The tables are now joined using this WHERE conditions
Icons.idPhrase = Succes.idPhrase AND Hata.idLang=Succes.idLang
Everything would be fine if there would be nothing specific in the Succes table.
In fact, for each Icon there are 3 sentences and the idPhrase links them but in the actual result set I somehow have redundancies.
What I'd like to achieve is the following (just the very first row):
or even
In other words, it would be like I'd joined several queries together such as
Joined with
SELECT Hata.hata AS fEN, Succes.titre AS tEN, Succes.desc AS dEN
FROM Hata, Succes
WHERE Hata.idLang=Succes.idLang AND Succes.idLang='en-GB'
Joined With
SELECT Hata.hata AS fFR, Succes.titre AS tFR, Succes.desc AS dFR
FROM Hata, Succes
WHERE Hata.idLang=Succes.idLang AND Succes.idLang='fr-FR'
And so on...
Just the problem of ensuring the links between tables (icon 1 with sentence 1)
Here's another sample on how it should (may) look like
| icon | fEN | fFR | fJP | tEN | tFR | tJA | dEN | dFR | dJA |
| <img> | <img> | <img> | <img> | Hello | Salut | 今日は | Desc in English | Desc in French | Desc in Japanese |
| <img> | <img> | <img> | <img> | Goodbye | Au revoir | またね | Desc in English | Desc in French | Desc in Japanese |
| <img> | <img> | <img> | <img> | You're welcome | Je vous en pries | どういたしまして | Desc in English | Desc in French | Desc in Japanese |
I've browsed for SQL reference to try many things but they don't seem to do what I expect (CONCATENATE, UNION, etc...)
I also tried the following query but it gives me an error message.
SELECT Icon.icon, Hata.hata AS fEN,Hata.hata AS fFR,Hata.hata AS fJA
,'FR'.'titre', 'FR'.'desc'
,'JA'.'titre', 'JA'.'desc'
,'UK'.'titre', 'UK'.'desc'
FROM Hata, Icon
LEFT JOIN Succes AS FR ON 'FR'.'idLang' = 'Hata'.'idLang' AND 'FR'.'idLang' = 'fr-FR'
LEFT JOIN Succes AS JA ON 'JA'.'idLang' = 'Hata'.'idLang' AND 'FR'.'idLang' = 'ja-JP'
LEFT JOIN Succes AS UK ON 'UK'.'idLang' = 'Hata'.'idLang' AND 'FR'.'idLang' = 'en-GB'
the message is
Statut SQL: HY000
Error Code: 1000
syntax error, unexpected $end, expecting BETWEEN or IN or SQL_TOKEN_LIKE
but it seems my syntax is good according to sample I've found even on StackOverflow.
I must also specify that I'm using OpenOffice Base and my purpose is publishing a document. Maybe there is something specific to OOo such as LEFT JOIN not implemented but the code get coloured so I think it should be fine.
Thank you for your availability and help.
I really don't get it.
I've tried with MySQL and it does something like an exclusive join
mysql> SELECT titre AS tfr, titre AS ten, titre AS tjp FROM data WHERE idlang=1
-> SELECT null,titre AS ten, null FROM data WHERE idlang=2
-> SELECT null, null, titre as tjp FROM data WHERE idlang=3;
| tfr | ten | tjp |
| Salut | Salut | Salut |
| Au revoir | Au revoir | Au revoir |
| Je vous en pries | Je vous en pries | Je vous en pries |
| NULL | Hello | NULL |
| NULL | Goodbye | NULL |
| NULL | You're Welcome | NULL |
| NULL | NULL | Konnichiha |
| NULL | NULL | Mata ne |
| NULL | NULL | Douitashimashite |
9 rows in set (0.00 sec)
If in the 1st SELECT I do titre AS tfr, null, null the column headers get to null.
mysql> SELECT titre AS tfr, titre AS ten, titre AS tjp FROM data WHERE idlang=1
-> SELECT null,titre AS ten, null FROM data WHERE idlang=2
-> SELECT null, null, titre as tjp FROM data WHERE idlang=3;
| tfr | NULL | NULL |
| Salut | NULL | NULL |
| Au revoir | NULL | NULL |
| Je vous en pries | NULL | NULL |
| NULL | Hello | NULL |
| NULL | Goodbye | NULL |
| NULL | You're Welcome | NULL |
| NULL | NULL | Konnichiha |
| NULL | NULL | Mata ne |
| NULL | NULL | Douitashimashite |
It still doesn't looks like the result I want.
I need to concentrate on that data table to get all in one line but I keep wondering how to achieve this. In principle it is very simple but I can't translate that in SQL.
mysql> DESCRIBE data;
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| id | int(11) | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment |
| id_phrase | int(11) | YES | | NULL | |
| titre | varchar(20) | YES | | NULL | |
| desc | varchar(50) | YES | | NULL | |
| idicon | int(11) | YES | | NULL | |
| idlang | int(11) | YES | | NULL | |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)
Actually idicon is redundant with id_phrase (don't really need it so pretend it does not exist).
Thank you.
NB: The column names and table names may differ from the original question but the problem is the same.
I've been asking this question on another forum and here are 2 queries I tested and can certify are working with MySQL 5.5
Query 1 :
SELECT id_phrase
, idicon
, max(case idlang when 1 then titre end) AS tfr
, max(case idlang when 1 then DESC end) AS dfr
, max(case idlang when 2 then titre end) AS ten
, max(case idlang when 2 then DESC end) AS den
, max(case idlang when 3 then titre end) AS tjp
, max(case idlang when 3 then DESC end) AS djp
WHERE idlang IN (1, 2, 3)
GROUP BY id_phrase, idicon
ORDER BY id_phrase ASC
Query 2 :
SELECT t1.id_phrase, t1.idicon, t1.titre AS tfr, t1.descr AS dfr, t2.titre AS ten, t2.descr AS den, t3.titre AS tjp, t3.descr AS djp
ON t1.id_phrase=t2.id_phrase
ON t1.id_phrase=t3.id_phrase
WHERE t1.idlang=1 AND t2.idlang=2 AND t3.idlang=3
You're welcome if these queries may help you.
Source (french)

Create a summary result with one query

I have a table with the following format.
mysql> describe unit_characteristics;
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| id | int(10) unsigned | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment |
| uut_id | int(10) unsigned | NO | PRI | NULL | |
| uut_sn | varchar(45) | NO | | NULL | |
| characteristic_name | varchar(80) | NO | PRI | NULL | |
| characteristic_value | text | NO | | NULL | |
| creation_time | datetime | NO | | NULL | |
| last_modified_time | datetime | NO | | NULL | |
each uut_sn has multiple characteristic_name/value pairs. I want to use MySQL to generate a table
| uut_sn | char_name_1 | char_name_2 | char_name_3 | char_name_4 | ... |
| 00000 | char_val_1 | char_val_2 | char_val_3 | char_val_4 | ... |
| 00001 | char_val_1 | char_val_2 | char_val_3 | char_val_4 | ... |
| 00002 | char_val_1 | char_val_2 | char_val_3 | char_val_4 | ... |
| ..... | char_val_1 | char_val_2 | char_val_3 | char_val_4 | ... |
Is this possible with just one query?
This is a standard pivot query:
SELECT uc.uut_sn,
WHEN uc.characteristic_name = 'char_name_1' THEN uc.characteristic_value
END) AS char_name_1,
WHEN uc.characteristic_name = 'char_name_2' THEN uc.characteristic_value
END) AS char_name_2,
WHEN uc.characteristic_name = 'char_name_3' THEN uc.characteristic_value
END) AS char_name_3,
FROM unit_characteristics uc
GROUP BY uc.uut_sn
To make it dynamic, you need to use MySQL's dynamic SQL syntax called Prepared Statements. It requires two queries - the first gets a list of the characteristic_name values, so you can concatenate the appropriate string into the CASE expressions like you see in my example as the ultimate query.
You're using the EAV antipattern. There's no way to automatically generate the pivot table you describe, without hardcoding the characteristics you want to include. As #OMG Ponies mentions, you need to use dynamic SQL to general the query in a custom fashion for the set of characteristics you want to include in the result.
Instead, I recommend you fetch the characteristics one per row, as they are stored in the database, and if you want an application object to represent a single UUT with all its characteristics, you write code to loop over the rows as you fetch them in your application, collecting them into objects.
For example in PHP:
$sql = "SELECT uut_sn, characteristic_name, characteristic_value
FROM unit_characteristics";
$stmt = $pdo->query($sql);
$objects = array();
while ($row = $stmt->fetch()) {
if (!isset($objects[ $row["uut_sn"] ])) {
$object[ $row["uut_sn"] ] = new Uut();
$objects[ $row["uut_sn"] ]->$row["characteristic_name"]
= $row["characterstic_value"];
This has a few advantages over the solution of hardcoding characteristic names in your query:
This solution takes only one SQL query instead of two.
No complex code is needed to build your dynamic SQL query.
If you forget one of the characteristics, this solution automatically finds it anyway.
GROUP BY in MySQL is often slow, and this avoids the GROUP BY.