Having an issue with select max - sql

I have a column that has entries such as 86D12345, 86A12345, etc. I need to be able to do 2 things:
Select MAX value of this column
Add 1 to get the next number
This column is nvarchar, so I assume I will have to utilize the substring function plus the select MAX, but cannot seem to get the results. Example is when I run this query:
select substring(convert(numeric(5,0), certno),4,len(certno))+1 from maxcertno
I get:
Argument data type numeric is invalid for argument 1 of substring function.
Same error with cast
Any ideas?

Assuming the format if fixed like nn N nnnnn (without the blanks).
This gives the next value (12346):
cast(substring(certno, 4, len(certno)) as int) + 1
And this gives the whole string incremented by 1 (86D12346):
left(certno, 3) + cast(cast(substring(certno, 4, len(certno)) as int) + 1 as nvarchar(50))
With the max function:
cast(substring(max(certno), 4, len(max(certno))) as int) + 1,
left(max(certno), 3) + cast(cast(substring(max(certno), 4, len(max(certno))) as int) + 1 as nvarchar(50))
from YourTable
The last is probably not a good solution in that it's repeating max all over the query. Better to get the max value first and then apply the logic. Or maybe make it a function or stored proc.


SQL Server - Dynamically Filling the column Values with 0's as per the fixed length

I have a column with the given values
The column values length is fixed.
If at all any value is less than 6characters,then it should concate 0's to the left and make it 6characters length.
The desired output is
This is called left paddings. In SQL Server, this is typically done with more basic string operations:
select right(replicate('0', 6) + mrn, 6)
If mrn is a number, then use the concat() function:
select right(concat(replicate('0', 6), mrn), 6)
You can also use the FORMAT function for this. (Demo)
FROM YourTable
Change the number 6 to whatever your total length needs to be:
SELECT REPLICATE('0',6-LEN(EmployeeId)) + EmployeeId
If the column is an INT, you can use RTRIM to implicitly convert it to a VARCHAR
SELECT REPLICATE('0',6-LEN(RTRIM(EmployeeId))) + RTRIM(EmployeeId)
And the code to remove these 0s and get back the 'real' number:
SELECT RIGHT(EmployeeId,(LEN(EmployeeId) - PATINDEX('%[^0]%',EmployeeId)) + 1)
We can achieve this by adding leading zero's
select RIGHT('0000'+CAST(MRN AS VARCHAR(10)),6)

ORA-01722: invalid number - value with two decimals

I'm trying to get the max value from a text field. All but two of the values are numbers with a single decimal. However, two of the values have something like 8.2.10. How can I pull back just the integer value? The values can go higher than 9.n, so I need to convert this field into a number so that I can get the largest value returned. So all I want to get back is the 8 from the 8.2.1.
Select cast(VERSION as int) is bombing out because of those two values with a second . in them.
You may derive by using regexp_substr with \d pattern :
with tab as
select regexp_substr('8.2.1', '\d', 1, 1) from dual
union all
select regexp_substr('9.0.1', '\d', 1, 1) from dual
select * from tab;
For Oracle you must attend the value as string for retire only the part before the dot. Ex:
SELECT NVL( SUBSTR('8.2.1',0, INSTR('8.2.1','.')-1),'8.2.1') AS SR FROM DUAL;
Check than the value is repeated 3 times in the sentence, and if the value is zero or the value didn't have decimal part then it will return the value as was set.
I had to use T-SQL rather PL/SQL, but the idea is the same:
SELECT #s='8.2.1';
returns the integer 8 - note that it won't work if there are no dots because it takes the part of the string to the left of the first dot.
If my quick look at equivalent functions was correct, then in Oracle that would end up as:

How to auto generate a ID with random numbers in sql server

For example I had a column named 'ID'
I want to get the output as
In short ABCXX should be common for every row but the remaining 3 numbers should be random and integer..
with t (n) as (select 0 union all select n+1 from t where n <100)
select 'ABC'
+ format(n,'00')
+ cast(cast(rand(cast(newid() as varbinary(100)))*10 as int) as char(1))
from t
Alternative solution
with t (n) as (select 0 union all select n+1 from t where n <100)
select 'ABC'
+ right ('0' + cast(n as varchar(2)),2)
+ cast(cast(rand(cast(newid() as varbinary(100)))*10 as int) as char(1))
from t
You can write like this
select 'ABCXX'+CAST(FLOOR(RAND()*(1000-100)+100) as varchar(3)) 'id'
With the RAND() function you can get Random numbers. And For the 'ABCXX' you can follow your previous logic.
The above RAND() function will give values between 0.0 to 1.0 in decimals every time you hit the Statement. To make it for a single digit Multiply with 10 and Cast it to INT to remove the next decimal values.
Reference " MSDN
Since SQL Server 2012 you have FORMAT function and SEQUENCE object. Hence the below query will work.
First you need to create a Sequence object.
Then the following query will generate results as per your requirement.
SELECT CONCAT('ABC',FORMAT(NEXT VALUE FOR DemopSeq, '00'),ABS(Checksum(NewID()) % 10))
Hope this helps.

SQL SELECT statement with Cast, LPad and Max

Are there any issues with this select statement ??
MAX(LPAD((CAST(SUBSTR(FIELD_A,-3,3) as INT) + 1 ), 3, 0)) as NEXTMOVID
FROM ...
The field is a VARCHAR2.
I want to maintain 3 characters(which are numbers) and add 1 and concatenate with another varchar2
retrieve a portion of the FIELD_A
convert is to an integer
add 1
Left Pad it to 3 characters with 0
Grab the MAX
Later on I concatenate with another field
Wondering if there was a better way to do this ??
As I understand, you need following:
to_char(to_number(SUBSTR(FIELD_A, -3, 3)) + 1), '000') as NEXTMOVID
FROM ...

How to write stored procedure that used functions and sends parameters to functions

I need to write stored proc that gets a value from one table. Calculate new value according the retrieved value and sends the new value to a function.
I have the following SQL statement:
select mid from lastmid where region = '12'
Then I need to send this mid as a parameter to a function
The function will generate new mid in the following fashion:
Get last 7 characters of mid and convert them to integer and increment that integer by 1
I need to get New Sequence(Paded With 0's to give 7 Digits) With the 1st 9 Digits from the OLD mid
and output the result
How can I do it?
Something like this:
left(mid ,9) + right('0000000' + cast(YourFunction(mid) as varchar), 7) as NewMid
Or, you could do it all in one line:
left(mid ,9) + right('0000000' + cast(cast(right(mid, 7) as int) + 1 as varchar), 7) as NewMid