Downloading a deployed app packaged from a Windows Phone device - windows-phone

I've recently had some data loss. I would like to be able to download my compiled app package that I have deployed on my phone. I haven't been able to download the app package that I have uploaded in the store (as they are nearly identical), so if there is a way to do that, that would be amenable as well.
Is there a way to download the app package from a device or from the Store page?
Edit: I should note that by "Store Page" I mean "App Submission Page".

You can download the xap file manually from the application's store page. For example, I have a game that I haven't updated in forever (forgive me) :)
Number Munchers XL
Scroll down to the very bottom on the left side of the page, and you will see
Download and install manually
Learn more
Click on that and you should be greeted with a XAP file download.


Missing dSYM files in Crashlytics Today extension (Bitcode disabled)

The title of this question basically says it all. I enabled Crashlytics in my Today extension, and for some reasons, the dSYMs are not being uploaded, even though I'm not using Bitcode.
I tried uploading them manually (from ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/Derived Data/Timelines-evxmjnxmpmcivkavmpijzakaxkrp/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/, but the web interface doesn't really give me any feedback. It shows this screen:
No matter how long I wait, once I refresh the page, it goes back to the 'upload dSYMS' screen.
I think the problem might be that the UUIDs of the missing dSYMs don't really match those that I found locally.
Some notes on my setup:
Xcode 8.2
Today extension running on iOS 10.2
Bitcode is not enabled.
Fabric and Crashlytics integration was done using CocoaPods.
Archive wasn't uploaded to App Store. I'm just testing it locally on my devices. But since the entry for crash reports was created in the web interface, I assume the automatic upload should work anyway.
My question basically is: how exactly can I upload the dSYMs manually? And, second one: how can I make the automatic upload of dSYMs work? Thank you.
It is described here completely ==>
As it said you can download it from activity tab in itunesconnect and then upload it to crashlytics website.

How can I force my app into the Applications/ folder?

I am currently developing a desktop app in OS X which has a requirement for Autostart on Boot. I have implemented autostart and it works well when I install my app and put it in the Applications/ folder, but I can't expect users to move the file. I am distributing the app using HockeyApp.
So I've started building .pkg files with Packages. This works great and was really easy, but fails to update when used in HockeyApp. After downloading the update, I get a message saying An error occurred while trying to extract the archive. Please try again later. [Cancel Update]
Things I have tried:
Signing the update
Not signing the update
Downloading the most recent version instead of updating (works perfectly fine)
Zipping the .pkg (Fails to upload to HockeyApp)
How can I force my app into the user's Applications/ folder? Should I just ask my handful of (technologically challenged) beta testers to delete their app and download the new version? Can I make a change to my .pkg method to make it work? Should I add code into the app which moves itself (Sounds hacky and painful)?
You cannot force the user to install into /Applications, however if you get the app to arrange the auto-start itself (for example via the App Preferences) then it should use the current location of the app (probably obtained from [[NSBundle mainBundle] bundlePath]) and that will work fine.
You might want to periodically check if the app has moved after this has been turned-on.

TideSDK: Getting the Hello World example app to work

I'm on Windows 7 64bit and I'm following the Getting Started Tutorial. So far I've:
Extracted the 3 folders it contains (modules, runtime, and sdk) to C:/ProgramData/TideSDK/
Downloaded and installed Imagemagick
Downloaded and installed Wix 3.0
Downloaded and installed TideSDK-Developer-1.4.2-win-x86.msi
Cloned using Git:
Opened TideSDK Developer tool.
Clicked "Import Project" and selected the cloned Git repository, hit OK. (Screenshot)
Clicked "Test & Package" tab, and then clicked "Launch App" button. (Screenshot)
TideSDK Developer tool says "Preparing to package and launch desktop app. One moment..." but it never does do anything beyond that. The tutorial says I should see this, but I don't.
There are no errors anywhere that I can see. What can I do to get this Hello World app working?
I was not able to get TideSDK to work. However I found something that worked even better: node-webkit.
"node-webkit is an app runtime based on Chromium and node.js. You can write native apps in HTML and Javascript with node-webkit. It also lets you to call Node.js modules directly from DOM and enables a new way of writing native applications with all Web technologies."

How to write a cydia app

I was wondering about to create a cydia tweak running on iphone startup and hooking some iphone feature as sms or call.
So I wanted to know where should I start:
How to write a cydia application (xCode? Toolchain? which toolchain? how to install it?)
Where can I found documentation about the hooking methods of the mobile substrate?
How can I star my application on iPhone startup?
I'd be glad if someone can link me THE VERY NOOB guide on how to start jb developpement (I juste develop "officially")
Thanks everybody
I know there are other ways of doing this, but if your a licensed iOS Developer you can simply sign the code in your App and put it on to one of your registered testing Devices that's jailbroken and follow the step by step instructions below:
Download iFile from the Cydia Store. I would suggest paying for it, but you can find other sources where you can get a cracked version. Then use iFile on the device and go into the following directory:
Select folder
Tap the zip file button, (between + and trash buttons at bottom of display)
You will be prompted to name the zip file and hit create.
That's the zip file you submit to Cydia, you can email it to yourself from within iFile, or if you want use a program like DiskAid to pull it from your Device. DONE!
To test you need to copy the .app file into the following directory:
Exit iFile and Delete your app from the devise. Respring, Reboot, or Restart.
The icon will then be on your desktop.
Note: This is against Apple policy, but if you don't tell I won't ;)

Distributing a pref pane which includes a background app on the Mac App Store

My app is a pref pane which includes a background application in its bundle.
I wonder if anybody has already figured out the best practice for distributing a "pref pane only" app via the Mac App Store. Are there already any pref pane apps in the store?
Apple states apps containing preference panes are not "self-contained", they install code or resources in a shared location that is not allowed by the guidelines hence in violation of both 2.15 and 2.30 in
Let me start by saying that I have not submitted any apps that contain system preference panes (in fact I have not submit any apps to the Mac App Store, only the iOS App Store). This answers is based on my reading of the guidelines and my understanding of how OS X works.
I've read the Mac App Store guidelines and I don't see that they preclude system preference panes. 2.15 says:
Apps must be self-contained, single application installation bundles, and cannot install code or resources in shared locations
Finder treats a .prefpane file like any other file - Finder launches the app which handles files of this type (i.e. System and opens that app and passes the file as an argument. When a .prefpane file is opened System asks the user were to install it (in the System Library or the Users Library). It is System that is 'installing' the .prefpane.
If an app were to include a .prefPane in its bundle and a mechanism for allowing the user to open file in Finder then I do not think the above guideline would have been contravened.
I find it hard to believe that Apple wants developers to cluttered up users menu bars with unnecessary icons when they have already provided a much better solution.
I'd like to know if anyone has tried to submit an app that provides an option to install a system preference pane. I'd also like to know if I've missed some documentation from Apple which discuss this (besides the guidelines quoted above).