Xcode 6 Beta projects compatibility with Xcode 6 - xcode6

Will my Xcode 6 Beta project be fully supported in Xcode 6 (final version). Like, I create an Xcode 6 Beta project and I get really into it, I don't want to have to create a whole new project over again once Xcode 6 comes out. Can someone put me to ease about this?

As long as you have the legitimate version of Xcode 6 Beta you will be just fine. When you download the official Xcode it should look to the same folder for your previous/ current projects.


XCode autocomplete not working for a particular project in Objective C

I am currently on XCode Beta Version 9.3 beta 2 (9Q107o. I am facing some issues with a particular project. Autocomplete seems to have broken for the project. Its working fine for other projects.
Can anyone please help. Can't seem to figure out.
Autocomplete working in Xcode is by no means guaranteed and definitely not for a beta. Try quitting everything, deleting your derived data, restarting your computer and if that doesn't work, go back to a supported version.
You can do as #Alper say, If it doesn't work. try restore Xcode to the default Settings ,than restarting your Xcode
This is the officially recommended way to delta Xcode preferences, type in Terminal.app:
defaults delete com.apple.dt.Xcode
That should restore Xcode to the state of its first launch.
(for older versions of Xcode the command was defaults delete com.apple.Xcode, i.e. without the dt in the middle).

Xcode 6.3 beta 4 does not show values in debugger for linked frameworks

I have an iOS (SpriteKit) project in Xcode 6.3 beta 4 with Swift 1.2 which bases on a custom framework (a second project of mine). Since beta 4 I can inspect the values of properties in the debugger of my main project, but not of the linked framework/module.
I tried to adapt the project properties Strip Debug Symbols During Copy, Strip Linked Product to NO (in Debug-mode), checked that my "Schemes" are set to Debug, and Compiler Optimizations are deactivated. But: no effect.
I have some screenshots but unfortunately I'm not allowed to post images with my reputation.
Any ideas?

iOS 6 Project gives #synthesize error when deployment changed to iOS 5.0

When i ran my iOS 6 Project on an older xCode using iOS 5.0. It issues warning and fire exception on executing project.
Property 'window' requires method 'window' to be defined - use #synthesize , #dynamic or provide a method implementation
what is the science behind it ? why do i need to explicitly add #synthesize in 5.0. while it works fine in iOS 6.
This has nothing to do with iOS 6 or iOS 5. This has to do with the version of the compiler used in Xcode. The latest versions of the compiler, used in the latest version of Xcode, support many new features not found in older versions of the Objective-C compiler. One of those features is no longer needing an explicit #synthesize statement. Once you take advantage of these newer features, you can't use an older version of the compiler to compile your code.
So now the question becomes - why are you trying to build this project in an older version of Xcode? What is your goal? Why not use the latest Xcode and simply change the project's Deployment Target to iOS 5.0 and leave the Base SDK as "latest".

Compatibility problem with .xcdatamodeld between Xcode 4.1 (Lion) and Xcode 3.2.5 (snow leopard)

I have a problem with a Data Model using Core Data.
1/ I've created a data model on xcode 4.1 (on lion) with my entities and their relationships. In the inspector on the right i've checked "Tools version" : Minimum : Xcode 3.2 instead of Xcode 4.1.
2/ When i try to reopen my project, in Xcode 3.2.5 (on snow leopard), I click on "mydatamodel.xcdatamodeld", then on "mydatamodel.xcdatamodel", but nothing happen ! It's like my xcdatamodel file was empty but it's a 4.9 Mo file ! My xcdatamodel file refuses to open and it's very frustrating.
3/ I've tried just to add only the xcdatamodel file which is in the xcdatamodeld folder on xcode 3.2.5 but it's generating a crash of Xcode.
4/ I've tried to create "test.xcdatamodel" on xcode 3.2.5 (on snow leopard) and to copy paste files "elements" and "layout" from "mydatamodel.xcdatamodel" ( created on Xcode 4.1 on lion) to "test.xcdatamodel" but same thing, the data model refuses to open !
If anyone can help me, it will be great !
The format of .xcdatamodel bundles was changed between these 2 versions of Xcode. The format of the elements and layout are now xml based, whereas they used to be binary data.
You can change the minimum required Xcode version in the file inspector for your .xcdatamodel file.
XCode 4.1 is available for Snow Leopard. I suggest you just try using the same version on both machines.
It is more reliable to use latest XCODE ver 4.2. Compatible with lion (OSX 10.7).There are amazing features like ARC,storyboard and much more.

What version of Xcode should I be using?

My app is fairly close to being submitted for approval. I would like to make sure I am using the most current version of Xcode that I can. My Mac's operation system is Mac OS X Version 10.6.8 and I am using Xcode Version 3.2.3. I have seen that there are Versions 4.0 and 4.1 for Xcode. Should I be using one of these, or am I good to go?
Both Xcode 3.2 and 4.0 are supported on Snow Leopard. You can use any of them. Since you already use 3.2 I would recommend that you keep using that version until you find a good time to update to the 4.x series.
It is however a good idea to update to the latest version of Xcode 3.2, which is currently 3.2.6. That way you get the latest bug fixes and updates while staying on the 3.2 branch.
I highly recommend Xcode 4. You'll want to upgrade to it eventually anyway. Also, it makes it much easier to package up an app and submit it to the App Store. Just make sure you keep your Xcode 3, in case you need it - see here: Can I run Xcode 3 and Xcode 4 at the same time?