SSIS Script Component - only to change variables - sql

I have a series of task that are very similar:
Lookup in another table and change value in column b.
Save new value back to c and if not match, send the result on to an error table.
That part is pretty straight forward and illustrated here:
Source ==> Lookup =match=> SQL Update command
=No match=> SQL Save Error command
(Hope you understand what I mean - but it works!)
I now have to repeat this a number of times, where my source-sql changes. So what I want to do is to insert a Script Component in front of the Source and set my User::Sql variable like:
Variables.Sql = "SELECT d, e FROM f"
All of the above is contained in a Data Flow. When I have created one I can then copy that one and only change the Sql variable in the script and then it should all work.
My problem is: When I insert the Script Command it asks me if it is a Source, Destination or Transscript script. And by only setting the variable it does not produce any rows for output and cannot connect to my Source.
Anyone know how to make that work?
(I have simplified the above. I actually want to update multiple variables and use those in my Source, Lookup and Error update as well - therefore it is not more simple just to change the SQL script in the initial Source! But being able to do the above, I will be able to achieve what I want :-))

You should set your variable containing the SQL query in the control flow, before you execute the dataflow.
Then you need to use that variable as an expression in your Dataflow. You can parametrize the query used in the lookup or any other parameters of your dataflow.
If your dataflows really have always the same structure, you could even generate a list of queries and call your dataflow task in a loop, preventing the duplication of the same tasks.


SSIS: Excel data source - if column not exists use other column

I am using select statement in excel source to select just specific columns data from excel for import.
But I am wondering, is it possible to select data such way when I select for example column with name: Column_1, but if this column is not exists in excel then it will try to select column with name Column_2? Currently if Column_1 is missing, then data flow task fails.
Use a Script task and write .net code to read the excel file and then perform the check for the Column_1 availability in the file. If the column does not present then use Column_2 as input. Script Task in SSIS can act as a source.
SSIS is metadata based and will not support dynamic metadata, however you can use Script Component as #nitin-raj suggested to handle all known source columns. There is a good post below on how it can be done.
Dynamic File Connections
If you have many such files that can have varying columns then it is better to create a custom component.However, you cannot have dynamic metadata even with custom component, the set of columns should be known upfront to SSIS.
If the list of columns keep changing and you cannot know in advance what are expected columns then you are better off handling the entire thing in C#/VB.Net using Script Task of control flow
As a best practice, because SSIS meta data is static, any data quality and formatting issues in source files should be corrected before ssis data flow task runs.
I have seen this situation before and there is a very simple fix. In the beginning of your ssis package, using a file task to create copy of the source excel file and then run a c# script or execute a powershell to rename the columns so that if column 1 does not exist, it is either added at the appropriate spot in excel file or in case the column name is wrong is it corrected.
As a result of this, you will not need to refresh your ssis meta data every time it fails. This is a standard data standardization practice.
The easiest way is to add two data flow tasks, one data flow for each Excel source select statement and use precedence constraints to execute the second data flow when the first one fails.
The disadvantage of this approach is that if the first data flow task fails for another reason, it will also try to execute the second one. You will need some advanced error handling to check if the error is thrown due to missing columns or not.
But if have a similar situation, I will use a Script Task to check if the column exists and build the SQL command dynamically. Note that this SQL command must always return the same metadata (you must use aliases).
Helpful links
Overview of SSIS Precedence Constraints
Working with Precedence Constraints in SQL Server Integration Services
Precedence Constraints

Variable values stored outside of SSIS

This is merely a SSIS question for advanced programmers. I have a sql table that holds clientid, clientname, Filename, Ftplocationfolderpath, filelocationfolderpath
This table holds a unique record for each of my clients. As my client list grows I add a new row in my sql table for that client.
My question is this: Can I use the values in my sql table and somehow reference each of them in my SSIS package variables based on client id?
The reason for the sql table is that sometimes we get request to change the delivery or file name of a file we send externally. We would like to be able to change those things dynamically on the fly within the sql table instead of having to export the package each time and manually change then re-import the package. Each client has it's own SSIS package
let me know if this is feasible..I'd appreciate any insight
Yes, it is possible. There are two ways to approach this and it depends on how the job runs. First is if you are running for a single client for a single job run or if you are running for multiple clients for a single job run.
Either way, you will use the Execute SQL Task to retrieve data from the database and assign it to your variables.
You are running for a single client. This is fairly straightforward. In the Result Set, select the option for Single Row and map the single row's result to the package variables and go about your processing.
You are running for multiple clients. In the Result Set, select Full Result Set and assign the result to a single package variable that is of type Object - give it a meaningful name like ObjectRs. You will then add a ForEachLoop Enumerator:
Type: Foreach ADO Enumerator
ADO object source variable: Select the ObjectRs.
Enumerator Mode: Rows in all the tables (ADO.NET dataset only)
In Variable mappings, map all of the columns in their sequential order to the package variables. This effectively transforms the package into a series of single transactions that are looped.
I assume that you run your package once per client or use some loop.
At the beginning of the "per client" code read all required values from the database into SSIS varaibles and the use these variables to define what you need. You should not hardcode client specific information in the package.

Program to update the database table from the parameter with the excel sheet from select option in ABAP

Will come directly to the question.
Have 2 parameter like filename and table name. The requirement is to upload the data from the excel sheet to the database table enter in the other parameter. This should be in run time. No hardcoding of field names and that program should be flexible enough to suite any table. Please help.
I can think of two possible approaches:
Dynamic code generation -- write a program which writes a program
Use dynamic type tools
For 1. try googling
For 2. see - this wiki shows a way (not sure if it is overkill as it creates the type from scratch whereas any table in your SAP system is already a defined type in the Data Dictionary).
You can do easily reference a parameterised table in Open SQL e.g. MODIFY (p_tab) ...
Perhaps you could do a generic SPLIT of a line read in from file by the delimiter into a table of fields - you can then use ASSIGN COMPONENT to match the fields you have read in to the fields in your internal type.
If you are doing this I think a white list of allowed tables would be wise - and auth checks. Otherwise someone could upload SAP standard tables with no authorisation.

Newly inserted or updated row count in pentaho data integration

I am new to Pentaho Data Integration; I need to integrate one database to another location as ETL Job. I want to count the number of insert/updat during the ETL job, and insert that count to another table . Can anyone help me on this?
I don't think that there's a built-in functionality for returning the number of affected rows of an Insert/Update step in PDI to date.
Nevertheless, most database vendors are able to provide you with the ability to get the number of affected rows from a given operation.
In PostgreSQL, for instance, it would look like this:
/* Count affected rows from INSERT */
WITH inserted_rows AS (
SELECT count(*) FROM inserted_rows;
/* Count affected rows from UPDATE */
WITH updated_rows AS (
SET ...
SELECT count(*) FROM updated_rows;
However, you're aiming to do that from within a PDI job, so I suggest that you try to get to a point where you control the SQL script.
Suggestion: Save the source data in a file on the target DB server, then use it, perhaps with a bulk loading functionality, to insert/update, then save the number of affected rows into a PDI variable. Note that you may need to use the SQL script step in the Job's scope.
EDIT: the implementation is a matter of chosen design, so the suggested solution is one of many. On a very high level, you could do something like the following.
Transformation I - extract data from source
Get the data from the source, be it a database or anything else
Prepare it for output in a way that it fits the target DB's structure
Save a CSV file using the text file output step on the file system
Parent Job
If the PDI server is the same as the target DB server:
Use the Execute SQL Script step to:
Read data from the file and perform the INSERT/UPDATE
Write the number of affected rows into a table (ideally, this table could also contain the time-stamp of the operation so you could keep track of things)
If the PDI server is NOT the same as the target DB server:
Upload the source data file to the server, e.g. with the FTP/SFTP file upload steps
Use the Execute SQL Script step to:
Read data from the file and perform the INSERT/UPDATE
Write the number of affected rows into a table
EDIT 2: another suggested solution
As suggested by #user3123116, you can use the Compare Fields step (if not part of your environment, check the marketplace for it).
The only shortcoming I see is that you have to query the target database before inserting/updating, which is, of course, less performant.
Eventually it could look like so (note that this is just the comparison and counting part):
Also note that you can split the input of the source data stream (COPY, not DISTRIBUTE), and do your insert/update, but this stream must wait for the stream of the field comparison to end the query on the target database, otherwise you might end up with the wrong statistics.
The "Compare Fields" step will take 2 streams as input for comparison, and its output is 4 distinct streams for "Identical", Changed", "Added", and "Removed" records. You can count those 4, and then process the "Changed", "Added", and "Removed" records with an Insert/Update.
You can do it from the Logging option inside the Transformation settings. Please follow the below steps :
Click on Edit menu --> Settings
Switch to Logging Tab
Select Step from the left menu
Provide the Log Connection & Log table name(Say StepLog)
Select the required fields for logging(LINES_OUTPUT - for inserted count & LINES_UPDATED - for updated count)
Click on SQL button and create the table by clicking on the Execute button
Now all the steps will be logged into the Log table(StepLog), you can use it for further actions.

Pentaho Data Integration: How to select output of sql query as a filename for Microsoft Excel Input.

I have files abc.xlsx, 1234.xlsx, and xyz.xlsx in some folder. My requirement is to develop a transformation where the Microsoft Excel Input in PDI (Pentaho Data Integration) should only pick the file based on the output of a sql query. If the output query is abc.xlsx. Microsoft Excel Input should pick of abc.xlsx for further processing. How do I achieve this? Would really appreciate your help. Thanks.
Transformations in Kettle run asynchronously, so you're probably looking into needing a job for this.
Files to create
Create a transformation that performs the SQL query you're looking for and populates a variable based on the result
Create a transformation that pulls data from the Excel file, using the variable populated as the filename
Create a job that executes the first transformation, then steps into the second transformation
Jobs run sequentially, so it will execute the first transformation, perform the query, get the result, and set a variable. Variables need to be set and retrieved in different transformations because of their asynchronous nature. This is the reason for the second transformation; the job won't step into the second transformation until the first one is done running (therefore, not until the variable is populated).
This is all assuming you only want to run the transformation once, expecting a single result from the query. If you want to loop it, pulling data from a set, then setup is a little bit different.
The Excel input step has a "accept filenames from previous step" option. You can have a table input build the full path of the file you want to read (or you somehow build it later knowing the base dir and the short filename), pass the filename to the excel input, tick that box and specify the step and the field you want to use for the filename.