How to add Values of multiple Select Cases - sql

I have a program that runs a stored procedure on a database. After I build the dataset, i'm scanning the table inside the dataset searching for specific information. I used Select Case statements to find the correct info. The problem i'm running into is I can't figure out how to display my results as a "sum". I know that it's because i'm using "For Each" but i'm unsure how to assign "Result" to ds.tables(0).Rows
For Each Result As DataRow In ds.Tables(0).Rows
Select Case Result("Report")
Select Case Result("Description")
Case "Coupons", "Coupons Tax-Free", "GC"
End Select
End Select
As coded i'm receiving 3 message boxes. The first one:
The Second One:
The Third:
I'd prefer to see the sum of all 3 found:
How can I retrieve the sum of these, keeping in mind it's possible that one of the 3 comes back as 0 in some cases

You need an additional variable which will store a sum e.g.:
Dim numberOfStudents As Integer = 0
Then instead of displaying the current net amount add it to the current sum:
sum = sum + FoundRow("netAmt")
To simplify I assumed that FoundRow returns a number. However, if it returns for example a string you will have to parse it in the following way: Integer.Parse(FoundRow("netAmt")).
Finally, after the for each loop, display the result:


Replace a range of values in an SQL table to a single value

I am trying to replace a range of values with a string. I know how to do it with the replace function but that, as far as I know, requires them to be done one at a time.
Is there a way to select a range of values, for example (1-200), and replace them with a singular string value say "BLANK"?
I have tried WHEN, THEN and SET but get a syntax error near WHEN or SET as I try these.
Base Code Idea
Select DATA
Is this what you want?
select data,
case when data not between 1 and 200 then data end as new_data
from databank
What this does is take the integer value of data, and replace any value that's in the 1-200 range with null values, while leaving other values unchanged. The result goes into column new_data.
The assumption here is that data is a number - so the alternative value has to be consistent with that datatype (string 'BLANK' isn't): I went for null, which is consistent with any datatype, and is the default value returned by a case expression when no branch matches.
If you wanted something else, say 0, you would do:
select data,
case when data between 1 and 200 then 0 else data end as new_data
from databank

Multiple value in a column sql

I'm working on an SSIS package. This package loads information from a form a verdure files. the package works perfectly, however my issue is in one of the column called 'SpecialUnit'.
On the form the customer can select 23 values and all this values get recorded as a comma separated. In my SSIS I have created different fields for all 23 values I wanted all this values to show 1 when the person selects them.
CASE WHEN sp.CodeText = 'Transit Dept.'
END AS FollowUpByTransit,
I have a table that separates the comma delimiter, but when loading I do not have a value I want which is 1 or 0.
Can you make your 23 fields as calculated fields, then on the equation for each field you can use something like the below
As case when CodeText like '%Transit Dept%' then 1 else 0 end as FollowUpByTransit
So you would need to use the like operator, so you ignore the commas and other values.
If your code words may be a bit similar to each other, you can go with the idea HABO presented and thats somthing like the below
As case when (','+CodeText+',') like '%,Transit Dept,%' then 1 else 0 end as FollowUpByTransit
Hope this helps.

PostgreSQL - Assign integer value to string in case statement

I need to select one and only 1 row of data based on an ID in the data I have. I thought I had solved this (For details, see my original question and my solution, here: PostgreSQL - Select only 1 row for each ID)
However, I now still get multiple values in some cases. If there is only "N/A" and 1 other value, then no problem.. but if I have multiple values like: "N/A", "value1" and "value2" for example, then my case statement is not sufficient and I get both "value1" and "value2" returned to me. This is the case statement in question:
WHEN "PQ"."Value" = 'N/A' THEN 1
I need to give a unique integer value to each string value and then the problem will be solved. The question is: how do I do this? My first thought is to somehow convert the character values to ASCII and sum them up.. but I am not sure how to do that and also worried about performance. Is there a way to very simply assign a value to each string so that I can choose 1 value only? I don't care which one actually... just that it's only 1.
I am now trying to create a function to add up the ASCII values of each character so I can essentially change my case statement to something like this:
WHEN "PQ"."Value" = 'N/A' THEN 9999999
ELSE SumASCII("PQ"."Value")
Having a small problem with it though.. I have added it as a separate question, here: PostgreSQL - ERROR: query has no destination for result data
Thanks to #Bohemian, I now have a working solution, which is as follows:
WHEN "PQ"."Value" = 'N/A' THEN -1
ELSE ('x'||LPAD(MD5("PQ"."Value"),16,'0'))::bit(64)::bigint
This will produce a "unique" number for each value:
Strictly speaking, there is a chance of a collision, but it's very remote.
If the result is "too big", you could try modulus:
<above-calculation> % 10000
Although collisions would then be a 0.01% chance, you should try this formula against all known values to ensure there are no collisions.
If you don't care which value gets picked, change RANK() to ROW_NUMBER(). If you do care, do it anyway, but also add another term after the CASE statement in ORDER BY, separated by a comma, with the logic you want - for example if you want the first value alphabetically, do this:
ORDER BY CASE...END, "PQ"."Value")

Finding number of occurrences for specific value

I'm trying to create a field (calculation result) in FileMaker Pro 13 that will return the number of times a specific value is selected in a specific field.
For Example:
Say you have Table 1. Table 1 only has 1 field named Field 1. Field 1 is a drop down list field with the options "A","B", & "C". The following data is from the records of Table 1 using the field, Field 1:
Record 1: Table 1::Field 1 = "A"
Record 2: Table 1::Field 1 = "A"
Record 3: Table 1::Field 1 = "B"
Record 4: Table 1::Field 1 = "C"
What I want is a counter that searches across the records for table one and finds how many times a certain option is selected. For example, I want to know how many times "A" was selected in Field 1 and it would return "2".
What I have tried to do so far is the following but it hasn't worked out so hot (returns "?"):
"SELECT Field 1
FROM Table 1
WHERE Field 1 = 'A'"
Any suggestions for a correct SQL script?
The correct version of your Execute
"SELECT Count(\"Field 1\")
FROM \"Table 1\"
WHERE \"Field 1\" = ?"
When you use ExecuteSQL, you're passing a string into FileMaker's function and then behind the scenes FileMaker uses that string and the various other pieces you give it to perform the action.
If you have a space in your field or table name, e.g. Field 1, FileMaker thinks you mean "Select a field name Field and a field named 1. You need to quote the field name if it contains spaces or special characters, but you can't use just regular double quotes because that would end the string.
The way to fix it is what I did above; escape the double quotes around the field or table name.
Also, the ? and the "A" at the bottom allows you to pass data into the query, i.e. parameterizing the query. This means you could do a loop where each iteration of the loop you pass in a different value where I have "A". E.g. You could do this:
"SELECT Count(\"Field 1\")
FROM \"Table 1\"
WHERE \"Field 1\" = ?"
;"";""; Table 1::Search Field)
"SELECT Count(\"Field 1\")
FROM \"Table 1\"
WHERE \"Field 1\" = ?"
Be careful though, ExecuteSQL doesn't cache records that it pulls if you're in a server/client environment so this calculation could get pretty sluggish if you have a lot of records in the table, you're going over the wan, or both. I would suggest trying to get the count a different way.
Select count(*) from Table1 where Field1='A'

How to create list as a parameter in SSRS?

I have a report in 2005 SSRS which I want to add a parameter to. The parameter would be comprised of a group of zip codes, but be selected as a single item in the list.
For example, I would like to have 5 zip codes as one selection in the list and 3 for another, etc:
Select 11111,22222,33333,44444,55555,66666 AS Boondock
Select 77777,88888,99999 AS Timbuck
Select Zip Codes NOT IN (11111-99999) AS Everything Else
So my selections in the dropdown would be:
Everything Else
Can anyone help me with how I should go about creating this parameter?
Create a simple string parameter to present to the user. Let's call it ZipCodeSet.
Create a dataset that examines the #ZipCodeSet parameter and returns the appropriate list of zip codes. Call it ZipCodeSelection.
Create an internal multivaue parameter that uses ZipCodeSelection as both its Available Values and Default Values. Call it SelectedZipCodes.
Use SelectedZipCodes in your report's datasets.
The easiest solution here would probably to use a Calculated Field on your dataset, called LocationDescription, for example:
=SWITCH(Fields!ZipCode >= 11111 and Fields!ZipCode <= 66666, "Boondock", Fields!ZipCode >= 77777 and Fields!ZipCode <= 99999, "Timbuck",True, "Everywhere Else")
The lone true statement at the end is due to the SWITCH expression reading left-to-right and exiting once it evaluates one of the switches as TRUE. This way for each of the items in your table of ZipCodes you will always end up with a TRUE result.
I assume you're evaluating a range of ZipCodes, and not exact values of 11111,22222, and so on? If so, the switch will have more values. A sample of your data would help if you want an exact answer.
Once you have built your Calculated Field, you can then set up a Parameter (called #LocationParameter) with available values based on a query of your LocationDescription field, then just filter your dataset using:
= Fields!LocationDescription
Operator: =
(if you want multiple selections on your parameter, change the operator to IN)
Hope that helps.