What kind of query language is this? - sql

I was given a querystring that looks something like the following:
"(foo :"bar" OR baz : "qux") AND
(abc:def OR test:ok OR (fish:carp AND foobar:bazqux))
AND NOT otherthing:true
AND -(-derp:*)
OR (name:* AND abcdef:[* TO *])"
I need to figure out what query language this is so I can find the rest of the documentation on it, but I can't seem to figure out exactly what it is. It appears to be some form of SQL, but it has some small differences from what I've previously seen. Does anyone know what this might be?


How to filter by tag in Jaeger

When trying to filter by tag, there is a small popup:
I have been looking for logfmt around, but all I can find is key=value format.
My questions are:
Is there a way for something more sophisticated? (starts_with, not equal, contains, etc)
I am trying to filter by url using http.url="http://example.com?bla=bla&foo=bar". I am pretty sure the value exists because I am copy/pasting from my trace. I am getting no results. Do I need to escape characters or do something else for this to work?
I did some research around logfmt as well. Based on the documentation of the original implementation and in the Python implementation of the parser (and respective tests), I would say that it doesn't support anything more sophisticated (like starts_with, not equal, contains). And this is because the output of the parser is a simple dictionary (with no regex involved in the values).
As for the second question, using the same mentioned Python parser, I was able to double-check that your filter looks fine:
from logfmt import parse_line
{'http.url': 'http://example.com?bla=bla&foo=bar'}
This makes me suspect of an issue on the Jaeger side, but this is as far as I could go.

Lucene part:123 vs part 123 vs part123

I'm not too familiar with Lucene so my apologies if this isn't clear or I'm getting my terms/nomenclature mixed up.
So I have a requirement where a field containing text (example part:123) should be able to be found via the following:
part 123
Now my understanding of StandardAnalyzer is that it will break the word "part:123" into terms "part" and "123".
So with that, I'm able to search with part:123 or part 123, but because they're two different terms "part123" won't work.
It seems to me like I'd also need to get the indexer to add another term where both are combined, so it'd be "part", "123", "part123".
Is this the right way to accomplish this -- and does anyone know how I'd go about implementing this?

Declare a variable

I didn't touch Prolog since high-school, and even though I've tried to find the info, it didn't help. Below is the example that has to illustrate my problem:
%% everybody():- [dana, cody, bess, abby].
%% Everybody = [dana, cody, bess, abby].
likes(dana, cody).
hates(bess, dana).
hates(cody, abby).
hates(X, Y):- \+ likes(X, Y).
likes_somebody(_, []):- fail.
likes_somebody(X, [girl | others]):-
likes(X, girl) ; likes_somebody(X, others).
likes_everybody(_, []):- true.
likes_everybody(X, [girl | others]):-
likes(X, girl) , likes_everybody(X, others).
maplist(likes_somebody, [dana, cody, bess, abby], [dana, cody, bess, abby]).
How do I declare everybody to just be the list of girls? The commented lines are those which I've tried, but I've got bizarre error messages back.
This is the tutorial I followed more or less so far. I'm using GProlog, if it makes any difference. Sorry for such a basic question. GProlog's manual doesn't deal with language syntax, but I've certainly looked there. As an aside, I would be grateful for information on where to look for language documentation (as opposed to implementation documentation).
Every variable in Prolog must begin with an uppercase letter. So for starters, you want Everybody, not everybody.
Second problem, variables in Prolog are not assignables. So probably what you want to do is make a fact and use that instead:
everybody([dana, cody, bess, abby]).
Your bottom line of code is actually a fact definition and will attempt to overwrite maplist/3. What you probably want to do is put everything above that line into a file (say, called likes.pl) and then consult it ([likes].). Then you can run a query like this:
?- everybody(Everybody), maplist(likes_somebody, Everybody, Everybody).
This won't work, because likes_somebody/2 processes a list in the second argument. The predicate you have for likes_somebody/2 could be written:
likes_somebody(_, []).
but still won't mean much. It simply unifies anything with the empty list:
?- likes_somebody(chicken_tacos, []).
You really need a predicate to tell you if someone is a girl, like this:
Then you could do what I think you're trying to do, which is something closer to this:
likes_somebody(X) :- girl(X).
Then the maplist construction would work like this:
everybody(Everybody), maplist(likes_somebody, Everybody).
Which would simply return true. You could simplify and eliminate everybody/1 by instead using findall(Girl, girl(X), Everybody) but it's getting weird.
You're trying to do list processing with likes_everybody/2, but it's broken because girl is literally girl, not a variable, and others is literally others, not a list of some kind that could be the tail of another list.
I think you still have some old ideas you need to cleanse. Read some more, write some more, and your code will start to make a lot more sense.

Create a simple "subway" map in vb.net

I'm making an small logistics-oriented map...
I got an datatable containing users and their current locations (like station names), i got an image with all the "stations" and routes between 'em.
Current task is to warn when two users might meet (i.e. one user is one-two stations far from other one) and make statistics report (what stations users visit most), but i don't know where to start.
What's the most economic way to implement this?
I looked on GIS software, but i don't know how to make roads - and work with them too; there's too much unneeded stuff and no functions i need, or i did not found them so far.
Can you do it with php+JS(jQuery) and SQL? Because I think it's the bettter way to do this. Like an in-line app.
But if you really need to do this with VB.net I will try to answer your question:
The most economic way to implement this (I think) Is to make your own functions writen in .net something like:
Function get_number_of_users_in(stationID)
Function draw_user_in_image(userID)
and all the functions you may need...
After this, you can start to making your main program with a graphic interface, you could simply add a timmer to refresh your countent (Images, with a position...)
You can implement a grid and put your image over it, so you can display users like a point in X,Y coordenate. Like:
* Your image *
* -------------------------- *
* - - *
* - Your grid - *
* -------------------------- *
Next, you set the fixed coordenates like Station-1 = [(4,5)]
And controle the position with something like this in your main prg:
If get_user_next_to_station(userID) Then
msgBox('An user is close to station'&get_station_name(stationID)'!!')
Sory for my probably erros in VB that's been a while I didn't touch this language xD But it's only for show you how you can do this.
Well I think this is the way I would do it, that depends on you and your time and skills in programming. Hope this helped you, if you need more help, you can ask me, there is no problem. Good luck !

Newbie issue with LINQ in vb.net

Here is the single line from one of my functions to test if any objects in my array have a given property with a matching value
Return ((From tag In DataCache.Tags Where (tag.FldTag = strtagname) Select tag).Count = 1)
DataCache.Tags is an array of custom objects
strtagname = "brazil"
and brazil is definitely a tag name stored within one of the custom objects in the array.
However the function continually returns false.
Can someone confirm to me that the above should or should not work.
and if it wont work can someone tell me the best way to test if any of the objects in the array contain a property with a specific value.
I suppose in summary I am looking for the equivalent of a SQL EXISTS statement.
Many thanks in hope.
Your code is currently checking whether the count is exactly one.
The equivalent of EXISTS in LINQ is Any. You want something like:
Return DataCache.Tags.Any(Function(tag) tag.FldTag = strtagname)
(Miraculously it looks like that syntax may be about right... it looks like the docs examples...)
Many Thanks for the response.
Your code did not work. Then I realised that I was comparing to an array value so it would be case sensitive.
However glad I asked the question, as I found a better way than mine.
Many thanks again !