Front Camera switch goes black - objective-c

I am making a app that, in its course, can take a picture with the rear camera and immediately take a picture with the front camera 3 seconds after. I do this by dismissing the previous UIImagePickerController and presenting a UIImagePickerController, where in the completion block of the presentViewController:animated:completion: method I start an NSTimer that calls takePicture after 3 seconds.
This worked like a charm in iOS 7. In iOS 8 however I fail to see the front camera view and I receive this in the console:
UIImagePickerController: ignoring request to take picture; camera is changing modes.
What is going on here? Was there an API change? Or is this a x.0 bug?
If any code is needed to help me out I will gladly provide it.


Is it possible to programmatically force an ios ap in split view to go full screen in ios9?

I am developing this app for ipad and ios9 and at some point the user will click on a button to watch a video. But I wouldn't want the user to just see it in the split view size he's currently on (like 1/3rd or 14th) instead I would like the app to close the other open app and for it to take over the entire screen.
Does anyone know if that's possible? Thanks.
By-default, the video always get played in full-screen mode. When video playing is finished, the player gets dismissed and you will see your screen (from where you played the video). In your case, in split view controller.
Do let me know if you need further details.

Screen gets cut and hangs for few seconds upon rotation

My windows 8 store xaml app gets cut in half upon rotation from landscape mode to Portrait mode and vice versa. Upon rotation the screen gets hanged for a second and gets cut. After a pause of around 3 seconds it gets adjusted to portrait mode. To get the app adjust in portrait mode i have written a storyboard that resizes the buttons and other columns.Then we are calling this storyboard or viewstate on size changed event. We have noticed that many Microsoft apps like mail, people, news apps has the same behaviour. Is there any way to fix this? Or does all the apps on Surface take time to re-adjust? Any reason for this? How can I fix it? Please check the screen shot taken at the time of rotation..

how to keep ios app using opentok video chat in foreground

I've integrated opentok ios sdk in my iOS 7 app, it is working fine, except this problem:
During video chat if I don't access iPhone for 5-10 seconds..then my app moves into background, causing viewer at other end to hear only audio. Video is disabled after app goes to background state.
I've observed same thing with their official example
How can I avoid my app going to background while video chat is ongoing. Skype is working fine in this case, I want to achieve same thing.
What you want to do is prevent the iPhone from going to sleep. To do this, you cant try this:
[UIApplication sharedApplication].idleTimerDisabled = YES;
Here is iOS documentation on idleTimerDisabled
If you don't want the app going into background at all (like when the user taps on home button), you can opt to kill the app when it's not running instead of having it run in the background. To do that, check out iOS guide on opting out of background execution
If you do not want your app to run in the background at all, you can
explicitly opt out of background by adding the
UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend key (with the value YES) to your app’s
Info.plist file. When an app opts out, it cycles between the
not-running, inactive, and active states and never enters the
background or suspended states. When the user presses the Home button
to quit the app, the applicationWillTerminate: method of the app
delegate is called and the app has approximately 5 seconds to clean up
and exit before it is terminated and moved back to the not-running
Hope that helped!

iPad orientation

I have question regarding changing orientation on iPad.
I use MonoTouch, but if Obj-C programmers can help, it will be just as great.
First of all, I figured out if I provide different splash screen images for different orientations, app will show the right one. This can be done for any orientation, such as "Default-LandscapeLeft.png", or generic one "Default-Landscape.png".
All of my images are of correct dimensions and yet, when I start it in portrait mode, it shows it enlarged. All of other modes work perfectly well.
Second problem is I want my app to continue to be in that orientation after my first controller appear. At the moment, it shows portrait in any case. I started generating orientation notifications before first controller appeared (UINavigationController), but I think it responds only on orientation changes. After I moved device, it rotates and from that moment, everything works fine. BUT, I want to "inherit" orientation info from my splash screen.
Any idea will be appreciated.
Thanks guys and girls.
Images for different orientations:
Default.png and Default-Landscape.png should be provided + setting the app settings to provide the required orientations.
Second problem:
After creating the first controller call
myController.WillRotate(UIApplication.SharedApplication.StatusBarOrientation, 0);

Is it possible to create a full-screen UIImagePickerController (with camera source) on an iPad 2?

My goal seems simple: Replicate the behavior of the iPad 2 camera app with regard to previewing/taking still photos. Namely, I want to display the preview in a full-screen window.
Unfortunately this seems impossible on the iPad 2 with a UIImagePickerController. A UIImagePickerController must be hosted within a UIPopoverController, and according to the docs:
When changing the size of the popover’s content, the width value you specify must be at least 320 points and no more than 600 points.
This is fairly consistent with the results I've been seeing. Regardless of the size I specify, I see a small preview window. Is there a way to get around this with the UIImagePickerController?
The docs are confusing/wrong on this. You can also present the camera full screen using a navigation controller with presentModalViewController. This is exactly the same as on iPhone.
Note, this only works on a device, not on the simulator.