Vagrant and / or Docker workflow with full OS X filesystem integration for seamless local feel? - virtual-machine

Recently I've been dabbling with vagrant and docker. These are quite interesting tools, but I haven't been able to convince myself that it's the way to go quite yet on my OS X machine. Being an old Unix hat, I have to say that I like having a consolidated and sandboxed environment for development purposes.
I've seen a lot of chatter and a number of friends have been using vagrant with just stock vim for editing. I'm not really a fan of that approach and would probably prefer to use the vm provider's sharing mechanism OR, more likely, NFS.
Personally I'd like to be able to edit directly in TextMate, SublimeText, Emacs (on OS X), or even perhaps use RubyMine and its various IDE features, etc.
Is there any way to really get the workflow down so that such an environment will be essentially like working on a local environment without having to pull a lot of additional background strings to make things work out?
I suppose a few well placed scripts could go a long way, but I've not found any solid answers on really making this a seamless environment.

What actually worked for me was to use boot2docker which makes it easy to install a lightweight virtual machine (with VirtualBox) that will host your docker deamon and images. The only thing you need in order to run docker commands is to run $(boot2docker shellinit) when you open a new Terminal.
If you need to also have your files on an OS X folder and share them with a running docker image, you need some additional setup, but once you do it, you won't have to do it again.
Have a look here for a nice walkthrough on how to do it. The steps in short are:
Get a special boot2docker image that allows you to use shared folders for VirtualBox
Configure VirtualBox to share a folder:
VBoxManage sharedfolder add boot2docker-vm -name home -hostpath /Users
This will share your /Users folder with the boot2docker image that hosts docker.
From you Mac share the folder you need with a folder in a docker image like:
docker run -it -v /Users/me/dev/my-project:/root/src:rw ubuntu /bin/bash
One small annoyance that I haven't found how to overcome is that you do not longer access your software through localhost because it actually runs on boot2docker instance. You have to run boot2docker ip and access that ip.
Hope that helps!


Automatic packing of server-side product as Docker and OVA image

We develop a server-side solution and to ease its deployment we would like to provide our cutomers with two options:
1. Docker image
2. VM image in OVA format
The images should be automatically created by our build machine.
As of today, we use packer for this purpose. First we create docker image and then update that image in preconfigured virtual machine image (using 'virtualbox-ovf' builder). This works pretty well, but there are some problems with this solution.
First, our vm includes docker framework and two OSes (host's and docker's), so our VM image is ~twice bigger than docker. Second, to base our solution on another linux distro, we should manually configure new VM machine.
We are looking for 'Dockerfile'-style solution to create and configure VM automatically and then export it in OVA format. 'virtualbox-iso' builder is the obvious way to do this, but the building process will be much longer.
If you are willing to use Debian as your base OS then you could look at TurnKey Linux's TKLDev. It's probably a bit of a learning curve initially but it's a pretty cool thing IMO (although I'm very biased - see below disclaimer). TKLDev will build you a TurnKey (Debian based) ISO with your software installed on top. Then using Buildtasks you can convert the ISO to OVA, VMDK, LXC, Docker, OpenStack, etc...
Unfortunately Buildtasks is not very well documented but significant chunks of it are in bash so if you are handy with a Linux commandline you could work it out. Otherwise ask on the TurnKey forums.
The initial development (from Packer to TKLDev) may take a little while, but once the heavy lifting is done the creation of an ISO (in a guest VM on a moderm multicore CPU PC) takes about 10-15 mins and the OVA probably another ~5; Docker another ~5.
If you wanted to make it build automatically then you could use a hook to trigger a fresh TKLDev build (including the buildtasks image creation) everytime a commit was made to a repo. I know that git supports this but I assume that other version control systems allow something similar.
Also if the appliance that you are making is open source then perhaps it could be added to the TurnKey Linux library?
Disclaimer: I work with TurnKey Linux. :)
FWIW this is essentially the process we use to create our library of appliances in most virtualisation formats known to human kind!

Vagrant box or any VMs to simulates Open Build System environments

Is there a vagrant box or any other kind of VMs that simulates Open Build System environments?
I'd like to make sure my package works fine locally before sending it to the building system. The problem is many times my local environments have more stuff installed or different version from the building environment.
I think that having a local VM to simulate the environments would be ideal but I couldn't find it.
Disclaimer: I don't use OBS nor have I tried this myself.
OBS has an appliance that likely can be run in vagrant/vbox here:

Run linux distro of choice inside existing distro

Just wondering if it's possible and what the best route might be to run a full-on Linux distro within my existing distro? It would be great to for instance run Arch Linux within a chroot, jail, etc.. I believe people are doing this on Chromium for example.
I would require that whatever fs loaded, I can install packages using pacman and that my changes are kept intact.
I have tried the Virtualbox route by the way and there is a pretty nasty bug involving double mouse pointers on rotated host screens that I can't seem to get around.
I should mention that I'll be using this chroot environment for development, maybe running the odd X client to be exported remotely, etc..
I followed the chroot guide at and basically installed a whole Arch system within a nested chroot according to the Arch Linux installation guide and I'm now able to switch to the environment at will.
There is a tool that does everything automatically for you (downloads and unpacks ArchLinux distro inside some folder and chroots there).

Does VirtualBox have any advantages over VMWare Player?

I've been using VMWare Player for ages now for both Windows development on my Linux box and (more importantly) automated testing of Windows applications.
Basically what I do is to:
have my development VM running and I build my code and automatically transfer the install package to Linux.
when this shows up at Linux, automatically copy a "known-state", snapshot VM to my test work area (I say snapshot but it's really just a backup copy of the whole directory, not a real VMWare snapshot).
also automatically start the VM in the work area once it's copied.
the VM has a single never-changing startup script which pulls a real startup script from Linux and runs it.
that startup script is responsible for getting down the install package and doing a silent install.
it then runs a test suite and uploads results back to Linux where I have automated scripts which check them.
So, it's basically a one-button test process.
Now I notice more and more people seem to be using VirtualBox.
First off, I'd like to confirm that it can also do a similar thing, primarily being able to backup and restore whole VMs and having shared folders between VirtualBox and Linux.
Secondly, and this is the crux: I'd like to know if that has any concrete advantages over VMWare Player, especially for the automated testing jobs.
I switched to VirtualBox because of one concrete advantage, I wasn't able to setup the network as I wanted to in player. I don't remember if it was bridging or port-forward or whatever that didn't work, but something didn't work the way I wanted it to with the network-setup (cause I needed the pay-version for that) and thus I switched. Personally I've found that both have good and bad sides, but I still use virtualbox cause of that network-thing.

Automate CentOS installation with VMware for testing

Is is possible to automate the installation of an OS using VMware or any other virtualization product?
One of our products consists of a customized version of CentOS that installs the OS and our application on a server. It's much like any CentOS/RHEL installation where you choose a mode that corresponds to different kickstart options, and then you choose your keyboard type. The rest of the installation is automatic.
What I'd like to have is an automated system that will create a new guest VM, boot it with the ISO image of our product, start the installation (including choosing the keyboard), wait for the reboot, and then launch a set of automated tests.
I know that there are plenty of ways to automate the creation of new VM guests from existing templates/images, and I know you can use the VIX API to interact with virtual machines, but the VIX API seems to require that VMware tools is already running (which won't be the case when you're booting from the CentOS install disk).
This answer (Automating VMWare or VirtualPC) indicates that you can script VMware to boot from an ISO that does an unattended installation, but I would really like to test the same process that our customers will be using.
Another option might be to use Xen's fully-virtualized mode and see if scripting it over the serial port will work.
I have a very very similar question, it is on superuser:
You can also use VirtualBox instead of VMWare. The VirtualBox SDK allows you to directly control the keyboard, the mouse the serial port and the parallel port of the guest without the virtualbox guest tools installed.
Unfortunately it doesn't offer a text console interface but the serial port can be connected to a local pipe file and that can probably be worked with just as well.
This may not be exactly what you need:
I have done something similar with a Ubuntu-based install. We used preseeding (Debian's form of kickstart), to answer all the questions during the install - providing the preseed file and the installer via tftp.
In addition to the official Ubuntu mirror we added the apt-server with our own packages in the preseed file. We put a .deb version of vmware-tools on the apt-server and added it to the packages to be installed.
The .deb of vmware tools just contained the .tar.gz and a postinstall script that would extract it to /tmp and run the vmware install script (which has a switch to be run unnattended, so it does not ask any questions).
So after the reboot vmware-tools were up and running and we could use vix to script the rest (which was not very reliable).
If you should encounter problems with running during boot, you could make a custom package that just extracts the tools and an init script that installs them on first boot, disables itself and reboots.
Maybe you can use this strategy (replacing apt by yum, preseed by kickstart and tftp by a remastered iso). If you really need to test that your users choose a keyboard in the installer (which is not very different from kickstart) this would obviously not work for you..