Can not retrieve data from MySql database -

when I run the code, I have an error message that says: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. I would like to create a code that verify credentials that are in the database. If the user that not enter valid information, an error message appears. Here is my code:
'Declare variables
Dim pwd, username As String
Dim dbpwd, dbUsername As String
'Get credentials variables
username = Me.username.Text
pwd = Me.TextBox2.Text
Dim objConn As MySqlConnection
Dim objDataset As New DataSet
Dim objDataAdapter As MySqlDataAdapter
Dim sqlConn As String
If username <> "" And pwd <> "" Then
objConn = New MySqlConnection("server=localhost;userid=root;password= ;database=mayombe_mdcs")
sqlConn = "select agent_id, Password from password where agent_id = " & username & ""
objDataAdapter = New MySqlDataAdapter(sqlConn, objConn)
' intRowNumber = sqlR
dbUsername = objDataset.Tables("password").Rows(1).Item(2)
' dbpwd = objDataset.Tables("password").Rows(1).Item(1)
'WriteLine (dbUsername )
'Force users to enter credentiasl
'Force user to enter true credentials
If pwd = dbpwd And username = dbUsername Then
open form
End If
Catch ex As Exception
strMsg As String
Prompt message that tells the user that credentials entered are not correct.
strMsg = String.Format("One of the following is incorrect: {0}* Username entered {0}* Password entered.", Environment.NewLine)
MessageBox.Show(strMsg, "Warning")
End Try

There are some things wrong in your code.
First, if agent_id is a varchar field you need to use single quotes around the value used in the where clause, but it is better to avoid this problem and use a parameterized query.
Second, if you find something then you should refer to the first row using index 0 and to the second column using index 1. Your code assumes that indexing of an array starts at index 1 but this is not true in the NET world. Arrays always start at index 0.
I would try to rewrite your code as this
objDataset = new Dataset()
sqlConn = "select agent_id, Password from password where agent_id = #usr"
using objConn = New MySqlConnection(....)
objDataAdapter = New MySqlDataAdapter(sqlConn, objConn)
objDataAdapter.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("#usr", username)
if objDataset.Tables(0).Rows.Count > 0 Then
dbUsername = objDataset.Tables(0).Rows(0).Item(1).ToString
End If
End Using


Failed to read when no data is present

i have this code,,its work (kind of).
Dim connString As String = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("connectionstring").ConnectionString
Dim conn As New SqlConnection(connString)
Dim comm As New SqlCommand("SELECT username, Password,type FROM users WHERE username='" & TextBox1.Text & "' AND Password='" & TextBox2.Text & "'", conn)
Dim reader As SqlDataReader
reader = comm.ExecuteReader
Dim count As Integer
count = 0
While reader.Read
count = count + 1
End While
If count = 1 Then
MessageBox.Show("username and password are correct")
Form2.Label1.Text = Me.TextBox1.Text
Form2.Label2.Text = reader(2).ToString
ElseIf count > 1 Then
MessageBox.Show("username and password are duplicated")
MessageBox.Show("username and password are wrong")
End If
im getting error with this line:
Form2.Label2.Text = reader(2).ToString
and error is "Invalid attempt to read when no data is present"
why its says "no data"
i have all data in database?
can someone help me to correct this code?
thank you ..
You should not be using a loop at all. There should be no way that you can get more than one record so what use would a loop be? You should be using an If statement and that's all:
If reader.Read() Then
'There was a match and you can get the data from reader here.
'There was no match.
End If
If it's possible to have two records with the same username then there's something wrong with your database design and your app. That column should be unique and your app should be testing for an existing record when someone tries to register.
A SqlDataReader is a forward only data read element. The error is occurring because you're calling the reader's READ function twice; once as true to increment to 1, and a second time to get a false to fall out of the while statement. Since you're no longer in the WHILE statement, the reader had to have read the end of the result set, thus there is no data for you to read.
Consider the changed code below:
Dim connString As String = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("connectionstring").ConnectionString
Dim count As Integer = 0
Dim userType as string = ""
Using conn As New SqlConnection(connString)
Using Comm as SqlCommand = conn.CreateCommand
comm.commandText = "SELECT username, Password, type FROM Users WHERE username = #UserName AND Password = #Pwd; "
comm.parameters.AddWithValue("#Username", TextBox1.Text)
comm.parameters.AddWithValue("#Password", Textbox2.text)
Dim reader As SqlDataReader
reader = comm.ExecuteReader
If reader IsNot Nothing Then
If reader.HasRows() Then
count = count + 1
If Not reader.IsDbNull(2) Then userType = reader(2).ToString
End While
End If
If Not reader.IsClosed Then reader.close
reader = Nothing
End If
End Using
End Using
If count = 1 Then
MessageBox.Show("username and password are correct")
Form2.Label1.Text = Me.TextBox1.Text
Form2.Label2.Text = userType
ElseIf count > 1 Then
MessageBox.Show("username and password are duplicated")
MessageBox.Show("username and password are wrong")
End If
First off, SQLParameters are your friend. Learn them. They are the single easiest way to fight against SQL Injection when using the SqlClient classes.
Secondly, notice that I'm doing the actual retrieval of the data from the reader inside the WHILE loop. This ensures that there's actual data for me to read.
Third, notice the USING statements on the SqlConnection and SqlCommand objects. This helps with garbage collection, and has a couple of other benefits as well.
Finally, notice the checks I'm doing on the SqlDataReader before I ever attempt to access it. Things like that would prevent from another error appearing if you did not return any results.

Multiple User Registration Form

I have a user registration form for multiple users. This works fine except the code is unable to identify if there is already username exist. I know there is mistake in my code but I am unable to rectify that one.
Code is below can anyone help me sort this, how to write modify code for reader
Private Sub OK_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles OK.Click
Dim user, pass As String
user = UsernameTextBox.Text
pass = PasswordTextBox.Text
Dim connection1 As New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=Credentials.mdb;")
Dim command As New OleDbCommand("SELECT [ID] FROM [Staff] WHERE [usernameField] = username AND [passwordField] = password", connection1)
Dim usernameParam As New OleDbParameter("username", Me.UsernameTextBox.Text)
Dim passwordParam As New OleDbParameter("password", Me.PasswordTextBox.Text)
Dim reader As OleDbDataReader = command.ExecuteReader()
If reader.HasRows Then
MessageBox.Show("User Exist")
MyPlayer.SoundLocation = path & LogOnsound
PasswordTextBox.Text = ""
UsernameTextBox.Text = ""
ElseIf user = "" Or pass = "" Then
MsgBox("Please Fill The Boxs", , "Error")
Dim connection As String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=Credentials.mdb;"
Using myconnection As New OleDbConnection(connection)
Dim sqlq As String = "INSERT INTO [staff] ([username], [password]) VALUES (#user, #pass)"
Using cmd As New OleDbCommand(sqlq, myconnection)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#usernme", user)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#passwrd", pass)
MsgBox("User Registered!", , "register")
user = ""
pass = ""
End Using
End Using
End If
End Sub
It looks like you have multiple things wrong:
You should be specifying #username instead of just username in your SELECT statement so that it will be recognized as a parameter.
Why are you checking for a match on password also? If you do that, people can have the same username with just a different you want that?
In your SELECT, you have usernameField as the column name in your Staff table, but in your INSERT, you have username as the column name. Which is it?
In your INSERT, you specify the parameter #user, but in your cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue statement, you have #usernme.

Visual basic - Incrementing the score

Private Sub Button4_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button4.Click
Dim READER As MySqlDataReader
Dim Query As String
Dim connection As MySqlConnection
Dim COMMAND As MySqlCommand
Dim item As Object
item = InputBox("What is the item?", "InputBox Test", "Type the item here.")
If item = "shoe" Then
Dim connStr As String = ""
Dim connection As New MySqlConnection(connStr)
Query = "select * from table where username= '" & Login.txtusername.Text & " '"
COMMAND = New MySqlCommand(Query, connection)
READER = COMMAND.ExecuteReader
If (READER.Read() = True) Then
Query = "UPDATE table set noOfItems = noOfItems+1, week1 = 'found' where username= '" & Login.txtusername.Text & "'"
Dim noOfItems As Integer
Dim username As String
noOfItems = READER("noOfItems") + 1
username = READER("username")
MessageBox.Show(username & "- The number of items you now have is: " & noOfGeocaches)
End If
MsgBox("Unlucky, Incorrect item. Please see hints. Your score still remains the same")
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
I finally got the message box to display! but now my code does not increment in the database, can anybody help me please :D
Thanks in advance
After fixing your typos (space after the login textbox and name of the field retrieved) you are still missing to execute the sql text that updates the database.
Your code could be simplified understanding that an UPDATE query has no effect if the WHERE condition doesn't find anything to update. Moreover keeping an MySqlDataReader open while you try to execute a MySqlCommand will trigger an error in MySql NET connector. (Not possible to use a connection in use by a datareader). We could try to execute both statements in a single call to ExecuteReader separating each command with a semicolon and, of course, using a parameter and not a string concatenation
' Prepare the string for both commands to execute
Query = "UPDATE table set noOfItems = noOfItems+1, " & _
"week1 = 'found' where username= #name; " & _
"SELECT noOfItems FROM table WHERE username = #name"
' You already know the username, don't you?
Dim username = Login.txtusername.Text
' Create the connection and the command inside a using block to
' facilitate closing and disposing of these objects.. exceptions included
Using connection = New MySqlConnection(connStr)
Using COMMAND = New MySqlCommand(Query, connection)
' Set the parameter value required by both commands.
COMMAND.Parameters.Add("#name", MySqlDbType.VarChar).Value = username
' Again create the reader in a using block
Using READER = COMMAND.ExecuteReader
If READER.Read() Then
Dim noOfItems As Integer
noOfItems = READER("noOfItems")
MessageBox.Show(username & "- The number of items you now have is: " & noOfItems )
End If
End Using
End Using
End Using

Cheking duplicate name and insert user

I am doing a form where the user is writing his username and choose from a button list. Before the insert i need to check if the username is already existed or not. The server side code is:
Protected Sub btnSubmit_Click(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSubmit.Click
'Duplicate username
Dim username As String = tbUsername.Text.Trim()
Dim tempUser As Byte = CByte(rblDept.SelectedIndex)
Dim query1 As String = "Select cUserName FROM Intranet.dbo.Gn_ISCoordinators WHERE cUserName = #cUserName"
Dim haha As DataTable = New DataTable()
Using adapter = New SqlDataAdapter(query1, ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("IntranetConnectionString").ConnectionString)
If haha.Rows.Count <> 0 Then
lblmessage.Text = "Error! user name is already exist"
End If
End Using
'Insert new user
Dim query As String = "Insert into Intranet.dbo.Gn_ISCoordinators (cUserName,lDeptUser) Values ('" & username & "'," & tempUser & ")"
Dim hehe As DataTable = New DataTable()
Using adapter1 = New SqlDataAdapter(query, ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("IntranetConnectionString").ConnectionString)
lblmessage.Text = "User has been added"
End Using
End Sub
So when the user press the button it first check the duplicate username if everything is ok, then it inserts the row.
Btw the error is occur when i press on submit button and it gave me this Must declare the scalar variable "#cUserName". on adapter.Fill(haha) line.
Please i want to know what is wrong with my code. Help me
Thanks in advance.
Error message shows everything you need to know to solve that issue. You're using parameter #cUserName in your query, but it is never set.
Dim conn As New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("IntranetConnectionString").ConnectionString)
Dim query1 As String = "Select cUserName FROM Intranet.dbo.Gn_ISCoordinators WHERE cUserName = #cUserName"
Dim command As New SqlCommand(query1, conn )
Dim param As New SqlParameter()
param.ParameterName = "#cUserName"
param.Value = username
Using adapter = New SqlDataAdapter(command)
You are using a Parameter #cUserName but you did not initialize it or pass values to it.
Dim conn As New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("IntranetConnectionString").ConnectionString)
Dim query1 As String = "Select cUserName FROM Intranet.dbo.Gn_ISCoordinators WHERE cUserName = #cUserName"
Dim command As New SqlCommand(query1, conn)
Using adapter = New SqlDataAdapter(command)

Preparing a Query in VB.NET

I have troubles preparing a query with 2 parameters in VB.NET.
This is my code:
Dim username As String = loginUsername.Value
Dim password As String = EncryptMD5standard(loginPassword.Value)
Dim valid As Boolean = False
Dim connectionString As String = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("myConnectionString").ConnectionString
Dim queryString As String = "SELECT id, user_name, role FROM users WHERE user_name = '#user' AND paswd = '#pass'"
Dim ds As New DataSet()
Using connection As New SqlConnection(connectionString)
Dim command As New SqlCommand(queryString, connection)
command.CommandText = queryString
command.Parameters.Add("#user", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 15).Value = username
command.Parameters.Add("#pass", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 32).Value = password
Dim adapter As New SqlDataAdapter()
adapter.SelectCommand = command
adapter.Fill(ds, "login")
If ds.Tables("login").Rows.Count > 0 Then
valid = True
End If
End Using
Catch ex As Exception
errorLabel.Text = DirectCast(GetLocalResourceObject("erroreDB"), String) & ": " & ex.ToString
End Try
But, by doing this my valid value is always "false", so it fails the row count.
I used some debug and looks like my table login inside ds is empty.
Query works, I tried it manually in SQLServer replacing parameters and I can't understand why I have empty results.
What I'm doing wrong?.
You don't need to wrap your parameters in single quotes, as the parameter system takes care of that.