Dynamics AX 2012 restricted system administrator - sql

Is it possible and (recommended as well) to restrict access on certain AX data to be secured from System Administrator role?
The case is that a company don't want to give access to its financial transactions, also for the employee payroll data, and some other classified information that System Administrator should not be accessed because of irrelevancy.
but, this particular administrator is performing development tasks on forms and reports, also playing the role of SQL DBA who is actually responsible for data maintenance, indexing, mirroring, backups...etc.
so, if we managed to restrict his access on data from AX client, he still can have access on SQL back-end, how can we restrict/encrypt data on SQL itself then?
Any suggestions highly appreciated!

What you're asking is incredibly difficult. It also could/would prevent him from functioning well as a developer.
What I've seen other companies do, and would make the most sense to me is to divide your infrastructure into Production and Test/Dev systems.
You would then backup your Production data and restore that data to Test and scrub the private financial info at the same time.
You would the give him access to Test/Dev systems only for development and SQL changes. Any dev or SQL changes that need to be made to the Production system, which has the sensitive data, would be performed by another person who is allowed to interact with the sensitive data.
Somebody has to have access to the data from SQL. You can't feasibly have accountants and controllers have the only access to the data. So whomever you were planning to have restrict his access...this would be a good candidate.


SQL - is it bad practice to give Read-Only access to the entire company?

I work in my companies small IT department. I have been creating automation via VBA in Excel to pull data from SQL and put it into Excel, then dynamically format and summarize the data. The issue I am running into is the IT department does not want to give anyone outside the IT department SQL Read-Only Access. They view SQL as a privilege not a right...even if it is only Read-Only. They claim security reasons.
Just to be clear, we are NOT installing SQL on these peoples' computers nor do they have the technical understanding on how to write queries. Also, they can already view all the information on the front-end website.
I currently have to specify which database and which tables they can have access to and it takes about 1-2 weeks to give them access (they drag their feet doing the requests).
I am not trying to vent, I am actually wondering do they have a legit concern about security and is this actually a best practice on their part?
The worst thing that could happen is a user knows just enough to connect MS Access to the database, write some poor queries, and grind everything to a halt. You should always have non-IT users access data in a safe, structured way. Especially if this database is a transactional one, and not a reporting database.
Sure, they can access all the data per business process. So then, create a nice, safe query to read all the data and dump it to Excel - if that's what the users want.
Otherwise, IT-created queries - preferably in Stored Procedures - should be reading the data and presenting it to the users.
So it's not a security issue per se. It's more an issue of "we don't want non-IT users getting crafty and bringing down the database with poorly written queries."
I believe the connection properties to the SQL server is embedded in your VBA code, as long as the code is not visible to the user then there is no way they can query the SQL server directly.
Sounds like you need an SQL read only service account which you can use for Query connections. Create an Excel data connection that has the security details to connect to SQL, then your VBA hooks into that data connection.

Why are database links bad for security?

I heard database links are bad for organizations to use. Why is it bad for security?
Where did you hear this?
Database links, like any tool, have their uses and misuses. There is nothing inherently insecure about using a database link. But there are certainly plenty of ways to architect a system using database links that is insecure.
A database link lets you connect one database to another. Broadly speaking, you can define the database link so that it connects to the remote database as a specific fixed user on the remote database or you can define the database link so that it connects to the remote database as the current user. Those configurations have different issues.
If you use a fixed user, you have to be careful that the users that can access the local database link ought to have access to whatever privileges the remote database user has. If you use a relatively powerful account to create the database link but then give access to that link to relatively low-privilege users, that can certainly be a security issue. It can also be challenging to identify situations of concern where this has taken place because no single database has the whole picture. If user Bob on database A has read-only access to a couple of tables but there is a public database link on A that connects to database B as a highly privileged user, someone that compromises Bob's account the ability to execute commands on B as that highly privileged user. Of course, you can mitigate these issues by not creating database links as highly privileged users, taking care when creating public database links, creating private database links when the fixed user is going to have privileges that you don't want to grant to everyone, etc.
If you use current user database links, then the user Bob on database A connects to database B as Bob and has whatever privileges Bob does on database B. In general, that is likely to be easier to secure. It's at least much harder to unintentionally do something stupid. The downside to this approach, however, is that Bob would need to keep his password synchronized on both databases or the database link won't work. That generally involves developing a bit of infrastructure to allow Bob to reset his password on all databases (or use some sort of external authentication) which is a bit of work to set up and maintain. Occasionally, it will also limit what security measures the DBA can configure when you have a mixed environment. When you upgraded database A to 11.2, for example, you probably wouldn't want to enable case-sensitive passwords until database B was similarly upgraded. If you have lots of database links between lots of systems on very different upgrade schedules, this sort of thing might be concerning.
Some years back there was a significant bug where the "System Change Number" could be pushed ahead on a database and this would follow through to any database connected via a database link, resulting in a cascade of failures. Depending on how risk averse the organisation is, it can be a sensible precaution to keep databases isolated from each othe and reduce the effect of any 'outbreak'.
"Where this vulnerability gets interesting is that the SCN is synchronized to the highest SCN when two databases are connected via a database link. Therefore, it is possible to increase a database to the near maximum SCN through a database link, which will cascade through to all other interconnected databases. The result can be ORA-600 errors and potentially database crashes on the database with the lower SCN."

Local SQL database interface to cloud database

Excuse me if the question is simple. We have multiple medical clinics running each running their own SQL database EHR.
Is there anyway I can interface each local SQL database with a cloud system?
I essentially want to use the current patient data that one is consulting with at that moment to generate a pathology request that links to a cloud ?google app engine database.
As a medical student / software developer this project of yours interests me greatly!
If you don't mind me asking, where are you based? I'm from the UK and unfortunately there's just no way a system like this would get off the ground as most data is locked in proprietary databases.
What you're talking about is fairly complex anyway, whatever country you're in I assume there would have to be a lot of checks / security around any cloud system that dealt with patient data. Theoretically though, what you would want to do ideally is create an online database (cloud, hosted, intranet etc), and scrap the local databases entirely.
You then have one 'pool' of data each clinic can pull information from (i.e. ALL records for patient #3563). They could then edit that data and/or insert new records and SAVE them, exporting them back to the main database.
If there is a need to keep certain information private to one clinic only this could still be achieved on one database in a number of ways, or you could retain parts of the local database and have them merge with the cloud data as they're requested by the clinic
This might be a bit outdated, but you guys should checkout https://www.firebase.com/. It would let you do what you want fairly easily. We just did this for a client in the exact same business your are.
Basically, Firebase lets you work with a Central Database on the Cloud, that is automatically synchronised with all its front-ends. It even handles losing the connection to the server automagically. It's the best solution I've found so far to keep several systems running against one only cloud database.
We used to have our own backend that would try its best to sync changes, but you need to be really careful with inter-system unique IDs for your tables (i.e. going to one of the branches and making a new user won't yield the same id that one that already exists in any other branch or the central database). It becomes cumbersome very quickly.
CakePHP can automatically generate this kind of Unique IDs pretty easily and automatically, but you still have to work on sync'ing all the local databases with the central repository.

Appropriate SQL Server Permissions for Developers

After a couple of Google searches and a quick look at questions here, I cannot seem to find what I thought would be a cookbook answer for SQL Server permissions.
As I often see in small shops, most developers here were using an admin account for SQL Server while developing. I want to set up roles and permissions that I can assign to developers so that we can get our jobs done, but also do so with the minimum permissions required. Can anyone offer advice on what SQL Server permissions to assign?
SQL Server 2008
SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) 2008
SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) 2008
We are running "Mixed Mode" security because of some legacy apps and networks, but are moving to Windows Auth. I am not sure if that really affects the role set up.
I plan to set up access for Developers to Prod and Staging/QA DBs as Read-Only. However, I still want developers to retain the ability to run Profiling.
We need Deployment accounts with higher privilege levels. We are currently trying to figure out exactly what privileges we need for SSIS package deployments.
Within the Development Server, Developers need broad privileges. However, I am not sure that just making them all admins is really the best choice.
It's hard to believe that no one has published a decent example script that sets up these kinds of roles with a good set of appropriate permissions for developers and deployers.
We can probably figure this all out by locking things down and then adding permissions as we discover the need, but that will be way too big a PITA for everyone.
Can anyone point me to, or provide, a good exemplar for permissions for these kinds of roles on these kinds of platforms?
This will vary widely from company to company. The key ingredient is to lock down production so that devs cannot create or change objects. Our devs only have datareader rights on prod, nothing else. They can't even execute a stored proc unless logged into the application and using the application's permissions.
We give pretty much full rights to many developers on dev, but it might vary depending on which databases they are supposed to be developing against and which servers they are to access for the applications they support. So a dev with full access to one development server may not even have select rights on another.
By locking devs out of prod we have gained several critical things. First, there is no cowboy database development. They know they must create scripts for someone else to run and so they don't make random changes that they then forget about. This also means they are not a problem about putting the scripts into source control, since the people who do have rights to prod will only run a script if it is in Source control.
Next there are no people making on-the-fly emergency, untested changes to prod, that never get down to dev and qa and are thus lost the next time a new version is loaded up. As a result the changes that didn't work on prod have gone way down as well because now everything is tested before someone tries to put it on prod.
Nor are people making on the fly data changes to prod and accidentally updating the entire user table because they forgot to highlight a where clause (yes this happened before we locked down prod).
I've been searching for similar guidance but didn't find any. After some experimentation, I think a simple setup would be to add the user to the "dbcreator" server role, then add them to the "db_owner" role in each database they will be working on. This would allow the user to create new databases, as well as modify the ones in which they are a member of "db_owner."

Best practice on users/roles on SQL Server for a web application

I searched online a bit and couldn't find anything that really nailed the spot or covered the bases how to go about setting up users/roles on a database.
Basically, there would be a user that would be used to access the database from the application (web application in this case) that will need access to database for the regular database operations (select, insert, update, delete) and executing stored procedures (with exec to run stored procedures within other stored procedures/UDFs).
Then, we would also have a user that would be main admin (this is simple enough).
I currently have a development environment where we don't really manage the security too well in my opinion (application uses a user with db_owner role, though it is an intranet application). Even though it is an intranet application, we still have security in mind and would like to see what are some of the ways developers set up the users/roles for this type of environment.
EDIT: Web application and SQL Server reside on separate machines.
EDIT: Forgot to mention that an ORM is used that would need direct read/write access.
What are the "best practices" on setting up the user for application access? What roles would apply and what are some of the catches?
First, I tend to encapsulate permissions in database roles rather than attach them to single user principals. The big win here is roles are part of your database, so you can completely script security then tell the deployment types to "add a user and add him to this role" and they aren't fighting SQL permission boogeymen. Furthermore, this keeps things clean enough that you can avoid developing in db_owner mode and feel alot better about yourself--as well as practice like you play and generally avoid any issues.
Insofar as applying permissions for that role, I tend to cast the net wider these days, especially if one is using ORMs and handling security through the application. In T-SQL terms, it looks like this:
This might seem a bit scary at first, but it really isn't -- that role can't do anything other than manipulate data. No access to extended procs or system procs or granting user access, etc. The other big advantage is that changing the schema--like adding a table or a procedure--requires no further security work so long as you remain within that schema.
Another thing to take into consideration for SQL 2005+ is to use database schemas to secure groups of objects. Now, the big trick here is that many ORMs and migration tools don't like them, but if you render the default schema [dbo] to the app, you can use alternative schemas for special secured stuff. Eg--create an ADMIN schema for special, brutal database cleanup procedures that should be manually run by admins. Or even a separate schema for a special, highly secured part of the application that needs more granular DB permissions.
Insofar as wiring in users where you have separate boxes, even without a domain you can use Windows authentication (in Sql Server terms integrated authentication). Just make a user with the same credentials (user/pass combo) on both boxes. Setup an app domain to run as that user on the web box and setup a Sql Server user backed by that principal on the sql box and profit. That said, using the database roles can pretty much divorce you from this decision as the deployment types should be able to handle creating sql users and modifying connection strings as required.
For a long time the SQL Server guidelines for application access to the database were to isolate access to data into stored procedures, group procedures into a schema and grant execute on the schema to the principal used by the application. Ownership chaining would guarantee data access to the procedure callers. The access can be reviewed by inspecting the stored procedures. This is a simple model, easy to understand, design, deploy and manage. Use of stored procedure can leverage code signing, the most granular and powerfull access control method, and the only one that is tamper evident (signature is lost if procedure is altered).
The problem is that every bit of technology comming out from the Visual Studio designers flies in the face of this recommendation. Developers are presented with models that are just hard to use exclusively with stored procedures. Developers love to design their class models first and generate the table structure from the logical model. The procedure based guidelines reuire the procedures to exists first, before the first line of the application is written, and this is actually problematic in development due to the iterative way of modern development. This is not unsolvable, as long as the team leadership is aware of the issue and addresses it (ie. have the procedures ready, even as mocks, when the dev cycle starts).
Create a user 'webuser' that the web application uses.
Only grant stored proc execute permissions to this user. Do not allow direct table read/write. If you need to read something from a table, write a proc. If you need to write data, write another proc.
This way everything is kept nice and simple. One app user, with only the relevant permissions. If security is compromised, then all the intruder can do is run the procs.