If statement in x-kendo-template template not functioning - conditional-statements

I am building a Kendo mobile application. In the detail view I am populating the template perfectly, my problem comes in when an array in my data source (only for that active view) doesn't exist - so I need a conditional statement to wrap of my variables. I.E if I'm viewing an item that doesn't contain the array of eventGenre - the view doesn't break.
Any help will be super appreciated.
Here is my template
<script id="detailTemplate" type="text/x-kendo-template">
# #:eventInfo.venueName# /
#for (var i=0,leg=eventGenre.length; i<leg; i++){#
# if( eventGenre[i]==null) {#<span>show xxx<span># } else {#<h3>${eventGenre[i] }</h3>#} #
# } #
// Also tried this way but nothing seems to work.
# if (eventGenre == '' || eventGenre == null){ #
# } else { #
<h3>#:eventGenre# }</h3>
# } #

Anyone having the same weirdo problem as me I solved it by adding data. to the beginning of the statement.
# if (data.eventGenre){ #
<h3>#:eventGenre# }</h3>
# } #


Razor-Pages - HTML markup

Following the answer on this post I was using #:<div class="col-md-6">
The Formatting gets all messed up:
The intellicode gets all messed up (I only deleted the paragraph on the second #:)
Also, my if (i == (Model.CellsNotStarted.Count - 1) && i % 2 != 0) won't work when using the #:; it will always go on the else. If I don't use the #: markup, and if I, for instance put all my html in a if/else instead of only the <div> tag it will work with no problems.
My question is:
Is the #: markup viable? If so, what am I doing wrong. If not what is the alternative (that does not imply putting my entire code in an if/else)
PS: I know I should not post images of code, but I wanted to show the format and syntax errors.
There are neater ways to manage conditions within your Razor code. It's difficult to provide a full example because you don't provide the full code, but you can do this, for example:
<div class="col-md-#(i+1 == Model.CellsNotStarted.Count && i % 2 ! = 0 ? "12" : "6")">
Whenever you are tempted to use a remainder operator (%) in Razor, you should also consider whether a GroupBy would be better. It most often is, as I was shown in this question: Building tables with WebMatrix
You can try to use js to set html.Here is a demo:
<div id="myDiv"></div>
$(function () {
var html = "";
if ("#(Model.CellsNotStarted != null)"=="True")
for (var i = 0; i <#Model.CellsNotStarted.Count; i++)
if (i == (#Model.CellsNotStarted.Count - 1) && i % 2 != 0)
html += '<div class="col-md-12">';
html += '<div class="col-md-6">';
html += i+'</div>';

Show product prices in Prestashop Wishlist Module

Currently the wishlist module in my Prestashop store only displays the product image and title. There are two wishlist views, the customer account view and the shared link view. I would like to display the price in both of these views. I've tried adding
$price = Product::getPriceStatic($productid);
to different parts of managewishlist.php and adding
<span id="our_price_display">{convertPrice price=$productPrice}</span>
to the managewishlist tpl file but nothing shows up. I'm running version
EDIT: I also tried adding
{if !$priceDisplay || $priceDisplay == 2}
{assign var='productPrice' value=$product->getPrice(true, $smarty.const.NULL, $priceDisplayPrecision)}
{assign var='productPriceWithoutReduction' value=$product->getPriceWithoutReduct(false, $smarty.const.NULL)}
{elseif $priceDisplay == 1}
{assign var='productPrice' value=$product->getPrice(false, $smarty.const.NULL, $priceDisplayPrecision)}
{assign var='productPriceWithoutReduction' value=$product->getPriceWithoutReduct(true, $smarty.const.NULL)}
to managewishlist.tpl but it made the wishlist disappear
Not sure about the actual files you need to edit but this should be right for PS 1.5.x
in blockwishlist/view.php add the commented line:
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($products); ++$i)
$obj = new Product($products[$i]['id_product'], false, $context->language->id);
if (!Validate::isLoadedObject($obj))
if ($products[$i]['id_product_attribute'] != 0 && isset($combination_imgs[$products[$i]['id_product_attribute']][0]))
$combination_imgs = $obj->getCombinationImages($context->language->id);
$products[$i]['cover'] = $obj->id.'-'.$combination_imgs[$products[$i]['id_product_attribute']][0]['id_image'];
$images = $obj->getImages($context->language->id);
foreach ($images AS $k => $image)
if ($image['cover'])
$products[$i]['cover'] = $obj->id.'-'.$image['id_image'];
if (!isset($products[$i]['cover']))
$products[$i]['cover'] = $context->language->iso_code.'-default';
$products[$i]['price'] = Product::getPriceStatic($obj->id);
then in view.tpl (not sure if PS 1.5.x uses the /templates/view/ dir or not try both) you can just use {convertPrice price=$product.price} wherever you need.
Haven't actually tested this but it should give you a good starting point at least.
EDIT Also please be aware that that editing module files directly is not recommended. However, since there is no option to override modules in PS 1.5.x your only options are:
a) editing module directly - meaning it will break if / when you update said module
b) copying the module and renaming it - which is messy but imho preferable to the downside of a)

whmcs server-side pagination

I'm working with WHMCS and I notice that list views are not working well.
That's because in the clientarea's list views I have tousans thousands of records to display and the DataTables is crashing.
Is there a way to paginate from the server-side? I will appreciate any idea.
Here is an idea: let' say you are viewing the Domains list page, you can use ClientAreaPage hook to create a variable to load a "paged" copy of domains:
add_hook( 'ClientAreaPage', 1, function( $vars )
$myVars = array();
if (App::getCurrentFilename() == 'clientarea' && isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == 'domains') {
$domains2 = array();
foreach($vars['domains'] as $k => $domain) {
if ($k < 3) {//your code to handle pagination
$domains2[] = $domain;
$myVars['domains2'] = $domains2;
$myVars['currentpage'] = 1;
return $myVars;
In clientareadomains.tpl (template file), you need to change $domains to $domains2:
{foreach key=num item=domain from=$domains2}
Of course, it is not simple task, you need to handle pagination in the hook and the tpl files.
Hope it helps.

Apache PerlAuthzHandler and form POST vars

I have a mod_perl PerlAuthzHandler authorizing access to directories served by Apache2. In terms of controlling access it is working well.
A side effect, though, is that it seems to be preventing POST form variables from being available to PHP apps in the protected locations. At least when I comment out the PerlAuthzHandler and reload Apache the PHP app functions again. I think either the full environment is not being inherited by Perl or Perl is sending a cleansed environment on.
Is it possible to ensure that all POST variables are available to the PHP application after authorization?
User authentication is managed by simplesamlphp on this box, the SP, and ADFS, the IdP. The addition to the simplesamlphp installation is the use of PerlAuthzHandler.
Apache configuration
The Apache configuration for the location in question looks like this:
<Location /activity>
ErrorDocument 401 "/simplesaml/authmemcookie.php"
AuthName "MCLAnet"
AuthType Cookie
Require valid-user
PerlSetvar Auth_memCookie_SessionTableSize "40"
PerlAuthzHandler My::simple
PerlSetVar VALID_GROUP_EXPR "status-acad or staff-g"
Authorization handler
The authorization handler retrieves group memberships recorded in setting up the session and compared to a VALID_GROUP_EXPRESSION in the PerlSetVar:
#! /usr/bin/perl
package My::simple;
# Version 1.0 MCLA CSS
use Apache2::Access ();
use Apache2::RequestUtil ();
# load modules that are going to be used
use Data::Dumper;
use CGI qw(:standard);
use CGI::Cookie;
use Cache::Memcached;
use PHP::Serialization qw(serialize unserialize);
# compile (or import) constants
use Apache2::Const -compile => qw(OK FORBIDDEN);
sub handler {
my $r = shift;
my $user = $r->user;
dmp('0 user',$user);
# ------------------------ get valid group(s) for this session
my $valid_group_expr=$r->dir_config("VALID_GROUP_EXPR");
dmp('1 valid group list',$valid_group_expr);
# -- get the session cooke to retrieve the session <ID>
$query = new CGI;
# fetch existing cookies
my %cookies = CGI::Cookie->fetch;
# dmp('Cookies',%cookies);
my $ID = $cookies{'SimpleSAMLSessionID'}->value;
dmp('2 SimpleSAMLSessionID value',$ID);
my $SessionID='simpleSAMLphp.session.' . $ID;
# -- use the session ID to look up the value of memcached key simpleSAMLphp.session.<ID>
my $cache = new Cache::Memcached {
'servers' => [''],
'compress_threshold' => 10_000,
# Get the value from cache:
my $value = $cache->get($SessionID);
# dmp('mamcache value',($value));
# -- use the value data to find the groups
my $hashref = unserialize($value);
# dmp('mamcache unserialized',($hashref));
my %hash = %{ $hashref };
%hash = % { $hash {'data'}{chr(0) . 'SimpleSAML_Session' . chr(0) . 'authData'}{'default-sp'}{'Attributes'} };
my #groups = # { $hash{'groups'} };
dmp("3 Comparing $valid_group_expr to", \#groups);
my $result=evaluate($valid_group_expr,#groups);
if ($result) {
dmp("this guy oK",$result);
return Apache2::Const::HTTP_OK;
dmp("blowing this guy off",$result);
$r->log_reason("Not a member of group " . $valid_group_expr);
return Apache2::Const::FORBIDDEN;
# return Apache2::Const::HTTP_FORBIDDEN;
# return Apache2::Const::HTTP_OK;
# return Apache2::Const::DECLINED;
# ======================= utility functions
# evaluate returns the boolean value of the expression $expr
# after substituting membership information in #groups
# valid operators are
# &&, and, AND logical AND
# ||, or, OR logical OR
# !, NOT, not logical NOT
# expression must be infix and precidence can be indicated by ()
sub evaluate {
my ($expr,#groups)=#_;
# print "$expr\n";
# print Dumper(\%group_hash);
# operator tokens
my %token_hash = (
'(' => '(',
')' => ')',
'AND' => '&&',
'and' => '&&',
'or' => '||',
'OR' => '||',
'!' => '!',
'not' => '!',
'NOT' => '!',
) ;
# add the group array into the token hash as TRUEs
foreach $v (#groups) {
$v=~s/ /_/g;
$token_hash{$v} = 1;
dmp('merged hash',\%token_hash);
# merge the two hashes into %token_hash
# foreach my $tkey ( keys %group_hash) { $token_hash{$tkey} = $group_hash{$tkey}; }
# print Dumper(\%token_hash);
$expr=~s/\(/ ( /g;
$expr=~s/\)/ ) /g;
$expr=~s/\!/ ! /g;
# print "$expr\n";
my #expr_hash=split (/ /,$expr);
foreach my $t (#expr_hash) {
if ($t ne '') {
if (exists ($token_hash{$t})) { $t = $token_hash{$t} } else {$t = 0;}
$expr = $expr . "$t ";
my $result=0;
my $assignment="\$result = $expr;";
return $result;
# debug dump structure funcion
sub dmp {
if ($debug == 1) {
my ($label,#value) = #_;
my $temp = Dumper(#value);
open (T, ">>$debug_file"); # || die "Can't open $debug_file: $!\n";
print T "$label: $temp\n";
close (T);
Failing PHP script
The simple PHP form below displays no value when the Perl authorization is enabled. If I comment out the PerlAuthzHandler line both $_POST'[submit'] and $_POST['in1'] are set.
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { print_r($_POST); }
<form name="test" action="y.php" method="post">
<input name="in1">
<input type="submit" name="submit">
print $form;
Again, authentication (simplesamlphp/ADFS) and authorization both work as expected. The exception is that when authorization is used no $_POST variables are available.
As often happens the problem was of my own making. One of the kind monks at perlmonks.org pointed out that the Perl handler contained the line:
$query = new CGI;
Removing that did it. Since I was in fact only accessing but not changing anything there was no point to it and in fact $query was never used.

Check from theme's .tpl file for enabled module?

How can I check in theme's .tpl file with "If" operator is there enabled module(s) in a certain hook?
{if !empty($hook_name)}
I do not still find any reason to do this checking. But anyway, there is a solution.
Surround your code in template by:
{if $some_modules_enabled}
And put the below code in a controller, ex: FrontController.php
$id_hook = Hook::get($name_of_the_hook);
$some_modules_enabled = false;
foreach ( Hook::getModulesFromHook($id_hook) as $row ) {
if ( Module::isEnabled( $row['name'] ) ) {
$some_modules_enabled = true;
$this->context->smarty->assign('some_modules_enabled', $some_modules_enabled);