xpages required property for a combobox - dojo

There is a djContainer having multiple djtabPane(s).
A combobox is situated on the first djtabPane, having the property: required="true".
but, when I move to next djtabPane in order to complete some other fields, I get the notification that the combobox value is required.
Can I achieve this property of the combobox but only if I want to submit / save the doc.?
<xe:djTabContainer id="djContentPane1" tabPosition="top" doLayout="false">
and the djTabPane ( all are the same, only the title is different ) :
<xe:djTabPane id="djTabPane1" title="Title1">

You'll need to move the validation to your save/submit method. A validator runs whenever a partial refresh happens unless you set immediate="true" or processValidators="false". But I don't think there's a way to set that on any of the in-built tabbed containers.
The advantage of Greg's approach when moving towards an MVC pattern is that the same validation can be run whenever saving the data object, not just from a specific XPage / Custom Control. The down-side is more work coding what's effectively in-built, e.g. tying the validation message back to the relevant component, setting the component's valid property to false etc.


How to use Form Controls in Modules

In my modules, I want to use my controls from my form. For example: I want to set focus on a textbox after a certain Sub.
My current solution is to make a subroutine to set all controls in a public variable (see below).
My questions:
What is the best practice? How do people usually do this?
When should I call my subroutine? (is it the first call in the FORM_LOAD sub?)
Public TBnr As TextBox
Public Sub controlsInitieren()
Set TBnr = Forms("frm_TreeView_Example").pstNr
End Sub
Well, as a general rule, while many platforms seperate out the UI part and the code part? Well, Access is quite much a different approach - it is standard fair to place the required code inside of the form "class" (all forms in Access are a "class", and you can even have muliple instances of the SAME form open more then one time).
So, in general, your code should be in the forms code (class) module.
However, you could and call a external routine.
So in the form, you could call your above routine like this:
Call MySetFocus(me, "NameOfControlToSetFocusTo")
And your sub would look like this:
Sub MySetFocus(f as form, sCtrl as string)
End Sub
However, as noted, the amount of code above is more code then simply in the forms code module going:
However, while the above is a less then ideal example, passing the form "instance" (me) to a external sub or function allows you to referance any property or method or feature that exists in the form in an external routine.
So in place of say
me("LastName") = "Zoo"
In the above sample routine, you would and could go;
f("LastName") = "Zoo"
So any place you would and could use "me" in the form, you can use the form instance you passed from the form. As noted, it is a good idea to use "me", since as I noted, Access does allow multiple copies of the form to be opened at the same time - and thus your code can't distinguish between what form instance you are using unless you pass the current "in context" form. So like in JavaScript, using "this" ?
In access that current instance of the class object is "me", and you are free to pass that instance to any sub or function you want as per above.
The best practice is to use only procedures inside the form code. In such a case you refer to a text box control in this way: Me.Textbox1.SetFocus. If you want to set some controls properties during the form loading, you can do that in the frm_TreeView_Example_Initialize event;
They usually do it in the way I described at item 1;
If you want to use such a strange/unusual way you can do it calling the subroutine whenever you want. But, in order to set a specific property value of the form frm_TreeView_Example controls you can simply use frm_TreeView_Example.TextBox1.SetFocus. You can use this way of setting in a module procedure, even before the form has been shown. You can simply show it in that procedure code using at the end: frm_TreeView_Example.Show;

Why did I have to manually set the .value from the .text on losing focus in an unbound textbox

I have an unbound textbox to accept the delete older than: number of days. It is in the report header. I set it to 30 days but I want the user to be able to change it. I was banging my head trying to figure out why entering 40 was not being accepted and it reverted back to 30 every time. I finally decided on using the lost_focus event to set .value to .text. That worked.
Further research showed that when the textbox get's focus text and value are both the same, 30 in my case. Changing the number in the text box to 40 shows the values of text at 40 and value at 30. Unless I specifically set Value to the value of text Access changes text to the value of value. This is different behavior than other places in Access such as forms.
Can anyone tell me why this might be? I can't find any setting that might do this. Is it because it's in a report header? what is the difference between this and every other text box I've ever used?
From a "best practices" viewpoint, Access Reports are not intended to be used interactively despite the ability to manipulate some unbound controls. Although workarounds can be implemented that function sufficiently well, such solutions are often incomplete and buggy and function differently depending on the active view: Report View vs. Print Preview. Appropriate design patterns include using Access Forms for specifying report options which then open the Report in a static configuration.
This may not satisfy the question "Why?" if seeking a deeper answer as to why Microsoft implemented inconsistent binding behavior in Access, or why they allowed interactive controls in reports at all if they don't behave the same way as in forms. But Access has plenty of other quirky behaviors that have no known/published explanation.
Regarding the priority of the Value property updating the Text property (and not vice versa): Value is the key field because it contains the actual data for the control (bound or unbound). Although it is natural to have a single control for both display and input (uh, that's how almost all controls work), the processes of displaying data and parsing user input are two distinct functions. The visual representation returned by the Text property can be manipulated using the various formatting properties, and technically could display an incomplete representation of the underlying Value data. If there are any conflicts between the stored Value property and the Text property, it is natural that the existing Value property has precedent.
My guess is that the automatic binding behavior was "relaxed" for reports to allow more flexible custom reporting output. First consider an Access Form in Datasheet view: An unbound Form control shows the same value for all records. Even if the control is edited while on a particular row, the updated value is displayed for all rows. The same control object is essentially repainted for each row and there is no concept of individual instances of the control that can hold different values. Bound controls have built-in code that repaint the control with data from the particular row, but there are still not multiple instances each "holding" the individual values. The visual output differs from an intuitive object-oriented paradigm where our minds what to assign each visual row its own in-memory instance of the controls--it just doesn't work like that in Access.
Unlike the Form behavior just described, the Report's Print Preview (and actual printed output) allows unbound controls to display different data per row using the Detail_Format() event. Within the Detail_Format() event, one can set the Value property of a control at which time the Text property is automatically updated according to various formatting properties. This update Text is then output for the current row. Perhaps (just guessing) that this behavior would not function properly if the Text property updated the value property. I suspect it would cause recursive events during report generation. Because reports are not meant to be interactive, relevant text-input parsing code was "disconnected" so that it doesn't behave like on a form.
All that explanation doesn't make Access any less frustrating nor remove its limitations, but at least learn to adapt and design things in the "Access-esque" way rather than fighting it.
your best bet is to design a form with the unbound combo boxes and have your data displayed in a subreport. I like to design my reports so that when values are updated the query for the recordsource of the report is generated doing this requires 2 queries to exist, one with all data possible and a filtered one as subreport recordsource. This will control the data for printing and also allow users to close or navigate away from the report and return to the data later.
Private Sub ComboBox1_AfterUpdate()
Dim Query1 as Object
Dim Temp_Name as Variant
Temp_Name = SubReport.SourceObject
SubReport.SourceObject = Empty
Set Query1 = Me.Form.Application.DBEngine.Workspaces(0).Databases(0).QueryDefs ("SubReport_Query")
Query1.SQL = "Select * Unfiltered_Query WHERE Field1 <= " ComboBox1 & ";"
SubReport.SourceObject = Temp_Name
End Sub

VB.Net ComboBox (as Dropdown) not translating text to DisplayMember with Databinding

I inherited a fairly large project at work that is undocumented and written in VB (originally started pre .NET, ended around .NET 2). I'm in the process of updating / refreshing a lot of the code, but have run into an annoying issue that I haven't found the solution for yet. This system utilizes a UI, a Web Service, and a SQL DB.
Problem: I have a Databound Combobox (originally set to DropDownList - I'm changing it to DropDown, which is what started this mess - going back isn't an option) that is tied to a DataSet that comes from a Web Service. When a user types in the item they want manually, the data from the text field doesn't seem to associate itself with the DisplayMember, which forces the WS/SQL query to fail (it is sent a blank value when it's expecting a ValueMember). If the user types in a partial selection and then chooses the value they want from the DisplayMember list using the arrow keys or tab, the query goes off without a problem.
My Question: How do I get the text field to translate to the DisplayMember which will then properly tie itself to the ValueMember which will then allow the query to execute correctly? Sorry for making this sound complicated or convoluted; I'm sure the answer is easy and I'm just glazing over it.
The relevant bit of code is:
With cmbDID
If dtsLU.Tables.Contains(reqTable) = True Then
.DataSource = dtsLU.Tables(reqTable)
.DisplayMember = "zip"
.ValueMember = "gridID"
End If
End With
cmbDID.DataBindings.Add("SelectedValue", dtsData, strDT & ".gridID")
I've tried changing "SelectedValue" to "Text", which almost works - but it directly translates to gridID and skips zip which ends up with an incorrect Web Service response since the zip and gridID field values are not synced (zip (DisplayMember) may be 5123 while gridID (ValueMember) may be 6047). I've tried changing "SelectedValue" to "SelectedIndex", and that got me no where.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
To add some clarification to the process, the below pseudo code / description is roughly what happens. I could post the whole module, but I feel that would just muddy the whole question even more.
Private Sub A
FormAlpha is created with 1 ComboBox in the form of a DropDown
This DropDown is populated with a DataSet
DataBinding with a blank DataSet is added to the control to keep track of the users input
End Sub
lblSubmit_Click event is triggered on FormAlpha by the user after they have populated the DropDown with their data. lblSubmit_Click calls Private Sub Submit
Private Sub Submit
BindingContext(DropDown DataSet, tableName).EndCurrentEdit() is called
DataSet.HasChanges() is processed
If changes are present, changes are processed
HERE lies the problem
If the user has manually typed in the DropDown field, but not hit an arrow key or tab, then the DataSet registers a change, but returns a null value in all fields - it knows something was entered, but that data apparently didn't pass through the DataSet for the ComboBox (ListItems or SelectedIndex didn't change / fire I'm guessing). If the user selects the item with the arrow keys, the DataSet has the proper input (I'm assuming the Data was validated by the control at this point).
If the processed data is good, a value is entered into the database
If the processed data is bad (empty), an error is returned
End Sub
If the above can't be solved with what I've provided, but someone still knows a better way to handle this type of situation, I'm all ears. Rewriting the module isn't ideal, but fixing this problem is a necessity.
Alright, while this fix may not be ideal, it is a fix none the less.
The bare bones problem was that the text value of the DropDown wasn't causing the data to actually affect the SelectedIndex / SelectedValue of the control unless you interacted with it using the arrow keys or a mouse click. So, while the DropDown would read "1234", in reality the control saw "".
The fix I have in place for this is simply calling comboBox.text = comboBox.text whenever the user hits the submit button.

Save a user popup selection in a custom Automator Action

Using Xcode 5.* for a cocoa-applescript automator action.
Interface is a a simple popup menu that gets populated using an outlet with:
tell thePopupMenu to removeAllItems()
tell thePopupMenu to addItemsWithTitles_(theList)
When the action is used in a workflow (a Service actually), I want the next time it is run and the action dialog shows up (I will have "Options:Show when run" selected), I want the popup menu to change the selection to the last one that was selected. Right now, the default first item shows, even though last time it was run, the user selected a different item in the popup menu.
My thought was that I need to capture a change in the popup menu with a Sent Action handler, and then set some type of default. I have a working handler:
on thePopupMenuSentAction_(sender)
set popupValue to (popupSelectedValue of my parameters()) as string
-- save this selection somewhere???
What's the right way to save this? Do I use User Defaults? My Bindings are currenly all tied through Parameter object/controller. If I should use User Defaults, can someone give example code for setting up User Defaults, and then how to get and set a new value using Cocoa-Applescript?
If I can get the name string of the menu item saved somewhere, I can get the string and then change the selection of the popup menu in the
on opened {}
-- set up the action interface
handler which gets called just before the action is displayed each time.
Thanks for any help,
I did mine a bit differently. I will assume you are referring to what XCode calls a "pop up button" (somewhat misleading). I did not use the parameters at all, although that is probably better for larger projects. Have a look at the code:
script Insert_Picture_into_Powerpoint_Slide_Show
property parent : class "AMBundleAction"
property menuChoices : {"Insert a Beginning", "Insert at End"}
property menuSelection : missing value
if (menuSelection as string) is "missing value"
set menuSelection to 0 as integer -- sets default value
end if
end script
I bound Content Values to File's Owner and under Model Key Path I put menuChoices.
Then you just bind the Selected Index to File's Owner and for the Model Key Path type menuSelection.
On the initial run, if the user does not click anything, the menuSelection will be missing value. Because I couldn't find a way around this, I created a conditional which tests for this and sets it to the first choice by default (the one that is shown when you add the action).
When the user selections one of the menu choices, the choice is remembered on sequential runs.

Reading 'Checked' Property Of Dynamic CheckBox on Page Postback

Apologies in advance for the long-winded post, but I'm having some trouble with a .NET page I'm building.
END QUESTION: How can I check the 'Checked' property of a dynamically-created checkbox during the Page_Load subroutine?
DETAILS: Basically, I have a VB.NET page that creates some table rows dynamically, based on a number selected by the user. So, for example, if the user selects "3" from a dropdown list, the page posts back and creates three table rows. Each row contains a couple of textboxes, a dropdown list, and a checkbox (which are all .NET form controls rather than plain HTML controls, I should point out).
Typically, the user would enter a few details into the form controls, and click the 'Submit' button, after which the page iterates through each row, and inserts the data into a SQL Server table.
But if the user ticks the checkbox for that row, this signifies that the page is to ignore that row, and NOT insert that row of data into the database when the user clicks 'Submit'.
This works well, but there is a problem. If the user clicks 'Submit' and some of the values entered into the form controls are invalid (so, for example, the user didn't enter their name) then the page won't submit the data, and instead, shows an error to the user informing them of the values they need to change. But if the user creates three rows, for example, but decides to "ignore" the third row (by ticking the checkbox) then when the page posts back, finds some invalid entries, and re-shows the form to the user to allow them to correct any errors, I'd rather the page didn't render the third row altogether. After all, they chose to create three rows originally, but then decided that they only needed two. So it makes sense that the third row is not recreated.
To start with, I simply used code similar to the following within my Page_Load subroutine:
If objCheckbox.Checked = False
' Render the row, and recreate the dynamic controls '
' Dont render the row or any of the controls '
End If
But what seemed to happen was that objCheckbox.Checked was always returning False, even when the checkbox was ticked. Once the page had loaded, the table rows had rendered again, and the tick was present in the checkbox, so it's not like the value was lost on postback. But at the point I check whether the checkbox is ticked, it always returns False, rendering a table row that the user doesn't need.
Does anyone know how to get round this problem? I've read lots of articles about the .NET ViewState, and the page lifecycle, but I've yet to find a solution that works. I simply need to be able to check if a checkbox is ticked before re-creating some dynamic controls.
I tried this alternative code, which utilises the ViewState, but to no avail:
If objIgnoreCheckbox.ViewState("Checked") = False Then
' Render the row, and recreate the dynamic controls '
' Dont render the row or any of the controls '
End If
When doing this, I get the following error:
'System.Web.UI.Control.Protected Overridable ReadOnly Property ViewState() As System.Web.UI.StateBag' is not accessible in this context because it is 'Protected'.
So I tried to create a custom class, that inherited from Checkbox, and tried to override the ViewState property to make it public, so that it can be read from:
Public Class CheckboxControl
' Inherits all Checkbox properties and methods '
Inherits Checkbox
' Create the public ViewState property '
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property ViewState As StateBag
Dim objChecked As Object = ViewState("Checked")
If Not (IsNothing(objChecked)) Then
Return objChecked
End If
End Get
End Property
End Class
But then I basically found out that you can't override a protected member with a public one. I've had very little experience with creating new classes etc, so I'm stumped.
So if anyone can tell me how to go about checking the darned checkbox, I'd be eternally grateful! I've spent a full working day trying to solve the problem, but with no luck!
Thanks in advance!
For static controls, the view state of controls is restored in Page_Init, which happens before Page_Load, so they contain the correct values in Page_Load. Dynamic controls are created in Page_Load, so their viewstate is incorrect in Page_Load and will be restored after Page_Load, but before calling event handlers. MSDN says:
After the Page_Load event has run, but before control event-handling methods are called, the remaining view state information is loaded into the dynamically created controls.
This is why Checked returns false, and why changing the visibility of CheckBox.ViewState will not solve your problem.
Solution (untested, but I think it should work): Create all controls (even those that you don't want to display) in Page_Load. Attach an event handler on CheckedChanged to your CheckBoxes (in Page_Load). After Page_Load has finished, ASP.NET will restore the view state of the newly created controls (that's why it is important to create the same controls in Page_Load, so that ASP.NET can correctly map the view state to the control), and ASP.NET will call your event handler for those CheckBoxes that have been changed. There, you can remove the rows you don't want to display.
This is how you add the event handler
AddHandler objCheckbox.CheckedChanged, AddressOf MyCheckedChangedFunction
This function would look something like this:
Function MyCheckedChangedFunction(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
Dim objCheckbox = DirectCast(sender, CheckBox)
... access objCheckbox.Changed and do something useful here ...
End Function