Are redis hashes kept in ziplist after changing hash-max-ziplist-entries? - redis

I'm running a redis instance where I have stored a lot of hashes with integer fields and values. Specifically, there are many hashes of the form
{1: <int>, 2: <int>, ..., ~10000: <int>}
I was initially running redis with the default values for hash-max-ziplist-entries:
hash-max-ziplist-entries 512
hash-max-ziplist-value 64
and redis was using approximately 3.2 GB of memory.
I then changed these values to
hash-max-ziplist-entries 10240
hash-max-ziplist-value 10000
and restarted redis. My memory usage went down to approximately 480 MB, but redis was using 100% CPU. I reverted the values back to 512 and 64, and restarted redis, but it was still only using 480 MB of memory.
I assume that the memory usage went down because a lot of my hashes were stored as ziplists. I would have guessed that after changing the values and restarting redis they would automatically be converted back into hash tables, but this doesn't appear to be the case.
So, are these hashes still being stored as a ziplist?

They are still in optimized "ziplist" format.
Redis will store hashes (via "hset" or similar) in an optimized way if the hash does end up having more than hash-max-ziplist-entries entries, or if the values are smaller than hash-max-ziplist-values bytes.
If these limits are broken Redis will store the item "normally", ie. not optimized.
Relevant section in documentation (
If a specially encoded value will overflow the configured max size, Redis will automatically convert it into normal encoding.
Once the values are written in an optimized way, they are not "unpacked", even if you lower the max size settings later. The settings will apply to new keys that Redis stores.


Redis using too much memory smaller number of keys

I have a redis standalone server, with around 8000 keys at a given instance .
The used_memeory is showing to be around 8.5 GB.
My individuals key-value size is max around 50kb , by that calculation the used_memory should be less than 1 GB (50kb * 8000)
I am using spring RedisTemplate with default pool configuration to connect to redis
Any idea what should I look into, to narrow down where the memory is being consumed ?
zset internally uses two data structures to hold the same elements in order to get O(log(N)) INSERT and REMOVE operations into a sorted data structure.
The two Data-structures to be specific are,
Hash Table
Skip list
Storage for ideal cases according to my research is in the following order,
hset < set < zset
I would recommend you to start using hset in case you have hierarchical data storage. This would lower down your memory consumption but might make searching teeny-tiny bit slower (only if one key has more than say a couple of hundred records)

Is there any number limitations of field for Redis command HMSET?

What's the max number limitation of field for Redis command HMSET ? If I set 100000 fields to one key by HMSET , if would cause the performance issue comparing to use the each field as a key?
it is quite large, 2^64-1 in 64 bit systems, and 2^32 -1 in 32 bit systems,
1) Number of keys in every Redis database: 2^64-1 in 64 bit systems.
2^32-1 in 32 bit systems. 2) Number of hash fields in every hash:
2^64-1 in 64 bit systems. 2^32-1 in 32 bit systems.
Given that a 32 bit instance has at max 4GB of addressable space, the
limit is unreachable. For 64 bit instances, given how big is 2^64-1,
the limit is unreachable.
So for every practical point of view consider keys and hashes only
limited by the amount of RAM you have.
I did a couple of quick tests for this using the lua client.
I tried storing 100,000 fields using a single hmset command, individual hmset commands, and pipelined individual commands, and timed how long they took to complete:
hmset 100000 fields: 3.164817
hmset individual fields: 9.564578
hmset in pipeline: 4.784714
I didn't try larger values as 1,000,000+ were taking too long but the code is here if you'd like to tinker.
Depending on the application bear in mind that you loose the storage efficiency of hashes once you add too many fields('too many' can be set, see here for more info.
According to Redis documentation, there's no such limitation.
actually the number of fields you can put inside a hash has no practical limits (other than available memory)
I think there's no performance penalty to save data in a HASH. However, if you have a very large HASH, it's always a bad idea to call HGETALL. Because HGETALL returns all fields and values of the HASH, and that would block the Redis instance for a long time when the HASH is very large.
Whether a HASH is better than key-value store, largely depends on your scenario.

How can Redis be optimized for storing lists of GUIDs?

We are using Redis to store shuffled decks of cards. A card is represented by a 20 character GUID, and a deck is an array of shuffled card GUIDs. The primary operations called on the Deck list is LLEN (length) and LPOP (pop). The only time that we push to a deck is a) when the deck is initially created and b) when the deck runs out of cards and is re-shuffled (which happens rarely). Currently, the length of a deck varies from 10 to 700 items.
What type of memory optimizations can be made in Redis for this sort of problem? Is there any sort of setting we can configure to reduce the memory overhead, or optimize how (zip)list data types are used?
Related Article:
My first suggestion would be to use 8byte unsigned integers as your identifier key instead of guids, that saves you several bytes per entry in memory, and increases overall performance of any database including redis you are using.
In case you want to go with guid, and considering the size of list and the operations you are doing on the list.
You can tune the redis defaults to suit your need :
Redis defaults :
list-max-ziplist-entries 512
list-max-ziplist-value 64
You can change this to :
list-max-ziplist-entries 1024 #to accomodate your 700 cards list
list-max-ziplist-value 256 # to accomodate your 20 byte guids
YMMV, hence you need to benchmark redis with both settings, for storage as well as read/write performance with your sample data.

Memory utilization in redis for each database

Redis allows storing data in 16 different 'databases' (0 to 15). Is there a way to get utilized memory & disk space per database. INFO command only lists number of keys per database.
No, you can not control each database individually. These "databases" are just for logical partitioning of your data.
What you can do (depends on your specific requirements and setup) is spin multiple redis instances, each one does a different task and each one has its own redis.conf file with a memory cap. Disk space can't be capped though, at least not in Redis level.
Side note: Bear in mind that the 16 database number is not hardcoded - you can set it in redis.conf.
I did it by calling dump on all the keys in a Redis DB and measuring the total number of bytes used. This will slow down your server and take a while. It seems the size dump returns is about 4 times smaller than the actual memory use. These number will give you an idea of which db is using the most space.
Here's my code:

Increase the default memory and hash, set key limit of redis

I am writing a JAR file that fetches large amount of data from Oracle db and stores in Redis. The details are properly stored, but the set key and hash key I have defined in the jar are getting limited in redis db. There should nearly 200 Hash and 300 set keys. But, I am getting only 29 keys when giving keys * in redis. Please help on how to increase the limit of the redis memory or hash or set key storage size.
Note: I changed the
hash-max-zipmap-entries 1024
hash-max-zipmap-value 64
manually in redis.conf file. But, its not reflecting. Anywhere it needs to be changed?
There is no limit about the number of set or hash keys you can put in a Redis instance, except for the size of the memory (check the maxmemory, and maxmemory-policy parameters).
The hash-max-zipmap-entries parameter is completely unrelated: it only controls memory optimization.
I suggest using a MONITOR command to check which queries are sent to the Redis instance.
hash-max-zipmap-value keeps the hash key value pair system in redis optimized as the searching for the keys in these hashes follow an amortized N and therefore longer keys will in turn increase the latency of the system.
These settings are available in redis.conf.
If one enters keys more then the specified number then the hash key value pair will be converted to basic key value pair structure internally and thereby will not be able to provide the advantage in memory which hashes provide so.