Cannot connect to server - SQL Server 2014 Management Studio - sql

I'm quite a newbie, just trying to learn some new things. I've recently started learning c# etc and I'd also like to create a new SQL Server database using SQL Server Management Studio.
The thing is that for some reason I am not able to connect to the server. I might have done something wrong (or haven't done something that I should have done). Been researching the problem a lot on google and I found some tips but I still can't make it work.
I even found some installation tutorial in here: and I only noticed that I used some different options (I used default, didn't change anything) like for example in "Database Engine Config" I chose "Windows authentication mode".
So that's what I get:
Also I think I may have some problem with services, because when I go to the server configuration manager, the list is completely empty.
Thanks for any tips. If I don't solve this, I can always uninstall SQL Server Management Studio and reinstall it - this time following the steps in the tutorial. Hopefully that wont be necessary so help me please:)!

I've had a look at the link you posted about the installation instructions. As I mentioned before SQL server enterprise (database engine) won't install on a non-Server OS, You'll need at least Windows Server 2008. Have a look at for the system requirements. During the installation there must have been an option to install the database engine, but it was probably disabled because of your OS.
I suggest you uninstall 2014 Enterprise and download SQL Server 2014 express and make sure you select database engine as part of the installation.

If you want to get into SQL, I would suggest trying out MySQL first. I've utilized it a little bit and found it to be fairly simple with a decent amount of documentation. This version of SQL will still function with various languages. It doesn't utilize Windows authentication, but rather lets you set a root password specific to the database itself. I don't know if your software is similar to that but there may be an option to not use Windows authentication and instead authenticate within the database software itself.


Can't connect to SQL Server local database and can't find the SQL Server browser

My problem is that after I installed SQL Server Management Studio and use .\SQLEXPRESS as a server name. It says that it can't connect it.
I read lots of things about that problem and one thing was to go to computer management and check the sql server browser if it is started.
When I go there I do not find any files for sql. On time of the installing I do everything correct as it is supposed to be. That's why I cannot understand why it doesn't work. Any ideas ?
I suspect that you have installed the tools only (SQL Management Studio) and not SQL Server itself. If you want to connect to your own SQL Server (any instance starting with a dot ".") then you will need to install it on your machine.
You can download the full installation SQL Express package direct from Microsoft. There are several editions available to suit your environment and needs.
It gets a little complicated trying to find what you want since there are so many variants and editions. I recommend that you head over to Scott Hanselman's blog where he has laid it all out very nicely by release version, edition and environment (32/64 bit)
His preferred link:
Original post:
So, it seems it isnt installed... was it installed? Check google what it's folders are for your system and go look if the folders exist. Make a backup of existing folders and re-install if need be. then attach any existing files to to recreate the databases, if any.

Microsoft SQL Server 2012 no database engines

I just installed MS SQL Server 2012 (Express). I went through the whole install process from SQLManagementStudio_x64_ENU.exe (other things were already installed) with checking all the checkboxes, so I thought I had everything necessary.
When I try to connect to .\sqlexpress, I get a message saying "Cannot connect to .\sqlexpress". See below for message detail, I copied it from another question because mine is in Dutch :-)
Cannot connect to .\sqlexpress
I did some research through my friends Google and Stackoverflow, but none of the solutions work.
1. There is nothing in Database Engine -> Local Server Groups -> Register Local Servers (it says "No local servers of type "Database Engine" were found"
2. I cannot restart the services as I only have one "SQL related" service (SQL Server VSS Writer)
3. There are no services listed in Sql Server Configuration Manager -> SQL Server Services
Does anybody know what's wrong? Please let me know if you need additional details.
Thanks, a SQL Server newbie
The SQLManagementStudio_x64_ENU.exe as the name says only contains SQL Server Management Studio, which is the GUI used to manage servers. It does NOT includes any DB engine or anything else but the client tool, so it's normal that you don't have the service installed.
Look at the downloads at the official download website. The file named SQLEXPRADV_x64_ENU.exe or SQLEXPRADV_x86_ENU.exe are the full installs that includes both the client tools and database engine together. It's normally the best possible download I can think of from all the choices.
If I recall correct the file SQLManagementStudio_x64_ENU.exe only contains the management tools and not the server software. You need to download another file (SQLEXPRADV_x64_ENU.exe if you want the complete package with server and reporting services etc.).
See this page for more information
I assumed that you have completed whole installation process without any error.
It may possible that you have installed it with another instance name and possibly because of that you are getting this message.
Following thing you have to check.
Try to access on Same machine where you have installed SQL Server using Management studio.
Start menu or Search for SQL Server Configuration tool. At that tool you will find SQL server instance. name.
Make sure that your instance is running mode.
Which authentication mode you have choose during installation and take proper step during making connection
If above step will not work then please provide more detail.
You need to Download the SQL Server Express Edition with the Advanced Services option.
ADV - with advanced services (reporting services)

Sql server-client installment

i don't know where to ask this I hope sof is the right place.
I give t-sql classes to a professional school, and it's my first time. The school doesn't have any software installed but they want it to be microsoft sql server only. So the thing is, I know in oracle I can have a server installed at home and my students use a client to connect to it and each using their separete db-user, execute the tasks I ask, all is fine and dandy. With sql server from microsoft I don't even know/can't find a client version... I'm talking about 2012 version.
So... is there a client software to acess a sql server or any other similar way? Currently I enabled everything I could related to ssh and I'm trying to connect with other machine to my sql server via ssh but to no success. (I considered this another possible solution)
The thing is, I don't wan't to install 20 SQL servers on desktops... I think it doesn't make much sense since all their tasks are related to SQL sintaxe and basic rules and database normalization.
I'm sorry for my english, I'm not native.
You can use Sqlserver Manament Studio. Which is used to connect sqlserver from client or server means, in network or even though from live sqlserver too.
one thing you remember about 32-bit , 64 bit version.
Follow the link that how to install SSMS.

What SQL-based server software should I install locally to develop db skills using?

I'm currently working a contract for a company which will be moving an access database to MS SQL server in the future, and I'd like to hone my skills before the company makes the switch.
I'm also looking forward to possibly developing a rudimentary website which would have a simple HTML/CSS/JS front end, and those skills could also use a sharpening. I'd like to develop my skills through some SQL work locally on my home computer. Researching how to do that has only yielded the suggestion of installing an Apache web server with PHP and MySQL on my local machine. While I'm not opposed to doing that, the last time I worked with an Apache install, it was over-complicated and bloated.
Is there a more streamlined option? It doesn't seem necessary to load an entire web server for the specific use I'm going for.
I'd prefer to simply install a program that allows me to host the [My]SQL database locally, and perhaps later some way to test HTML and Javascript interacting with the database. I'm already somewhat familiar with Sequel Pro. As an added bonus, my Python skills are rusty and I'd like to get used to scripting Python. At this point Xcode (4.2) seems the likely solution here, but I'm open to other options.
I would be installing on a 11" MacBook Air running Lion and Xcode 4.2.
Apache and PHP ship with Mac OS X 10.7. MySQL installation is pretty straightforward with the package available from MySQL.
Take a look at these instructions--for your purposes, you can stop after the php.ini section.
Obviously a very subjective question.
I find CherryPy (with Python) for the web server and server programming, combined with jQuery to augment the HTML in the browser to be a powerful and lightweight combination. When possible, I use SQLite for the database — another extremely lightweight option. I share your distaste for Apache, at least when it's not needed.
If you want to develop solid skills that are peculiar to MS SQL Server, you really don't have much alternative to installing SQL Server someplace you can access it. Although you can certainly limit your use of SQL Server to standard SQL set-based commands SQL Server is more often used with a heavy emphasis on procedural code built into stored procedures. Those skills (writing SQL Server specific stored procedures) are only very minimally transferable to or from other database products.
If you were running Windows, you could get MS SQL Server Express for free:
In the end I just installed MySQL. I ended up following the instructions available from this blog post about setting up django, but not installing phpMyAdmin...
This post also has some good things about setting up passwords and such, since I really didn't want to be stuck relying on something else to admin the MySQL setup.

Installing SharePoint 2010 on a dev machine with an external database

I've been following Microsoft's guide for installing a dev environment on Windows 7:
In order for it to not run like a dog I've created a SQL Server 2008 instance on our database server specifically for this dev machine. The article does mention that you might be wanting to use an external database in regard to making sure the database cumulative update is installed. It doesn't make any other mention of configuring it to use a external database. I was hoping that the configuration wizard would then prompt about which database to use but annoyingly it just set-up the configuration database locally.
How do I go about installing SharePoint on a dev environment with an external database, and will I need to reformat this machine and do it all again?
Well, this depends on what your environment looks like. For instance, is this machine part of a domain?
If so, it should be as simple as selecting "Server Farm Install", or something like that when you did the binaries installation. Then, when you run Products and Configuration Wizard, it will ask you for DB info. Note: if you are doing this, I would recommend you to be part of the 'sa' role on the database server as you will be creating databases.
If you are not part of a domain, it gets a little trickier, but not too bad. Check out this article.
-= Plan B =-
You can always give this a whirl. This is the method we use to keep the DB guys from screaming. It also allows us to give our databases nice names.