How do I read text directly from a URL using -

I'm making a Windows Phone 8 app. I have the latitude and longitude of the target location. I need to get the Two Letter ISO country code of target location.
I'm using the following code to make it happen.
'Dim address As String = puri
'Dim client As WebClient = New WebClient()
'Dim reader As StreamReader = New StreamReader(address)
'code = reader.ReadToEnd
Dim inStream As StreamReader
Dim wr As WebRequest
Dim webresponse As WebResponse
wr = WebRequest.Create(puri)
webresponse = wr.GetResponse()
inStream = New StreamReader(webresponse.GetResponseStream())
code = inStream.ReadToEnd()
where puri(in the commented code) is the address of the webservice in string format.
When trying the commented code, the error I'm getting is that string cannot be converted to system.uri format. (address)
When trying the uncommented code, I get an error which says, getresponse is not a member of class
I guess with the updates to .NET the code changed, but I couldn't find anything current on the topic.

I think you should use WebClient Class instead of a WebRequest. It is simpler and faster. Here is a simple example:
Dim WebCL As New WebClient
Dim DownLoadedText As String = String.Empty
DownLoadedText = WebCL.DownloadString("Your Url")
' Do something
Catch ex As Exception
Throw New Exception("Oops!! ERROR has occured, something is wrong with your address")
End Try


Why would my VB.NET WebRequest suddenly stop working?

A while ago I wrote a programme in VB.NET to use the Betfair Exchange API. It has worked perfectly for months, but overnight on Tuesday it stopped working. I can still log in, but from Wednesday I have been unable to get anything else from the server.
Betfair are investigating, but according to them nobody else seems to be experiencing the same problem - although I'm not sure how many will be using VB.NET.
Below is the function I have been using to obtain data from the API. Like I said it was working on Tuesday night but not from Wednesday morning. Is there anything here which is "not perfect" or "could be better", or perhaps there is some alternative code I could try? Or is there something which might have happened on my pc which has caused the problem?
The programme falls over at the line "dataStream = request.GetRequestStream() ". The error is "Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream."
I would be grateful for any advice that anyone could offer. Thank you!
Public Function CreateRequest(ByVal postData As String, Optional ByVal accountsApi As Boolean = False)
Dim Url As String = ""
If accountsApi Then Url = ""
Dim request As WebRequest = Nothing
Dim dataStream As Stream = Nothing
Dim response As WebResponse = Nothing
Dim strResponseStatus As String = ""
Dim reader As StreamReader = Nothing
Dim responseFromServer As String = ""
request = WebRequest.Create(New Uri(Url))
request.Method = "POST"
request.ContentType = "application/json-rpc"
request.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.AcceptCharset, "ISO-8859-1,utf-8")
request.Headers.Add("X-Application", appKey)
request.Headers.Add("X-Authentication", sessToken)
Dim byteArray As Byte() = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(postData) ' Data to post such as ListEvents, ListMarketCatalogue etc
request.ContentLength = byteArray.Length ' Set the ContentLength property of the WebRequest.
dataStream = request.GetRequestStream() ' Get the request stream.
dataStream.Write(byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length) ' Write the data to the request stream.
dataStream.Close() ' Close the Stream object.
response = request.GetResponse() ' Get the response.
strResponseStatus = CType(response, HttpWebResponse).StatusDescription ' Display the status below if required
dataStream = response.GetResponseStream() ' Get the stream containing content returned by the server.
reader = New StreamReader(dataStream) ' Open the stream using a StreamReader for easy access.
responseFromServer = reader.ReadToEnd() ' Read the content.
reader.Close() : dataStream.Close() : response.Close()
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox("CreateRequest Error" & vbCrLf & ex.Message, MsgBoxStyle.Critical, " Error")
End Try
Return responseFromServer
End Function
I would check that the provider hasn't recently deprecated use of TLS 1.0 (as they should have done before now, in fact).
If so, your code needs to enforce use of TLS 1.1+:
ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls11 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;
This only has to be set once, usually in the (static) type initializer or similar.
And I 100% agree with Andrew Mortimer that you should use Using blocks wherever possible. I'd also suggest moving all of your string values into variables or constants to clean things up and keep them maintainable. Eg:
Const ContentType As String = "application/json-rpc"
request.ContentType = ContentType
I just found this announcement on their site:
If you are allowed to use external dependencies within this project I would recommend using RestSharp nuget package it works really well for creating API requests and getting there response without having to use httpclient which gets messy.

how to get source code from link with user name and password in vb or c#

i try to get code source from my facebook account bet i get only the login page code source...
i assumes its happens because problem with cookie
my code...
'download data from url and return string of the source code
Public Shared Function getSourceCode(address As String) As String
Dim reader As StreamReader = Nothing
'Address of URL
Dim URL As String = address
' Get HTML data
Dim client As WebClient = New WebClient()
client.Proxy = Nothing
Dim data As Stream = client.OpenRead(URL)
reader = New StreamReader(data)
End Try
If reader IsNot Nothing Then Return reader.ReadToEnd
Return ""
End Function OpenWeatherMap using HttpWebRequest

I am unable to get the HttpWebRequest to work properly with OpenWeatherMap.
When I try out the URL from the browser I get the data. However, when I am sending it from the program I'm getting a message with code id. Like this:
What Am I doing wrong?
VB.NET Code:
Private Shared AppID As String = "add_app_id_Here"
Public Shared Function GetWeather(ByVal location As String) As List(Of WeatherDetails)
Dim url = String.Format _
location, AppID)
Dim request As HttpWebRequest = DirectCast(HttpWebRequest.Create(url), HttpWebRequest)
request.AuthenticationLevel = Net.Security.AuthenticationLevel.None
Dim response As WebResponse = request.GetResponse()
'The body of the request is sent here
Dim responseReader As New StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream())
Dim responseInfo As String = responseReader.ReadToEnd()
If Not (responseInfo.Contains("message") And responseInfo.Contains("cod")) Then
Dim xEl = XElement.Load(New System.IO.StringReader(responseInfo))
Return GetWeatherInfo(xEl)
Return New List(Of WeatherDetails)
End If
Catch ex As Exception
Return New List(Of WeatherDetails)
End Try
End Function
After breaking my head I found that his method HttpWebRequest is not tolerant to special characters or non printable characters.
Thus in the URL I had to hardcode the "%27" character and it solved the problem.

Taking Json from API and iterating over the results

So I feel stupid for asking probably a easy question but I'm not very familiar with .NET and I've been googling for a while now.
I'm looking to take in data from a web API and be able to iterate over it. The data looks like this
{"id":"5", "date":"01-01-2014"},
{"id":"90", "date":"05-01-2013"}
What I've got so far:
Private Sub newGetData()
Dim request As HttpWebRequest
Dim response As HttpWebResponse = Nothing
Dim reader As StreamReader
request = DirectCast(WebRequest.Create(""), HttpWebRequest)
response = DirectCast(request.GetResponse(), HttpWebResponse)
reader = New StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream())
Dim rawresp As String
rawresp = reader.ReadToEnd()
Dim jResults As JObject = JObject.Parse(rawresp)
Dim results As List(Of JToken) = jResults.Children().ToList
For Each item As JProperty In results
'usernameTextbox.text = jResults("name").ToString()
'placenameTextbox.text = jResults("place")("name").ToString()
Catch ex As Exception
If Not response Is Nothing Then response.Close()
End Try
End Sub
I've tried a bunch of things but it always fails on the loop. How do I go about doing this?
EDIT: The error message for this one
Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReaderException: Error reading JObject from JsonReader. Current JsonReader item is not an object: StartArray. Path '', line 1, position 1.
at Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject.Load(JsonReader reader)
at Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject.Parse(String json)
at Forecasting.Form1.newGetData() in

Issue with StreamReader

I am writing code where I am trying to grab the HTML from a DNS report online (, but I am having some issues. The one line of the HTML file (Line 231) that I actually need is cutting itself off after around 680 characters. All of the lines after the important one are reading correctly, however. The code for grabbing the HTML is shown below, and I have tried it in two separate ways.
This is the first way I tried:
Public Function getWebResourceData(ByVal strURL As String) As String
Dim webClient As New System.Net.WebClient
Dim result As String = webClient.DownloadString("" & TextBox1.Text)
return result
End Function
And this is the second:
Public Function getWebResourceData(ByVal strURL As String) As String
Dim rt As String = ""
Dim wRequest As WebRequest
Dim wResponse As WebResponse
Dim SR As StreamReader
wRequest = WebRequest.Create(strURL)
wResponse = wRequest.GetResponse
SR = New StreamReader(wResponse.GetResponseStream)
rt = SR.ReadToEnd
return rt
End Function
Im really not sure what else could be wrong at this point. I have also tried saving the result to a text file to see if that was the issue, but that was incorrect as well. I have looked into the hex codes for the area where the string is stopping, but there isn't anything out of the ordinary. The split occurs between the back to back alligator brackets (shown as parentheses) here: (/tr)(tr)
But there are numerous sets of these tags throughout the HTML that there are no issues with.
Both of your functions don't return what they have read. I have tested the second one and it works correctly.
Sub Main
Dim ret = getWebResourceData("")
' Output = 21605
End Sub
Public Function getWebResourceData(ByVal strURL As String) As String
Dim rt As String = ""
Dim wRequest As WebRequest
Dim wResponse As WebResponse
Dim SR As StreamReader
wRequest = WebRequest.Create(strURL)
wResponse = wRequest.GetResponse
SR = New StreamReader(wResponse.GetResponseStream)
rt = SR.ReadToEnd
return rt
End Function