Some dependencies of our plugin are required to be in a sub-folder of the plugin's directory.
What tag should be used in DeployList.xml so that some folder and all its contents well be added to the plugin?
At the moment we solve this by adding custom post build events to the DeployPlugin project.
I have created the default play application in IntelliJ in directory P. I have over-written the default index.scala.html with my own html code. The html code refers to some css and js files which are outside the directory P. To include these external files, I added the directory of these files using project configuration settings.
My webpage doesn't load properly as the server returns 404 for the css and js files. What am I doing wrong?
When you added your directory using project structure, you only say:
Hey, IDEA, please consider this folder part of my project, consider
its contents source code and display it when I open my project.
However, when you deploy or run your app, you only deploy the usual folders to the server, which contain the resources which will be available for clients to access.
The external directory is not part of these directories and will not be deployed.
What you can do is to copy the file from the external directory as a part of your build process before deploying the application.
EDIT: Detailed answer here: What is intellij's build process for play applications
I am thinking of putting my folder with design files in my open source project but being afraid that they will be used within compiling for ios or android app.
Is there a way to exclude this folder?
Thank you in advance.
If it's an open source project, I think you should keep resources in your repo and add them to your projects .npmignore file. This way, when you get the module via npm install, the resource files won't even be in node_modules folder and users that use your open source project won't need to change anything in their config files.
I'm trying to figure out how SFML's CMake configuration shows the <SFML/*> include directory in a project folder.
My test project has include_directories(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include) but the include folder does not appear in the project structure like SFML's
The folder will show up if you have added any source files from within that directory (or a subdirectory below it) to any target in the project. Since you are talking about headers, you can simply add the header files as sources to an existing target. CMake will just ignore them as far as the building of that target is concerned, but it will then add those headers to the project's list of files. I've also seen people add a static library target with nothing but headers listed just so those headers show up in the project view. A bit hacky in my opinion, but it gets the job done.
Can someone explain me why random folders are being created at assets directory of my Yii project. Since I am using SVN to control the versions, is it necessary to commit those folders as well ?
Those folders are the js, css, and image files needed for various widgets and other parts of the Yii framework. You do NOT want to commit them to a repository, as Yii automatically regenerates a fresh copy if they don't exist.
Just create the folder for it, wipe out the contents of the folder if you upgrade to new versions of widgets, and don't add them to your repo.
Recently set up a multi module project in IntelliJ with the following structure:
/a few more folders
I set up module1+2 and web-module as modules in IntelliJ so those show up, but how do you make the sql and lib folder show up in the project panel? They should be included in VCS as well, but IntelliJ ignores them. How do you add folders outside modules to a project?
Screenshot of project and explorer view:
This is not a strict answer to the question, but it worked for me so I'm posting, perhaps someone will find this useful.
If you want to add an arbitrary folder to your project (even from some different location than your projects), just add it as a module. You needn't worry about the type so much e.g. I needed to add a folder with some SQL scripts, I added it as a Java module and it's nicely visible in IntelliJ even though it has no maven structure or Java sources.
This is how to do it:
File > Project Structure > Modules
Add > New Module > ... (e.g. Java Module)
In the new module settings mark the subfolders that you want to see as 'Sources'
VoilĂ ! :)
This is something that I typically see when creating a project from existing modules. All the modules will show in the project but not the other project related directories. These directories might be, configuration files, environment scripts or bundles of SQL scripts that don't fit neatly into an Intellij module type.
To show the rest of the project source files and directories, I create a parent module from the project root.
File->Project Structure->Modules
Create a new module using the + sign. The new module could be any type (I use java).
On the Next screen set the Content root and Module file location to the Project's root folder.
Select Finish
All of your other modules should now be submodules of the root, and your other project files should now show up.
Add and remove content roots
To add a new content root:
Go to File | Project Structure, or press Ctrl+Shift+Alt+S.
Select Modules under the Project Settings section.
Select the necessary module, and then open the Sources tab in the right-hand part of the dialog.
Click Add Content Root.
Specify the folder that you want to add as a new content root, and click OK.
I used File -> New -> Module from Existing Sources...
Then I simply select the folder and add it.
In Project view mode all directories (except the ignored ones from the settings) should show up. Of course the base folder for your multi-project has to be the folder above module1.
Your project should look like this (project view tree):
MY_PROJECT_ROOT (~/the/folder/to/your/project)
|- /module1
|- /module2
|- /web-module
And in this case, you should definitely see the other folders. I got a sample project set up where this is working.
From your screenshot, I assume you are missing the root directory (the project root is not as you expected). I added another screenshot. There should be a single root folder for your 3 modules. This one is missing at your screenshot. You have 3 separate folders with no common root folder. On MacOs, the project root is displayed in the window title. In my case it points to ~/devel/sandbox.
I guess you should try to create a new project in for that trunk folder. From the scratch. Then add the existing modules and you should be fine?!