bitsPerPixel gives wrong value - objective-c

I'm confused about image resolution. In my project sizeof returns 4. It means that between one and the next pixel address is a 4 bytes. In other words i have RGBA format, 1 byte for each component? is it right? When i call CGImageGetBitsPerComponent i get 8 bits (1 byte for component). But when i call CGImageGetBitsPerPixel i get 8 bits. Why? I thought bitsPerPixel = (count of components) * bitsPerComponent and this is equal to 4 bytes. How do I get 8 bits instead of 4 bytes? Please tell me someone. Thanks


Twincat 3 - SizeOf returning wrong structure size

I have a structure, and am trying to get the size of this structure. SizeOf returns 16, but I am expecting 14 as answer.
By using pointers I noticed that there are 2 empty bytes at the end of the structure.
If I replace the UDINT with UINT then the size is correct. If I put the UDINT at the end of the structure, then the two empty bytes are placed after iCrateCnt.
This leads me to believe that the sizeOf is working properly, but for some unknown reason there are two additional bytes placed somewhere in my structure that I am not using.
Why is this happening and how can it be solved?
The unexpected size returned by SIZEOF() are due to so called 'padding bytes'.
Where these padding bytes occur depends on:
The system that is used (Tc2 x86, Tc2 ARM, Tc3)
The data types that are used
The order in which these datatypes (c.q. variables) are defined
For more information about padding bytes see Alignment and Structures
As Kolyur has rightfully mentioned the attribute Pack_Mode can be used to control these padding bytes.
For example in Tc3:
TYPE HMI_POPUPSTRUCT : // The total size of this struct is 8 bytes
bVar1: BOOL; // At byte 0.
// At byte 1 there will be a padding byte
bVar2: INT; // At byte 2 and 3
bVar3: BOOL; // At byte 4
bVar4: BOOL; // At byte 5
bVar5: BOOL; // At byte 6.
// At byte 7 there will be a padding byte (8th byte)
When inserting either
{attribute 'pack_mode' := '0'}
{attribute 'pack_mode' := '1'}
just above the struct then there won't be any padding bytes resulting in a struct-size of 6 bytes instead of 8.
The pack_mode attribute can be used to eliminate unused bytes in a structure.

A few questions about the startcode of NALU

I am a beginner to study MPEG4, and there are some definitions that confuse me.
It is said if a NALU slice is the first slice of a frame, then the startcode of NALU is 4 bytes "\x00\x00\x00\x01", otherwise it is 3 bytes "\x00\x00\x01". I want to know is that mandatory? I find it seems always 4 bytes used in Android MPEG4Writer.
Is it possible that a NALU slice ends with "\x00", if so, how can we determine this "\x00" belongs to the preceding NALU or the following NALU?
No. 3 byte start codes are not required. But can be used to save a little space.
No. Every NALU has a stop bit. So the last byte is guaranteed to never be 0.

File (.wav) duration while writing PCM data #16KBps

I am writing some silent PCM data on a file #16KBps. This file is of .wav format. For this I have the following code:
#define DEFAULT_BITRATE 16000
long LibGsmManaged:: addSilence ()
char silenceBuf[DEFAULT_BITRATE];
if (fout) {
for (int i = 0; i < DEFAULT_BITRATE; i++) {
silenceBuf[i] = '\0';
fwrite(silenceBuf, sizeof(silenceBuf), 1, fout);
return ftell(fout);
Here is how I write the header
void LibGsmManaged::write_wave_header( )
if(fout) {
fwrite("RIFF", 4, 1, fout);
total_length_pos = ftell(fout);
fwrite("WAVE", 4, 1, fout);
fwrite("fmt ",4, 1, fout);
data_length_pos = ftell(fout);
else {
std::cout << "File pointer not correctly initialized";
void LibGsmManaged::write_int32( int value)
if(fout) {
fwrite( (const char*)&value, sizeof(value), 1, fout);
else {
std::cout << "File pointer not correctly initialized";
I run this code on my iOS device using NSTimer with interval 1.0 sec. So AFAIK, if I run this for 60 sec, I should get a file.wav that when played should show 60 sec as its duration (again AFAIK). But in actual test it displays almost double duration i.e. 2 min. (approx). I have also tested that when I change the DEFAULT_BITRATE to 8000, then the file duration is almost correct.
I am unable to identify what is going on here. Am I missing something bad here? I hope my code is not wrong.
What you're trying to do (write your own WAV files) should be totally doable. That's the good news. However, I'm a bit confused about your exact parameters and constraints, as are many others in the comments, which is why they have been trying to flesh out the details.
You want to write raw, uncompressed, silent PCM to a WAV file. Okay. How wide does the PCM data need to be? You are creating an array of chars that you are writing to the file. A char is an 8-bit byte. Is that what you want? If so, then you need to use a silent center point of 0x80 (128). 8-bit PCM in WAV files is unsigned, i.e., 0..255, and 128 is silent.
If you intend to store silent 16-bit data, that will be signed data, so the center point (between -32768 and 32767) is 0. Also, it will be stored in little endian byte format. But since it's silence (all 0s), that doesn't matter.
The title of your question indicates (and the first sentence reiterates) that you want to write data at 16 kbps. Are you sure you want raw 16 kbps audio? That's 16 kiloBITs per second, or 16000 bits per second. Depending on whether you are writing 8- or 16-bit PCM samples, that only allows for 2000 or 1000 Hz audio, which is probably not what you want. Did you mean 16 kHz audio? 16 kHz audio translates to 16000 audio samples per second, which more closely aligns with your code. Then again, your code mentions GSM (LibGsmManaged), so maybe you are looking for 16 kbps audio. But I'll assume we're proceeding along the raw PCM route.
Do you know in advance how many seconds of audio you need to write? That makes this process really easy. As you may have noticed, the WAV header needs length information in a few spots. You either write it in advance (if you know the values) or fill it in later (if you are writing an indeterminate amount).
Let's assume you are writing 2 seconds of raw, monophonic, 16000 Hz, 16-bit PCM to a WAV file. The center point is 0x0000.
WAV writing process:
Write 'RIFF'
Write 32-bit file size, which will be 36 (header size - first 8 bytes) + 64000 (see step 12 about that number)
Write 'WAVEfmt ' (with space)
Write 32-bit format header size (16)
Write 16-bit audio format (1 indicating raw PCM audio)
Write 16-bit channel count (1 because it's monophonic)
Write 32-bit sample rate (number of audio sample per second = 16000)
Write 32-bit byte rate (number of bytes per second = 32000)
Write 16-bit block alignment (2 bytes per sample * 1 channel = 2)
Write 16-bit bits per sample (16)
Write 'data'
Write 32-bit length of audio payload data (16000 samples/second * 2 bytes/sample * 2 seconds = 64000 bytes)
Write 64000 bytes, all 0 values
If you need to write a dynamic amount of audio data, leave the length field from steps 2 and 12 as 0, then seek back after you're done writing and fill those in. I'm not convinced that your original code was writing the length fields correctly. Some playback software might ignore those, others might not, so you could have gotten varying results.
Hope that helps! If you know Python, here's another question I answered which describes how to write a WAV file using Python's struct library (I referred to that code fragment a lot while writing the steps above).

Value of NSUInteger and NaN?

Why is the value of NSUInteger 2^32 - 1 instead of 2^32? Is there a relationship between this fact and the need of a nan value? This is so confusing.
Count to 10 on your fingers. Really :)
The standard way to count to 10 is 1,2,3,..10 (the ordinality of each finger is counted). However, what about "0 fingers"?
Normally that might represent that by putting your hands behind our back, but that adds another piece of information to the system: are your hands in front (present) or behind (missing)?
In this case, putting hands behind your back would equivalent to assigning nil to an NSNumber variable. However, NSUInteger represents a native integer type which does not have this extra state and must still encode 0 to be useful.
The key to encode the value 0 on your fingers is to simply count 0,1,2..9 instead. The same number of fingers (or bits of information) are available, but now the useful 0 can be accounted for .. at the expense of not having a 10 value (there are still 10 fingers, but the 10th finger only represents the value 9). This is the same reason why unsigned integers have a maximum value of 2^n-1 and not 2^n: it allows 0 to be encoded with maximum efficiency.
Now, NaN is not a typical integer value, but rather comes from floating point encodings - think of float or CGFloat. One such common encoding is IEEE 754:
In computing, NaN, standing for not a number, is a numeric data type value representing an undefined or unrepresentable value, especially in floating-point calculations ..
2^32-1 because counting starts from 0 for bits. If it's easier think of it as 2^32 - 2^0.
It is the largest value a 32-bit unsigned integer variable can hold. Add one to that, and it will wrap around to zero.
The reason for that is that the smallest unsigned number is zero, not one. Think of it: the largest number you can fit into four decimal places is 9999, not 10000. That's 10^4-1.
You cannot store 2^32 in 4 bytes, but if you subtract one then it fits (result is 0xffffffff)
Exactly the same reason why the odometer in your car shows a maximum of 999999 mi/km (assuming 6 digits) - while there are 10^6 possible values it can't show 10^6 itself but 0 through 10^6-1.

Reading SWF Header with Objective-C

I am trying to read the header of an SWF file using NSData.
According to SWF format specification I need to access movie's width and height reading bits, not bytes, and I couldn't find a way to do it in Obj-C
Bytes 9 thru ?: Here is stored a RECT (bounds of movie). It must be read in binary form. First of all, we will transform the first byte to binary: "01100000"
The first 5 bits will tell us the size in bits of each stored value: "01100" = 12
So, we have 4 fields of 12 bits = 48 bits
48 bits + 5 bits (header of RECT) = 53 bits
Fill to complete bytes with zeroes, till we reach a multiple of 8. 53 bits + 3 alignment bits = 56 bits (this RECT is 7 bytes length, 7 * 8 = 56)
I use this formula to determine all this stuff:
Where do I start?
ObjC is a superset of C: You can run C code alongside ObjC with no issues.
Thus, you could use a C-based library like libming to read bytes from your SWF file.
If you need to shuffle bytes into an NSData object, look into the -dataWithBytes:length: method.
Start by looking for code with a compatible license that already does what you want. C libraries can be used from Obj-C code simply by linking them in (or arranging for them to be dynamically linked in) and then calling their functions.
Failing that, start by looking at the Binary Data Programming Guide for Cocoa and NSData Class Reference. You'd want to pull out the bytes that contain the bits you're interested in, then use bit masking techniques to extract the bits you care about. You might find the BitTst(), BitSet(), and BitClr() functions and their friends useful, if they're still there in Snow Leopard; I'm not sure whether they ended up in the démodé parts of Carbon or not. There are also the Posix setbit(), clrbit(), isset(), and isclr() macros defined in . Then, finally, there are the C bitwise operators: ^, |, &, ~, <<, and >>.