gmail api to mark all messages as read - api

I recently switched permanently to the plain html version of gmail because it plays better with vimperator and now I have 4000 unread messages that were hidden in the social and promotion tabs. I want to mark all those as read. Is there a way to do that without requesting for each message like they do here with imaplib

If you want to mark absolutely everything in your INBOX as read, execute this IMAP command after logging in and SELECTing the INBOX:
tag STORE 1:* +FLAGS (\Seen)
You can do this with imaplib, any socket library, or just a SSH enabled TCP program, such as socat or openssl s_client.
Here's a transcript of the commands necessary to mark all messages read with GMail:
$ openssl s_client -connect -crlf
* OK Gimap ready for requests from f185mb90387173ioe
a LOGIN [username] [password]
a OK [username] [name] authenticated (Success)
* FLAGS (\Answered \Flagged \Draft \Deleted \Seen $Phishing $Forwarded Yellow $NotPhishing)
* OK [PERMANENTFLAGS (\Answered \Flagged \Draft \Deleted \Seen $Phishing $Forwarded Yellow $NotPhishing \*)] Flags permitted.
* OK [UIDVALIDITY 7] UIDs valid.
* 3617 EXISTS
* OK [UIDNEXT 39807] Predicted next UID.
b OK [READ-WRITE] INBOX selected. (Success)
c STORE 1:* +FLAGS (\Seen)
* 1 FETCH (FLAGS (\Seen))
* 2 FETCH (FLAGS (\Seen))
* 3617 FETCH (FLAGS (\Seen))
c OK Success
* BYE LOGOUT Requested
d OK 73 good day (Success)
If you have a lot of messages, you may want to use +FLAGS.SILENT with the STORE command, which won't cause it to echo the results back to you.


Tcl expect error with spawning telnet: invalid command name

How do I send just a "return" to this telnet server:
got New York
spawn telnet
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
* Welcome to THE WEATHER UNDERGROUND telnet service! *
* *
* National Weather Service information provided by Alden Electronics, Inc. *
* and updated each minute as reports come in over our data feed. *
* *
* **Note: If you cannot get past this opening screen, you must use a *
* different version of the "telnet" program--some of the ones for IBM *
* compatible PC's have a bug that prevents proper connection. *
* *
* comments: *
Press Return to continue:invalid command name ""
while executing
"[tutstack::connect "New York"]"
(file "main.tcl" line 6)
package provide weather 1.0
package require Tcl 8.5
package require Expect
namespace eval ::tutstack {
proc ::tutstack::connect {arg1} {
puts "got $arg1"
spawn telnet
set telnet $spawn_id
expect -nocase "Press Return to continue:"
send "$arg1"
lappend auto_path /home/thufir/NetBeansProjects/spawnTelnet/telnet/api
package require weather 1.0
[tutstack::connect "New York"]
I've tried variations on send "\r" without success.
Ultimately, would want the script to only partially automate responses and leave the connection open.
expected result:
thufir#dur:~/NetBeansProjects/spawnTelnet/telnet$ telnet
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
* Welcome to THE WEATHER UNDERGROUND telnet service! *
* *
* National Weather Service information provided by Alden Electronics, Inc. *
* and updated each minute as reports come in over our data feed. *
* *
* **Note: If you cannot get past this opening screen, you must use a *
* different version of the "telnet" program--some of the ones for IBM *
* compatible PC's have a bug that prevents proper connection. *
* *
* comments: *
Press Return to continue:
Press Return for menu
or enter 3 letter forecast city code--
1) U.S. forecasts and climate data
2) Canadian forecasts
3) Current weather observations
4) Ski conditions
5) Long-range forecasts
6) Latest earthquake reports
7) Severe weather
8) Hurricane advisories
9) Weather summary for the past month
10) International data
11) Marine forecasts and observations
12) Ultraviolet light forecast
X) Exit program
C) Change scrolling to screen
H) Help and information for new users
?) Answers to all your questions
Ideally, I'd like some responses automated but would ultimately want to enter text which is sent to the telnet server as well -- depending on the logic. But for right now, just trying to script some responses.
see also:
expect - telnet connection
thanks meuh:
thufir#dur:~/NetBeansProjects/spawnTelnet/telnet$ tclsh main.tcl
got New York
spawn telnet
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
* Welcome to THE WEATHER UNDERGROUND telnet service! *
* *
* National Weather Service information provided by Alden Electronics, Inc. *
* and updated each minute as reports come in over our data feed. *
* *
* **Note: If you cannot get past this opening screen, you must use a *
* different version of the "telnet" program--some of the ones for IBM *
* compatible PC's have a bug that prevents proper connection. *
* *
* comments: *
Press Return to continue:thufir#dur:~/NetBeansProjects/spawnTelnet/telnet$
thufir#dur:~/NetBeansProjects/spawnTelnet/telnet$ cat main.tcl
lappend auto_path /home/thufir/NetBeansProjects/spawnTelnet/telnet/api
package require weather 1.0
tutstack::connect "New York"
thufir#dur:~/NetBeansProjects/spawnTelnet/telnet$ cat api/weather.tcl
package provide weather 1.0
package require Tcl 8.5
package require Expect
namespace eval ::tutstack {
proc ::tutstack::connect {arg1} {
puts "got $arg1"
spawn telnet
set telnet $spawn_id
expect -nocase "Press Return to continue:"
send "$arg1"

Expect gets stuck sometimes during login

I have the following script. Sometimes, it runs fine and others it gets stuck. What could be wrong here?
#!/usr/bin/env expect
# set Variables
set timeout 60
set ipaddr [lindex $argv 0]
# start telnet connection
spawn telnet $ipaddr
match_max 100000
# Look for user prompt
expect "username:*"
send -- "admin\r"
expect "password:?"
# Send pass
send "thisisthepass\n"
# look for WWP prompt
expect ">"
send "sendthiscommand\r"
expect ">"
send "exit\r"
The script runs fine till the end, but sometimes it gets stuck during login. This behavior is present even with the same IP: for example, it may run 1 out of 5 tries for the same IP.
I have tried adding some sleep between sending of the user and password, but it's still the same. I have also tried without expect, by sending directly the password string after the user one but still the same: sometimes the script runs fine but others it asks again for the password as if it's incorrect...
username: admin
Things I would do:
change send "thisisthepass\n" to send "thisisthepass\r"
include exp_internal 1 somewhere at the top of your script, and see what is going on when you have a failed attempt
exp_internal 1 will enable debugging with lots of good information on what is going on with expect's pattern matching. You can share it here and I'll be glad to take a look at it.
Are you sure the password prompt has an extra character after it (your ? in expect "password:?". Is it always there? Any chance different devices have slightly different password prompts?

Expect 'send' not working as expected

I am a beginner in expect...I have written a small script which has to login to a router and execute few commands..
But somehow i am finding that even though when i have used send "admin show platform" THRICE, it is only working twice for me.. I only get the output of admin show platform twice.
Can anyone check the code and point me where actually i am screwing up the code..
Gsaxena# ./testTool
spawn /usr/bin/ksh
$ telnet
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
User Access Verification
Username: lab
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:Billorani#debug ospf ospf1 adj
Mon Oct 14 17:16:06.144 UTC
**RP/0/RP0/CPU0:Billorani#show platform**
Mon Oct 14 17:16:06.416 UTC
Node Type PLIM State Config State
------------- ----------------- ------------------ --------------- ---------------
**RP/0/RP0/CPU0:Billorani#show platform**
Mon Oct 14 17:16:06.416 UTC
Node Type PLIM State Config State
------------- ----------------- ------------------ --------------- ---------------
set timeout 30
set hostcut "Bil"
sleep 5
set timeout 5
spawn /usr/bin/ksh
send "telnet\r"
expect ".*\'\^\]\'\. *"
send "\r"
expect "Username\:"
send "lab\n"
expect "Password\: "
send "lab\n"
sleep 10
expect -re "RP\/.\/.*\/CPU.:$hostcut.*#"
send "debug ospf ospf1 adj\n"
expect -re "RP\/.\/.*\/CPU.:$hostcut.*#"
send "admin show platform\n"
expect -re "RP\/.\/.*\/CPU.:$hostcut.*#"
send "admin show platform\n"
expect -re "RP\/.\/.*\/CPU.:$hostcut.*#"
send "admin show platform\n"
I should really be placing this not in an actual answer but in a comment, since I do not have a final answer for you, but it seems comments can only be left by folks who have been around for some time (there's a minimum reputation before you can leave them).
Anyways, what I wanted to suggest was that you add exp_internal 1 somewhere near the start of your script. This will provide a ton of useful debugging information, and will most likely point at what is going on. Feel free to post it here if you need help with it.
I can't tell what is wrong from the information you posted... nothing seems obviously at fault. One thing I would do differently is instead of spawning a Korn shell process and then send a telnet commando to it, I would just spawn the telnet command directly (less code, less resources). But that is not what is bothering you, so never mind that.
I'm not familiar with the OS you're logging in to... is that Cisco IOS XR? I'm baffled by the fact that you issue an admin show platform command, yet only show platform shows in your stdout? Also, what's the deal with the dual asterisks (**) some prompts show, while others don't?
One last thing, which may seem dumb, but... can you manually access the device and issue those 4 exact commands, in that exact order?
In your code
send "admin show platform\n"
Use "\r" instead of "\n"

Procmail sends an extra email

I use procmail to forward certain 'From' to a Gmail account
* ^From: .*aaa | bbb | ccc.*
! ^X-Loop: user#gmail\.com
| formail -k -X "From:" -X "Subject:" \
-I "To:" \
-I "X-Loop:"
* ^From: .*aaa | bbb | ccc.*
This works fine but on my server inbox I also get an 'undelivered' mail
The mail system <"^X-Loop:"> (expanded from
<"^X-Loop:">): unknown user:
How can I avoid this?
I've tried to delete these mails.
This is not the best way.
Anyway It does not work.
:0B * <"\^X-Loop:">
The recipe contains multiple syntax errors, but the bounce message comes because you lack an asterisk on one of the condition lines, which makes it an action line instead.
The general syntax of a Procmail recipe is
:0flags # "prelude", with optional flags
* condition # optional, can have zero conditions
* condition # ...
The action can be a mailbox name, or ! followed by a destination mailbox to forward the message to, or | followed by a shell pipeline.
So your first recipe is "If not from mailer and matching From: ..., forward to ^X-Loop:.
The | formail ... line after that is then simply a syntax error and ignored, because it needs to come after a prelude line :0 and (optionally) some condition lines.
Additionally, the ^From: regex is clearly wrong. It will match From: .*aaa or bbb (with spaces on both sides, in any header, not just the From: header) or ccc.
Finally, the intent is apparently to actually forward the resulting message somewhere.
* ^From:(.*\<)?(aaa|bbb|ccc)
* ! ^X-Loop: user#gmail\.com
| formail -I "X-Loop:" | $SENDMAIL $SENDMAILFLAGS
If you simply want to forward the incoming message, the other -X and -I and certainly -k options are superfluous or wrong. If they do accomplish something which is irrelevant for this question, maybe you need to add some or all of them back (and also remember to extract with -X any new headers you add with -I, as otherwise they will be suppressed; this sucks).
Your second recipe is also superfluous, unless you have more Procmail recipes later in the file which should specifically be bypassed for these messages. (If so, you will need to fix the From: regex there as well.)

Expect - get variable from screen region based on row and column

I'm auto-interacting with an SSH session and an ERP program using Expect.
Rather than relying on a regular expression to capture a variable in my expect script would it be possible upon receiving a certain keystroke from a user to capture a screen region, say one field, into a variable in the code? Send the server some other commands and resend the field?
Say an order number is contained at 6, 12, 6, 18 (where 6 is the row and 12-18 are the columns) containing my 6 digit order number. I want to get that order number from row 6 columns 12 to 18 copy that into a variable. Then allow the user to interact some more (or expect a move into another menu), then re-send the order number in another menu.
So I guess my question is: Are the current screen's contents in one buffer? (not the whole session) Can you extract just a certain data element that would only exist at that row and column range on the screen?
Sample pseudocode:
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
set env(TERM) vt100
spawn ssh -Y user#domain
#... set user/pass and other vars...
#... send commands to log into ERP
#don't time out
set timeout -1
interact {
-reset $CTRLZ {exec kill -STOP [pid]}
exp_send "menu_address\ry\r"
#...acquire order number variable...
#...some code I don't understand yet...
exp_send "menu_exit_sequence\r"
exp_send "menu_address\r"
exp_send $ordernumvar
Actually the term_expect example program that comes with Expect can do exactly this. It emulates a cursor-addressable terminal and allows you to test output at specific screen locations. In my ActiveTcl distribution it's in demos/Expect/term_expect.
No, you can't grab something off of the screen at a particular row/column. However, think about how the information got to the screen in the first place. If it's a tty-based application using curses it was output to stdout with special escape sequences that caused it to appear at that row/column. So, 'expect' those specific escape sequences to get what is at that position.
To debug output of my ERP I found I could use exp_internal to get output characters.
exp_internal -f file 0
The output of that gave me: (my number entered being 076338)
spawn id exp0 sent <0>^M
spawn id exp6 sent <0>^M
spawn id exp0 sent <7>^M
spawn id exp6 sent <7>^M
spawn id exp0 sent <6>^M
spawn id exp6 sent <6>^M
spawn id exp0 sent <3>^M
spawn id exp6 sent <3>^M
spawn id exp0 sent <3>^M
spawn id exp6 sent <3>^M
spawn id exp0 sent <8>^M
spawn id exp6 sent <8>^M
spawn id exp0 sent <\r>^M
spawn id exp6 sent <\r\n\u001b[1;14H>^M
So now I need to figure out the regex to get the field. I had this:
-nobuffer -re {^([a-zA-Z0-9]{1})?[0-9]{5}$} {
set ordernumber $interact_out(0,string)
but now I need to incorporate this:
With some regex that would represent this:
And then once I have that stored in the $ordernumber variable, I need to somehow isolate just the characters prior to the termination string and store those in a variable.