"transparent" server side proxy for requests to ASP.NET Web API - asp.net-mvc-4

Have an ASP.NET Web API endpoint that generates JSON responses. But due to two factors can't be consumed directly from a browser.
cross-domain issues
need to provide session ticket for the API that is known only server side
So I need a lightweight server side proxy for client(browser) requests to extend the request with session key. Do not want to impose an overhead deserializing client JSON requests or Web API JSON responses in the proxy code. Would like to pass the payload "as is" and deserialize client requests only Web API side and the Web API responses only client (browser) side. That is the proxy takes json from the browser and passes it directly to Web API. It also passes the JSON response from the Web API to the browser directly without deserialization. Just a dummy proxy that does not know anything about the data it transfers.
Please suggest is it feasible and what is the best way to implement it. The existing web application (the one that is used to generate the client pages) is implemented using ASP.NET MVC 4.
Thanks in advance.

update for 2021:
You should probably be looking at https://microsoft.github.io/reverse-proxy/ if you have found your way here
old answer:
I wrote one for a previous version of WebApi. The code should be fairly easy to update for your purposes.
The basic idea is that you create a WebApi DelegatingHandler that passes the request on to an HttpClient:
public class ForwardProxyMessageHandler : DelegatingHandler
protected override async Task<HttpResponseMessage> SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
request.Headers.Add("X-Forwarded-For", request.GetClientIp());
if (request.Method == HttpMethod.Get || request.Method == HttpMethod.Trace) request.Content = null;
request.RequestUri = new Uri(request.RequestUri.ToString().Replace(":3002", "")); //comes through with the port for the proxy, rewrite to port 80
var responseMessage = await new HttpClient().SendAsync(request, HttpCompletionOption.ResponseHeadersRead);
responseMessage.Headers.TransferEncodingChunked = null; //throws an error on calls to WebApi results
if (request.Method == HttpMethod.Head) responseMessage.Content = null;
return responseMessage;


How can we capture HTTPWebRequest in .net core using Fiddler

I am sending http request to sandbox api which sometimes returns positive response but sometimes it returns bad request with same request data and headers. So I want to debug this request using fiddler during I run the .net core code hitting that api.
But I am not able to find any way to that. Can any one please help me out for the same. I have tried following code to do this:
var requestMessage = GenerateRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Put, uri, query);
requestMessage.Content = new ObjectContent<T>(value, new JsonMediaTypeFormatter(), (MediaTypeHeaderValue)null);
IWebProxy proxy = new WebProxy("", 8888);
HttpClient.DefaultProxy = proxy;
return _httpClient.SendAsync(requestMessage);
but fiddler is not capturing this api request.

Token based authentication for both Web App and Web API using Azure AD B2C

Both Web application and Web API need to be authenticated and protected from the server side.
Web application is serving the contents for the browser and browser should be calling Web API directly (i.e. Browser to API).
Is it possible to authenticate both Web APP and the API using tokens?
Any sample code or clear direction would be highly appreciated.
Normally web applications are authenticated using cookies and APIs are authenticated using tokens.There are some sample projects available here but they are either browser to API (SPA token based) or Server side Web App calling API from server to server.
App is saving the TokenValidationParameters and used bootstrapContext.Token within the app controller to grab for server to server communication.
As per #dstrockis, I'm trying to grab the id_token from the Web App soon after the end of validation (not within the app contrller).
I'm using SecurityTokenValidated invoker in OpenIdConnectAuthenticationOptions.Notifications within the Startup class. SecurityTokenValidated receives a parameter of type SecurityTokenValidatedNotification<OpenIdConnectMessage, OpenIdConnectAuthenticationOptions> but I'm not sure where to find the id_token within it. Method is below.
private OpenIdConnectAuthenticationOptions CreateOptionsFromPolicy(string policy)
return new OpenIdConnectAuthenticationOptions
// For each policy, give OWIN the policy-specific metadata address, and
// set the authentication type to the id of the policy
MetadataAddress = String.Format(aadInstance, tenant, policy),
AuthenticationType = policy,
// These are standard OpenID Connect parameters, with values pulled from web.config
ClientId = clientId,
RedirectUri = redirectUri,
PostLogoutRedirectUri = redirectUri,
Notifications = new OpenIdConnectAuthenticationNotifications
AuthenticationFailed = OnAuthenticationFailed,
//NEW METHOD INVOKE ************************************
SecurityTokenValidated = OnSecurityTokenValidated
Scope = "openid",
ResponseType = "id_token",
TokenValidationParameters = new TokenValidationParameters
NameClaimType = "name",
SaveSigninToken = true
//NEW METHOD ************************************
private Task OnSecurityTokenValidated(
OpenIdConnectAuthenticationOptions> arg)
//QUESTION ********************************************************
//How to find the just saved id_token using incoming parameter, arg
return Task.FromResult(0);
Instead of SecurityTokenValidated, I tried AuthorizationCodeReceived and it's not getting called at all. As discussed here, my redirect url does have an ending slash as well.
Any Ideas?
Our ASP.NET OpenID Connect middleware which supports AAD B2C is built to rely on cookie authentication from a browser. It doesn't accept tokens in a header or anything like that for securing web pages. So I'd say if you want to serve HTML from your web app in the classic way, you need to use cookies to authenticate requests to the web app.
You can definitely get & store tokens within the browser and use those to access your web API, even if you use cookies to authenticate to the web app. There's two patterns I'd recommend:
Perform the initial login using the OpenID Connect Middleware, initiating the flow from the server side as described in the samples. Once the flow completes, the middleware will validate the resulting id_token and drop cookies in the browser for future requests. You can instruct the middleware to save the id_token for later use by using the line of code written here. You can then somehow pass that id_token down to your browser, cache it, and use it to make requests to the API.
The other pattern is the inverse. Start by initiating the login from javascript, using the single page app pattern from the B2C documentation. Cache the resulting id_tokens in the browser, and use them to make API calls. But when the login completes, you can send a request to your web app with the id_token in the body, triggering the OpenID Connect middleware to process the request and issue a session cookie. If you want to know the format of that request, I'd recommend inspecting a regular server side OpenID Connect flow.
Found the answer to my own question and adding here for the future reference.
After a successful validation, id_token can be accessed by invoking the SecurityTokenValidated notification. Code sample is below.
private Task OnSecurityTokenValidated(
OpenIdConnectAuthenticationOptions> arg)
//Id Token can be retrieved as below.
var token = arg.ProtocolMessage.IdToken;
return Task.FromResult(0);
However, saving this directly into a browser cookie may not be secure.

NetworkCredentials and Authorization in WebApi

I am having a few problems trying to connect to a ASP.NET webapi service (which I am running myself) from a sample console app using WebClient. The webapi is the typical sample site from MVC4:
public HttpResponseMessage Get()
return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, new string[] { "value1", "value2" });
The Controller is decorated with a custom Authenticate attribute:
public override void OnAuthorization(System.Web.Http.Controllers.HttpActionContext actionContext)
if (actionContext.Request.Headers.Authorization == null)
var response = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized);
response.Headers.Add("WWW-Authenticate", "Basic realm=\"localhost\"");
actionContext.Response = response;
The client code is the usual:
var wb = WebRequest.Create("http://localhost:64921/Values");
wb.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("xxx", "xxx");
var aaa = wb.GetResponse();
Now, I know that the WebClient or WebRequest are supposed to wait for a 401 before sending credentials and that is exactly what I am trying to do here.
Needless to say with the setup above nothing works. I have gone into the IIS express config and changed the following:
<basicAuthentication enabled="true" /> (in the security section)
<add name="BasicAuthenticationModule" lockItem="false" /> (in the modules section)
The problem that I am having is that the 401 gets returned even before the server code is actualy hit. I mean that if I stick a breakpoint into the Controller or the Attribute they are not hit. The details of the error are the usual long text about error 401.2 which I reckon is something to do with IIS configs, but using IIS express and not the nice IIS I do not have a nice GUI to fix this. Can anyone help?
Thanks a lot!
In the IIS config, you have enabled Basic auth processing, so IIS returns the 401 if there are no credentials or the credentials are invalid.
If you want your code to do the basic auth processing, then you need to tell IIS to allow anonymous access.
EDIT from comments
If you ask IIS to do basic auth it will check credentials against Windows accounts. This will act before the server code runs, so the Custom Auth Filter will not be hit. In this case the headers returned will be correct and you will see the WebClient performing the double request (one anonymous, one with credentials). If the WebClient does not use a computer or domain account (with read permissions on the folder where the site is located), the request will fail.
If you want to do authentication/authorization yourself, you need to tell IIS express not to do any auth and then do it all yourself... this basically means leaving everything as it is in the config (in your case reverting the pieces of config shown in the question) and sending the correct headers, which you already do. If you debug, you will see the Authenticate filter being hit twice, the first time it will be an anonymous that will go inside the if and generate your HTTP 401 Challenge response, the second time it will have credentials in the form of a standard Basic Authorization header: Basic <BASE64_ENCODED_CREDENTIALS>

How to secure my Restful api created in the play framework

I want to add user authentication to my restful api that I have created using the Java based Play! framework.
I currently have the Web based (browser accessed) app secured using the 'secure module' Details here: http://www.playframework.org/documentation/1.1/secure
Can I use the same module for authentication for when the restful apis are called directly via http requests?
If not, I would appreciate some pointers to tutorials/module for integrating another auth method (hopefully one that can apply to both web app access from browser and also http api access).
PS It would be nice to avoid doing HTTPS and digest if possible.
If you are already using a username/password mechanism adding http basic authentication for your API calls should not be difficult. You can create an interceptor that does something like:
public class ApiInterceptor extends Controller
static void checkAccess() {
if ( request.user == null || request.password == null) {
boolean canAccess = .... ;// check user and password here
if ( !canAccess ) {
But this means that you need to use SSL since the username and password go in clear text over http.

WCF GZip Compression Request/Response Processing

How do I get a WCF client to process server responses which have been GZipped or Deflated by IIS?
On IIS, I've followed the instructions here on how to make IIS 6 gzip all responses (where the request contained "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate") emitted by .svc wcf services.
On the client, I've followed the instructions here and here on how to inject this header into the web request: "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate".
Fiddler2 shows the response is binary and not plain old Xml.
The client crashes with an exception which basically says there's no Xml header, which ofcourse is true.
In my IClientMessageInspector, the app crashes before AfterReceiveReply is called.
Some further notes:
(1) I can't change the WCF service or client as they are supplied by a 3rd party. I can however attach behaviors and/or message inspectors via configuration if this is the right direction to take.
(2) I don't want to compress/uncompress just the soap body, but the entire message.
Any ideas/solutions?
It was not possible to write a WCF extension to achieve these goals. Instead I followed this CodeProject article which advocate a helper class:
public class CompressibleHttpRequestCreator : IWebRequestCreate
public CompressibleHttpRequestCreator()
WebRequest IWebRequestCreate.Create(Uri uri)
HttpWebRequest httpWebRequest =
BindingFlags.CreateInstance | BindingFlags.Public |
BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance,
null, new object[] { uri, null }, null) as HttpWebRequest;
if (httpWebRequest == null)
return null;
httpWebRequest.AutomaticDecompression =DecompressionMethods.GZip |
return httpWebRequest;
and also, an addition to the application configuration file:
<remove prefix="http:"/>
<add prefix="http:"
type="Pajocomo.Net.CompressibleHttpRequestCreator, Pajocomo" />
What seems to be happening is that WCF eventually asks some factory or other deep down in system.net to provide an HttpWebRequest instance, and we provide the helper that will be asked to create the required instance.
In the WCF client configuration file, a simple basicHttpBinding is all that is required, without the need for any custom extensions.
When the application runs, the client Http request contains the header "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate", the server returns a gzipped web response, and the client transparently decompresses the http response before handing it over to WCF.
When I tried to apply this technique to Web Services I found that it did NOT work. Although the helper class was executed in the same was as when used by the WCF client, the http request did not contain the "Accept-Encoding: ..." header.
To make this work for Web Services, I had to edit the Web Proxy class, and add this method:
protected override System.Net.WebRequest GetWebRequest(Uri uri)
System.Net.HttpWebRequest rq = (System.Net.HttpWebRequest)base.GetWebRequest(uri);
rq.AutomaticDecompression = DecompressionMethods.GZip | DecompressionMethods.Deflate;
return rq;
Note that it did not matter whether the CompressibleHttpRequestCreator and block from the application config file were present or not. For web services, only overriding GetWebRequest in the Web Service Proxy worked.
Thanks for your WCF tip! We're going to be enabling IIS compression for services at my shop, and I'm hoping your solution will work.
By "To make this work for Web Services" - did you mean old school SoapHttpProtocol clients?
Because the SoapHttpProtocol class has a built-in EnableDecompression property, which will automatically handle the Compression header and response handling.
Here's an answer I gave to another question on the subject. That questio was asked from the perspective of ADO.NET Data Services, but my answer was purely about WCF.