tmux session stops updating screen randomly - freeze

I use tmux 1.6-2 on a Debian 7.6 (wheezy).
I open a new session and start a long running script that gives updates in form of a progress bar and an activity indicator (spinning bar: /-\|/ ).
When I detach and reattach everything is still fine. But after some random time when I reattach the screen content is stuck. No spinning bar, no progress. I looked into the following:
I can see in top that the process is still running
I can successfully enter tmux commands (like new window, detach, etc.)
I can kill the script with Ctrl-C, but the tmux screen doesn't change
Ctrl-S and Ctrl-Q (like suggested in other threads) doesn't help
Any help is very much appreciated.

I managed to unfreeze my tmux session by running choose-client command from tmux's command line <prefix> :
where prefix is C-b by default
I found the solution in the bug report (by Taisuke Yamada).


Behavior of screen over ssh + cygwin / screen detachment

When I use screen, it works fine except up to the point where I need to re-attach. My suspicion is that the sort of "shelled" environment I am using is not letting screen fully detach although I am unsure of whether that is the case.
My current environment is this: ssh -> cygwin bash shell -> screen
Everything works fine but when I try to attach with screen -r (id), the command doesn't do anything, I don't get any output and when checking with screen -ls the screen session is still listed as detached. I researched this but can only come up with other people who either get a dead screen session or some error. I don't get either, the command runs and gives no output leaving the screen detached. I have a feeling this is something to do with screen not detaching fully because of the layered shells but have no idea how to fix it.
Any suggestions?

xfce Power Manager not running xflock4 correctly

I'm having some problems getting the XFCE Power Manager to lock using physlock. When I set the Lock Screen on Lid Close action, upon opening my laptop lid I'm presented with an alternate lock screen, and after entering my password I get the error None of the screen lock tools ran successfully, the screen will not be locked.
However when I manually run xflock4 from a terminal emulator, physlock is correctly used.
The relevant xfconf LockCommand setting is thus:
➜ ~ xfconf-query -c xfce4-session -p /general/LockCommand -v
And my power manager settings are this:
physlock was correctly working in the past using these settings, but as this stopped working some months ago, I'm afraid I won't be much help in narrowing down what triggered the initial change.

vi/fugitive: Gpush does not exit... sometimes

I just started using fugitive in my workflow... very useful! But I've seem to have run into a weird annoyance that I'm hoping someone might have a solution to:
When I run :Gpush, sometimes control never returns to vi. Vi hangs on the output of git push until I Ctrl+C to kill "it". I've also tried installing vim-dispatch and, within tmux, the result is that the git push pane never closes. This is even more annoying because I've got to switch down to that pane to Ctrl+C it.
Oddly, if I ps, I do not see any git processes running, so I'm not sure what is hanging, exactly... but Ctrl+C does kill "it", whatever "it" is, and control returns to vi.
I've found a closed github issue that mentions similar behavior, but a solution was never posted... it appears the problem eventually just "went away" for the OP, so the issue was closed.
However, a second person replied to the issue some time later saying he was having a similar problem and it seemed to happen when git spawned some kind of "credential cache daemon". I'm not using a credential helper as he is, so that's not my exact issue... but that caused me to notice something else:
I have ssh configured to keep connections open for 5 minutes (ControlPersist 5m in my ~/.ssh/config). If I haven't pushed in a while, git push causes ssh to spawn a process to persist the connection. This triggers the issue. After 5 minutes, ssh exits, which will fix the problem and cause the tmux pane to close. If I do another push while the connection is still open, it works fine.
So, the problem seems to be when git spawns another process. This obviously doesn't cause any issues when I run git on the command-line, so why does it cause an issue here? And what can I do about it? I don't want to disable the ssh persistent connections because that's useful...
For anyone who stumbles upon this in the future, I've come up with a solution for my particular case where the ssh process is hanging vim: I disable the ControlPersist option, but only for git commands run inside vim via fugitive by setting the following option in my .vimrc:
let g:fugitive_git_executable = "env GIT_SSH_COMMAND='ssh -o ControlPersist=no' git"
It's ugly, and I'm sad that I have to disable the persistent connections, but it works.

tmux : config files are not used

I use tmux (tmux 1.8) from Ubuntu 14.04.
I wanted to configure it a bit via ~/.tmux.conf. But whatever I set inside this file my tmux session looks the same. Then I tried a fresh new /etc/tmux.conf but I still get the same display.
It seems that my config is hardcoded and that I cannot change it.
If I remove these two files (~/.tmux.conf and /etc/tmux.conf) my tmux session is still the same. Tmux runs but I can not configure it. But it should be so simple...
Does anybody have already seen this? And how I could solve that? Do I need to compile a fresh new release of tmux?
Today, I have more details :
on one machine it works as expected. It's OK. But I did not changed anything! Strange...
But on another machine (also running Ubuntu same release and up2date like the first machine) it does not work.
The file /etc/tmux.conf does not exist on none of these 2 machines. I put this little config file (~/.tmux.conf) :
# start Window Numbering at 2
set -g base-index 2
When I launch tmux on this second machine, window numbering starts at 0. On the first machine with the same config file, it behaves correctly : it starts at 2.
I'm going crazy!
After you make changes to ~/.tmux.conf make sure tmux sources them with the tmux source-file ~/.tmux.conf shell command.
Try removing all sessions before running tmux. I have noticed that if you have sessions still running, tmux will still load the previous .tmux.config file.
Executing tmux kill-server can stop the server and then try to run the server again using tmux command.
Please note that after killing the server you will lose all open sessions / tabs.

How to keep weblogic running after closing putty window

I’ve started weblogic through putty:
After that server started successfully.
But when I close the putty window, the server stops working
How can I keep weblogic running after I close the putty window?
You will want to use something like the following:
nohup ./ &
Nohup is a unix command, used to start another program, in such a way that it does not terminate when the parent process is terminated.
You can also output it to a file if you'd like:
nohup ./ > admin_server.out &
Simple Steps:
after the login through putty follow the below steps:
Go directory of server where "" this command located.
typed command "screen" press enter (A new Screen will opened)
In the new screen type your run command "./".
Press Ctrl+a then press d(without holding Ctrl) you will return back previous screen)
if like to go again your server log screen typed command "screen -r"