Rename a file after building it in Sublime Text 3 - filenames

Is it possible to rename a file after building it in Sublime Text 3? By default, the output is the same as the input; so filename.scss is built to filename.css. But what if I want filename.scss.css by default (to indicate that this file is based off of a scss file). Is this possible?

Yes. Read through the Build Systems Reference for details. First, there are several variables you can use. $file is the reference to the full path of the current file, say /home/foo/test.php. There is also $filepath (/home/foo), $file_name (test.php), $file_extension (php), $file_base_name (test), and some others. You can also use regexes just about anywhere inside curly braces ($file is the same as ${file}). For example, ${file/\.php/\.txt/} will rename its suffix from .php to .txt (/home/foo/test.txt). ${filepath/testing/production} changes the directory. Here are several combined in a contrived example:
"cmd": ["myprocessor", "--infile", "$file", "--outfile", "/mnt/${project_name}/var/www/assets/${file_base_name/test/final}.css"],
For your particular case, this should work:
"cmd": ["myprocessor", "--infile", "$file", "--outfile", "$filepath/$file_name.css"],
should take /path/to/yourfile.scss and spit out the processed /path/to/yourfile.scss.css if that's what you want.


Rename ttf/woff/woff2 file to PostScript Font Name with Script

I am a typographer working with many fonts that have incorrect or incomplete filenames. I am on a Mac and have been using Hazel, AppleScript, and Automator workflows, attempting to automate renaming these files*. I require a script to replace the existing filename of ttf, woff, or woff2 files in Finder with the font's postscriptName. I know of tools (fc-scan/fontconfig, TTX, etc) which can retrieve the PostScript name-values I require, but lack the programming knowhow to code a script for my purposes. I've only managed to setup a watched directory that can run a script when any files matching certain parameters are added.
*To clarify, I am talking about changing the filename only, not the actual names stored within the font. Also I am open to a script of any compatible language or workflow of scripts if possible, e.g. this post references embedding AppleScript within Shell scripts via osascript.
StackExchange Posts I've Consulted:
How to get Fontname from OTF or TTF File?
How to get PostScript name of TTF font in OS X?
How to Change Name of Font?
Automate Renaming Files in macOS
Edit: Added the following by request.
1) Screenshot of a somewhat typical webfont, illustrating how the form fields for font family and style names are often incomplete, blank, or contain illegal characters.
2) The woff file depicted (also, as base64).
Thank you all in advance!
Since you mentioned Automator in your question, I thought I'd try and solve this while using that to rename the file, along with standard Mac bash to get the font name. Hopefully, it beats learning a whole programming language.
I don't know what your workflow is so I'll leave any deviations to you but here is a method to select a font file and from Services, rename the file to the font's postscript name… based on Apple's metadata, specifically "com_apple_ats_name_postscript". This is one of the pieces of data retrieved using 'mdls' from the Terminal on the font file. To focus on the postscript name, grep the output for name_postscript. For simplicity here, I'll exclude the path to the selected file.
Font Name Aquisition
So… running this command…
mdls GenBkBasBI.ttf | grep -A1 name_postscript
… generates this output, which contains FontBook's Postscript name. The 'A1' in grep returns the found line and the first line after, which is the one containing the actual font name.
com_apple_ats_name_postscript = (
Clean this up with some more bash (tr, tail)…
tr -d \ | tail -n 1 | tr -d \"
In order, these strip spaces, all lines excepting the last, and quotation marks. So for the first 'tr' instance, there is an extra space after the backslash.
In a single line, it looks like this…
mdls GenBkBasBI.ttf | grep -A1 name_postscript | tr -d \ | tail -n 1 | tr -d \"
…and produces this…
Now, here is the workflow that includes the above bash command. I got the idea for variable usage from the answer to this question…
Apple Automator “New PDF from Images” maintaining same filename
Automator Workflow
Automator Workflow screenshot
At the top; Service receives selected 'files or folders' in 'Finder'.
Get Selected Finder Items
This (or Get Specified…) is there to allow testing. It is obviated by using this as a Service.
Set Value of Variable (File)
This is to remember which file you want to rename
Run Shell Script
This is where we use the bash stuff. The $f is the selected/specified file. I'm running 'zsh' for whatever reason. You can set it to whatever you're running, presumably 'bash'.
Set Value of Variable (Text)
Assign the bash output to a variable. This will be used by the last action for the new filename.
Get Value of Variable (File)
Recall the specified/selected file to rename.
Rename Finder Items: Name Single Item
I have it set to 'Basename only' so it will leave the extension alone. Enter the 'Text' variable from action 4 in here.

Recursive rsync over ssh, include only one file extension

I'm trying to rsync files over ssh from a server to my machine. Files are in various subdirectories, but I only want to keep the ones that match a certain pattern (IE blah.txt). I have done extensive googling and searching on stackoverflow, and I've tried just about every permutation of --include and --excludes that have been suggested. No matter what I try, rsync grabs all files.
Just as an example of one of my attempts, I have used:
rsync -avze 'ssh' --include='*blah*.txt' --exclude='*' /path/to/local/directory
To troubleshoot, I tried this command:
rsync -avze 'ssh' --exclude='*' /path/to/local/directory
expecting it to not copy anything, but it still grabbed all of the files.
I am using rsync version 2.6.9 on OSX.
Is there something obvious I'm missing? I've been struggling with this for quite a while.
I was able to find a solution, with a caveat. Here is the working command:
rsync -vre 'ssh' --prune-empty-dirs --include='*/' --include='*blah*.txt' --exclude='*' /path/to/local/files
However! If I type this into my command line directly, it works. If I save it to a file, myfile.txt, and I try `cat myfile.txt` it no longer works! This makes no sense to me.
OSX follows BSD style rsync
-C, --cvs-exclude
This is a useful shorthand for excluding a broad range of files
that you often don't want to transfer between systems. It uses a
similar algorithm to CVS to determine if a file should be
The exclude list is initialized to exclude the following items
(these initial items are marked as perishable -- see the FILTER
RULES section):
RCS SCCS CVS CVS.adm RCSLOG cvslog.* tags TAGS
.make.state .nse_depinfo *~ #* .#* ,* _$* *$ *.old *.bak
*.BAK *.orig *.rej .del-* *.a *.olb *.o *.obj *.so *.exe
*.Z *.elc *.ln core .svn/ .git/ .bzr/
then, files listed in a $HOME/.cvsignore are added to the list
and any files listed in the CVSIGNORE environment variable (all
cvsignore names are delimited by whitespace).
Finally, any file is ignored if it is in the same directory as a
.cvsignore file and matches one of the patterns listed therein.
Unlike rsync's filter/exclude files, these patterns are split on
whitespace. See the cvs(1) manual for more information.
If you're combining -C with your own --filter rules, you should
note that these CVS excludes are appended at the end of your own
rules, regardless of where the -C was placed on the command-
line. This makes them a lower priority than any rules you spec-
ified explicitly. If you want to control where these CVS
excludes get inserted into your filter rules, you should omit
the -C as a command-line option and use a combination of --fil-
ter=:C and --filter=-C (either on your command-line or by
putting the ":C" and "-C" rules into a filter file with your
other rules). The first option turns on the per-directory scan-
ning for the .cvsignore file. The second option does a one-time
import of the CVS excludes mentioned above.
-f, --filter=RULE
This option allows you to add rules to selectively exclude cer-
tain files from the list of files to be transferred. This is
most useful in combination with a recursive transfer.
You may use as many --filter options on the command line as you
like to build up the list of files to exclude. If the filter
contains whitespace, be sure to quote it so that the shell gives
the rule to rsync as a single argument. The text below also
mentions that you can use an underscore to replace the space
that separates a rule from its arg.
See the FILTER RULES section for detailed information on this

How to document Visual Basic with Doxygen

I am trying to use some Doxygen filter for Visual Basic in Windows.
I started with Vsevolod Kukol filter, based on gawk.
There are not so many directions.
So I started using his own commented VB code VB6Module.bas and, by means of his vbfilter.awk, I issued:
gawk -f vbfilter.awk VB6Module.bas
This outputs a C-like code on stdin. Therefore I redirected it to a file with:
gawk -f vbfilter.awk VB6Module.bas>awkout.txt
I created this Doxygen test.cfg file:
INPUT = awkout.txt
To produce the documentation I issued:
doxygen test.cfg
Doxygen complains as the "name 'VB6Module.bas' supplied as the second argument in the \file statement is not an input file." I removed the comment #file VB6Module.bas from awkout.txt. The warning stopped, but in both cases the documentation produced was just a single page with the project name.
I tried also the alternative filter by Basti Grembowietz in Python Again without documentation, again producing errors and without any useful output.
After trials and errors I solved the problem.
I was unable to convert a .bas file in a format such that I can pass it to Doxygen as input.
Anyway, following #doxygen user suggestions, I was able to create a Doxygen config file such that it can interpret the .bas file comments properly.
Given the file VB6Module.bas (by the Doxygen-VB-Filter author, Vsevolod Kukol), commented with Doxygen style adapted for Visual Basic, I wrote the Doxygen config file, test.cfg, as follows:
INPUT = VB6Module.bas
FILTER_PATTERNS = "*.bas=vbfilter.bat"
where: is any Markdown file that can used as the main documentation page.
vbfilter.bat contains:
#echo off
gawk.exe -f vbfilter.awk "%1%"
vbfilter.awk by the filter author is assumed to be in the same folder as the input files to be documented and obviously gawk should be in the path.
doxygen test.cfg
everything is smooth, apart two apparently innocuous warnings:
gawk: vbfilter.awk:528: warning: escape sequence `\[' treated as plain `['
gawk: vbfilter.awk:528: warning: escape sequence `\]' treated as plain `]'
Now test\html\index.html contains the proper documentation as extracted by the ".bas" and the Markdown files.
Alright I did some work:
You can download this .zip file. It contains:
MakeDoxy.bas The macro that makes it all happen
makedoxy.cmd A shell script that will be executed by MakeDoxy
configuration Folder that contains doxygen and gawk binaries which are needed to create the doxygen documentation as well as some additional filtering files which were already used by the OP.
source Folder that contains example source code for doxygen
How To Use:
Note: I tested it with Excel 2010
Extract somehwere (referenced as <root> from now on)
Import MakeDoxy.bas into your VBA project. You can also import the files from source or use your own doxygen-documented VBA code files but you'll need at least one documented file in the same VBA project.
Add "Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility 5.3" or higher to your VBA Project References (did not test it with lower versions). It's needed for the export-part (VBProject, VBComponent).
Run macro MakeDoxy
What is going to happen:
You will be asked for the <root> folder.
You will be asked if you want to delete <root>\source afterwards It is okay to delete those files. They will not be removed from your VBA Project.
MakeDoxy will export all .bas, cls and .frm files to location:<root>\source\<modulename>\<modulename>(.bas|.cls|.frm)
cmd.exewill be commanded to run makedoxy.cmd and delete <root>\source if you've chosen that way which alltogether will result in your desired documentation.
A logfile MakeDoxy.bas.logwill be re-created each time MakeDoxy is executed.
You can play with configuration\vbdoxy.cfg a little if you want to change doxygens behavior.
There is still some room for improvements but I guess this is something one can work with.

Location of formatter files for VIM

I found the following code snippet on the internet, and want to use it in my own .vimrc.
augroup CodeFormatters
autocmd BufReadPost,FileReadPost *.py :silent %!
augroup END
However, I'm not quite sure where to put the script, so that it is accessible from everywhere.
Furthermore I read that using BufReadPre is better than BufReadPost, respectively FileReadPre, is that true?
As it stands, must be accessible through your PATH. If you have a convenient place already contained in there, e.g. ~/bin, just place it there.
Alternatively, you can place it somewhere into your .vim directory, and use something like expand('<sfile>:p:h') to resolve the directory of your Vimscript, and build a relative path from there.
As you want to filter the read buffer contents with the :%! command, you have to use the BufReadPost event; with BufReadPre, the buffer hasn't yet been read and nothing would be sent to the filter.
PythonTidy is a command line executable: put it somewhere in your $PATH.
You can also put it anywhere and use an absolute path in the autocmd:
autocmd BufReadPost,FileReadPost *.py :silent %!/path/to/

batch scripting: how to get parent dir name without full path?

I'm working on a script that processes a folder and there is always one file in it I need to rename. The new name should be the parent directory name. How do I get this in a batch file? The full path to the dir is known.
It is not very clear how the script is supposed to become acquainted with the path in question, but the following example should at least give you an idea of how to proceed:
FOR %%D IN ("%CD%") DO SET "DirName=%%~nxD"
ECHO %DirName%
This script gets the path from the CD variable and extracts the name only from it to DirName.
You can use basename command:
You can use built-in bash tricks:
first # means 'remove the pattern from the begining'
second # means 'remove the longer possible pattern'
*/ is the pattern
Using built-in bash avoid to call an external command (i.e. basename) therefore this optimises you script. However the script is less portable.