vba functions malfunction after repetitive calling - sql

I have a database where data goes through multiple steps, and user can report and 'solve' those errors in the database.
Once an error is added in my tbl_errors, they go on and solve it. Once they have solved the error irl, the 'solve' the error in the database as well, to keep track of time and such.
This all works like a charm, when adding errors I have never encountered any problems. And at first sight, 'solving' the problems goes flawless either. The problem however, is that once I start 'solving' a lot of errors in a row, my code suddenly stops working.
It does not freeze or throw back any errors, and when I step through the code using my breakpoints and f8, all the variables seem to be correct also. Everything goes on just as always, except it just does not do anything anymore. This is only applicable to that specific error. When I add new errors, and try to 'solve' them. It works just as usual.
Important notes:
This ONLY happens when I start fast clicking on my solve button, thus calling the functions real fast behind eachother.
It only freezes for a specific errors. (Can be multiple) All other errors can be solved as usual, indicating that the code is still functioning.
I have stepped through the whole code, while checking all the keys and variables and every variable is correct.
Even though my code goes through the recordset, it does not update anything?
Below is a piece of my relationships screen to give a better understanding of the table structure, as well as the specific parts of code.
Calling the code in the OnClick event:
Private Sub solve_Click()
SolveError getorderid(gvStepDelivery), get_errorID(gvCategory, get_stepsID(gvStepNr))
End Sub
The self-written function SolveError:
Public Function SolveError(Current_order_ID As Long, Category_ID As Long)
Dim rs As Recordset
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("tbl_errors", dbOpenDynaset)
With rs
.FindFirst "[Error_ID] = " & DLookup("Error_ID", "tbl_errors", "[Current_orders_ID] = " & Current_order_ID & " AND [Category_ID] = " & Category_ID)
![Solved_By] = get_user
![Solved_Date] = Date
![Solved_Time] = Time
End With
Set rs = Nothing
End Function
There are other parts of code involved (See the SolveError's parameters), but I don't think they will add some usefull info, since they are just returning the correct values. (They are correct!!)

Ok, it seems I have already found my answer. Since I was probably calling a new iteration before the previous one had completely finished, it simply stopped working. Adding the DoEvents function at the end my SolveErrors function solved it. I have yet to experience the problem again.
Public Function SolveError(Current_order_ID As Long, Category_ID As Long)
Dim rs As Recordset
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("tbl_errors", dbOpenDynaset)
With rs
.FindFirst "[Error_ID] = " & DLookup("Error_ID", "tbl_errors", "[Current_orders_ID] = " & Current_order_ID & " AND [Category_ID] = " & Category_ID)
![Solved_By] = get_user
![Solved_Date] = Date
![Solved_Time] = Time
End With
Set rs = Nothing
DoEvents 'This one did the trick!!
End Function
Info on the DoEvents method can be found here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.windows.forms.application.doevents(v=vs.110).aspx?cs-save-lang=1&cs-lang=vb#code-snippet-1
and here: http://office.microsoft.com/en-001/access-help/doevents-function-HA001228827.aspx


What is causing the delay between recordset.update and the form/report getting the information?

Short version
I'm entering information in a database and fetching it shortly after, but for some reason, when I enter the information, it isn't immediately entered, so that when I try to fetch it, I get old results. Why does this happen? I thought the operations were synchronous.
Long version
I have a split Access database. At the moment the backend is on my own hard drive to speed up testing, eventually this backend will land on a server. Back when it was a combined frontend/backend database and before I had done a major code refactor (tbh, it was quite the clusterfornication before that), and now this is happening in a number of different scenarios, but pretty much every time I enter information and try to fetch it right after that. Why this happens is a mystery to me, since everything I was reading told me there is no multi-threading in VBA and that everything is synchronous if not specified otherwise, and I haven't enabled any asynchronous options.
Two Examples:
I add a record to the database then refresh the form that contains those new records. I'm not going to post the full code (unless it is deemed necessary), since I've modularized the code a lot. But essentially it boils down to this: the user clicks a button which executes this:
Private Sub Anhang_hinzufügen_Click()
If IsNull(Me.Parent.ID) Then
MsgBox "Bitte erst Felder ausfüllen, und anschließend Anhänge hinzufügen", vbInformation
AnhängeAuswählen Me.Parent.Name, Me.Parent.ID
End If
End Sub
As part of the AnhängeAuswählen method, the method AddRecord is called:
Function AddRecord(TableName As String, fields() As String, values) As Long
Dim Table As DAO.Recordset
Set Table = LUKSVDB.OpenRecordset(TableName)
For i = LBound(fields) To UBound(fields)
If TypeName(Table.fields(fields(i)).Value) = "Recordset2" Then
Dim rs2 As DAO.Recordset2
Set rs2 = Table.fields(fields(i)).Value
If IsArray(values(i)) Then
For j = LBound(values(i)) To UBound(values(i))
rs2!Value = values(i)(j)
Next j
rs2!Value = values(i)
End If
Table.fields(fields(i)) = values(i)
End If
Next i
AddRecord = Table!ID
End Function
The record is created, that's not the problem. But when it executes Me.Form.Requery, the new record doesn't appear in the form. Only when I execute Me.Form.Requery a fraction of a second later does the record appear.
I add a record to the database using a form, update some information in the recordset with VBA, then requery the subreport with the records. The record appears immediately, but the details I added programmatically only appear when I execute Me.Parent.Requery a couple of seconds later.
The first form is a data entry form, so that as soon as the data is saved, it's blank in order to create a new record. The previous should then appear in the form. The button to create the new record looks like this:
Private Sub Anmerkung_Hinzufügen_Click()
currentID = Me.ID
mSaved = True
If Me.Dirty Then Me.Dirty = False
UpdateRecord "Anmerkungen", currentID, StringArray("Person", "Datum"), Array(User, Now)
End Sub
The UpdateRecord is similar to the AddRecord method:
Function UpdateRecord(TableName As String, ByVal ID As Integer, fields() As String, values)
Dim Table As DAO.Recordset
Set Table = SeekPK(TableName, ID, True)
For i = LBound(fields) To UBound(fields)
If TypeName(Table.fields(fields(i)).Value) = "Recordset2" Then
Dim subtable As DAO.Recordset2
Set subtable = Table.fields(fields(i)).Value
If IsArray(values(i)) Then
On Error Resume Next
Dim t
t = LBound(values(i))
If Developer Then On Error GoTo -1 Else On Error GoTo Fehler
If Err.Number = 0 Then
For j = LBound(values(i)) To UBound(values(i))
subtable!Value = values(i)(j)
Next j
End If
subtable!Value = values(i)
End If
Table.fields(fields(i)) = values(i)
End If
Next i
End Function
Does anyone know why this happens, and how I can prevent it? I could do a bit of a workaround with timers on the forms, so that it refreshes the form a couple of seconds later, but that seems like a kludgy workaround to me, especially considering I don't know how long it specifically takes, and the times could change drastically once the backend is on the server.
Additional information, in case it's necessary:
In the code I've posted I've removed some additional code for error handling and performance logging, but it doesn't have any impact on what's happening otherwise.
When the database is opened, a global variable LUKSVDB As DAO.Database is initialized:
Function ConnectDatabase(Backend As Integer)
Select Case Backend
Case 0: DatenOrt = 'redacted, folder in which the production/beta database is located on the server
Case 1: DatenOrt = 'redacted, folder in which I have a personal testing database on the server
Case 2: DatenOrt = 'redacted, folder in which I have the testing database on my own computer
End Select
Set LUKSVDB = OpenDatabase(DatenOrt & "\LUKS-Verwaltung_be.accdb", False, False, ";pwd=PASSWORD")
End Function
For testing purposes, ConnectDatabase is launched with a value of 2. However, if it's a problem on my own SSD, where latency is just about 0, then I can only assume it will be a problem on the server as well, where the latency is definitely not 0.

How do I change the text of multiple bookmarks by stepping through an array?

Sub initialize()
For boxNum = 1 To 10
vaultValuesForm.Controls("h" & boxNum).Value = ""
vaultValuesForm.Controls("d" & boxNum).Value = ""
Next boxNum
End Sub
Sub button_Populate_Click()
Dim array_h(9) As String, array_d(9) As String
For boxNum = 0 To 9
array_h(boxNum) = vaultValuesForm.Controls("h" & (boxNum + 1)).Value
array_d(boxNum) = vaultValuesForm.Controls("d" & (boxNum + 1)).Value
Next boxNum
Call populateTable(array_h(), array_d())
End Sub
Sub populateTable(array_0() As String, array_1() As String)
For x = 1 To 4
ThisDocument.Bookmarks("bd" & x).Range.Text = array_0(0)
Next x
End Sub
I have tested the functionality of this code at various points, and it works flawlessly right up until this line:
ThisDocument.Bookmarks("bd" & x).Range.Text = array_0(0)
Specifically, until it reaches = array_0(0). In its current state, reaching this point in the Sub results in "Run-time error '5941': The requested member of the collection does not exist." Same deal when I originally tried using = array_0(x) (which is ultimately what I'm trying to accomplish). However, if replaced with something direct such as = "AA", it works. How do I phrase this bit properly to set the bookmark values to those within the array?
Note: In case you're wondering, the arrays are being referenced and passed properly; I tested this by changing the loop to comments and using MsgBox() with various array elements.
The answer from comments. The issue I wasn't aware of was that the bookmarks were being deleted after running the module, so it wouldn't work again unless the bookmarks were created again.
Are you sure the bookmarks bd1...bd4 are still there in the document? Because a bookmark's range.text deletes the bookmark, so if you want to be able to repeat the bookmark text assignments you have to recreate the bookmarks after assigning the texts. FWIW I ran your code and it was fine when bd1..bd2 etc. existed but threw 5941 the next time. (This is quite a common problem!) – slightly snarky Sep 3 at 8:37
So, for the official answer to my question, the way I had done it initially is how; it just couldn't be repeated.

ASP classic, reading and then writing to database

I have a page where a database lookup is done, and if a value is found some response is sent back to the user and then the database value is deleted.
I'm calling my delete sub after I've checked the variable but it's like this never happened, although i know the sub ran since the value is now gone from the database.
It seems like the page is loading twice and on the second pass the database value has gone and so it shows as if the database value was never found, but it had to have been found in order to have deleted it (as this was a condition for running the delete sub).
I realize this sounds insane but I've been on this for 2 days and have no idea what's going on. I've tried disabling caching from within IIS and also changing my code so that a value is posted to the database instead of deleting a record and I still get the same thing where my server seems to check the future value of the database before calling the routine that changes it.
Has anyone seen similar behavior to this when reading and writing to the same record on a single page?
referer = Request.ServerVariables ("HTTP_REFERER")
session("testcode") = right(referer,16)
testcode = session("testcode")
set objcommand = server.createObject("adodb.command")
objcommand.activeconnection = strconnect2
objcommand.commandtext="SELECT codeval,stamp,used from code where codeval like '" & testcode & "'"
objcommand.commandtype = 1
set objrs = objcommand.Execute
set objcommand = nothing
countvar = 0
While not objrs.EOF
if not objrs("used") = true then
foundcode = true
countvar = countvar+1
end if
if foundcode = true then
response.write "Found you!"
set objcomm5 = server.createobject("adodb.command")
objcomm5.activeconnection = strconnect2
objcomm5.commandtext = "update code set used = true where codeval like '"& testcode &"' "
objcomm5.commandtype = &H0001
response.write "Can't be found!"
end if

Can't Go To Specific Record on Continuous Form in MS Access

Searched and searched and cannot find a solution to this. I have a form with many continuous form subforms. When I change a value in, lets say FIELD_A on one of the subforms, I run calculations on several other subforms, then the focus returns to FIELD_A. However, during the calculations an update to the PARENT form happens, and needs to happen. So, when I return focus to the original subform, the first record on my subform has the focus. I need to then go to the record I was working on.
I've tried several options, but nothing works. However, if I set a DEBUG breakpoint at the line in the code where it moves to the specified record, then physically RUN the code from that line, it works! I've tried setting a wait period in there to no avail.
Here's a snippet of the code:
Call common.CalculateAllLoadTotals _
(Me, Me.AffiliateID, Me.ClientID, Me.FacilityID, Me.ProposalRevision)
Me.Recordset.FindFirst "[AffiliateID] = '" & Me.AffiliateID & "'" & _
" AND [ClientID] = " & Me.ClientID & _
" AND [FacilityID] = " & Me.FacilityID & _
" AND [ProposalRevision] = " & Me.ProposalRevision & _
" AND [EquipmentID] = " & currItemID
I also tried this:
dim currRecord as Long
currRecord = Me.CurrentRecord
Call common.CalculateAllLoadTotals _
(Me, Me.AffiliateID, Me.ClientID, Me.FacilityID, Me.ProposalRevision)
Me.Form.Recordset.Move = currRecord
As I said, the code works (either one) IF I pause it with a debug then continue executing. Strange.
Sorry that's will not be a complete answer but it is quite lot for a comment.
Regarding your first solution - I'd advise you to try Me.Recordset.Requery
to refresh current record in the main form without moving position.
Regarding you 2nd option - I'd advise to have a look at bookmarks - before update remember bookmark, make some calculations and then move position to the saved bookmark. Something like this -
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Set rs = Me.RecordsetClone
rs.FindFirst "[MyPK]=" & Me!cmbFindByPK
If Not rs.NoMatch Then
If Me.Dirty Then
Me.Dirty = False
End If
Me.Bookmark = rs.Bookmark
End If
Set rs = Nothing
taken from here Why clone an MS-Access recordset?
I suspect you are updating the recordset underlying the parent form. This causes the parent form to automatically requery, hence the subform position returning to the first record.
The solution is to update the controls on the parent form instead:
Me.Parent!Controlname = XXXX

Unable to diligently close the excel process running in memory

I have developed a VB.Net code for retrieving data from excel file .I load this data in one form and update it back in excel after making necessary modifications in data. This complete flow works fine but most of the times I have observed that even if I close the form; the already loaded excel process does not get closed properly.
I tried all possible ways to close it but could not be able to resolve the issue. Find below code which I am using for connecting to excel and let me know if any other approach I may need to follow to resolve this issue.
Note: I do not want to kill the excel process as it will kill other instances of the excel
Dim connectionString As String
connectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=" & ExcelFilePath & ";
Extended Properties=excel 8.0; Persist Security Info=False"
excelSheetConnection = New ADODB.Connection
If excelSheetConnection.State = 1 Then excelSheetConnection.Close()
objRsExcelSheet = New ADODB.Recordset
If objRsExcelSheet.State = 1 Then objRsExcelSheet.Close()
If TestID = "" Then
objRsExcelSheet.Open("Select * from [" & ActiveSheet & "$]", excelSheetConnection, 1, 1)
objRsExcelSheet.Open("Select Test_ID,Test_Description,Expected_Result,Type,UI_Element,Action,Data,Risk from [" & ActiveSheet & "$] WHERE TEST_Id LIKE '" & TestID & ".%'", excelSheetConnection, 1, 1)
End If
getExcelData = objRsExcelSheet
Catch errObj As System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException
MsgBox(errObj.Message, , errObj.Source)
Return Nothing
End Try
excelSheetConnection = Nothing
objRsExcelSheet = Nothing
You are using the old VB6 COM interfaces. There isn't any evidence in your code snippet of you ever calling Close() on the RecordSet. You can't call Close() on the Connection since you set it to Nothing.
As written, Excel won't exit until the garbage collector runs and the finalizer thread releases the reference counts on the COM interfaces. Which can take a long time if your program doesn't exit or goes dormant after processing the data. You really should consider uplifting this code to use the classes in System.Data.Oledb so you can properly Dispose() everything when you're done with the objects.
The Q&D solution is to force the finalizer thread to run:
Run this after you're done using the RecordSet. It isn't otherwise recommended.