Magnific Popup Gallery: How can I display a counter in an inline type item? - magnific-popup

I am using magnific popup to display a mixed gallery of image type and inline type items.
Image Popup
Show inline popup
<!-- the inline content -->
<div id="test-popup" class="white-popup mfp-hide">
Inline content
type: 'image',
gallery: {enabled: true}
The full working example is here.
As you can see, the image type items automatically get a "x of y " counter like this:
How can I get this counter for inline type items, too?

It only can be added to dynamically generated inline popups, to do this you just need to add <div class="mfp-content"></div> to markup of item. Example
Otherwise, you'll need to write your own counter via popup API.

I managed to make it work using non-dynamically generated inline items containing
<div class="mfp-content"></div>
patching magnific popup slightly:


Dojo Toolkit - adding dijit inside dijit (ex. button into ContentPane in AccordionContainer)

I'm learning Dojo Toolkit and I'm fighting with adding dijit into dijit. There was simmilar post about it but wih DIV's. I just simply want to programmatically insert a button or anything else to a ContentPane like this:
I have a script (with required items to insert button):
require(["dijit/layout/AccordionContainer", "dijit/layout/ContentPane", "dojo/domReady!", "dijit/form/Button", "dijit/_WidgetBase"],
function(AccordionContainer, ContentPane, Button){
var aContainer = new AccordionContainer({style:"height: 300px"}, "markup");
var aChild1 = new ContentPane({
title: "Date selectors",
content: "Test"
var aChild2 = new ContentPane({
title:"Group 2",
var aChild3 = new ContentPane({
title:"Group 3",
And my DIV is simply:
<div id="markup" style="width: 250px; height: 300px">
This ContentPane should work as left toolbar with rollable panes. In first one I'd like to add date pickers or button or anything else. Above code works until I try to add subChild. I tried to create var with button and make it child of a content pane like:
var btn as new Button([...]);
and place it here:
but it not works. How can I build my layout in this case? Thanks in advance for help.
Problem solved. I applied declarative instead of programatic creation:
In script, I simply added this line:
require(["dojo/parser", "dijit/layout/ContentPane"]);
Then I wrote some divs like:
<div data-dojo-type="dijit/layout/ContentPane">
Some text
I found a tip (inside the code of demos) that:
content pane has no children so just use dojo's builtin after advice
dojo.connect(dijit.layout.ContentPane.prototype, "resize",
... so all I had to do was:
<div data-dojo-type="dijit.layout.ContentPane" data-dojo-props='selected:true, title:"Calendar"'>
<!-- calendar widget pane -->
<input id="calendar1" data-dojo-type="dijit.Calendar">
If you would like to see, how to place any of layout items in one place, see Dojo Theme Tester (view source):
You will find every fragment well described. For me, it is more useful than documentation.
I hope that by solving my problem, this solution will be helpful to someone.

how to customize sitefinity's default mvc form widget's thank you message as html?

I have created a test form and displayed using sitefinity's default mvc form widget and when submitting the form it displays thank you message(directly as text) without any html. I want to add some html with it so that i can style it as per my liking.
Change the form on the page to use UseAjaxSubmit from the widget designer model. After this go to "\ResourcePackages\Bootstrap\MVC\Views\Form\Index.cshtml" and find this piece of code.
if (Model.UseAjaxSubmit)
<h3 data-sf-role="success-message" style="display: none;">
<div>my customized message</div>
You can change the rendering directly in the default template but I would recommend you to create a new template for the widget and keep the default one.
The Sitefinity Knowledgebase contains workarounds to override this when using AjaxSubmit or not.
If using AjaxSubmit is not enabled:
Create a new file under the Form folder (again, ResourcePackages > Bootstrap > MVC > Views > Form) with the following name: "Form.SubmitResultView.cshtml"
Use the following to display the styled text:
I ended up having to add my Form.SubmitResultView.cshtml under Mvc > Views > Forms and used the following markup as I needed a consistent wrapper div:
<div class="some-class">

flying saucer page number + page count

I'm trying to configure a nice footer on a pdf document I'm generating using Flying Saucer.
But I'm having problems getting the page number and page count in a nice position.
Consider this bit of css:
div#page-footer {
position : running(footer);
// .. more styling .. //
} {
content: counter(page);
Using this bit of html will not give me a page number:
<div id="page-footer">
<div class="page-number"></div>
The only way I manage to get a page number if I move the class a level up.
<div id="page-footer" class="page-number">
But this does not allow me to add additional content in the footer or makes it really difficult to apply styling. I could add a separate footer just for the page number, but it would be quite hard to get the position just right.
Is there a way to get page number + page count in a footer that also contains other elements and styling?
Extra notes:
I simplified the footer a bit, in the original there is more in there, but even this simple example it is giving problems.
using span or div for the element does not make a difference.
You should use the id instead of the class to identify the div containing the page number.
This will work:
div#page-number:before {
content: counter(page);
<div id="page-footer">
<div id="page-number"></div>

magnific popup Inline Lightbox Gallery how to specify item in array from html link

Wanted to use this 'item' example:
but instead of having one button, I'd like to have multiple buttons for each inline element (like a gallery).
For example, How would I create a second button that would open data array item 2 (paul irish)? Is there a way to specify from the button link? thanks!
I had to do something similar and had no idea how to do it so hopefully this helps someone later.
All my modals were inline but I also needed a list for each item on the page so you could click on the link and it would open at Item 2 or 3 etc..but still allow you to navigate through the gallery. I based my code off this and added the additional parts for the id's.
Basically you just have to put a data attribute e.g data-slideid on the individual links and pass that through when you open magnific. After you set everything you can specify which item it opens at by passing through the value from data-slideid. If anyone has a better solution i'd love to know!
Check out my below
<div id="gallery1" class="mfp-hide">
<div class="slide" data-slideid="0">slide 1</div>
<div class="slide" data-slideid="1">slide 2</div>
<div class="slide" data-slideid="2">slide 3</div>
// single link opens gallery starting at first slide
<p>view gallery</p>
// individual links opens gallery starting at relevant slide
$('.open-gallery-link').click(function() {
var itemNum = $(this).data("slideid"); // get the id
var items = [];
$( $(this).attr('href') ).find('.slide').each(function() {
items.push( {
src: $(this)
} );
gallery: {
enabled: true
},itemNum); // set it in here

How to extend dijit.form.button

I am trying to extend dijit.form.Button with an extra attribute but this is not working.Code is given below
In file1.js
dojo.extend(dijit.form.Button,{xyz: ''});
In file2.jsp
<script type="text/javascript" src="file1.js"></script>
<div dojoType="dijit.form.Button" xyz="abc"></div>
However when I look at the HTML of the created button (In chrome seen by right click and then selecting 'inspect element' option), it doesn't show xyz attribute.
You need to keep in mind that there's a distinction between the widget object and its HTML representation. When you extend dijit.form.Button, the xyz attribute is added to the widget class, but not automatically to the HTML that the widget will render. So in your case, if you do
.. you'll see that the button object does have the xyz member, but the HTML (like you point out) does not.
If you also want it do be visible in the HTML, you have to manually add it to the HTML rendering of the button. One way to do that is to subclass dijit.form.Button and override the buildRendering method.
dojo.declare("my.Button", dijit.form.Button, {
xyz: '',
buildRendering: function() {
If you add an instance of your new Button class in the HTML, like so:
<div dojoType="my.Button" xyz="foobar" id="mybtn"></div>
.. then the HTML representation (after Dojo has parsed it and made it into a nice looking widget) will contain the xyz attribute. Probably something like this:
<span class="..." xyz="foobar" dir="ltr" widgetid="mybtn">
<span class="..." dojoattachevent="ondijitclick:_onButtonClick">
<input class="dijitOffScreen" type="button" dojoattachpoint="valueNode" ...>