I'm running WildFly 8.1 in IntelliJ 14. The server starts and is accessible at localhost:8080. The artefact is deployed and the web site can be opened.
As soon as I redeploy, I get:
Server is not connected. Deploy is not available
Nothing is written to server.log
Make sure that your IP in stanalone.xml set to :).
This one works:).
I fixed the problem:
You need to run exactly the same jdk on Wildfly and IntelliJ. Since I use MacOS and used the apple 1.6 jdk for IntelliJ and Oracle JDK 7 development and Wildfly, so it didn't work. I switched my IntelliJ to Oracle JDK 7 and now it's deploying and running.
The same problem is described here:
And here's a knowledge base entry on how to switch the JDK IntelliJ is runnung under:
Check if management interface of wildfly is bound to localhost/ as well
I got this same error when trying to deploy to Wildfly (Idea 14.1, Wildfly 9.0.0 Final), but ensuring the same JDK didn't solve it. In my case, the issue was in Wildfly's standalone.xml configuration.
Under <management-interfaces>, I had to add the following:
<native-interface security-realm="ManagementRealm">
<socket-binding native="management-native"/>
Also, in the <socket-binding-group> section, I had to add the following:
<socket-binding name="management-native" interface="management" port="${jboss.management.native.port:9990}"/>
After making the above changes, deployment worked fine, even with mismatched Idea/Wildfly JDK versions.
Note too that in my case, initial deployment gave the same error ("Server not connected..."), which makes sense if that socket binding wasn't configured.
Same error is comming if (in IDEA) your wildfly user/password is wrong. To change the user/password in IDEA open the "Application Servers" view, edit the configuration of your WildFly server and check the username and password in the "Server" tab.
If you are running standalone-full.xml rather than the default standalone.xml, then pass this environment variable:
instead of passing arguments at the startup script:
...\standalone.bat --server-config=standalone-full.xml
If you are running standalone-full.xml rather than the default standalone.xml, then just delete standalone.xml and rename standalone-full.xml to standalone.xml.This solved the following problem for me :)
Server is not connected. Deploy is not available
I'm struggling to get the connected mode to connect to my local instance of SonarQube.
I'm suspecting it has something to do with the way my system is set up.
I'm using a Mac (OS X 10.11.x) and I have PHP and Apache set up according to this tutorial. I think perhaps there is an issue with a firewall rule or something.
When I connect to http://localhost:9000/api/system/status with a browser, there is no problem. telnet localhost 9000 works fine too.
But when I enter credentials and create a configuration in SonarLint, I always get:
error testing connection: Fail to request http://localhost:9000/api/system/status
Anybody have a clue?
It is also worth to check SonarLint issue tracker. Issue looks related rather to the plugin than PhpStorm itself.
Check your Phpstorm log folder ~/Library/Logs/PhpStormVERSION/FILE.log (FILE - some log file for phpstorm, in Intellij it's idea.log)
I see the tutorial you followed enabled SSL and I guess that should be because of a certificate.
I am using Apache Tomcat 8.5.12 with JOSSO single sign on .
After configuration I can not start the tomcat server and I get this error.
Everything is well configured.
Does anyone have an idea that can help me to start the server ?enter image description here
Apache Tomcat 8.5 doesn't play nice with the JOSSO Agent for Apache Tomcat 8 as the former has changed the approach for hooking into the event bus. Therefore, an ad-hoc SSO agent is needed, included in an early access release of JOSSO 1.8.12, available here for download : https://github.com/atricore/josso1/releases/tag/1.8.12-rc1-release
A binary distribution is included, hence there's no need to build from the source.
In order to install it, make sure to manually replace the "old" agent artifacts - namely the JOSSO Agent for Tomcat 8 JAR files - with the ones that ship with 1.8.12 RC1.
As far as configuration is concerned, the following changes in the $CATALINA_HOME/lib/josso-agent-config.xml descriptor need to be applied for the JOSSO Agent for Apache Tomcat 8.5 to be instantiated.
<bean class="org.josso.tc80.agent.CatalinaSSOAgent" name="josso-tc80-agent">
<bean class="org.josso.tc85.agent.CatalinaSSOAgent" name="josso-tc85-agent">
As of the JOSSO server component, there is no need to perform any upgrade nor configuration change.
I m using eclipse indigo and i installed the Jboss Server earlier.i though that every thing is fine;
But when i make a right clik on a JSP page for exemple ,there is no "Deploy" ,and if i what to deploy the whole project..the same thing i can't do it because the is no "Deploy" option.
iand if i ighone all that and do a "Run As" --> "Run on a server" i get a http 404 error saying the requested ressource is not available.
i have Jboss in my eclipse ,is there any why to know that Jboss is well insatlled??
Thank you
The easiest way to check whether JBoss 7 is running is to access native management interface.
Usually it's bound to 9999 port.
In order to verify the port look for port attribute of management native interface socket binding in standalone.xml (standalone-full.xml or whatever configuration you are using)
For localhost it would be:
Another way to check JBoss 7 status is to use management console.
Usually it's bound to 9990 port.
In order to verify the port look for port attribute of management HTTP interface socket binding in standalone.xml (standalone-full.xml or whatever configuration you are using).
For localhost it would be:
Additionally, you can check the so called marker files.
Just go to deployments directory and look for .deployed file (if the file exists it means that your application is successfully deployed).
You can read more about deployment descriptors at:
I've been hacking and googling for a while now, and I've found several statck overflow threads that seemed like they were written for older versions of intellij, with various application servers. Usually they tell you to enter
java -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=51887,suspend=n,server=y
One answer suggests using something like
But then I get this:
Error occurred during initialization of VM
Could not find agent library: libjdwp:transport.jnilib (searched /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.6.0_37-b06-434.jdk/Contents/Libraries:/System/Library/Java/Extensions:/Library/Java/Extensions:.)
Then after one or the other of the above they tell you something like "Edit Configurations> jetty > remote and enter localhost, 51887" (the port number varies)
However in 12, the page you land on after you select remote has a plethora of options, and is asking for JNDI ports, not jdwp ports on another tab it actually suggests the jdwp parameters above.
Researching the JNDI port bit, generally yields instructions to add args like this to your command line...
-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote= \
-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.port=1099 \
-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.ssl=false \
I've done that too and I can see port 1099 held by java (using lsof) and I can telnet to 1099, so I know the JVM is listening. (We'll try not to worry about the fact that that appears to say, open up a port by which anyone install arbitrary java code over the network to your computer without a password)
However, in Intellij whenever I try to deploy and debug it gives me the following message:
I can see java RMI communications over 1099 when I snoop port 1099 with wireshark (but they are illegible). Evidently, the communications are not satisfactory for Intellij, so I'm wondering if there's something I need to do to Jetty to get it to play nice. Note that changing the Jetty version is not presently an option, so let's not go there :).
I've also tried removing the artifact, disabling make, and trying to just connect the debugger, but it still gives me the same red baloon and error message, so evidently the JNDI (port 1099) part is required.
Does anyone see something I'm doing wrong, or know of something else I should do to get this to work?
(I'm wondering if it is something similar to this: http://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-65746 jboss issue)
Edit: Thanks to this google groups post I've discovered that it is possible to get the debugger connected if you don't specify Edit Configurations> + > jetty > remote, but instead choose Edit Configurations > + > remote, but debug and deploy is what I'm after so that's only a half solution.
Jetty remote configuration requires several manual steps which are performed automatically when you start Jetty directly from IDEA using the local configuration instead.
If you absolutely must use the remote configuration, try the following steps:
In the Remote staging section of the Server tab of the IDEA Jetty remote run configuration:
specify Same file system for Type and Host
specify path to the <Jetty home>/contexts folder in the Local path field of the contexts section
(settings will differ if you have Jetty running on another machine than IDEA, but I assume it's the same machine in your case)
Pass the following VM parameters to the Jetty process:
-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.port=<JNDI port>
<JNDI port> value should be the same as specified in the JNDI port field of the IDEA Jetty run configuration
Pass the following configuration files to the Jetty process (in the command line):
If you need to debug, you should also pass to Jetty process VM parameters taken from IDEA Jetty run configuration: Startup/Connection tab, select Debug list item under the To debug remote server JVM ...
Here is the sample command line to start Jetty process with all the required options:
java -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=60208,suspend=n,server=y -DSTOP.PORT=0 -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote= -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.port=1099 -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.authenticate=false -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.ssl=false -DOPTIONS=jmx -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -classpath start.jar etc/jetty-jmx.xml etc/jetty.xml
I am a newbie.I am using Weblogic am getting an validation error in first page(Login Page wit user name and pwd) as "logger is not initialized",while deploying. I do the same thing with tomcat, and the .war is imported and deployed is success. What is the reason? and also ,in weblogic we have two jdk's(jdk 1.6 and Jrockit)...in my system i m having 1.6.0_17..so which one it takes.i forgot which i choose while installing..whether it takes from wblogic jdk or which one?..wher i m going wrong..its a small one i notice..but could not figure out..plz lemme kno??
This is either because you haven't configured your WLS installation correctly. When you first setup your console there is a parameter you have to change in your auth file that if not set with cause this issue.
Or you are selecting logging during deployment from the admin console and you haven't configured log4j in your application.