In a project I need to load a file from the harddisc for further processing. I wrote code that first checks if the filename exists and then loads the file.
However, when thinking further about it I asked myself if that is at all clever. You don't block the file by the existence check so it is (while unlikely) possible that the file is deleted between you checking if it exists and you actually loading it.
The other idea is to just wrap the loading in a (in my case) Try + Except block and ditch the existence check alltogether. However I read that using exceptions for actual code flow is bad practice.
Should I use the first, the second or both methods, with the exception handling as a fallback?
MSDN has a note about this very issue:
Be aware that another process can potentially do something with the file in between the time you call the Exists method and perform another operation on the file, such as Delete.
It certainly doesn't hurt to check if a file exists first and handle the situation elegantly when it can be easily detected. Then, a Try/Catch for the truly exceptional situations (ie your fallback).
The "bad practice" rap depends on how it is used. In the situation you describe, it sounds like the Try/Catch would be caught and handled in one procedure. Thats not really controlling code flow, but using it as intended.
If you were to catch the exception, translate it and throw your own exception for an encapsulating object to catch (Foo.Bar.DoSomething Throws for Foo to Catch), that would be bad - almost like a NET version of spaghetti code. It could also affect performance.
You will always check if the file exists, and preferably permissions before you do anything to the file (Edit, delete, move etc) - depending on what exactly you want to do and what type of file it is.
But when you actually want to make a change to the file you will have to add to a Try Block. For example if you want to access a file on a flash drive and the flash drive is unplugged. you can't predict that
When I save a method and get back to it later, all of my variable names become temp and all of my parameters becomes arg and the code indentation get changed.
Any thoughts on how I can fix this?
The behaviour that you are experiencing is not code formatting at all. You immage is experiencing an issue where it can't access original source code. Thus it uses a backup solution and decomples method bytecode. During the compilation process the variable names are erased, so they can't be re-created during the decompilation, and generic substitudes are used instead.
Now, why you are missing sources is another question. First of all it's important to check if you get some exceptions. Often these happen when you open or save your image, but also thaty may occur when you save methods.
Depending on the Pharo version you may be missing .changes or .sources files. This often happens when you more an image without moving other supporting files.
When using the magic function %edit from QtConsole with IPython, the call does not block, and does not execute the saved code. It does however save a temporary file...
I think this is intended behavior due to GUI editors and uncertainty, and whatever that reason is for not being able to communicate with subprocess (pyZMQ?).
What do you suggest as the best way to mix %edit/%run magics?
I would not mind calling two different commands (one to edit, and one after I have saved and execution is safe). But those commands need a way to synchronize this target file location, or someone to persist storage, and probably need some crude form of predicatably generating filenames such that you can edit more than one file at a time, and execute in arbitrarily. Session persistence is not a must.
Would writing my own magic do any good? Hope we can %edit macros soon, that would do well enough to make it work.
you shoudl be able to do %edit and %run The non blocking behavior is expected, and IIRC due to technical reason. Not unsurmountable but difficult.
You could define your own magic if you wish, improvement are welcomed.
Hope we can %edit macros soon, that would do well enough to make it work.
For that too, PR are welcomed. I guess as a workaround/option you can %load macro which would put macro on input n+1 , edit it and redefine it, that might be a good extension for a cell magic %%macro macroname
If you have some executable code on your input (from QtConsole), you can type
%edit 1-5
This fires the editor, creates a temporarily file (automatically managed), and loads your input lines. This is nearly enough, now how to retrieve the name of that temp file pragmatically?
I see the print statement on Stdout, but its not visible to QtConsole AFAIK. Could maybe redirect stdout to catch that line, but that may not be an option anyway if your doing something else with stdout.
If I could retrieve the full pathname that was just created, this would be cake. Store it where some magics will know how to find it. Then issue a followup command when ready,pops the name off the stack, loads it into a macro, and run. All this with 2 input commands and no names to remember (unless you want to find and use that macro again, but for 1 shot stuff...)
How do I catch or retrieve the path of that temporary file?
1) When there is bad input, the app crashes and prints a message to the console saying what happened
2) When there is bad input, the app throws away the input and continues on as if nothing happened (though nothing the problem in a separate log file).
While 2 may seem like the obvious solution, the app is an engine and framework for game development, so if a user is writing something and does something wrong, it may be beneficial for that problem to be immediately obvious (app crashing) rather than it being ignored and the user potentially forgetting to check the log to see if there were any problems (may forget if the programmed behavior isn't very noticeable on screen, so he doesn't catch that it is missing).
There is no one-size-fits-all solution. It really depends on the situation and how bad the input is.
However, since you specifically mentioned this is for an engine or framework, then I would say it should never crash. It should raise exceptions or provide notable return codes or whatever is relevant for your environment, and then the application developer using your framework can decide how to handle. The framework itself should not make this decision for all apps that utilize the framework.
I would use exceptions if the language you are using allows them..
Since your framework will be used by other developers you shouldn't really constraint any approach, you should let the developers catch your exception (or errors) and manage what to do..
Generally speaking nothing should crash on user input. Whether the app can continue with the error logged or stop right there is something that is useful to be able to configure.
If it's too easy to ignore errors, people will just do so, instead of fixing them. On the other hand, sometimes an error is not something you can fix, or it's totally unrelated to what you're working on, and it's holding up your current task. So it depends a bit on who the user is.
Logging libraries often let you switch logs on and off by module and severity. It might be that you want something similar, to let users configure the "stop on error" behaviour for certain modules or only when above a certain level of severity.
Personally I would avoid the crash approach and opt for (2) that said make sure that the error is detected and logged and above all avoid any swallowing of errors (e.g. empty catch).
It is always helpful to have some kind of tracing/logging module, for instance later when you are doing performance tuning or general troubleshooting.
It depends on what the problem is. When I'm programming and writing error handling I use this as my mantra:
Is this exception really exceptional?
Meaning, is the error in input or whatever condition is "not normal" recoverable? In the case of a game, a File not Found exception on a texture could be recoverable and you could show a default texture so you know something broke.
However, if you have textures in a compressed file and you keep getting checksum errors, that would be an exceptional exception and I would crash the game with the details.
It really boils down to: can the application keep running without issue?
The one exception to this rule though (ha ha) is, if something is corrupted you can no longer trust your validation methods and you should crash as quickly as you can to prevent the corruption from spreading.
What error checking do you do? What error checking is actually necessary? Do we really need to check if a file has saved successfully? Shouldn't it always work if it's tested and works ok from day one?
I find myself error checking for every little thing, and most of the time if feels overkill. Things like checking to see if a file has been written to a file system successfully, checking to see if a database statement failed.......shouldn't these be things that either work or don't?
How much error checking do you do? Are there elements of error checking that you leave out because you trust that it'll just work?
I'm sure I remember reading somewhere something along the lines of "don't test for things that'll never really happen".....can't remember the source though.
So should everything that could possibly fail be checked for failure? Or should we just trust those simpler operations? For example, if we can open a file, should we check to see if reading each line failed or not? Perhaps it depends on the context within the application or the application itself.
It'd be interesting to hear what others do.
UPDATE: As a quick example. I save an object that represents an image in a gallery. I then save the image to disc. If the saving of the file fails I'll have to image to display even though the object thinks there is an image. I could check for failure of the the image saving to disc and then delete the object, or alternatively wrap the image save in a transaction (unit of work) - but that can get expensive when using a db engine that uses table locking.
if you run out of free space and try to write file and don't check errors your appliation will fall silently or with stupid messages. i hate when i see this in other apps.
I'm not addressing the entire question, just this part:
So should everything that could
possibly fail be checked for failure?
Or should we just trust those simpler
It seems to me that error checking is most important when the NEXT step matters. If failure to open a file will allow error messages to get permanently lost, then that is a problem. If the application will simply die and give the user an error, then I would consider that a different kind of problem. But silently dying, or silently hanging, is a problem that you should really do your best to code against. So whether something is a "simple operation" or not is irrelevant to me; it depends on what happens next, or what would be the result if it failed.
I generally follow these rules.
Excessively validate user input.
Validate public APIs.
Use Asserts that get compiled out of production code for everything else.
Regarding your example...
I save an object that represents an image in a gallery. I then save the image to disc. If the saving of the file fails I'll have [no] image to display even though the object thinks there is an image. I could check for failure of the the image saving to disc and then delete the object, or alternatively wrap the image save in a transaction (unit of work) - but that can get expensive when using a db engine that uses table locking.
In this case, I would recommend saving the image to disk first before saving the object. That way, if the image can't be saved, you don't have to try to roll back the gallery. In general, dependencies should get written to disk (or put in a database) first.
As for error checking... check for errors that make sense. If fopen() gives you a file ID and you don't get an error, then you don't generally need to check for fclose() on that file ID returning "invalid file ID". If, however, file opening and closing are disjoint tasks, it might be a good idea to check for that error.
This may not be the answer you are looking for, but there is only ever a 'right' answer when looked at in the full context of what you're trying to do.
If you're writing a prototype for internal use and if you get the odd error, it doens't matter, then you're wasting time and company money by adding in the extra checking.
On the other hand, if you're writing production software for air traffic control, then the extra time to handle every conceivable error may be well spent.
I see it as a trade off - extra time spent writing the error code versus the benefits of having handled that error if and when it occurs. Religiously handling every error is not necessary optimal IMO.
Brian Kernighan was asked this question in a recent interview. I'll quote his reply:
Brian: I'm torn on this. Error-handling code tends to be bulky and very uninteresting and uninstructive, so it often gets in the way of learning and understanding the basic language constructs. At the same time, it's important to remind programmers that errors do happen and that their code has to be able to cope with errors.
My personal preference is to pretty much ignore error handling in the earlier parts of a tutorial, other than to mention that errors can happen, and similarly to ignore errors in most examples in reference manuals unless the point of some section is errors. But this can reinforce the unconscious belief that it's safe to ignore errors, which is always a bad idea.
I often leave off error handling in code examples here and on my own blog, and I've noticed that this is the general trend on Stack Overflow. Are we reinforcing bad habits? Should we spend more time polishing examples with error handling, or does it just get in the way of illustrating the point?
I think it might be an improvement if when posting example code we at least put comments in that say you should put error handling code in at certain spots. This might at least help somebody using that code to remember that they need to have error handling. This will keep the extra code for error handling out but will still reinforce the idea that there needs to be error handling code.
Any provided example code will be copy-pasted into production code at least once, so be at your best when writing it.
Beyond the question of cluttering the code when you're demonstrating a coding point, I think the question becomes, how do you choose to handle the error in your example code?
That is to say, what do you do ? What's fatal for one application is non-fatal for another. e.g. if I can't retrieve some info from a webserver (be it a 404 error or a non-responsive server) that may be fatal if you can't do anything without that data. But if that data is supplementary to what you're doing, then perhaps you can live without it.
So the above may point to simply logging the error. That's better than ignoring the error completely. But I think often the difficulty is in knowing how/when (and when not) to recover from an error. Perhaps that's a whole new tutorial in itself.
Examples should be illustrative. They should always show the point being made clearly with as little distraction as possible. Here's a meta-example:
Say we want to read a number from a file, add 3, and print it to the console. We'll need to demonstrate a few things.
infile = file("example.txt")
content =
num = int(content)
print (3 + num)
wordy, but correct, except there are a few things that could go wrong. First, what if the file didn't exist? What if it does exist but doesn't contain a number?
So we show how the errors would be handled.
infile = file("example.txt")
content =
num = int(content)
print (3 + num)
except ValueError:
print "Oops, the file didn't have a number."
except IOError:
print "Oops, couldn't open the file for some reason."
After a few iterations of showing how to handle the errors raised by, in this case, file handling and parsing. Of course we'd like to show a more pythonic way of expressing the try clause. Now we drop the error handling, cause that's not what we're demonstrating.
First lets eliminate the unneeded extra variables.
infile = file("example.txt")
print (3 + int(
Since we're not writing to it, nor is it an expensive resource on a long-running process, it's actually safe to leave it open. It will closewhen the program terminates.
print ( 3 + int(file("example.txt").read()))
However, some might argue that's a bad habit and there's a nicer way to handle that issue. We can use a context to make it a little clearer. of course we would explain that a file will close automatically at the end of a with block.
with file("example.txt") as infile:
print (3 + int(
And then, now that we've expressed everything we wanted to, we show a complete example at the very end of the section. Also, we'll add some documentation.
# Open a file "example.txt", read a number out of it, add 3 to it and print
# it to the console.
with file("example.txt") as infile:
print (3 + int(
except ValueError: # in case int() can't understand what's in the file
print "Oops, the file didn't have a number."
except IOError: # in case the file didn't exist.
print "Oops, couldn't open the file for some reason."
This is actually the way I usually see guides expressed, and it works very well. I usually get frustrated when any part is missing.
I think the solution is somewhere in the middle. If you are defining a function to find element 'x' in list 'y', you do something like this:
function a(x,y)
There's no need to be explicit about what makes an input valid, just that the reader should know that the logic assumes valid inputs.
Not often I disagree with BWK, but I think beginner examples especially should show error handling code, as this is something that beginners have great difficulty with. More experienced programmers can take the error handling as read.
One idea I had would be to include a line like the following in your example code somewhere:
DONT_FORGET_TO_ADD_ERROR_CHECKING(); // You have been warned!
All this does is prevent the code compiling "off the bat" for anyone who just blindly copies and pastes it (since obviously DONT_FORGET_TO_ADD_ERROR_CHECKING() is not defined anywhere). But it's also a hassle, and might be deemed rude.
I would say that it depends on the context. In a blog entry or text book, I would focus on the code to perform or demonstrate the desired functionality. I would probably give the obligatory nod to error handling, perhaps, even put in a check but stub the code with an ellipsis. In teaching, you can introduce a lot of confusion by including too much code that doesn't focus directly on the subject at hand. In SO, in particular, shorter (but complete) answers seem to be preferred so handling errors with "a wave of the hand" may be more appropriate in this context as well.
That said, if I made a code sample available for download, I would generally make it as complete as possible and include reasonable error handling. The idea here is that for learning the person can always go back to the tutorial/blog and use that to help understand the code as actually implemented.
In my personal experience, this is one of the issues that I have with how TDD is typically presented -- usually you only see the tests developed to check that the code succeeds in the main path of execution. I would like to see more TDD tutorials include developing tests for alternate (error) paths. This aspect of testing, I think, is the hardest to get a handle on since it requires you to think, not of what should happen, but of all the things that could go wrong.
Error handling is a paradigm by itself; it normally shouldn't be included in examples since it seriously corrupts the point that the author tries to come across with.
If the author wants to pass knowledge about error handling in a specific domain or language then I would prefer as a reader to have a different chapter that outlines all the dominant paradigms of error handling and how this affects the rest of the chapters.
I don't think error handling should be in the example if it obscures the logic. But some error handling is just the idiom of doing some things, and in theese case include it.
Also if pointing out that error handling needs to be added. For the love of deity also point out what errors needs to be handled.
This is the most frustrating part of reading some examples. If you don't know what you are doing (which we have to assume of the reader of the example...) you don't know what errors to look for either. Which turns the "add error handling" suggestion into "this example is useless".
One approach I've seen, notably in Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment and UNIX Network Programming is to wrap calls with error checking code and then use the wrappers in the example code. For instance:
ssiz_t Recv(...)
ssize_t result;
result = recv(...);
/* error checking in full */
then, in calling code:
That way you get to show error handling while allowing the flow of calling code to be clear and concise.
No, unless the purpose of the example is to demonstrate an aspect of exception handling. This is a pet peeve of mine -- many examples try to demonstrate best practices and end up obscuring and complicating the example. I see this all the time in code examples that start by defining a bunch of interfaces and inheritance chains that aren't necessary for the example. A prime example of over complicating was a hands-on lab I did at TechEd last year. The lab was on Linq, but the sample code I was directed to write created a multi-tier application for no purpose.
Examples should start with the simplest possible code that demonstrates the point, then progress into real-world usage and best practices.
As an aside, when I've asked for code samples from job candidates almost all of them are careful to demonstrate their knowledge of exception handling:
public void DoSomethingCool()
// do something cool
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
I've received hundreds of lines of code with every method like this. I've started to award bonus points for those that use throw; instead of throw ex;
Sample code need not include error handling but it should otherwise demonstrate proper secure coding techniques. Many web code snippets violate the OWASP Top ten.