How do you populate imagelist with shape from worksheet? - vba

I wish to create a Treeview with images and data from a worksheet (each line has the name of a part, its next up assembly and an icon all populated by the user). I've finally managed to get the treeview to populate correctly and to include images from an external source (based on code from various sources and just a little of my own).
Setting up the Imagelist and assigning it to the Treeview is still a mystery to me but it works.
What is missing is getting the pictures from inside the worksheet and into the Imagelist instead of from an outside source ((using iml.ListImages.Add 1, "img1", LoadPicture("C:\Temp\red.jpg") ).
I read dozens of posts about it to no avail, and there is one that is mentioned in several places but is a deadend. The one other alternative I've read about involves copying the picture to the clipboard and pasting elsewhere but it involves a lot of code and seemed beyond my capability, so I haven't tried it yet.
I can "read" the pictures properties from the worksheet using Sheet1.Shapes(1) or similar with .Type (which results in "13") or .Name (which returns "Picture 1" for example) or .TopLeftCell.Address (which returns "$C$1" for example) etc. So I know I have access to them and am referencing the correct objects.
When I try to use iml.ListImages.Add 1, "img1", Sheet1.Shapes(1) I get a "Invalid Picture" error.
When I try to use iml.ListImages.Add 1, "img1", Sheet1.Shapes(1).Picture I get a "Object doesn't support this property or method" error.
When I try to use iml.ListImages.Add 1, "img1", Sheet1.Shapes(1).CopyPicture I get a "Type Mismatch" error.
I don't know what else to try and where else to look. Please help.
All this happens within a userform.

Are you using a UserForm? If so here is a suggestion or more of a workaround to your issue.
Why have the images in your worksheet to then try and load them in the form? Maybe try having them in the UserForm in the first place, here is how.
Create a frame on your userform:
Set the visible property of the frame to "False":
Insert your images by adding a picture control and loading the images, you can add as many images as you need:
Name the images:
Drag all the images one over the other into the frame, (you can then move the frame into a corner so it doesn't bother you:
Move Away
Next create a picture control, this is what you will use to display the picture based on a selection:
Form View
In this example, I am going to use a combobox for the selection. Now insert the below code in to the form which is pretty straight forward:
Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()
' Image1 is the name of the created picture control
UserForm3.Controls.Item("Image1").Picture = UserForm3.Controls.Item(UserForm3.ComboBox1.Value).Picture
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
UserForm3.ComboBox1.AddItem "Argentina"
UserForm3.ComboBox1.AddItem "Brazil"
UserForm3.ComboBox1.AddItem "Chile"
End Sub
As you will see, the frame with the pictures is Hidden, and the image is changing inside the picture control based on a selection:
I think it's the better way to go as opposed to exporting the images from the worksheet to a Temp folder and then loading them back into the picture controls.

#SiddhartRout provided the alternative that worked in a comment above: "Stephen Bullen's PastePicture code" as shown HERE. It's the only alternative I found that would not require going outside the file and it worked fine (on a sample file; still pending testing on a bigger example).
Thank you all for the help.
I would like to upload the file with the code etc. but I don't know how to do it, so I'm pasting the part of the "heart" of the code. There are two more modules: one to call the userform and Stephen Bullen's module. The code below is added to the userform itself, and it contains the treeview, the "OK" button and two images called "RED" and "GREEN" which are just small square jpgs of the respective color. I hope this helps.
' based on macros written 19991217 by Ole P. Erlandsen,
Option Explicit
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim i As Integer, strNodes As String, lngSelCount As Long
lngSelCount = 0
strNodes = "Checked Items" & Chr(13) & "Index, Key, Text:" & Chr(13)
For i = 1 To TreeView1.Nodes.Count
With TreeView1.Nodes(i)
If .Checked Then
strNodes = strNodes & .Index & "; " & .Key & "; " & .Text & "; " & .Image & Chr(13)
lngSelCount = lngSelCount + 1
End If
End With
Next i
strNodes = strNodes & Chr(13) & "Count of Checked Items: " & lngSelCount
strNodes = strNodes & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & _
"Selected Item" & Chr(13) & "Index, Key, Text:" & Chr(13)
With TreeView1.SelectedItem
strNodes = strNodes & .Index & "; " & .Key & "; " & .Text & "; " & .Image & Chr(13)
End With
MsgBox strNodes, , "TreeView1 Output"
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
'Author: Paulo Mendonça 02/September/2014
Dim oNode, oParent As Node
Dim oCell As Range
Dim oShape As Shape
Dim iml As ImageList
Dim oImage, oSheet, oDataColumn As String
Dim oParentColumnOffset, oImageColumnOffset, oInitialDataRow As Integer
Dim oFound As Boolean
oSheet = "Sheet2"
oDataColumn = "A"
oInitialDataRow = 2
oImageColumnOffset = 2
oParentColumnOffset = 1
'create new ImagList and populate it
Set iml = New ImageList
'iml.ImageHeight = 256
'iml.ImageWidth = 256
iml.ListImages.Add 1, "red", RED.Picture 'defined in UserForm1 and set to invisible
iml.ListImages.Add 2, "green", GREEN.Picture 'defined in UserForm1 and set to invisible
For Each oShape In Sheets(oSheet).Shapes 'look up every shape in the sheet (including non-pictures and add a picture of it in iml
If oShape.Type = 13 Then 'if is picture
If Not PictureKeyExists(oShape.TopLeftCell.Address, iml) Then 'find if picture key exists, if not add it
oShape.CopyPicture xlScreen, xlBitmap 'copy shape to clipboard
iml.ListImages.Add 3, oShape.TopLeftCell.Address, PastePicture(xlBitmap) 'add a picture of the clipboard contents to iml with key = to shapes top left corner cell address
'NOTE: eventhough the index is set to 3 the actual index of the pictures gets incremented automatically
Else 'if yes report to user and don't add it
MsgBox "More than one image in cell " & oShape.TopLeftCell.Address & "." & Chr(13) & _
"Only one will be used."
End If
End If
'set TreeView1 formats etc.
With TreeView1
Set .ImageList = iml
.Indentation = 14
.LabelEdit = tvwManual
.HideSelection = False
.CheckBoxes = True
.Style = tvwTreelinesPlusMinusPictureText
.BorderStyle = ccFixedSingle
End With
'populate TreeView1
With TreeView1.Nodes
Set oNode = .Add(, , "Root", "Root Node") 'add root node; key = "Root"
oNode.Expanded = True
'look up all cells from A2 to last cell with content in it and add it to TreeView1
For Each oCell In Sheets(oSheet).Range(oDataColumn & oInitialDataRow, Sheets(oSheet).Range(oDataColumn & "65536").End(xlUp)).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
'find if parent exists
Set oParent = Nothing
For Each oNode In TreeView1.Nodes
If oNode.Text = oCell.Offset(0, oParentColumnOffset).Value Then
Set oParent = oNode
Exit For
End If
'find if picture exists, if yes use it, if not use "RED"
If PictureKeyExists(oCell.Offset(0, oImageColumnOffset).Address, iml) Then
oImage = oCell.Offset(0, oImageColumnOffset).Address
oImage = "red"
End If
'add node
If oParent Is Nothing Then 'if parent not found add as child to root; key = name
Set oNode = .Add("Root", tvwChild, oCell.Value, oCell.Value, oImage)
oNode.Expanded = False
Else 'add as child to parent found previously; key = name concatenated to parent node key
Set oNode = .Add(oParent.Key, tvwChild, oParent.Key & "|" & oCell.Value, oCell.Value, oImage)
oNode.Expanded = False
End If
End With
End Sub
Function PictureKeyExists(oKey As String, oImageList As ImageList) As Boolean
'Author: Paulo Mendonça 29/August/2014
Dim oPicture As ListImage
PictureKeyExists = False
For Each oPicture In oImageList.ListImages
If oPicture.Key = oKey Then
PictureKeyExists = True
Exit For
End If
End Function


Changing text in a contentcontrol is very slow

I have a big table in ms-word that contains 85 contentcontrols (combo boxes). I want to change the content using a vba loop (see below). It takes longer than one minute for it to complete...
Are there other options?
Private Sub Btn_Clear1_Click()
Dim a
Dim c As ContentControl
a = FindTable(ActiveDocument.Name, "myTableName")(1) 'returns an array(Long) with number of table found
For Each c In ActiveDocument.Tables(a).Range.ContentControls
c.Range.text = "MY CHANGED TEXT"
Next c
End Sub
Thanks in advance for any hint!
Here, turning off screenupdating reduces the time from about 6 seconds to less than 1 second. e.g.
On Error Goto turnscreenon
Application.Screenupdating = False
For Each c In ActiveDocument.Tables(a).Range.ContentControls
c.Range.text = "MY CHANGED TEXT"
Next c
Application.Screenupdating = True
That may only work on the Windows version of Word.
If you know exactly how many combo boxes there are going to be, you could consider creating a custom xml part containing an array of XML Elements to contain the values. Map each content control to one of those elements. Then instead of writing the values to the content control ranges, write them to the XML Part and let Word do the work. That works almost instantaneously here.
e.g. in a simple scenario where you just have those 85 content controls in the table, you could set up the Custom XML Part like this (I leave you to write any code that you need to delete old versions). You should only need to run this once.
Sub createCxpAndLink()
' You should choose your own Uri
Const myNamespaceUri As String = "mycbcs"
Dim a
Dim i As Long
Dim s As String
Dim cxp As Office.CustomXMLPart
With ActiveDocument
a = FindTable(.Name, "myTableName")(1)
s = ""
s = s & "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>" & vbCrLf
s = s & "<cbcs xmlns='" & myNamespaceUri & "'>" & vbCrLf
For i = 1 To .Tables(a).Range.ContentControls.Count
s = s & " <cbc/>" & vbCrLf
s = s & "</cbcs>"
Set cxp = .CustomXMLParts.Add(s)
With .Tables(a).Range.ContentControls
For i = 1 To .Count
.Item(i).XMLMapping.SetMapping "/x:cbcs[1]/x:cbc[" & Trim(CStr(i)) & "]", "xmlns:x='" & myNamespaceUri & "'", cxp
End With
Set cxp = Nothing
End With
End Sub
Then to update the contents you need something like this
Sub testsetxml()
Const myNamespaceUri As String = "mycbcs"
Dim i As Long
'our start time...
Debug.Print Now
With ActiveDocument.CustomXMLParts.SelectByNamespace(myNamespaceUri)(1)
For i = 1 To 85
.SelectNodes("/ns0:cbcs[1]/ns0:cbc[" & Trim(CStr(i)) & "]")(1).Text = "my changed text "
' or if you want to put different texts in different controls, you can test using e.g.
.SelectNodes("/ns0:cbcs[1]/ns0:cbc[" & Trim(CStr(i)) & "]")(1).Text = "my changed text " & Cstr(i)
End With
'our end time...
Debug.Print Now
End Sub
(NB you cannot do it by mapping all the controls to a single XML element because then all the dropdowns will all be updated to the same value whenever you change the value of one of them.)
Apologies for any typos - I've changed the code to be more in line with what you have already and have not tested the changes.

Highlight field background in continuous form

I have an Access continuous form. I would like to change the forecolor of a specific record's field.
I have the field to highlight from the FieldModified field. So for example FieldModified = "Converted". Converted being a field on my form.
I would like to change the color of the "Converted" field, and do this for each record in the form.
I thought this code would work, but I get an error on Me.[FieldModified].ForeColor. And I need to do this for each record in the form.
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim fldName As String
fldName = Me.FieldModified.value
If (Not IsNull(fldName)) Then
Me.[fldName].ForeColor = vbRed '<--doesn't recognize fldName value
End If
End Sub
Updated code but it gives me an error 438 saying object doesn't support this property or method. But the form does highlight fields on the form but it highlights more then the one field "fldName"
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim rstForm As String
Dim fldName As String
Set rstForm = Me.ChangedData.Form.Recordset
Do While Not rstForm.EOF
fldName = Me.FieldModified.value
If (Not IsNull(fldName)) Then
Me.Controls(fldName).ForeColor = vbRed '<--doesn't recognize fldName value
End If
End Sub
You set the default format for the control. Every copy of the control in the continuous form uses this format. To format by a condition (fldName = Me.FieldModified.value) you need Condtional Formatting as Andre told you or use the detail-sections paint event (see update on bottom)
In conditional format wizard, you can create a condtion withExpression Isand[Converted].Name = [FieldModified]for each control of the form that should be highlighted, if its name matchesFiledModified. In Ms Access expressions you can't useMe, just omit it .
You can use VBA to format all controls with FormatConditions by code. If you want to modify an existing condition use.Modifyinstead of.Add
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim ctl As Access.Control
For Each ctl In Me.Controls ' loop through all controls of form
On Error Resume Next ' Not all controls can have conditional format (e.g. labels). To save the check of control type, we ignore errors here
ctl.FormatConditions.Add(acExpression, , ctl.Name & ".Name=[FieldModified]").BackColor = vbRed 'add o format condition to control if possible, else an error is raised but ignored
If Err.Number Then 'show errors
Debug.Print "Error: " & Err.Number & " - " & Err.description & " in Control: " & ctl.Name & " Type is " & TypeName(ctl)
Err.Clear 'reset error to catch next
Debug.Print "FormatCondition added to Control: " & ctl.Name & " Type is " & TypeName(ctl)
End If
Next ctl
On Error GoTo 0 ' turn on errors again, maybe add an error handler (On Error Goto MyErrHandler)
End Sub
You can use theDetails_Paintevent of the form to format same control different per record. This enables conditional format for controls withoutFormatConditionsproperty like labels, buttons.
Private Sub Detail_Paint()
Dim c As Access.Control
For Each c In Me.Detail.Controls
If c.Name = Me.FieldModified.Value Then
c.ForeColor = vbRed
c.ForeColor = vbBlack
End If
End Sub
You can't use a String variable like this, fldName is an identifier holding a String value.. not an identifier - in Me.ControlName, both Me and ControlName are identifiers.
But not all hope is lost! You can use a String to pull a Control object from a form!
All form controls should exist in the form's Controls collection, keyed by name:
Me.Controls(fldName).ForeColor = vbRed

Outlook VBA Script Moving Text From Custom Form to Message Body

I have never used Outlook VBA (2010), but my manager tasked me to create a user form that sends IT requests and IS requests. I have the custom form created, where I gather all my text fields and print the text to a single text box.
This action is all defined within Sub CommandButton1_Click(), which ends with Send(). Within the sub, I have something like this for all text boxes:
Set Sj =Item.GetInspector.ModifiedFormPages("P.2").Controls("Subject_Text")
Set YNbox = Item.GetInspector.ModifiedFormPages("P.2").Controls("YNBox")
Set Rbox = Item.GetInspector.ModifiedFormPages("P.2").Controls("ReasonBox")
What I want to know is how do I take the texts within "P.2" and paste it into the Message area of "Message" Page?
Here is the code snippet for the printing out to a single text box:
FinalBox.Text = "Subject: " & Sj.Text & vbCrLf & _
vbCrLf & "Can work around the issue?: " & YNbox.Text & _
vbCrLf & "Reason For Ticketing: " & Rbox.Text & _
vbCrLf & "Department: " & Dbox.Text & _
vbCrLf & "Impact: " & Ibox.Text & _
vbCrLf & "Urgency: " & Ubox.Text & _
vbCrLf & "System/Machine Number: " & Mbox.Text & _
vbCrLf & "Was trying to accomplish: " & Abox.Text & _
vbCrLf & "Has it occured before?: " & Bbox.Text & _
vbCrLf & "First Noticed: " & Tbox.Text & _
vbCrLf & "Others affected by the issue: " & Affbox.Text & _
vbCrLf & "Additonal Comments: " & Addbox.Text
So, how do I take this and append it to the actual message field in Message page?
Thank you very much!!
P.S. I've been having issues with MailItem.body and whenever I create an object, for example:
Dim objMsg As Object,
I get an error that says "Expected end of statement"... I understand VB and VBA is different, but I didn't think it'd be giving me this much headache.
Hello dbMitch and Tony Dallimore, thanks for helping me clarify my questions. Like I mentioned, I am a mere beginner when it comes to VBA, and I Just wanted to
`Sub Commandbutton
Set Sj = Item.GetInspector.ModifiedFormPages("P.2").Controls("Subject_Text")
Set YNbox = Item.GetInspector.ModifiedFormPages("P.2").Controls("YNBox")
Set Rbox = Item.GetInspector.ModifiedFormPages("P.2").Controls("ReasonBox")
Set Dbox = Item.GetInspector.ModifiedFormPages("P.2").Controls("DepartmentDropbox")
Set Mbox = Item.GetInspector.ModifiedFormPages("P.2").Controls("MachineBox")
Set Ibox = Item.GetInspector.ModifiedFormPages("P.2").Controls("ImpactBox")
Set Ubox = Item.GetInspector.ModifiedFormPages("P.2").Controls("UrgencyBox")
Set Abox = Item.GetInspector.ModifiedFormPages("P.2").Controls("AccomplishBox")
Set Bbox = Item.GetInspector.ModifiedFormPages("P.2").Controls("BeforeText")
Set Tbox = Item.GetInspector.ModifiedFormPages("P.2").Controls("Timebox")
Set Affbox = Item.GetInspector.ModifiedFormPages("P.2").Controls("AffectedBox")
Set Addbox = Item.GetInspector.ModifiedFormPages("P.2").Controls("AdditionalBox")
Set Tbox8 = Item.GetInspector.ModifiedFormPages("P.2").Controls("TextBox8")
Set MESBOX = Item.GetInspector.ModifiedFormPages("Message").Controls("Message")
Tbox8.Text = "Subject: " & Sj.Text & vbCrLf & _
vbCrLf & "Can work around the issue?: " & YNbox.Text & _
vbCrLf & "Reason For Ticketing: " & Rbox.Text & _
vbCrLf & "Department: " & Dbox.Text & _
vbCrLf & "Impact: " & Ibox.Text & _
vbCrLf & "Urgency: " & Ubox.Text & _
vbCrLf & "System/Machine Number: " & Mbox.Text & _
vbCrLf & "Was trying to accomplish: " & Abox.Text & _
vbCrLf & "Has it occured before?: " & Bbox.Text & _
vbCrLf & "First Noticed: " & Tbox.Text & _
vbCrLf & "Others affected by the issue: " & Affbox.Text & _
vbCrLf & "Additonal Comments: " & Addbox.Text
End Sub
Sub I found online that is suppose to take an item and append the text onto message body. There seems to be an error every time I try to declare the object's type (Ex. ____ As _____). I was not sure how to modify this to make it fit with my code, but the error is thrown at Dim objItem As Object that says
Expected end of statement
Sub TestAppendText()
Dim objItem As Object
Dim thisMail As Outlook.MailItem
'On Error Resume Next
Set objItem = Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection(1)
If Not objItem Is Nothing Then
If objItem.Class = olMail Then
Set thisMail = objItem
Call AppendTextToMessage(thisMail, "Some text added at " & Now())
End If
End If
Set objItem = Nothing
Set thisMail = Nothing
End Sub
Sub AppendTextToMessage(ByVal objMail As Outlook.MailItem, ByVal strText As String)
Dim objCDO As MAPI.Session
Dim objMsg As MAPI.Message
Dim objField As MAPI.Field
Set objCDO = CreateObject("MAPI.Session")
objCDO.Logon "", "", False, False
If Not objMail.EntryID = "" Then
Set objMsg = objCDO.GetMessage(objMail.EntryID, _
objMsg.Text = objMsg.Text & vbCrLf & strText
objMsg.Update True, True
Set objField = objMsg.Fields(CdoPR_RTF_COMPRESSED)
If Not objField Is Nothing Then
objMsg.Update True, True
End If
Set objField = Nothing
Set objField = objMsg.Fields(CdoPR_RTF_SYNC_BODY_COUNT)
If Not objField Is Nothing Then
objMsg.Update True, True
End If
strMsg = "You must save the item before you add text. " & _
"Do you want to save the item now?"
intAns = MsgBox(strMsg, vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton1, "Append Text to Message")
If intAns = vbYes Then
Call AppendTextToMessage(objMail, strText)
Exit Sub
End If
End If
Set objMsg = Nothing
Set objCDO = Nothing
End Sub
I've also tried using a CDO object, but it gives me an error that says
ActiveX component can't create object: 'CDONTS.NewMail'
Set Item1 = Item.MessageClass
Set objCDONTS = CreateObject ("CDONTS.NewMail")
objCDONTS.Body = Tbox8.Text
Item1.Message = "Hi"
I apologize if this seems very simple to others.. I just have 0 experience with VBA/VBScript and Outlook designs. That's why I'm here, to learn!
Please do not ask a question like this again. I do understand the difficulty of telling one’s manager that you lack the background to tackle a task. The typical response seems to be: “It is easy: just look it up on the internet.” In one sense this is true. There is nothing in the answer below that you could not find in other answers. What you lack is the background to identify the features you require and to fit them together to create the solution. VBA is not a difficult language but it has many significant differences from other languages that will confuse an experienced programmer new to VBA. The Outlook Object model takes time to master.
There are many online Excel VBA and Outlook VBA tutorials. I think the Excel VBA tutorials are better. If you are asked to perform a similar task again, you must insist on having the time to study first. These answers of mine might help:
Update excel sheet based on outlook mail
How to copy Outlook mail message into excel using VBA or Macros
I wanted to create a complete solution since I did not believe another snippet would help. You need: “This works. Adjust it step by step to your exact requirement.”
I am not familiar with custom forms and can find nothing that says what advantage they offer over user forms which work with all versions of VBA. I did not want to take the time to study custom forms particularly as I have code for user forms that I can easily adjust to your requirement. If your custom form is working to your satisfaction, replace that part of my solution.
There are five parts to my solution:
The user form.
The first part of the subroutine SendTicket() which loads the user form and calls it to get data from the user.
The subroutine UserForm_Initialize() within the user form’s code which builds the form from parameters supplied by SendTicket().
The subroutine CommandButton1_Click() which performs minimal validation of the user’s data and stores it for SendTicket().
The second part of the subroutine SendTicket() which builds the email from the user’s data and sends it to the IT department.
1. The user form
I inserted a new user form, adjusted its size and added controls. If you do not know how to do this then look at one of the tutorials that introduce user forms.
If I add a label control to a user form and name it X, I can, for example:
Move it by changing X.Top.
Display some text by changing X.Caption.
The user form includes a Collection named Controls. A collection is what most languages call an unsorted list. Within Controls there will be an entry for every control (label, text box, command button, etc.) on the form. If the label X is the first control on the user form, I can access its properties as Controls(0).Top and Controls(0).Caption. This means I can have code specific to label X that reference it by name or I can have general code that handles all or selected labels by their position within Controls. For your requirement, I believed general code would be easier so that is what I have provided.
I created a label control and a text box control. I left the default names but changed some properties:
* Name Label1 TextBox1
Caption Prompt/Name
Font Tahoma 10 Tahoma 10
Height 12 18
Left 12 230
* Multiline True
* Scrollbars 2 - frmScrollBarsVertical
TextAlign 3 – frmTextAlighRight 1 – frmTextAlignLegt
Text/Value abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwyz
* Visible False False
Width 200 400
* Word wrap True True
Properties starting “*” are important. The others are because I like the way they affect the form’s appearance.
In the UK, “Label1” and “TextBox1” are the default names for the first label and textbox. With Excel, default names vary with the local language; I do not know if this is true for Outlook. Within the code, it tells you how to change the default names if necessary.
My code assumes the captions for the labels will fit on a single line but the text entered into the text boxes may require several lines.
Having created my standard label and text box, I selected them, copied them, pasted them and then moved the copies so they were exactly under the first pair. I repeated this with the four controls then the eight controls and finally the sixteen controls. I ended with a column of sixteen labels and a column of sixteen text boxes. I was not concerned with the vertical position of the controls; I handle that later. If either column is not perfectly aligned, you can select a column and set the Left property for the entire group. I have created forms with hundreds of controls with acceptable performance so add more if you wish.
I created a command button. I lined it up with the text boxes but made the font larger. I retained the default name and caption.
By creating the command button last, the controls are in the correct tab order. The form opens with the cursor in the first (top) field and each tab takes the cursor to the next field and then to the button.
Finally, I set the width of the form so it was a little wider than the controls. I set the height so it was close to the screen height which on my laptop is about 560. It is possible to get the screen height from the system but that is beyond the scope of this answer. I set the caption to “Report issue”. I named it P2 which the closest I can get to your name (P.2 is an invalid name for a user form). The result was:
** 2. Part 1 of subroutine SendTicket()**
A macro cannot directly send parameters to a user form or receive values back. It must use global variables. P2Params is the global I use to pass data to the user form and I use P2Values to pass data back.
P2Params = Array("Subject", …) is the statement that loads P2Paramswith parameters. The first three parameters are "Subject", 18, True which specify the first text box. The prompt/name is “Subject”, the height is 18 and it is mandatory. Each further set of three parameters defines another text box.
I could have defined all this information within the form but getting a form like this looking the way you want can be very fussy particularly if you change your mind about the height of a text box so all the lower ones have to be moved down. With this approach you can change a text box’s height or change the sequence or add a new field with no hassle at all. Note: height defines the height allocated to the control. On my laptop and with my choice of font, 54 is enough for four lines. If the user types a fifth line, the scroll bars will appear against the relevant control so the user can see all the lines. You specify height of each text box based on some average or typical ticket but it does not matter if the user wants to enter more text than you expected.
Load P2 loads the form into memory and calls UserForm_Initialize() to initialise the form. .Show vbModal passes control to the form. Control is not returned until the user does something to return control. In this case, clicking the command button returns control providing the entered values pass the validation code.
3. The subroutine UserForm_Initialize()
I do not intend to say too much about this sub-routine. Comments within the code fully explain what the code does and the image below shows the result:
If you look down the parameters in P2Params. You can see where this layout came from. The beauty of this approach is that with a different set of parameters, a very different form can be produced. A requirement to import a list of text values is not uncommon so I have used variations of this code before and will again.
4. The subroutine CommandButton1_Click()
The user can enter values into the text boxes in required. Once they are correct, the user clicks the command button which was been re-captioned “Send” by the first part of subroutine SendTicket().
This routine validates that all mandatory fields have a value. I have implemented permitted ranges and other validation but this is sufficient for your requirement. If the field values are acceptable, the routine loads the entered values into array P2Values. As I said, only by storing values in a global variable can a user form return values to the caller.
5. The second part of the subroutine SendTicket()
This code takes the values from P2Values builds the email and sends it. I have send emails to an experimental Gmail account. You will need to replace the recipient with the address of your IT Department.
There is a lot here for you to think about. Work through it slower and come back with questions if necessary
Option Explicit
Public Type FieldDtl
CtrlLabel As Long
CtrlTextBox As Long
Height As Long
Mandatory As Boolean
Prompt As String
End Type
Public P2Params As Variant
Public P2Values() As String
Sub SendTicket()
Dim InxFld As Long
Dim InxPrm As Long
Dim MailItemCrnt As MailItem
P2Params = Array("Subject", 18, True, _
"Can you work around the issue?", 18, True, _
"Reason For Ticketing", 30, True, _
"Department", 18, False, _
"Impact", 18, True, _
"Urgency", 18, True, _
"System/Machine Number", 18, True, _
"Was trying to accomplish", 54, True, _
"Has it occured before?", 18, True, _
"First Noticed", 18, False, _
"Others affected by the issue", 42, True, _
"Additional Comments", 54, True)
' Used to test total height of control exceeding height of screen
'P2Params = Array("Subject", 50, True, _
' "Can you work around the issue?", 50, True, _
' "Reason For Ticketing", 50, True, _
' "Department", 50, False, _
' "Impact", 50, True, _
' "Urgency", 50, True, _
' "System/Machine Number", 50, True, _
' "Was trying to accomplish", 54, True, _
' "Has it occured before?", 50, True, _
' "First Noticed", 50, False, _
' "Others affected by the issue", 54, True, _
' "Additional Comments", 54, True)
Load P2
With P2
.CommandButton1.Caption = "Send"
.Show vbModal
End With
' The bounds of P2Values are 1 to number of fields
' The bounds of P2Params could be 1 to NumberOfFields*3 but is almost
' certainly 0 to NumberOfFields*3-1
Set MailItemCrnt = CreateItem(olMailItem)
With MailItemCrnt
.BodyFormat = olFormatPlain
.Recipients.Add ""
.Subject = P2Values(1) ' Assumes subject is first field
.Body = P2Params(LBound(P2Params) + 3) & ": " & P2Values(2)
InxFld = 3
For InxPrm = LBound(P2Params) + 6 To UBound(P2Params) Step 3
.Body = .Body & vbCrLf & P2Params(InxPrm) & ": " & P2Values(InxFld)
InxFld = InxFld + 1
' .Send
End With
Set MailItemCrnt = Nothing
End Sub
Code for user form
Option Explicit
' In UK, the default name for a label is "LabelN" and the default name for a text box
' is "TextBoxN". In case the default name is different is non-English speaking
' countries, I use constants for these values. Change the value of these constants
' as necessary.
Const NameLabel As String = "Label"
Const NameTextBox As String = "TextBox"
' This code assumes there are N labels named NameLabel & 1 to NameLabel & N and
' N text boxes named NameTextBox & 1 to NameTextBox & N. NameLabelX is used to
' label TextBoxX which is used to obtain the Xth value from the user.
' User type FieldDtl is defined in the SendTicket module
Dim Fields() As FieldDtl
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim ErrMsg As String
Dim InxFld As Long
' Check values have been entered for mandatory fields
ErrMsg = ""
For InxFld = 1 To UBound(Fields)
If Fields(InxFld).Mandatory And Controls(Fields(InxFld).CtrlTextBox).Text = "" Then
If ErrMsg <> "" Then
ErrMsg = ErrMsg & vbLf
End If
ErrMsg = ErrMsg & "Please enter a value for " & Fields(InxFld).Prompt
End If
' No value entered for one or more mandatory fields
If ErrMsg <> "" Then
Call MsgBox(ErrMsg, vbOKOnly)
Exit Sub
End If
' Save values for caller
ReDim P2Values(1 To UBound(Fields))
For InxFld = 1 To UBound(Fields)
P2Values(InxFld) = Controls(Fields(InxFld).CtrlTextBox).Text
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Const GapBetweenCtrls As Long = 5
Dim InxCtrl As Long
Dim InxFld As Long
Dim InxPrm As Long
Dim NumFields As Long
Dim NumParams As Long
Dim TopNext As Long
' Note: LBound(P2Params) can be zero or one but will almost certainly be zero.
' This code allows for either possibility.
NumParams = UBound(P2Params) - LBound(P2Params) + 1
Debug.Assert NumParams Mod 3 = 0
NumFields = NumParams / 3
ReDim Fields(1 To NumFields)
' Import values from P2Params
' P2Params must contain 3N paramerers where N is the number of values
' to be obtained from the user. The three values are:
' Prompt/Name for value.
' Height of value (so control can be sized for multi-line values).
' Mandatory? (True is a value must be entered)
InxFld = 1
For InxPrm = LBound(P2Params) To UBound(P2Params) Step 3
Fields(InxFld).Prompt = P2Params(InxPrm)
Fields(InxFld).Height = P2Params(InxPrm + 1)
Fields(InxFld).Mandatory = P2Params(InxPrm + 2)
InxFld = InxFld + 1
' Controls can be accessed by name (for example Label1.Caption) or
' by position within the collection Controls (for example
' Controls(1).Caption). Add control numbers to Fields().
For InxCtrl = 0 To Controls.Count - 1
If Left$(Controls(InxCtrl).Name, Len(NameLabel)) = NameLabel Then
' Extract number at end of name
InxFld = CLng(Mid(Controls(InxCtrl).Name, Len(NameLabel) + 1))
If InxFld <= NumFields Then
' This control will be used
Fields(InxFld).CtrlLabel = InxCtrl
End If
ElseIf Left$(Controls(InxCtrl).Name, Len(NameTextBox)) = NameTextBox Then
InxFld = CLng(Mid(Controls(InxCtrl).Name, Len(NameTextBox) + 1))
If InxFld <= NumFields Then
' This control will be used
Fields(InxFld).CtrlTextBox = InxCtrl
End If
End If
' For InxFld = 1 To NumFields
' Debug.Print Fields(InxFld).Name & " " & Fields(InxFld).Height & " " & _
' Fields(InxFld).Mandatory & " " & Fields(InxFld).CtrlLabel & _
' " " & Fields(InxFld).CtrlTextBox
' Next
' Now have information necessary to build form.
' This code assumes/relies on:
' * All properties of the textbox controls being correct
' except for Top and Height.
' * All properties of the label controls being correct except for Top.
' * The Height of the label controls being less than the Height of any
' Textbox control.
' * The Visible property of the label and textbox controls being false.
' * The Multiline property of the textbox controls being true
' * The Scrollbars property of the textbox controls being
' 2 = frmScrollBarsVertical
' * The Width of the label property being such that all captions fit.
TopNext = GapBetweenCtrls
For InxFld = 1 To NumFields
With Controls(Fields(InxFld).CtrlLabel)
.Top = TopNext
.Caption = Fields(InxFld).Prompt
.Visible = True
End With
With Controls(Fields(InxFld).CtrlTextBox)
.Top = TopNext
.Height = Fields(InxFld).Height
.Text = ""
.Visible = True
End With
TopNext = TopNext + Fields(InxFld).Height + GapBetweenCtrls
With CommandButton1
.Top = TopNext
TopNext = TopNext + .Height + GapBetweenCtrls
End With
' Set scroll height so if total height of controls exceeds height
' of form, user can scroll from top to bottom.
ScrollHeight = TopNext
End Sub

VBA Excel 2010 - How to assign a macro to a command button that was made with a macro

I have a macro that creates a command button however I am unable to assign any macro to the button in the VBA
have looked at this link but its for a userform (but I'm not good enough to be able to change it to suit what I need)
The code I am currently tring is below, I'm guessing I need to add something to the With Statement but I dont know what it would be
Dim MyR As Range, MyB As OLEObject
Dim MyR_T As Long, MyR_L As Long
Set MyR = Range("I3") 'just an example - you get that from your own script
MyR_T = MyR.Top 'capture positions
MyR_L = MyR.Left '...
'create button
Set MyB = ActiveSheet.OLEObjects.Add(ClassType:="Forms.CommandButton.1", _
Link:=False, DisplayAsIcon:=False)
'set main button properties
With MyB
.Name = "MyPrecodedButton" 'important - code must exist ... see below
.Object.Caption = "Load UseForm"
.Top = MyR_T
.Left = MyR_L
.Width = 130
.Height = 30
.Placement = xlMoveAndSize
.PrintObject = True 'or false as per your taste
End With
So from your own link you have posted, your code would look like this:
Set UF = ActiveWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents("Name_of_the_userform")
With UF.CodeModule
.InsertLines 2, _
"Private Sub " & MyB.Name & "_Click()" & Chr(13) & _
"End Sub"
End With
But this only works with activeX Buttons. What it does is quite a hack... so if you have a better solution i would not recommend this one. What it does is this: Every ActiveX Button has a onclick function with the following Syntax: "ButtonName_Click()" If you somewhere in your code put this line, it will be executed on click. now what the code does (as in the link which you have posted), is it writes These functions into the userform code.
Use .onAction method
Something like this
Sheets("someVeryFunnySheetName").buttons("someSeriousButtonName").onAction = "macroName"
Here is one example, if you wana to pass parameter to that macro (axleOutputSHeetCounter is some integer i think)
With chartSheet.Buttons("closeOutputSheet")
.OnAction = "'Module7_Axle.closeOutputSheet """ & axleOutputSheetCounter & """'"
.Characters.text = "Delete sheet"
.Characters.Font.Size = 16
End With
edit: for activeX buttons here you can find question with same issue and working solution

Customized CATIA V5 Macro to browse Excel coordinate file & plot points

Please bear with my limited knowledge in CATIA VBA.
I am having some difficulties in customize a CATIA V5 macro to browse for Excel coordinate points and plot it in CATIA, all with a click on the customized CATIA icon.
I got an Excel file with many XYZ coordinates, let call it ExcelP1
(The excel file has no scripts/Macro in it), I would like to develop
a macro in CATIA to read & plot points from ExcelP1.
Currently i have another "Excel file with macro" to browse the
ExcelP1, and plot the points in CATIA. But i need to open and run
the "Excel file with macro" first to initiate CATIA. The scripts are
as below (i didn't develop this)
Public Filename As String
Private Sub Browse_Click()
'Open File
Filename = Application.GetOpenFilename("Excel Files (*.xls), *.xls")
If Filename <> "False" Then
Application.Visible = False
filenamebox.Value = Filename
Application.Visible = False
Filename = filenamebox.Value
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ClearButton_Click()
ActiveWorkbook.Close (False)
Application.Visible = False
End Sub
Private Sub OKButton_Click()
'Set Up Message Labels
Title = "Information Message"
'Check for Entered Values
If filenamebox.Value <> "" Then
Workbooks.Open Filename:=Filename
Application.Visible = False
'Start CATIA and add an Open body to the document
'Read Point Data from file and create point in CATIA
i = 2
Do Until Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("a" & i).Value = ""
x = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("a" & i).Value
y = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("b" & i).Value
z = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("c" & i).Value
i = i + 1
i = i - 2
MsgBox i & " Points Created in New Part", , Title
MsgBox "Enter a Filename", , Title
End If
ActiveWorkbook.Close (False)
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
If Worksheets("Filepath_Location").Range("a1").Value <> "" Then
Filename = Worksheets("Filepath_Location").Range("a1").Value
filenamebox.Value = Filename
End If
End Sub
What do I need to add/modify in order for the scripts to run in CATIA?
The first thing you need to do after you start Catia and get the application is to create a new Part in which you will be adding the points.
Dim MyPartDocument As PartDocument
Dim MyPart As Part
Dim PointGeoSet As HybridBody
Set MyPartDocument = CATIA.Documents.Add("Part")
Set MyPart = MyPartDocument.Part
Set PointGeoSet = MyPart.HybridBodies.Add()
PointGeoSet.Name = "MyPoints"
The next thing is to create the point from the excel data by using a function like this. I like to create a wrapper, but you can rewrite this anyway you want:
Sub CreateXYZPoint(TargetPart As Part, TargetGeometricalSet As HybridBody, _
Xmm As Double, Ymm As Double, Zmm As Double, _
PointCount As String)
Dim HSFactory As HybridShapeFactory
Dim NewPoint As Point
'get the factory
Set HSFactory = TargetPart.HybridShapeFactory
'create the point with the factory
Set NewPoint = HSFactory.AddNewPointCoord(Xmm, Ymm, Zmm)
'Append the point to the geometrical set
TargetGeometricalSet.AppendHybridShape NewPoint
'rename the point
NewPoint.Name = "Point." & PointCount
End Sub
You Would call
CreateZYXPoint MyPart, PointGeoSet,x,y,z,cstr(i) in your loop
Finally, at the end of your loop, you will want to update the part so call:
It is much faster to do a single update at the end of your program than to update after each point is created.
This should get you started. Remember, Catia uses Millimeters as it's base internal units. Therefore, your spreadsheet match units or you must do a unit conversion before calling CreateXYZPoint...or However you want to accomplish that.
Let me know if this works for you.
Edit: Here's a link to the code put together with your code above. You need to make sure you excel code is working, but where I inserted the Catia code is correct: