Objective c and struct - objective-c

I have this problem. This the external library that i must use in .h file:
typedef struct _IPCSSContext IPCSSContext;
IPCSSContext * ipcssnew(const IPCSSCfg *_config, const IPCSSCallbacks *_callbacks, void *_user);
How can I use? Thanx

First you define a variable of type IPCSSCallbacks whatever that might be, but it's probably a struct of function pointers.
Then you fill in the fields of the variable with pointers to your callback functions.
Then you call icssnew() passing the IPCSSCallbacks, the config and a pointer to anything you like. This pointer will be passed untouched to your callback functions when they are called and you can do what you like with it in the callbacks (including nothing).
This is a pretty standard pattern in C for performing callbacks.


Where are Objective-C selectors registered/stored?

I don't quite get the Objective-C selectors.
The problem is: Where are Objective-C selectors stored ?
How do Objective-C Compiler and Runtime System work, so that they convert the method names into SEL ?
Selectors are "interned" (uniquified) strings. The runtime maintains a pool of interned strings (selectors). If you want to intern a string, you call either the sel_getUid() or the sel_registerName() runtime function with a C string, and it returns an opaque handle of type SEL (the selector). If the string has already been interned before, this selector is guaranteed to be equal to the previous one. Conversely, from a selector you can get the string back using sel_getName(). In Cocoa you would use NSSelectorFromString() and NSStringFromSelector(), which operate on NSString objects, instead of using the above low-level runtime functions.
Most of the time, you will not be doing conversion between strings and selectors in the middle of your program. Instead, the selector will have already been hard-coded at compile-time. When you do a method call like [foo something: bar], it is compiled down into something like objc_msgSend(foo, #selector(something:), bar), and the selector literal like #selector(something:) will be compiled into a reference into the binary's selector table generated by the compiler, similar to with global variables. When a module is linked, its selector table is merged with the main program's selector table to guarantee the uniqueness of selectors.
The same question was bothering me too for a while. So I've looked into the runtime implementation. That's what I've found:
All the selectors are stored in a hash set. If you already have a registered selector, it will be returned by the objc runtime using c functions sel_getUid & sel_registerName, if not registered, it will be created by the same functions. Both of them have the same implementation & behavior, 'cause they are calling private function named __sel_registerName. Old runtime uses pointer to struct __objc_sel_set to store values.
struct __objc_sel_set {
uint32_t _count; /* number of slots used */
uint32_t _capacity; /* maximum number of used slots */
uint32_t _bucketsNum; /* number of slots */
SEL *_buckets; /* can be NULL if not allocated yet */
New runtime uses pointer to struct NXMapTable:
typedef struct _NXMapTable {
/* private data structure; may change */
const struct _NXMapTablePrototype *prototype;
unsigned count;
unsigned nbBucketsMinusOne;
void *buckets;
Hope this helps.
Have a look at Apples explanation:
A selector is the name used to select a method to execute for an object, or the unique identifier that replaces the name when the source code is compiled. A selector by itself doesn’t do anything. It simply identifies a method. The only thing that makes the selector method name different from a plain string is that the compiler makes sure that selectors are unique. What makes a selector useful is that (in conjunction with the runtime) it acts like a dynamic function pointer that, for a given name, automatically points to the implementation of a method appropriate for whichever class it’s used with. Suppose you had a selector for the method run, and classes Dog, Athlete, and ComputerSimulation (each of which implemented a method run). The selector could be used with an instance of each of the classes to invoke its run method—even though the implementation might be different for each.
If you have a look at #AntoniKedracki post there is a really good explanation about methods and selectors.
Just a short summary from the post:
Every objective-c method will be represented inside a struct in c. The struct looks like this:
struct objc_method {
SEL method_name
char *method_types
IMP method_imp
So the selector will be created by C automatically from the method name and saved inside the SEL method_name. If you want to get access to the objc_method you should include the <objc/runtime.h>, than you will be able to use the runtime methods.
For more information have a look at the link in the other post.

Is there a way to declare an objective-C block typedef whose arguments contain that typedef?

Here's an interesting one for the objective-C gurus out there...
Is there a way to declare an objective-C block typedef that contains an argument of that typedef?
typedef BOOL (^SSCellAction) ( UITableViewController* inTVC, SSCellAction inChainedAction );
The idea is that I wanted to used chained menu action system that allows a chain of work/response to occur (usually 1-3 items). When the last action invokes, it passes nil for inChainedAction. Since this seems relatively trivial to imagine, I'll be dammed if I can't figure out how to declare it without llvm saying no. :)
rmaddy's comment is correct. Just as in C, a typedef cannot use itself. Basically, a typedef does not make a real type, but just makes an alias that the compiler expands out at compile-time. It is always possible to manually expand all typedefs in your program yourself (which is sometimes an instructive exercise), so that your program is written without typedefs. However, a recursive typedef cannot be expanded.
Some possible workarounds:
Use id as the parameter type, and cast back into the right type inside the block. This loses type safety.
Or, use a struct type of one member, the block. A struct is a real type, so it can be used within its definition. The downside of this is that you explicitly "wrap" the block into the struct type to pass it, and explicitly "unwrap" the struct into the block by accessing the field when you need to call it. This way is type-safe.

what is the meaning of the following syntax in iOS?. typedef void (^something)(NSInteger *a);

New to ios. Let me correct if my understanding is wrong?.
typedef void (^someString) (datatype variable_name, datatype variable_name).
I am basically from C background.
It is something like a typedef to function pointer ?..
Not exactly a function pointer, but a block. A block is an Apple extension to the C language: basically it implements lambda functions. It typedefs the someString type to a block returning nothing (void) and taking two arguments.
Read more here:
and here:
That is the definition of a block. It's a form of closure as implemented in Objective C.
its called a block, you can use it like a function but it has a few perks,
check out the Documentation

Pass an object method as SCNetworkReachabilityCallBack

Is there any way I could pass an object method instead of a function to a function wanting a SCNetworkReachabilityCallBack as its argument?
Here is how SCNetworkReachabilityCallBack is defined:
typedef void (*SCNetworkReachabilityCallBack) (
SCNetworkReachabilityRef target,
SCNetworkReachabilityFlags flags,
void *info
Pass a block that sends the message, then have your C callback execute the block! :D
Basically, the C callback is going to act as glue code. Since an Objective-C method's IMP will never be of a type compatible with the callback, you are always going to need at least one level of indirection before you get to an Objective-C message dispatch. If you need to carry more state than just the object, a block may help you, but that C function stub isn't going anywhere.
To be safe, you could write some C or C++ glue code and pass that function which would then call into your object method.

Call Static Method with C Syntax in Obj-C?

I could redo this method using proper Obj-C syntax, but I was wondering how to call this from Obj-C. The method looks like this
#interface YarMidiCommon : NSObject
MIDIPacketList *makePacketList(Byte *packetBuffer, const UInt8 *data, UInt32 size);
but I have no idea how to call that method. I have tried
Byte packetBuffer[size+100];
MIDIPacketList *packetList = makePacketList(packetBuffer, bytes, size);
but the error is "has internal linkage but is not defined." Is this possible without resorting to "proper" Obj-C syntax?
For the record, the method that I want to emulate would be something like
+ (MIDIPacketList*) makePacketListWithPacketBuffer:(Byte*)packetBuffer data:(const UInt8 *)data size:(UInt32)size;
which is verbose and annoying, seeing as everything here is C anyway.
This is related to this other answer I got today.
Since the function is a C function you need to remove the static keyword or else it will not be visible outside of its translation unit. Once you do that the first example you have will work. Also since it is a C function placing its declaration inside or outside of the #interface and definition inside or outside of the #implementation makes no difference on how you will call it.
Consider the declaration as being equivalent to static C function in the global scope. This is much unlike C++ or Java. There is no class scope or external linkage for this function.
As such, the #interface scope would not be a good place to declare makePacketList. The message means the definition is not visible when you use it.
You need to move the function to the .m (makes sense if you use it from this file only) or remove the static keyword.