VBA ADODB multirow insert not working - vba

I am trying to figure out how to do multirow inserts using ADODB in VBA excel.
My problem seems to be that i can`t figure out the correct syntax to use for this simple task, even after searching I am still lost as to why it does not work.
I have no problem doing a single insert using the statement
INSERT INTO test.dbf ('field1','field3') VALUES ('test1','test11')
But as soon as I try
INSERT INTO test.dbf ('field1','field3') VALUES ('test1','test11'), ('test2','test22')
It gives me the following error
[Microsoft][ODBC dBase Driver] Missing semicolon (;) at end of SQL statement.
I of course tried adding the semicolon at the end of the statement and it was no help at all, I also tried running the statement with out specifying the columns, all to no avail.
Any suggestions as to what I am doing wrong? I would like to avoid doing 8,000 individual inserts.
Thanks in advance

The SQL syntax for multi-row inserts is newer than the ADODB/ODBC interfaces and so their SQL parsers do not recognize it. Consequently your choices are:
Use VBA to specify this as a pass-thru query. This should work so long as the DBMS you are executing in recognizes the new insert syntax. However, this has the significant downside that you are almost certainly exposing your database to injection if your insert content is based on user input. (Note: this has nothing to do with pass-thru, but rather with the fact that you are using string composition to do your inserts, rather than using the ADODB table objects).
Just use the VBA/ADODB table objects to insert multiple rows. This does not use the newer multi-row insert SQL syntax under-the-hood, but still works fine. The only reason to try to leverage the multi-row syntax is if you have a performance problem, and there are many other performance options available.


Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement

I am trying to insert some information in an MS Access database.
In my database I have the following columns and types:
log_order - Autonumber (I need this to keep the order where inserted in the db),
userID - Text,
time - Text,
date_ - text,
message - Text.
My query:
command.CommandText = "INSERT INTO logs(userID, time, date_, message) VALUES ('"+verifiedUser+"', '"+msg_time+"', '"+msg_date+"', '"+msg+"')";
OleDbDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader();
The error that I get:
System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException: 'Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement.'
I tried several posts but no post helped me. I believe there might be a problem with the autonumber column (log_order). Because of what I remember I don't have to include it in the query.
PS: I know I have to pass the values as parameters.
Thank you in advance
Probably one of your variables (msg?) contains an apostrophe
The way you've written your SQL is a massive security risk. Please immediately look up "parameterized queries" and never, ever, ever write an sql like this again (where you use string concatenation to tack the values into the query). Your code has a proliferation of issues and using parameterized queries will solve all of them; they aren't difficult to write
It seems your data in some of the variables passed in INSERT may be causing this error. Try debugging the value in command.CommandText before executing it.
If any of the variables have a single quote they must be escaped...
Ref: How do I escape a single quote in SQL Server?
Also brush up on SQL Injection Ref: SQL Injection
I totally agree with all that has been said, but to answer your question directly, I am pretty sure you will need to put square brackets around your field names. OleDb tends not to like special characters and could well be having a problem for example with date_ ; sending [date_] instead should get round the issue.
It will not like time either. Same solution
Addendum on SQL Injection
As an aside, in fact calling Access through OleDb is relatively protected from SQL Injection. This is because any attempt to execute multiple instructions in one command fails. (You get an incorrect formatted string error). So whilst you could argue that what you are doing is safe, it is not for other db providers. The sooner you get into good habits, the less likely you will be to introduce a vulnerability in a case where it could be dangerous. If it seems like you are getting a stream of abuse, it is just because everyone here wants to keep the net safe.

Moving from Access backend to SQL Server as be. Efficiency help needed

I am working on developing an application for my company. From the beginning we were planning on having a split DB with an access front end, and storing the back end data on our shared server. However, after doing some research we realized that storing the data in a back end access DB on a shared drive isn’t the best idea for many reasons (vpn is so slow to shared drive from remote offices, access might not be the best with millions of records, etc.). Anyways, we decided to still use the access front end, but host the data on our SQL server.
I have a couple questions about storing data on our SQL server. Right now when I insert a record I do it with something like this:
Private Sub addButton_Click()
Dim rsToRun As DAO.Recordset
Set rsToRun = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM ToRun")
rsToRun("MemNum").Value = memNumTextEntry.Value
memNumTextEntry.Value = Null
End Sub
It seems like it is inefficient to have to use a sql statement like SELECT * FROM ToRun and then make a recordset, add to the recordset, and update it. If there are millions of records in ToRun will this take forever to run? Would it be more efficient just to use an insert statement? If so, how do you do it? Our program is still young in development so we can easily make pretty substantial changes. Nobody on my team is an access or SQL expert so any help is really appreciated.
If you're working with SQL Server, use ADO. It handles server access much better than DAO.
If you are inserting data into a SQL Server table, an INSERT statement can have (in SQL 2008) up to 1000 comma-separated VALUES groups. You therefore need only one INSERT for each 1000 records. You can just append additional inserts after the first, and do your entire data transfer through one string:
INSERT INTO ToRun (MemNum) VALUES ('abc'),('def'),...,('xyz');
INSERT INTO ToRun (MemNum) VALUES ('abcd'),('efgh'),...,('wxyz');
You can assemble this in a string, then use an ADO Connection.Execute to do the work. It is frequently faster than multiple DAO or ADO .AddNew/.Update pairs. You just need to remember to requery your recordset afterwards if you need it to be populated with your newly-inserted data.
There are actually two questions in your post:
Will OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM ToRun") immediately load all recordsets?
No. By default, DAO's OpenRecordset opens a server-side cursor, so the data is not retrieved until you actually start to move around the recordset. Still, it's bad practice to select lots of rows if you don't need to. This leads to the next question:
How should I add records in an attached SQL Server database?
There are a few ways to do that (in order of preference):
Use an INSERT statment. That's the most elegant and direct solution: You want to insert something, so you execute INSERT, not SELECT and AddNew. As Monty Wild explained in his answer, ADO is prefered. In particular, ADO allows you to use parameterized commands, which means that you don't have to put-into-quotes-and-escape your strings and correctly format your dates, which is not so easy to do right.
(DAO also allows you to execute INSERT statements (via CurrentDb.Execute), but it does not allow you to use parameters.)
That said, ADO also supports the AddNew syntax familiar to you. This is a bit less elegant but requires less changes to your existing code.
And, finally, your old DAO code will still work. As always: If you think you have a performance problem, measure if you really have one. Clean code is great, but refactoring has a cost and it makes sense to optimize those places first where it really matters. Test, measure... then optimize.
It seems like it is inefficient to have to use a sql statement like SELECT * FROM ToRun and then make a recordset, add to the recordset, and update it. If there are millions of records in ToRun will this take forever to run?
Yes, you do need to load something from the table in order to get your Recordset, but you don't have to load any actual data.
Just add a WHERE clause to the query that doesn't return anything, like this:
Set rsToRun = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM ToRun WHERE 1=0")
Both INSERT statements and Recordsets have their pros and cons.
With INSERTs, you can insert many records with relatively little code, as shown in Monty Wild's answer.
On the other hand, INSERTs in the basic form shown there are prone to SQL Injection and you need to take care of "illegal" characters like ' inside your values, ideally by using parameters.
With a Recordset, you obviously need to type more code to insert a record, as shown in your question.
But in exchange, a Recordset does some of the work for you:
For example, in the line rsToRun("MemNum").Value = memNumTextEntry.Value you don't have to care about:
characters like ' in the input, which would break an INSERT query unless you use parameters
SQL Injection
getting the date format right when inserting date/time values

Oracle equivalent of PostgreSQL INSERT...RETURNING *;

I've converted a bunch of DML (INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE) queries from Oracle into PostgreSQL and now I need to check whether they produce the same set of rows, i.e. that delete removes the same rows, assuming the oracle and postgresql databases contain the same data initially, update updates the same rows etc. On PostgreSQL side, I can use the returning clause with DML statements, i.e.
INSERT INTO test(id, name) VALUES(42, 'foo') RETURNING *;
What's good about the statement above is that I can prepend 'returning *' to any DML statement without knowing the structure or even the name of the table it's executed against and just get all rows like it's a select statement.
However, it seems to be not that shiny on the Oracle side. According to the documentation, Oracle 8i (the one I'm working with) supports RETURNING clause, but it has to store the result into variables and there seem to be no obvious way to get all result columns instead of manually specifying the column name.
Hence, the question is if there is an oracle statement (or sequence of statements) to emulate PostgreSQL 'returning *' without hard-coding table or column names. In other words, is there a way to write an Oracle function like this:
fn('INSERT INTO test(id, name) VALUES(42, ''foo'')')
It should return the set of rows inserted (or modified in the generic case) by the SQL statement.
I actually found a very similar question (for the conversion from SQL server, not PostgreSQL, into Oracle). Still, I'd love to hear a more simple answer to that if possible.
I could imagine a solution involving EXECUTE IMMEDIATE, RETURNING, and REF CURSOR, but clearly it will be far from simple. I've previously found solutions such as this one, involving XML to problems where records of arbitrary type are to be used. They're quite freaky, to say the least. I guess you'll have to resort to running two separate queries... Specifically, with Oracle 8i, I'm afraid you won't even be able to profit from most of those features.
In short, I don't think there is any SQL construct as powerful as Postgres ... RETURNING clause in Oracle.
It's not currently possible, especially in an old version of Oracle such as 8i. See this answer to a similar question.

Encoding string in order to Insert SQLite

I'm using sqlite3_exec() function in order to execute an SQL Insert command. The problem starts when I need to insert strings that need to be encoded.
For example, I want to insert the following string: "f('hello')". If I want to insert this string I need to change "'" to "''".
My question is, how do I encode these strings? Is there a function I can count on? or a table that details all the needed encodes?
Thanks! :-)
Instead of manually escaping strings (which is error-prone and invites SQL injection attacks), I'd strongly recommend using prepared statements and bind values; read up on sqlite3_bind_XXX and sqlite3_prepare_v2
Using bind values will solve this problem and it will also make sqlite faster because it remembers previously executed sql statements and it can reuse their execution plans. This doesn't work when the sql statement is always slightly different because it hashes the complete sql statement.
sqlite_mprintf supports %q for that.
"Maybe" you should use something like a prepared statement. I am not an expert in SQLite, but I found this link (http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/stmt.html) and it could help you. It is about SQL Statement Object.


I have been working with T-SQL in MS SQL for some time now and somehow whenever I have to insert data into a table I tend to use syntax:
INSERT INTO myTable <something here>
I understand that keyword INTO is optional here and I do not have to use it but somehow it grew into habit in my case.
My question is:
Are there any implications of using INSERT syntax versus INSERT INTO?
Which one complies fully with the standard?
Are they both valid in other implementations of SQL standard?
INSERT INTO is the standard. Even though INTO is optional in most implementations, it's required in a few, so it's a good idea to include it if you want your code to be portable.
You can find links to several versions of the SQL standard here. I found an HTML version of an older standard here.
They are the same thing, INTO is completely optional in T-SQL (other SQL dialects may differ).
Contrary to the other answers, I think it impairs readability to use INTO.
I think it is a conceptional thing: In my perception, I am not inserting a row into a table named "Customer", but I am inserting a Customer. (This is connected to the fact that I use to name my tables in singular, not plural).
If you follow the first concept, INSERT INTO Customer would most likely "feel right" for you.
If you follow the second concept, it would most likely be INSERT Customer for you.
It may be optional in mySQL, but it is mandatory in some other DBMSs, for example Oracle. So SQL will be more potentially portable with the INTO keyword, for what it's worth.
In SQL Server 2005, you could have something in between INSERT and INTO like this:
INSERT top(5) INTO tTable1 SELECT * FROM tTable2;
Though it works without the INTO, I prefer using INTO for readability.
One lesson I leaned about this issue is that you should always keep it consistent! If you use INSERT INTO, don't use INSERT as well. If you don't do it, some programmers may ask the same question again.
Here is my another related example case: I had a chance to update a very very long stored procedure in MS SQL 2005. The problem is that too many data were inserted to a result table. I had to find out where the data came from. I tried to find out where new records were added. At the beginning section of SP, I saw several INSERT INTOs. Then I tried to find "INSERT INTO" and updated them, but I missed one place where only "INSERT" was used. That one actually inserted 4k+ rows of empty data in some columns! Of course, I should just search for INSERT. However, that happened to me. I blame the previous programmer IDIOT:):)
They both do the same thing. INTO is optional (in SQL Server's T-SQL) but aids readability.
I started wtiting SQL on ORACLE, so when I see code without INTO it just looks 'broken' and confusing.
Yes, it is just my opinion, and I'm not saying you should always use INTO. But it you don't you should be aware that many other people will probably think the same thing, especially if they haven't started scripting with newer implementations.
With SQL I think it's also very important to realise that you ARE adding a ROW to a TABLE, and not working with objects. I think it would be unhelpful to a new developer to think of SQL table rows/entries as objects. Again, just me opinion.
INSERT INTO is SQL standard while INSERT without INTO is not SQL standard.
I experimented them on SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite as shown below.
SQL Server
In addition, I also experimented DELETE FROM and DELETE without FROM on SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite as shown below:
SQL Server
I prefer using it. It maintains the same syntax delineation feel and readability as other parts of the SQL language, like group BY, order BY.
If available use the standard function. Not that you ever need portability for your particular database, but chances are you need portability for your SQL knowledge.
A particular nasty T-SQL example is the use of isnull, use coalesce!