How to see what the is being compared in a if statement - vba

I'm having a problem with some vba code.
I have a if statement that doesn't treat the same content equally.
e.g: 0,1 equals 0,1, but a re-run 0,1 does not equal 0,1
(this values are shown by MVBA)
The code is long so before posting it i would like to know if it's possible to see the machine perspective in a if statement (hex, ascii...). This because, although the debug is telling me they are the same (through msgbox, vartype, etc), the if statement is not activated.
pseudo code:
x = 0,0000001 * 1*10^6 (which equals 0,1)
y = 0,0001 * 1*10^3 (which also equals 0,1)
if statement:
x doesn't enter
y does
end if

This is because the floating-point implementation may not be able to represent those number accurately due to the fact that they are encoded in a base 2 representation.
If you want to compare them, I would suggest using Cdec (wich converts to Decimal, a VBA custom base 10 floating-point)
Debug.Print (0.0000001 * 1 * 10 ^ 6) = (0.0001 * 1 * 10 ^ 3) ' False
Debug.Print CDec(0.0000001 * 1 * 10 ^ 6) = CDec(0.0001 * 1 * 10 ^ 3) ' True
While they both display 0.1, in fact 0.0000001 * 1 * 10 ^ 6 flaoting-point value is 0x3FB9999999999999 whereas 0.0001 * 1 * 10 ^ 3 returns 0x3FB999999999999A.
I'd recommend reading What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic


Filter numeric column containing a digit

Is there any way to filter rows of a table where a numeric column contains a digit using maths?
I mean, currently, I'm solving that using:
where cast(t.numeric_column as varchar(255)) like "%2%"
However, I would like to know if could be possible to filter apply numeric operations...
Any ideas?
You could use division plus the modulus, if you knew the range of possible numbers. For example, assuming all expected numbers were positive and less than 100,000, you could use:
FROM yourTable
WHERE numeric_column % 10 = 2 OR
(numeric_column / 10) % 10 = 2 OR
(numeric_column / 100) % 10 = 2 OR
(numeric_column / 1000) % 10 = 2 OR
(numeric_column / 10000) % 10 = 2;
Although the above is ugly and unwieldy, it might actually outperform your approach which requires a costly conversion to string.

Type of inline declaration with calculation

I am declaring a variable with inline declaration 50 * ( 2 / 5 ). The problem is that output result is 0 instead of expected 20.
DATA(exact_result) = 50 * ( 2 / 5 ) .
cl_demo_output=>display( exact_result ).
Can anyone suggest why the result is zero where as 50 * (2/5) = 20.
Umar Abdullah
The inline declaration assigns a data type depending on the type from the Right-Hand Side (RHS) expression. With an arithmetic expression, the compiler determines a data type based on the overall calculation type.
First, 2 and 5 are considered as type I (4 bytes integer), so the result is also of type I even if the operator is a division (integer division in that precise case).
Then, 50 is also considered as type I, and because it's used with another I-type data object (result of subexpression 2 / 5 which is of type I) the result is also of type I.
So, in your example, EXACT_RESULT is assigned the type I.
At run time, because both LHS and RHS data objects are of type I, then the calculation type is I too. Consequently, 2 / 5 equals 0.4 which is rounded to 0 because it's an integer division and the default ABAP rounding is "half up" (rounding of 0.4 gives 0, but 0.5 gives 1).
The workaround is to define explicitly the data type of EXACT_RESULT as having digits after the decimal point (DECFLOAT16, DECFLOAT34, P type with decimals, F and even C because then the calculation type is P !), because the type of the LHS will have a higher priority than the type of the RHS (I), so the calculation will be deduced from the type of the LHS variable.
DATA(exact_result) = CONV decfloat16( 50 * ( 2 / 5 ) ).
Be careful with this next solution : as I said, C leads to a calculation with type P and many decimals, so we could think this example is a good solution :
DATA(exact_result) = '50' * ( 2 / 5 ). " equals 20
But with inline declarations, a P calculation type leads to a data object of type P but with 0 digits after the decimal point, so the result is truncated with other numbers (8 instead of 50 here) :
DATA(exact_result) = '8' * ( 2 / 5 ). " rounded ! (3 instead of 3.2)

Round to nearest 10 multiplication

I have a bit of math question for my sql code. I want to be able to work out the following in my code using a mathematical formula, if anyone knows how I would love to know.
Any number 1->99 : 10
Any number 100->999 : 100
Any number 1000->9999 : 1000
Is there anyway to work out the 10 multiplier just from the value? I feel like this should be an easy formula but I cant seem to get it.
How about this?
It takes the log base 10 of the input value (which returns the value of the exponent to which you would have to raise 10 to in order to get the input value), then it lops off the decimal portion leaving only the whole number, and then raises 10 to that power.
You just need logs and their opposite (power)...
power(10, floor(log10(x)))
As follows...
log10(99) = 1.9956351946
floor(1.9956351946) = 1
power(10, 1) = 10
This does, however, assume that your example is wrong and that 1 -> 9 should "round" to 1...
log10(9) = 0.95424250943
floor(0.95424250943) = 0
power(10, 0) = 1

VB.NET doesn't round numbers correctly?

I'm testing the speed of some functions so I made a test to run the functions over and over again and I stored the results in an array. I needed them to be sorted by the size of the array I randomly generated. I generate 100 elements. Merge sort to the rescue! I used this link to get me started.
The section of code I'm focusing on:
private void mergesort(int low, int high) {
// check if low is smaller then high, if not then the array is sorted
if (low < high) {
// Get the index of the element which is in the middle
int middle = low + (high - low) / 2;
// Sort the left side of the array
mergesort(low, middle);
// Sort the right side of the array
mergesort(middle + 1, high);
// Combine them both
merge(low, middle, high);
which translated to VB.NET is
private sub mergesort(low as integer, high as integer)
' check if low is smaller then high, if not then the array is sorted
if (low < high)
' Get the index of the element which is in the middle
dim middle as integer = low + (high - low) / 2
' Sort the left side of the array
mergesort(low, middle)
' Sort the right side of the array
mergesort(middle + 1, high)
' Combine them both
merge(low, middle, high)
end if
end sub
Of more importance the LOC that only matters to this question is
dim middle as integer = low + (high - low) / 2
In case you wanna see how merge sort is gonna run this baby
high low high low
100 0 10 0
50 0 6 4
25 0 5 4
12 0 12 7
6 0 10 7
3 0 8 7
2 0 :stackoverflow error:
The error comes from the fact 7 + (8 - 7) / 2 = 8. You'll see 7 and 8 get passed in to mergesort(low, middle) and then we infinite loop. Now earlier in the sort you see a comparison like this again. At 5 and 4. 4 + (5 - 4) / 2 = 4. So essentially for 5 and 4 it becomes 4 + (1) / 2 = 4.5 = 4. For 8 and 7 though it's 7 + (1) / 2 = 7.5 = 8. Remember the numbers are typecasted to an int.
Maybe I'm just using a bad implementation of it or my typecasting is wrong, but my question is: Shouldn't this be a red flag signaling something isn't right with the rounding that's occuring?
Without understanding the whole algorithm, note that VB.NET / is different than C# /. The latter has integer division by default, if you want to truncate decimal places also in VB.NET you have to use \.
Read: \ Operator
So i think that this is what you want:
Dim middle as Int32 = low + (high - low) \ 2
You are correct in your diagnosis: there's something inconsistent with the rounding that's occurring, but this is entirely expected if you know where to look.
From the VB.NET documentation on the / operator:
Divides two numbers and returns a floating-point result.
This documentation explicitly states that , if x and y are integral types, x / y returns a Double. So, 5 / 2 in VB.NET would be expected to be 2.5.
From the C# documentation on the / operator:
All numeric types have predefined division operators.
And further down the page:
When you divide two integers, the result is always an integer.
In the case of C#, if x and y are integers, x / y returns an integer (rounded down). 5 / 2 in C# is expected to return 2.

Shuffle data in a repeatable way (ability to get the same "random" order again)

This is the opposite of what most "random order" questions are about.
I want to select data from a database in random order. But I want to be able to repeat certain selects, getting the same order again.
Current (random) select:
SELECT custId, rand() as random from
Using this, every key/row gets a random number. Ordering those ascending results in a random order.
But I want to repeat this select, getting the very same order again. My idea is to calculate a random number (r) once per session (e.g. "4") and use this number to shuffle the data in some way.
My first idea:
SELECT custId, custId * 4 as random from
(in real life "4" would be something like 4005226664240702)
This results in a different number for each line but the same ones every run. By changing "r" to 5 all numbers will change.
The problem is: multiplication is not sufficient here. It just increases the numbers but keeps the order the same. Therefore I need some other kind of arithmetic function.
More abstract
Starting with my data (A-D). k is the key and r is the random number currently used:
k r
A = 1 4
B = 2 4
C = 3 4
D = 4 4
Doing some calculation using k and r in every line I want to get something like:
k r
A = 1 4 --> 12
B = 2 4 --> 13
C = 3 4 --> 11
D = 4 4 --> 10
The numbers can be whatever they want, but when I order them ascending I want to get a different order than the initial one. In this case D, C, A, B, E.
Setting r to 7 should result in a different order (C, A, B, D):
k r
A = 1 7 --> 56
B = 2 7 --> 78
C = 3 7 --> 23
D = 4 7 --> 80
Every time I use r = 7 should result in the same numbers => same order.
I'm looking for a mathematical function to do the calculation with k and r. Seeding the RAND() function is not suitable because it's not supported by some databases we support
Please note that r is already a randomly generated number
One Table - Two data consumers. One consumer will get random 5% of the table, the other one the other 95%. They don't just get the data but a generated SQL. So there are two SQL's which must not select the same data twice but still random.
You could try and implement the Multiply-With-Carry PseudoRandomNumberGenerator. The C version goes like this (source: Wikipedia):
m_w = <choose-initializer>; /* must not be zero, nor 0x464fffff */
m_z = <choose-initializer>; /* must not be zero, nor 0x9068ffff */
uint get_random()
m_z = 36969 * (m_z & 65535) + (m_z >> 16);
m_w = 18000 * (m_w & 65535) + (m_w >> 16);
return (m_z << 16) + m_w; /* 32-bit result */
In SQL, you could create a table Random, with two columns to contain w and z, and one ID column to identify each session. Perhaps your vendor supports variables and you need not bother with the table.
Nonetheless, even if we use a table, we immediately run into trouble cause ANSI SQL doesn't support unsigned INTs. In SQL Server I could switch to BIGINT, unsure if your vendor supports that.
Initialize a new session, say number 3, by inserting 1 into z and the seed into w:
INSERT INTO Random (ID, w, z) VALUES (3, 8921, 1);
Then each time you wish to generate a new random number, do the computations:
z = (36969 * (z % 65536) + z / 65536) % 4294967296,
w = (18000 * (w % 65536) + w / 65536) % 4294967296
(Note how I have replaced bitwise operands with div and mod operations and how, after computing, you need to mod 4294967296 to stay within the proper 32 bits unsigned int range.)
And select the new value:
SELECT(z * 65536 + w) % 4294967296
FROM Random
SQLFiddle demo
Not sure if this applies in non-SQL Server, but typically when you use a RAND() function, you can specify a seed. Everytime you specify the same seed, the randomization will be the same.
So, it sounds like you just need to store the seed number and use that each time to get the same set of random numbers.
MSDN Article on RAND
Each vendor has solved this in its own way. Creating your own implementation will be hard, since random number generation is difficult.
dbms_random can be initialized with a seed:
SQL Server
First call to RAND() can provide a seed:
First call to RAND() can provide a seed:
Use SET SEED or SELECT setseed() :