I'm trying to create a blog on Impresspages 4 but on one side I would have a maximum of 10 entries.
Is there a way to pagination Newslist module?
This feature has not been implemented yet on existing Blog plugin.
Newbie to this whole analytics thing and am finding this very confusing
I wanted to use Google Analytics 4 in my nuxt ssr webapp and am feeling overwhelmed with the number of options
Quick issue on nuxtjs/google-analytics says it does not support GA4 and is asking me to use nuxt/gtm
stackoverflow answer on the same question says use vue-gtag
Google's documentation says it covers analytics ads etc
nuxt/google-gtag seems to be another library apart from vue-gtag and nuxt/gtm
what am I even supposed to use?
I just want to integrate Google Analytics 4 on my nuxt.js SSR app
Create a GA account and a GA4 property if you have not already. Keep a note of your Measurement Id (the "G-" Id). The same page can help you to find the id.
Use nuxtjs/google-gtag. Page includes setup help.
When passing the config in your code, use this format:
// example config
id: 'G-XXXXXXXX', // your measurement id
... // rest of the config
Just to compare, for Universal Analytics (the previous version of GA), the Id would look like UA-XXXX-XX, instead of G-XXXXXXXX. Learn more with Google Analytics 4 properties tag and instrumentation guide.
when browsing the web I saw that some people are using OctoberCMS together with Vue.js. I'm wondering what would be the use cases/advantages for combining the 2 of them instead of only using OctoberCMS. What can be done better with the combination?
Or do people just combine the 2 of them because they are already used to Vue.js?
One point I read was that with the combination of the 2 it is possible to create SinglePageApps. Doesn't provide OctoberCMS itself already themes for SinglePageApps?
Thanks in advance
We have problem with API from ActiveCollab. We are using this API point:
but it is not returning all active projects. For example there is not included project "CrossMasters: Marketing" (https://app.activecollab.com/117236/projects/7).
Can you help us with that? Just a few days ago, it worked.
Projects API is paginated, and it returns 50 projects with latest activity. You can access other pages by adding page GET attribute. For example, you can request second page of projects by calling:
You can check pagination headers to see how many projects are there actually, and implement a loop based on that information, or simply go page by page until you get to a page that returns no results. More info about this can be found in this StackOverflow answer:
In MVC 5 (.Net Framework 4.6) i used PagedList.Mvc with following solutions:
It separates query into pages and gets results for needed page (not all query results).
It used HtmlHelper to render group of buttons with needed filter!
I could customize numbers of pager buttons to display (if get large resultset).
In asp.net core 2.0 documentation https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/data/ef-rp/sort-filter-page i can't find 2 and 3 solutions.
Does anyone know better approach?
I tried PagedList from https://github.com/dncuug/X.PagedList it worked!
I used X.PagedList this link was very helpful
I'm trying to implement some days Breeze in my project with NHibernate and webapi 2 but without success.
Examples on github are for webapi 1
I'm having several problems, among them:
Not exist BreezeNHController in webapi 2
With IUnitOfWork architecture, ContextProvider was confused.
I tried to add the attribute BreezeController to the controller but to perform the action {{odata}}/GruposUsuarios?$filter=substringof('Vivo', Nome) still having trouble translating the query.
The main objective is to use Breeze to perform queries using odata queries as substringof and expand.
Any help will be appreciated!
The nuget package is now available, and the NorthBreeze sample
is now updated to use Breeze 1.4.8 and WebApi 2
With this update, your queries should be working in Web Api 2. Please let me know if they are not. Thanks.