Data Grid View 2013 , How many rows and which are visible in window? -

I have a datagridview control with 10 rows on my form window.
Now lets suppose the size of the datagridview in the form can only display 5 rows to user and user has to use vertical scroll bar to see the other 5 rows.
now my question is :
Is there any way to know which 5 rows are currently visible to the user according to the position of scroll bar.
Actually in my program currently i am updating the all the rows value one by one of that datagridview table continuously.
Now i want to only update the rows that are visible in the window. so how can i know what rows are visible according to scroll bar position.
Thanks in advance

The DataGridView control exposes a VerticalScrollingOffset property which can be used to determine how far the view is scrolled. If you know the height of each row in the DataGridView in pixels, you can then calculate which rows of the table are currently visible and refresh them.
The height of each row can be determined through the DataGridViewRow property Height. This defaults to the font height, plus 9 pixels - if you're using the same font size in all rows this should be consistent.
EDIT: Further digging through the documentation shows that each DataGridViewRow exposes a Displayed property that returns true when the row is visible on the user's screen. Checking that would be much easier!
MSDN on DataGridViewRow.Displayed property


Excel Form buttons remain in same place, but TopLeftCell is different (all after parent row is unhidden)

Cutting right to the chase, I have a tab with 4 Excel Tables stacked on top of each other. Each row has its own "up" and "down" buttons in the column to the left of the table, like this:
I shrunk the buttons to fit within the same cell (rowheight of 20). This allowed me to use the cell's TopLeftCell.Row property as follows: When clicked, stuff from the button's row is copy-pasted to the row above/below. This is the basic code:
currRow = ActiveSheet.Shapes(Application.Caller).TopLeftCell.Row
If InStr(Application.Caller, "Up") > 0 Then
Move_Project_Up currRow
Move_Project_Down currRow
End If
When the user gets to this tab, any empty table-rows are hidden (with a Rows(rr).EntireRow.Hidden = True). The buttons Move and size with cells so they are automatically hidden). All visible buttons work as expected. However, sometimes a user wishes to move a project from the top of one table "up" to the bottom of the above table (i.e. to a currently hidden row). You can imagine wanting to move data from row 312 "up" to row 244 in the image below:
The code successfully makes the move and unhides the row. HERE'S THE PROBLEM: when the row is unhidden, the buttons are dark gray and their TopLeftCell.Row is wrong:
They are NOT disabled. When clicked, they still trigger the assigned macro. However, I can see from a Debug.Print that their TopLeftCell.Row is not necessarily the row they are actually in. In the image above, BOTH SETS OF BUTTONS have a TopLeftCell.Row of 97. That's correct for the first set, but not the second.
Any thoughts on why this might be happening? I suspect it has to do with the unhiding of the rows, and/or the fact that there's a lot happening on this tab (e.g. over 10,000 array formulas).
Thanks in advance!
As one commenter (jkpieterse) suggested, setting the .Top property of the "broken" buttons to the .Top value of a cell in the same row worked!

Do not show partially visible rows in datagridview

I try to implement the following in winform vb net project (I see this work in an app written in delphi).
I wish to hide or set visibility to false of the bottom row that partially visible in dgv that is docked to fill.
I tried to implement something like this:
DataGridView1.Rows(DataGridView1.DisplayedRowCount(true) - 1).Visible = False
I think it should be called during DataBindingComplete and Resize/scroll events, but it doesn't work.
Do you have any ideas / solutions?
So what I use on one of my datagridviews is:
Dim ind As Integer = 0
ind = DataGridView1.Rows.Count - 1
DataGridView1.Rows(ind).Visible = False
which hides the last displayed row of the datagridview.
You requirement sounds somewhat odd. Your comment ”I wish to hide or set visibility to false of the bottom row that partially visible in dgv that is docked to fill.”... I am curious how you would know this is the last row? Is it not possible that there are more rows below the last one visible? If the scroll bars are available you should see the vertical one if rows go beyond its bounding box. If one of the rows is cut in half by the bounding box and there is more than 1 row below this row, then making invisible/hiding/deleting that row will simply move the next one up.
Since the DataGridView is docked you may have to resize the rows manually if you do not want the rows to be split by the bounding box. Another possible solution is to use the DataGridViews AutoSizeRowsMode Like below.
dataGridView1.AutoSizeRowsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeRowsMode.DisplayedCells;
This will set the rows so that a row will not be chopped if it is outside the bottom of the bounding box. The rows will auto size to fit evenly There are seven (7) AutoSizeRowsMode options and I am guessing one of them may do what you are looking for. I am guessing DisplayedCells may work for what you describe. If the grid is re-sized often, you may have to implement this row resizing. Hope this helps.

DataGridView adjusting Height with scroll bars

I have a datagrid view that has a full height of .height=500. If client click on a button, I need to change the height of the data grid view because I need to display a groupbox with a few textboxes and comboboxes. I am able to do that with...
What my problem is - if I first populate the datagrid with lets say 20 rows of data, and then I edit the height, I am not able to scroll down the grid to see clients that were cut off by my height adjustment. So I tried something like this....
datagridview1.ScrollBars = Windows.Forms.ScrollBars.Horizontal
But it's the same thing. No scorll bars for this datagridview.

Items should be arrange into three columns in CheckedListBox or listview or listbox

I have used CheckedListBox control in application.
I have several items as follow, item 1, item 2, item 3........item 100.
Now, i want all these items to arrange into three columns and then appear verticle scrollbar.
But, in CheckedListBox, it appears as horizontally. i want it to appear horizontally for just three columns and then vertical scroll should enable.
Can you please suggest if possible in CheckedListBox control or any other control and if possible then how i would have to set its property to achieve this.
I don't think you can do that in a CheckedListBox....
You could create a FlowLayoutPanel, with a fixed width and add AutoScroll = True.
Then add a number of CheckBox controls to it.
You could have problems regarding column alignment and margins. If that's the case, you can set the checkbox Autosize = False and make them a little larger (in order to contain the text)
Or you can reduce the Height of the checkboxes to reduce spaces (is this what you want?)
eg. Height = 15
Use repeat direction =horizontal and repeat column =3 for checkbox list

how to change the background color of an item in a listbox when its string value is equal to something?

i have a listbox that contains the words "week1", "week2", ..... all the way up to "week52" and when i select a week from the listbox it will retrieve a value from a mysql database that will represent a progress bar value. my progress bar has a range of 0-120 and i would like to have all the weeks that have values higher than 100 to be highlighted or marked somehow, in the listbox. so my question is, "is there a way to set the background color of certain weeks in the listbox to orange based on the value that they represent on the database?
for example for "week1", the value is 114, so when the listbox loads, i want the background color of the item "week1" in the list to be orange (indicating that it's current value is higher than 100)? i know that this requires me to implement a user defined drawing function for the listbox items but i dont know where i would even start. i would like this to be somewhat automatic so that it checks the values and changes the background colors of any value higher than 100, instead of me specifying a name of the item.
Thanks in advance!
I don't believe you can do this with a Listbox (at least not without creating your own implementation/subclassing/overriding/whatever of a Listbox).
Pretty sure you could do it with a ListView (in Detail mode), though, if that helps.