Obscuring a bottom part of the screen by a "curtain" while displaying a pdf file - pdf

Is there a way to obscure a bottom part of the screen by a "curtain" while displaying a pdf file? I would like to be able to do that while using a classroom lcd projector, so that I can make students focus on the upper part of a page and ask questions before showing the rest of the page. The curtain should be easily movable up and down, like a blank page covering part of display in the old style overhead projectors.
Obviously, the "curtain" program could be independent of pdf viewer, as long as it can work with a pdf viewer in the full screen mode.
(Anticipating comments: slide shows with layers eliminate need for a curtain, but 1. preparing them takes a lot more time and time if of the essence 2. I need to display certain pdf documents which are not slide shows.)


Adding PDF slides to a Latex document (portrait)

I want to add a PDF generated from google slides to my Appendix section but in a specific way.
I would like many slides to be scaled down on a multiple portrait page (so there will be around 3 slides per page) but when I try doing this, it keeps making the page landscape, and I can not seem to fix this. I would like the pages to be portrait.
My code is:
\includepdf[pages=-, scale=0.5,portrait=true, pagecommand={\section*{Appendix: Slides}, \thispagestyle{empty}}, fitpaper=true]{slides.pdf}
Can anyone help?

Smallest possible invisible PDF?

This question is related to What is the smallest possible valid PDF?, but goes one step further: I'd like a PDF file that is as small as possible, but also invisible.
That means:
it contains no text or other objects (or if that's not possible, only completely transparent ones), and
it has no background (or if that's not possible, a completely transparent background).
When I open this file in a compliant PDF viewer, the background color of the viewer panel should show through completely, and when I embed it in a document on top of other elements, only these other elements should show.
PDF pages have no background color by default (if you need an explicit background you have to draw a colored rectangle that covers the entire page).
PDF viewers will use a default white background to simulate a paper page, so the actual background depends on the PDF viewer.
When you place a PDF page on top of another one it will not block the underlying content if it does not have an explicit background.

Displaying overlayed QGraphicsItems

I have developed an application in PyQt5 that displays an image and allows the user to pan the image using the mouse and zoom using the mouse wheel. I now need to add the functionality to show popup text associated to specific parts of the displayed image. While painting the text directly on to the QGraphicsScene is a possibility, the range of zooms that are commonly used means that the text will be much too small when zoomed out, or much too large when zoomed in.
I would like to achieve a way of placing the QGraphicsTextItem widgets at a static location that is not affected by the pan and zoom. This way, they can be statically located around the perimiter of the QGrapicsView, and I can draw a line from the text box to the position in the scene. My problem is that I cannot find a way to place the text items so they are independant of the QGraphicsScene. I am thinking that I should have the text items external to the scene, and place the QGraphicsView and any text boxes in a parent QObject. I cannot figure out if this is the best method, and have had limited success with trying to connect a line from QGraphicsElipsesItem that marks the position on the image, to a QLabel in the parent QObject.
I hope I have made this clear enough. Please comment if it needs more clarification.

live tiles in Windows Phone and Grids

I'm trying to create a live tile for my application, using a user control.
The user control contains a grid, an image and a rectangle filled with color.
Now here comes the funny part.
I want the rectangle to act as a background for the tile's title, and the image to fill the rest of the tile. And i said to myself, well, lets put some rows in that grid and set the like you usually set them in a WPF/SL application.
I then write the entire thing in a WBM and save it to isostore.
The problem is, the parser seems to ignore the presence of grid's rows. regardless of what I try, the rectangle is not shown, and the image covers the full tile, when it should only cover the first row. It is as if the grid didn't even existed.
Another funny aspect is that it doesn't matter if I use rows or columns, the result is the same.
Any ideas?
Are you using the following method?
Dynamic LiveTile - adding background image?
I recently implemented a Live Tile using a Grid with Rows and Columns for layout of some TextBlocks. I encountered similar challenges, so I placed the control that I was using for my Live Tile on a blank page in my app to better see what was happening. Does the control render correctly when displayed on a page (versus being rendered to a WriteableBitmap)?
Another idea. Instead of trying to position the Rectangle relative to the tile's Title, why not leave the Title property blank and put the same text in a TextBlock within the user control?
If you are careful about the font and positioning of the TextBlock, the text on the resulting background image can appear indistinguishable from text displayed from the Title property. I decided to follow this strategy myself. I found the font information in the following answer:
Font size and family for a tile's title
Otherwise, could you post an example of the XAML you are using?

Loading PDF's to an iPad split view

I'm working on a split view application that is used to view PDF files in a webView. Right now I am able to get three PDF's loaded to the app, and have their titles displayed in the table in the RootView. I'm able to select them and have them displayed to the DetailView, however the sizing the of PDF isn't what I want it to be.
My hope is that the PDF will take up the whole screen and will resize itself to fit the screen if it is too large or too small. One PDF I have is too large and I have to scroll left or right to view the sides of the file, another I have is too small, it isn't centered and instead pushed to the left side of the screen and the empty side on right is filled in with black.
How do I make it so that the PDF's size themselves correctly to fit the whole screen and have even margins on the sides?
Thanks in advance!
Lots of PDF questions on SO today. Sounds like you may have to abandon the webview and go to a tiledlayer CGPDFDocument route. Check out the answer I just posted at Reading text and images from a pdf document in iOS