Open iOS Safari Shared links via javascript or html - ios7

I have a requirement to open the "Shared Links" component in Safari (iOS 7+) via clicking a button in a html page. I can open the print dialog via window.print() but don't know how to open the sharing popup. May be this is not allowed by Apple due to security concerns.
Any suggestions?
Thanks for reading

Unfortunately this wasn't possible using a default webview.


Website template popup feature doesn't work after downloading

I am looking at a website template with themewagon. There is a modal feature using magnific-popup that works on the live web version to display a video in a modal.
However, when I download the template and open the index file from my browser, the video modals do not function properly.
Can anyone explain why this may be the case?
I used the theme online, but when I downloaded it, the functionality was not there.

What's the best method for downloading a PDF from a sapUI5 App?

I need a 'Download PDF' feature for my SAPUI5 app which contains Viz charts (SVG's) as well as other more standard HTML elements.
I've already looked into jsPDF, html2canvas etc.
What is the recommended method?
It needs to work both as a Web app and also as a packaged Cordova app.
This has been somewhat answered here: Save Web page directly to PDF using JS
This method should work both in web app and as a Cordova app.
As mentioned there the best choice would still be to popup the "print to PDF" window (just as pressing ctrl+p in most browsers) and letting the user save it.

Open a Safari browser from Telerik AppBuilder

Telerik AppBuilder is using it's own "webview", but Apple store cannot accepts donations through app unless it's done thought Safari browser... Is there any way to open Safari browser inside App?
You should be able to use the InAppBrowser plugin, but use the target of "_system". See the docs for more details:
Use the second argument "_system" to open the link in the default browser.
Omit it to open with in the app."", '_system');

Dropbox chooser in an iframe

Is it possible to open dropbox chooser in an iframe.
I've followed the doc to integrate chooser in my application, but when clicking on the chooser button it opens in a browser window.
I've seen some applications which opens Dropbox chooser within their application in a modal popup. Is it possible?
This is technically possible, but we (Dropbox) need to specifically allow it for your app. By default, nothing on will allow itself to be put in an iframe for security reasons. (E.g. take a look at "clickjacking.")
We usually won't change that policy, but we do sometimes make exceptions for larger customers who we can work with directly on the security implications.

Testing Facebook app on VB.NET WebBrowser - IFrame Access Deined - Cross-Domain Scripting

I have a facebook iframe app I'm trying to test using a WebBrowser Control on a form in VB.NET 2010. Whenever I try to access the WebBrowser.Document.Window.Frames frame object on a document where my app is showing in the broswer, I get an Access Denined exception. Reading around on the web, I see people saying that this is to keep scripts in a document from accessing content in iframes that are pulling content from another domain, as per '', for security reasons.
While I totally understand why this is done for the general public, how can I disable it on my machine so that I can run these tests? I can't properly test my app without doing it in the facebook iframe and using the WebBrowser control is the only way I know to do this test programmatically.
Any ideas? I'm on windows server 2003 and ie8, .net4.0, if that helps. I own the domain where the app is, and its in AS.NET MVC2, so if there's anything I can do to the web code to enable this??? I also removed the Internet Explorer ENhanced Security COnfiguaration component, but that didn't help.
Have you tried changing your Internet Explorer settings to enable cross domain scripting?
I believe the VB.Net Web Browser control inherits settings from the local copy of IE.
Try this:
From Internet Explorer, choose Internet Options from the Tools menu.
On the Security tab of the Internet Options dialog box, select the Local Intranet Web Content Zone and then click Custom Level.
Locate the Miscellaneous/Access Data Sources Across Domains setting, and then select Enable, as shown in Figure 2.
Click OK, and then click Yes to the warning dialog box that appears.
Click OK to close the Internet Options dialog box.
Also try adding the Facebook https Url into your trusted sites.
As a last resort disable Native XMLHttp in IE and attempt to revert back to an older version of the XMLHttp object.