Grunt does not load config.json to build Bootstrap - twitter-bootstrap-3

I copied the config.json to the bootstrap source folder and followed the compiling instructions on Bootstrap's site.
It build bootstrap with everything where I only wanted what was in the config.json file.
What is missing?

The Grunt build doesn't use the config.json file. Only the web-based Customizer uses it.
To customize with Grunt, just edit the.less files and/or Gruntfile.js directly.


Tailwind is not working on my vue project

I installed all of steps of Taiwlind but not working. How i fix it.
I just want to install to my project tailwind
There could be many reasons why Tailwind is not working in your project.
Make sure that you have installed Tailwind using the correct command in your terminal or command prompt, depending on your operating system. You can use the following command to install Tailwind:
npm install tailwindcss
Check that you have created a configuration file for Tailwind in your project. You can create a configuration file by running the following command in your
npx tailwindcss init
Ensure that you have included the Tailwind CSS file in your project. You can include the file in your HTML or CSS by adding the following line of code:
#import 'tailwindcss/base';
#import 'tailwindcss/components';
#import 'tailwindcss/utilities';
Check that you have properly configured your build process to compile your CSS code. If you are using a build tool like Webpack or Gulp, you will need to configure it to compile your Tailwind CSS code.

Where to execute npm install commands to include files in .net project directly

I have recently included Angular 2 in my project. After setup, facing issue for namespace webdriver. On Google I found the solution here. But here it is asking to execute below npm command.
npm install #types/selenium-webdriver#2.53.36 --save-dev
Now, I want to know, where I will execute this above command, so that the required files will get included in my project.
Inside the VS IDE, I haven't found any console area like as for nuget, where I execute the command and files get included in project.
Please help.
add a nmp configuration file
add all of the #angular dependencys that you will be needing
add system.config file in the root of the project
add tsconfig.json to the root of the project
add tslint.json to root of project
then add your app.component .module .route and other files.
in system.config.js add your #angular/core and others like
'#angular/core': 'npm:#angular/core#2.1.1/bundles/core.umd.js'
after doing this your can run your project and your _layout page is where you will add all of your <script> and other angular files.

Should I include whole bower_components and node_modules folder in my web project?

When I download a package in bower or npm, many irrelevant/not-useful files also
get included especially in npm packages. I generally only include .css or .js files of that package for e.g. in bootstrap e.t.c. But for package like polymer or Anjular.js or Electron we need multiple other file too. So when I deploy my project should I include the complete folder or just copy the required files separately or is there any other approach ?
When you deploy to your production server, a good approach would be to only include the files you are actually using. You should also create an optimized file to serve to the client.
To achieve that, you normally have a deploy script that generates one or more minified .css or .js files (for example, vendor.js for libraries and bundle.js for your code).
This script can be build with tools like grunt, gulp or you can use a module bundler like Webpack or Jspm.
You can create your own Grunt or Gulp script like the ones in this website.
When using a module bundler and modern javascript to organize your code, you'll build, for example, an entry javascript file (bundle.js) that will look like
import {MyLibrary} from 'my-library';
import {AnOtherLibrary} from 'an-other-library';
In this case, Webpack handles the node_modules imports and the creation / minification / concatenation of the production version of .js files.
As you said, there are multiple files to be included (js, css or even fonts) so configuring your scripts may take some time. Try finding a Yeoman generator that uses your frameworks, and use the deploy scripts others already created for this purpose. This one uses AngularJS, Bower and Grunt. This one uses Webpack and ReactJS.

Gulp less with images

Is there a way for gulp-less (or some other tool) to take the paths to images that are referenced in the .less/.css file and put the files to the destination folder?
Right now when I install a node module, I #import the css file from /node_modules/... directory to my main .less file and it will be included in the bundle, but the images that come with the module are still located under /node_modules/... folder which I don't plan to deploy so using a relative URL would be pointless.
You should consider using bower to split your dev dependencies (handled by npm, non-deployed stuff) and front-end libs (handled by bower, deployed stuff).
Using a .bowerrc like this, you can tell where to save the libs in you projects structure:
"directory": "./<your-public-folder>/libs"

How to build an app from javascript source files in GitHub app-catalog repository?

How do I take the JS and CSS source for an app like the Iteration Tracking Board ( or Release Burndown ( and turn that into HTML source that can be used as a Custom HTML app in a page in Rally?
After source files are copied to a local directory (you may either fork the app-catalog repo, or download zip from the same location):
in terminal, cd to the app
call this command: rally-app-builder build.
As a result a deploy folder is created with App.html and App-uncompressed.html inside, and App-debug.html is created in the root folder of the app.
Copy/paste App.html or App-uncompressed.html file from deploy folder to the HTML section of the custom page in Rally.