Trigger instead of insert does not work with SqlClient.SqlCommand Object - sql

I have the following trigger:
create trigger cicagInsert
on cicag
instead of insert
insert into cicag(cicagcage, ... several columns)
select cicagcage, ... several columns modified
from inserted
Additionally I have a stored procedure that performs the insert for this table. The stored procedure works well when I execute it, but it does not work when it is called from my program in vb, it does not insert anything.
I am using a SqlClient.SqlCommand object to execute the procedure from my program in vb using the ExecuteNonQuery method, I know the trigger is the problem because when I disable it, the stored procedure works.
The strange thing is that when I debug the method that invokes the ExecuteNonQuery method, it returns a value equal to the numbers rows that is supposed to be affected by the sp, but no row was inserted or updated
Is there something that prevents the trigger to work properly with the SqlCommand object?
Please help me, and forgive my bad english


trying to use trigger

I'm trying to activate a trigger when a new employee is added. the trigger should store the username of the person that has done the insert and the time it happened. Using Oracle database.
So far my code for the trigger is:
for each row
vUser varchar(50);
select user into vUser from dual;
insert into audit_cheker1 (date_create, inserted_by)
values (sysdate(), vUser);
The trigger works but after I try to insert a new record it doesn't work and tells me error in the trigger.
The error message is telling you your trigger is invalid, that is it contains syntax errors and cannot be compiled. So you need to fix the compilation errors.
There are several ways to find errors. You can run a query:
select * from user_errors
where type = 'TRIGGER'
and name = 'INSERT_2'
You could use the SQL*Plus command show errors after the CREATE TRIGGER statement.
Or, as it seems you're using SQL Developer, you could open the trigger in the Object Navigator. You'll see the tab has several panes, one of which is labelled Errors. Open that pane to see what's wrong.
Here is one for free: although sysdate is technically a function it is a special one. It never takes any parameters and calling it with brackets is wrong. Remove these brackets: sysdate().

Oracle Sql trigger not working

I have a very simple trigger, that prints out the username and date when a new row is inserted into the users table. But after it successfully compiled, the trigger didn't get triggered (there was no output in the dbms window). So, I simplified my code until I got this:
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('User added with name:');
If I run the code in the SQL worksheet (from BEGIN to END), I can see the output, but not when I try to use the trigger. Where is the problem?
There are two options, one is that the trigger is not firing, the other is that it is, but you're not seeing the output.
Assuming you're working in a console program like sqlplus, make sure to do SET SERVEROUTPUT ON before inserting your row.
If that doesn't fix it, then make sure the trigger is firing. Try creating a simple table:
CREATE TABLE logtable ( msg VARCHAR2(30 CHAR));
Next, add this to your trigger,
INSERT INTO logtable( msg ) VALUES ( 'trigger fired' );
Then, try your insert again.

Inserting a record in sybase db table using stored procedure - delphi programming

I am new at programming with delphi. I am currently creating a simple notebook program and i need some help. I have a form called contacts with 5 tEdit fields. I am thinking i could create a stored procedure in my sybase database to insert record into Contacts table, so I can call it with my delphi programm. How do I call this procedure in delphi? the values that will be inserted should be taken from users input into these tEdit fields. Anyone has any suggestions? Or am I thinking the wrong way? thanks in advance
You have several options here, and it will depend on what VCL controls you are using.
(1). You can insert via a tTable component. This let's you have a quick, easy, low level control. You drop the component on the form, set the component properties (tablename, etc), then something like
MyTable.Insert; (or maybe append)
MyTable.FieldByName('MY_FIELD').AsString := 'Bob'; // set the field values;
(2). Use SQL. Drop a SQL component on the form. Set the SQLText property, using parameters;
for example : "Insert into table (MyField) values :X". My opinion is that this is easier to do in complex situations, correlated subselects, etc.
MySQL.ParamByName('X').AsString := 'BOB';
(3). Use stored procedures. - The advantage to this is that they are useable by multiple applications, and can be changed easily. If you want to update the SQL code, you update it once (in the database), versus having to change it in an app, and then distribute the app to multiple users.
The code for this will be nearly identify to (2), although I don't know the specifics of your VCL library. In effect though, you will specify the routine to run, specify the parameter values, and then execute the stored procedure.
Note that all these routines will return an error code or exception code. It is best practice to always check for that...
Here is a little more complex example, using a SQL statement called qLoader. qLoader exists on a datamodule. I am passing a parameter, executing the SQL statement, then iterating through all the results.
with dmXLate.qLoader do
ParamByName('DBTYPE').AsString := DBType;
while not dmXLate.qLoader.Eof do
// Here is where we process each result
UserName:= dmXLate.qLoader.FieldByName('USERNAME').AsString;
on E: Exception do

Oracle triggers and stored procedures

I need to make for my webApp a trigger to execute a stored procedure on Oracle. But i'm very new to Oracle and I'm still getting the hang of it. I can make a simple Trigger with a sequence to auto-increment a value from a table, but that's it.
Is there any good tutorials and examples available on this specific subject? I tried searching here, but i have only found a very generic question: How can i learn Stored Procedure and Trigger?. But i can be more specific: I need this trigger to run a stored procedure that generates a new code for my user, adding data to this code. The procedure is done, i just don't know how to use it in a trigger, pass the parameters, and how to insert/update values from the oracle trigger itself.
Help will be much appreciated.
Assuming your function to generate the code is named f_generate_code() and your table is named foobar and the column that should be populated is name code you'd do it like this:
create or replace trigger trg_update_code
before insert or update on foobar
for each row
:new.code := f_generate_code();

PostgreSQL trigger function executing multiple times

i am experimenting with triggers in postgreSQL, but the trigger insert i would like to make is being done twice for some reason(THIS IS USING THE FOR EACH ROW), when i changed it to FOR EACH STATEMENT it was executing the insert 3 times. this is my sql script
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION forest_aud_func() returns trigger as $tree_stamp$
insert into Audit values('k',124,'l');
return null;
LANGUAGE plpgsql;
create trigger forest_aud_ins after insert on forest
for each row execute procedure forest_aud_func()
insert into forest values('Blue',1600,'Austria','Health Ltd')
any idea why this is happening?
i found out the problem, i was always creating new triggers but not deleting the previous ones, so each time i do an insert it was firing all the triggers i had done,
sorry and thanks for your help